86 research outputs found

    Innovation in the Portuguese manufacturing industry: analysis of a longitudinal company panel

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    Two projects on innovation were developed in the 1990s under the scope of a Portuguese university research center: the Industry/Innovation project (INDINOVA) (1989-1991) and the System for the Observation of Technology and Innovation in Portuguese Industry project (SOTIP) (1997-2000). The two main objectives in this paper are: 1) to compare the results of the first project and the last project; and 2) to explain the evolution that took place between these two periods in regard to the Portuguese ‘system of innovation. In particular, the aim is to focus attention on the evolution (trajectories) followed by a specific group of 165 companies included in both surveys during the 1990s. The final step is to link the evolution of economic and business performances to innovation management practices. In instrumental terms, we utilize factor analysis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Determinants of the innovation process: An empirical test for the Portuguese manufacturing industry

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the determinants of the main phases of the innovation process in Portuguese manufacturing firms. The analysis will adopt as its main frame of reference an interactive model of the innovation process, on which empirical tests will be carried out, making use of tobit and probit models and simultaneous equation systems. It is broadly concluded that the relationships shown between the main variables that are typical of the innovation process in the context of Portuguese manufacturing firms are tenuous and unsystematicEl objetivo de este artículo es analizar los determinantes de las fases principales del proceso de la innovación en empresas manufactureras portuguesas. El análisis adoptará como referencia principal un modelo interactivo del proceso de la innovación, en el cual los ensayos empíricos serán realizados, haciendo uso de los modelos tobit y probit y sistemas de ecuaciones simultáneas. Se concluye genéricamente que las relaciones demostradas entre las variables principales que son típicas del proceso de la innovación, en el contexto de empresas industriales portuguesas, son tenues y poco sistemáticasinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ajuda, desenvolvimento e tecnologia no quadro da convenção ACP-CEE de Lomé

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    Movimentos económicos de longo prazo e inovação

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    Inovação nos serviços: conceitos, modelos e medidas. Uma aplicação ao sector bancário

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    Deploying Smart Community Composting in Estrela UNESCO Global Geopark: A Mobile App Approach

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    Community composting is a key pillar of circular economy and sustainable food production. This paper presents the development of a regional composting network in Estrela UNESCO Global Geopark, using mobile technologies and geographic information systems. This design science research project presents the community composting model and the instantiation of a mobile solution layer. For theory, this paper reveals the concept of smart community composting inspired by the 5.0 movement expanding in society, cities, and industries. For practice, this work presents a mobile information system tailored for UNESCO Geoparks and their recently created GEOFood brand to promote sustainable production practices

    El retablo de la capilla de Nuestra Señora de la Piedad en el claustro de la Catedral de Oporto: estudio, conservación y restauración

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    The retable located in the Chapel of Our Lady of Mercy, in the cloisters of Oporto’s cathedral, dates back to the 17th century. Artistically, it belongs to a transition period between the Mannerism and the Baroque styles. The artistic value and the lack of documented information about the artwork led to the development of a project contemplating its the study. Both chemical and physical analyses - observation of the support, micro-FTIR and SEM-EDS - suggest that the retable was carved in sweet chestnut wood, accordingly to the techniques used at the time. The retable presents water-gilded areas contrasting with blue and red phytomorphic motifs. The polychromed areas were later covered with lead white paint. There were also evidences of previous conservation-restoration interventions. The frail condition of the retable’s materials testified the need to conserve and restore it. Among other procedures, the materials were consolidated and the lacunae were filled and inpainted - partially regenerating the artwork’s aesthetic unity.O retábulo de Nossa Senhora da Piedade encontra-se na capela homónima no claustro da Sé do Porto. Executada no século XVII, trata-se de um obra de transição estilística entre o Maneirismo e o Barroco. O valor patrimonial da obra e a ausência de estudos mais profundos sobre a mesma, motivaram a necessidade de a caracterizar. As análises realizadas (observação do suporte, micro-FTIR e SEM-EDS) permitiram concluir que se trata de uma obra artística em madeira de castanho, executada segundo as técnicas comuns à época. O retábulo apresenta zonas de douramento a água, que contrastam com os vestígios de decorações fitomórficas em tons de azul e vermelho, os quais foram posteriormente repolicromados a branco de chumbo. Existem também evidências de intervenções de conservação e restauro anteriores. Entre outros tratamentos realizou-se: a consolidação dos materiais presentes, a aplicação de massas de preenchimento nas lacunas e a reintegração cromática das mesmas – devolvendo parcialmente à obra a sua integridade estética.El retablo de Nuestra Señora de la Piedad se encuentra en la capilla homónima del claustro de la Catedral de Oporto. Creada en el siglo XVII, es una obra de transición estilística entre el Manierismo y el Barroco. El valor patrimonial de la obra y la ausencia de estudios más profundos sobre ella, motivaron su caracterización. Los análisis realizados sobre el retablo (observación del suporte, micro-FTIR y SEM-EDS) permitirán concluir que se trata de una obra de madera de castaño, ejecutado conforme a las técnicas comunes de la época. La pieza presenta zonas de dorado al agua, que contrastan con vestigios de decoraciones fitomorfas en tonos azul y rojo, las cuales fueron posteriormente repolicromadas con blanco de plomo. Existían también evidencias de intervenciones de conservación y restauración anteriores. Conjuntamente, las patologías identificadas demostraron la urgencia de realizar una intervención de conservación – restauración. Entre otros tratamientos se realizó: la consolidación de los materiales presentes, se aplicó pasta de relleno en las lagunas, y se reintegró con color las mismas - devolviendo parte de la integridad estética de la obra.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio