155 research outputs found

    Una intervención a través de la web para mejorar y prevenir el dolor lumbar en los trabajadores de oficina: ensayo controlado aleatorizado

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    Objetivos. Poner a prueba la viabilidad, seguridad y eficacia de una intervención multidisciplinaria a través de la web para los trabajadores de oficina con dolor lumbar inespecífico subagudo. Métodos. Se incluyeron 100 trabajadores de oficina con dolor lumbar subagudo en un ensayo controlado aleatorizado. El grupo de intervención tuvo acceso tanto a la intervención del estudio como a la atención rutinaria. El grupo control sólo tuvo acceso a la atención rutinaria. La atención rutinaria incluye todas las intervenciones no basadas en la web que ofrece el Servicio de Medicina Preventiva de la Universidad de Extremadura. El programa se ofreció a través de la página web del Servicio de Medicina Preventiva. Se pidió a los participantes del grupo de intervención que participaran en un programa a través de la web en su lugar de trabajo durante 11 minutos al día, 5 días a la semana. Las variables dependientes principales fueron la incapacidad funcional, medida por el Cuestionario de Discapacidad de Roland-Morris, y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, medida con el Cuestionario Europeo de Calidad de Vida-5 Dimensiones-3 niveles. Las variables dependientes secundarias fueron el número de episodios de dolor lumbar y la resistencia muscular del tronco. Las variables dependientes se midieron antes y después del período de intervención de 9 meses. Resultados. Durante los 9 meses de estudio, la puntuación en el Cuestionario de Discapacidad de Roland-Morris para los participantes en el grupo de intervención a través de la web mejoró una media de -7,36 puntos (intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC95%]: -8.41, -6.31) en comparación a un empeoramiento de 1,89 puntos (IC95%: 0,71, 2,65) en el grupo control. Durante el periodo de estudio, la diferencia de cambio de puntaje del Cuestionario de Discapacidad de Roland-Morris entre los grupos fue de -9,25 puntos (IC95%: -10.57, -7.89). Del mismo modo, durante los 9 meses de estudio, el grupo de intervención tuvo una mejora significativa en la calidad de vida de 0,24 puntos (IC95%: 0,20, 0,29) en comparación con el grupo de control. Conclusiones. Una intervención a través de la web de 9 meses de duración es viable y eficaz para mejorar la función y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y para reducir los episodios de dolor de espalda entre los trabajadores de oficina con una historia de dolor lumbar no específico subagudo.Objectives. To test the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of a web-based multidisciplinary intervention for office workers with subacute, nonspecific low back pain. Methods. The randomized controlled trial included 100 office workers with subacute low back pain. The intervention group had access to both the study intervention and standard care. The control group had access to standard care only. Standard care was defined as all existing non–web-based interventions offered by the University of Extremadura’s Preventive Medicine Service. The web-based programwas offered via the PreventiveMedicine Service website. The participants in the intervention group were asked to engage in the web-based programat their work site for 11minutes each day, 5 days a week. Primary outcomes were functional disability, as measured by the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire, and health-related quality of life, as measured by the EuropeanQuality of Life-5 Dimensions-3 Levels. Secondary outcomes were the number of episodes of low back pain and trunk muscle endurance. Outcomes were measured before and after the 9-month intervention period. Results. Over the 9-month study, the score on the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire for the participants in the web-based intervention group improved by a mean of –7.36 points (95% confidence interval [CI]: –8.41, –6.31) compared to a worsening of 1.89 points (95% CI: 0.71, 2.65) in the control group. The between-group difference in change on the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire over the study period was –9.25 points (95% CI: –10.57, –7.89). Similarly, over the 9-month study, the intervention group had a significant improvement in quality of life of 0.24 points (95% CI: 0.20, 0.29) compared to the control group. Conclusions. A 9-month web-based intervention is feasible and effective to improve function and health-related quality of life and to decrease episodes of low back pain among office workers with a history of subacute, nonspecific low back pain

    Muslim and Christian Women’s Perceptions of the Influence of Spirituality and Religious Beliefs on Motherhood and Child-Rearing: A Phenomenological Study

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    (1) Background: Spirituality is a factor that plays a role in decisions related to health and illness. When a woman becomes a mother, she undergoes physical, psychological, and social changes for which healthcare professionals must provide the necessary care. However, women may feel misunderstood and stigmatized when they carry out their religious practices and express their spirituality related to motherhood. The aim of this study was to describe the experiences of women with Muslim and Christian religious ideologies on the influence of spirituality and religious beliefs in motherhood and child-rearing. (2) Methods: A descriptive phenomenological qualitative study with two groups of women of Islamic and Christian ideology, respectively. Three focus groups and in-depth interviews were conducted, recorded, transcribed, and analyzed with ATLAS.ti 7.0. An inductive analysis was carried out according to the Moustakas model. (3) Results: Three themes were identified: religious and cultural aspects that determine child-rearing, the influence of spirituality and family on the mother’s role, and the support received from healthcare personnel. (4) Conclusions: Spirituality and religious beliefs are manifested during motherhood and child-rearing in the form of infant feeding, the need for their protection, or the need for support from mothers. Healthcare personnel must be able to offer culturally competent and spiritually respectful care. Patients should not be judged based on their spirituality

    Muecas: a multi-sensor robotic head for affective human robot interaction and imitation

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    Este artículo presenta una cabeza robótica humanoide multi-sensor para la interacción del robot humano. El diseño de la cabeza robótica, Muecas, se basa en la investigación en curso sobre los mecanismos de percepción e imitación de las expresiones y emociones humanas. Estos mecanismos permiten la interacción directa entre el robot y su compañero humano a través de las diferentes modalidades del lenguaje natural: habla, lenguaje corporal y expresiones faciales. La cabeza robótica tiene 12 grados de libertad, en una configuración de tipo humano, incluyendo ojos, cejas, boca y cuello, y ha sido diseñada y construida totalmente por IADeX (Ingeniería, Automatización y Diseño de Extremadura) y RoboLab. Se proporciona una descripción detallada de su cinemática junto con el diseño de los controladores más complejos. Muecas puede ser controlado directamente por FACS (Sistema de Codificación de Acción Facial), el estándar de facto para reconocimiento y síntesis de expresión facial. Esta característica facilita su uso por parte de plataformas de terceros y fomenta el desarrollo de la imitación y de los sistemas basados en objetivos. Los sistemas de imitación aprenden del usuario, mientras que los basados en objetivos utilizan técnicas de planificación para conducir al usuario hacia un estado final deseado. Para mostrar la flexibilidad y fiabilidad de la cabeza robótica, se presenta una arquitectura de software capaz de detectar, reconocer, clasificar y generar expresiones faciales en tiempo real utilizando FACS. Este sistema se ha implementado utilizando la estructura robótica, RoboComp, que proporciona acceso independiente al hardware a los sensores en la cabeza. Finalmente, se presentan resultados experimentales que muestran el funcionamiento en tiempo real de todo el sistema, incluyendo el reconocimiento y la imitación de las expresiones faciales humanas.This paper presents a multi-sensor humanoid robotic head for human robot interaction. The design of the robotic head, Muecas, is based on ongoing research on the mechanisms of perception and imitation of human expressions and emotions. These mechanisms allow direct interaction between the robot and its human companion through the different natural language modalities: speech, body language and facial expressions. The robotic head has 12 degrees of freedom, in a human-like configuration, including eyes, eyebrows, mouth and neck, and has been designed and built entirely by IADeX (Engineering, Automation and Design of Extremadura) and RoboLab. A detailed description of its kinematics is provided along with the design of the most complex controllers. Muecas can be directly controlled by FACS (Facial Action Coding System), the de facto standard for facial expression recognition and synthesis. This feature facilitates its use by third party platforms and encourages the development of imitation and of goal-based systems. Imitation systems learn from the user, while goal-based ones use planning techniques to drive the user towards a final desired state. To show the flexibility and reliability of the robotic head, the paper presents a software architecture that is able to detect, recognize, classify and generate facial expressions in real time using FACS. This system has been implemented using the robotics framework, RoboComp, which provides hardware-independent access to the sensors in the head. Finally, the paper presents experimental results showing the real-time functioning of the whole system, including recognition and imitation of human facial expressions.Trabajo financiado por: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Proyecto TIN2012-38079-C03-1 Gobierno de Extremadura. Proyecto GR10144peerReviewe

    Propagation of Artifact Errors on Kinematic Variables. Effect on Euler Angles

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    This work has been funded by the Spanish Government and co-financed by EU FEDER funds (Grants DPI2009-13830-C02-01, DPI2009-13830- C02-02 and IMPIVA IMIDIC/2010/84)De Rosario Martínez, H.; Page Del Pozo, AF.; Mata Amela, V.; Besa Gonzálvez, AJ.; Moreno Cano, R. (2012). PROPAGATION OF ARTIFACT ERRORS ON KINEMATIC VARIABLES. EFFECT ON EULER ANGLES. Journal of Biomechanics. 45:293-293. doi:10.1016/S0021-9290(12)70294-4S2932934

    Procesos geomorfológicos activos en cárcavas del borde del piedemonte norte de la Sierra de Guadarrama (Provincia de Segovia, España)

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    Dos localizaciones situadas cerca del borde del piedemonte norte de la Sierra de Guadarrama (provincia de Segovia) ofrecen formas erosivas en cárcavas bien desarrolladas: (a) un conjunto de barrancos encajados sobre arenas arcósicas del Mioceno, en un relieve de lomas y vaguadas del suroeste provincial; (b) cárcavas sobre arenas silíceas del Cretácico Superior, en un relieve de laderas de mesas y cuestas de la zona centro sur de la Provincia. En este trabajo se caracteriza la actividad geomorfológica de esos barrancos y cárcavas, y se inicia su cuantificación. El objetivo está encaminado a conocer qué procesos movilizan sedimentos, y a evaluar sus tasas de actuación, intensidad, frecuencia de ocurrencia y conectividad entre los mismos. Los procesos de erosión hídrica por salpicadura, arroyada laminar y concentrada en rills, junto con la actividad gravitacional observada, movilizan materiales desde las cabeceras de las cárcavas hasta los colectores, rellenándolos; éstos son evacuados mediante procesos de encajamiento en los canales efímeros, y sedimentados en pequeños conos aluviales. En los barrancos sobre arcosas, los eventos de precipitación poco intensos y de alta frecuencia tienden a rellenar los lechos arenosos, mientras que la fusión nival y las precipitaciones de alta intensidad y baja frecuencia vacían los canales, sedimentando en zonas apicales de los conos aluviales. En las cárcavas sobre arenas silíceas, los primeros datos obtenidos apuntan a unas tasas de erosión y producción de sedimentos muy elevadas, ya que sobre ellas se produce escorrentía y erosión hídrica de manera casi instantánea; por ello, los eventos de precipitación de baja intensidad son capaces de sedimentar en las zonas apicales de los conos, mientras que los eventos de alta intensidad originan lóbulos telescópicos sobre conos aluviales existentes en pedimentos. [ABSTRACT] Two areas located at the edge of the North piedmont of the Guadarrama Mountains (province of Segovia) show a conspicuous development of gullies. A series of valley side gullies, or ravines, cut on arkosic sand sediments of Miocene age at the Río Chico Valley (southwest of the Segovia province); and slope gullies, cut on silica sand, shale and gravel sediments of Upper Cretaceous age, on the slopes of a set of mesas and cuestas at the río Cega piedmont (Pedraza region, south centre of the Segovia province). This paper characterizes the geomorphic activity of both types of gullies. In addition, the quantification of their current activity is initiated. The objectives are: to know which processes are eroding and mobilizing the sediments within the gullies, and to evaluate their rates, intensity, frequency and connectivity. A detailed field survey shows that weathering processes (sandstone sheeting, and the formation of popcorn structures on shale layers), and splash, sheet and rill erosion, along with sand and mud falls, slides and flows move sediment from the gully slopes and internal divides to the dry washes. These materials are temporary stored in ephemeral stream channels (filled with sandy bed material), evacuated by stream-bed scour and fill processes, and deposited in alluvial cones. In order to get a first approximation of the amount of erosion and sediment movement, a set of field methods have been applied to these areas. These methods include: erosion pins, measurement of pedestals, system of rods and washers, pit traps (box and gabion check-dam types), and topographic surveys after extensive sedimentation on alluvial cones, along with the installation of pluviographs. The results show how on the arkosic valley side gullies, the precipitation events of low intensity and high frequency tend to fill the sandy stream-beds, whereas the snowmelt and the high intensity and low frequency precipitation events scour the sandy stream-beds. The sedimentation occurs here at the apex part of the alluvial cones, which rest directly on the nearby floodplain of the Chico River. On the silica sand slope gullies, the first gathered data point at very high rates of erosion and sedimentation (44.1 tons/ha for a single event), which is interpreted due to the fact that runoff and water erosion occurs here almost instantaneously after precipitation. Here, the precipitation events of low intensity and high frequency produce sedimentation at the apex part of the alluvial cones, whereas the high intensity and low frequency precipitation events sediment in the form of telescopic lobes, on existing alluvial cones, which rest on pediments


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    Laboratorio de Programación I

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    Las asignaturas de Laboratorio de Programación I se imparte en el primer curso de Informática. El presente trabajo muestra el enfoque, tanto práctico como teórico de la asignatura. Además muestra el temario que se imparte, los bloques en que se divide, las prácticas que deben realizar los alumnos y los criterios de evaluación que siguen los profesores. Por último se comentan los problemas existentes debido a la masificación de las aulas y una breve conclusión

    Unveiling the collaborative effect at the cucurbit[8]urilMoS2 hybrid interface for electrochemical melatonin determination

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    Host-guest interactions are of paramount importance in supramolecular chemistry and in a wide range of applications. Particularly well known is the ability of cucurbit[n]urils (CB[n]) to selectively host small molecules. We show that the charge transfer and complexation capabilities of CB[n] are retained on the surface of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), allowing the development of efficient electrochemical sensing platforms. We unveil the mechanisms of host-guest recognition between the MoS2- CB[8] hybrid interface and melatonin (MLT), an important molecular regulator of vital constants in vertebrates. We find that CB[8] on MoS2 organizes the receptor portals perpendicularly to the surface, facilitating MLT complexation. This advantageous adsorption geometry is specific to TMDs and favours MLT electro-oxidation, as opposed to other 2D platforms like graphene, where one receptor portal is closed. This study rationalises the cooperative interaction in 2D hybrid systems to improve the efficiency and selectivity of electrochemical sensing platform

    Energy Intake, Profile, and Dietary Sources in the Spanish Population: Findings of the ANIBES Study

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    Energy intake, and the foods and beverages contributing to that, are considered key to understanding the high obesity prevalence worldwide. The relative contributions of energy intake and expenditure to the obesity epidemic, however, remain poorly defined in Spain. The purpose of this study was to contribute to updating data of dietary energy intake and its main sources from food and beverages, according to gender and age. These data were derived from the ANIBES (“Anthropometry, Intake, and Energy Balance in Spain”) study, a cross-sectional study of a nationally representative sample of the Spanish population (from 9–75 years old). A three-day dietary record, collected by means of a tablet device, was used to obtain information about food and beverage consumption and leftovers. The final sample comprised 2009 individuals (1,013 men, 996 women). The observed mean dietary energy intake was 7.6 ± 2.11 MJ/day (8.2 ± 2.22 MJ/day for men and 6.9 ± 1.79 MJ/day for women). The highest intakes were observed among adolescents aged 13–17 years (8.4 MJ/day), followed by children 9–12 years (8.2 ± 1.80 MJ/day), adults aged 18–64 (7.6 ± 2.14 MJ/day) and older adults aged 65–75 years (6.8 ± 1.88 MJ/day). Cereals or grains (27.4%), meats and derivatives (15.2%), oils and fats (12.3%), and milk and dairy products (11.8%) contributed most to daily energy intake. Energy contributions from non-alcoholic beverages (3.9%), fish and shellfish (3.6%), sugars and sweets (3.3%) and alcoholic beverages (2.6%) were moderate to minor. Contributions to caloric profile were 16.8%E from proteins; 41.1%E from carbohydrates, including 1.4%E from fiber; 38.5%E from fats; and 1.9%E from alcohol intake. We can conclude that energy intake is decreasing in the Spanish population. A variety of food and beverage groups contribute to energy intake; however, it is necessary to reinforce efforts for better adherence to the traditional Mediterranean diet.The study was financially supported by Coca-Cola Iberia