1,087 research outputs found

    Migratory flows in Spain: a nonparametric and semiparametric approach

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    Labour market is characterized in Spain by a high persistence in unemployment rates. One of the main reasons of this persistence is the lack of labour mobility. The present paper addresses this issue empirically and analyses the determinants of migration in Spain from a regional standpoint. We used a panel data set that includes annual bilateral migratory flows between the 17 Spanish regions from 1995 through 2000. For this purpose, after a descriptive analysis, we develop a nonparametric approach to show the factors that influence in the magnitude of migratory flows. Later on, semiparametric estimation techniques are applied to provide more econometric evidence regarding migratory flows. Main conclusions are as follows: first, a high inertia in the migratory flows exists, that it is to say, migratory movements are very persistent; second, migratory flows mainly respond, though weakly, to the differentials of wages, unemployment rates and house prices between regions; third, migratory flows are also affected, to a great extent, by non economic factors. Keywords: migratory flows, regions, unemployment, wages. JEL classification: J61, R23, C14

    Okun's law in the Spanish regions

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyse Okun's law for Spain and its seventeen regions over the period 1980-2004. Based on its “gap†specification and using two different detrending techniques, the results show that an inverse relationship between unemployment and output holds for most of the Spanish regions and for the whole country. However, the quantitative values of Okun''s coefficients for these regions are quite different. In addition, the coefficients for each region varied across the two detrending techniques. Even so, these coefficients are lower than those initially estimated by Okun and others.

    Public spending, prívate investment, and growth in O.E.C.D. countries: an empirical investigation

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    This paper is concerned with the empirical relationship between government spending and prívate investment. A panel of 14 OECD countries is used. We present evidence which suggests the existence of a significant crowding-in effect of prívate investment by public investment, through the positive impact of infrastructure on prívate investment productivity. Moreover, government consumption appears to crowd out prívate investment. The implications of these resulte are of foremost importance when it comes to fiscal consolidation. Déficit reductions engineered through cuts in public investment could severely impinge upon prívate capital accumulation and growth prospects.Este trabajo analiza la relación empírica existente entre el gasto público y la inversión privada en un panel de 14 países pertenecientes a la OCDE. La evidencia presentada sugiere la existencia de un significativo efecto "crowding-in" de la inversión pública, que opera a través de la complementariedad entre las infraestructuras y la inversión privada. Por otra parte, el consumo público parece ejercer un "efecto expulsión" de la inversión privada. L a implicaciones de estos resultados son de gran trascendencia en materia de consolidación fiscal. Reducciones del déficit conseguidas mediante recortes en la inversión pública podrían dañar severamente la acumulación de capital y las perspectivas de crecimiento

    Devenir de la Astronomía

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    El observatorio astronómico nacional de Santiagoen 1909Por El Dr. F. W. Ristenpart .  

    Improving the Performance of Low Voltage Networks by an Optimized Unbalance Operation of Three-Phase Distributed Generators

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    This work focuses on using the full potential of PV inverters in order to improve the efficiency of low voltage networks. More specifically, the independent per-phase control capability of PV three-phase four-wire inverters, which are able to inject different active and reactive powers in each phase, in order to reduce the system phase unbalance is considered. This new operational procedure is analyzed by raising an optimization problem which uses a very accurate modelling of European low voltage networks. The paper includes a comprehensive quantitative comparison of the proposed strategy with two state-of-the-art methodologies to highlight the obtained benefits. The achieved results evidence that the proposed independent per-phase control of three-phase PV inverters improves considerably the network performance contributing to increase the penetration of renewable energy sources.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ENE2017-84813-R, ENE2014-54115-

    CTQ 414: A New Gravitational Lens

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    We report the discovery and ground based observations of the new gravitational lens CTQ 414. The source quasar lies at a redshift of z = 1.29 with a B magnitude of 17.6. Ground based optical imaging reveals two point sources separated by 1.2 arcsec with a magnitude difference of roughly 1 mag. Subtraction of two stellar point spread functions from images obtained in subarcsecond seeing consistently leaves behind a faint, residual object. Fits for two point sources plus an extended object places the fainter object collinear with the two brighter components. Subsequent HST/NICMOS observations have confirmed the identification of the fainter object as the lensing galaxy. VLA observations at 8.46 GHz reveal that all components of the lensing system are radio quiet down to the 0.2 mJy flux level.Comment: Latex, 18 pages including 2 ps figures; accepted for publication in A

    Missing Lensed Images and the Galaxy Disk Mass in CXOCY J220132.8-320144

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    The CXOCY J220132.8-320144 system consists of an edge-on spiral galaxy lensing a background quasar into two bright images. Previous efforts to constrain the mass distribution in the galaxy have suggested that at least one additional image must be present (Castander et al. 2006). These extra images may be hidden behind the disk which features a prominent dust lane. We present and analyze Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of the system. We do not detect any extra images, but the observations further narrow the observable parameters of the lens system. We explore a range of models to describe the mass distribution in the system and find that a variety of acceptable model fits exist. All plausible models require 2 magnitudes of dust extinction in order to obscure extra images from detection, and some models may require an offset between the center of the galaxy and the center of the dark matter halo of 1 kiloparsec. Currently unobserved images will be detectable by future James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observations and will provide strict constraints on the fraction of mass in the disk.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables. Minor changes, version accepted for publication in Ap

    La productividad de las regiones europeas: un análisis agregado y por sectores.

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la productividad de las regiones europeas durante el periodo 1990-2011. Haciendo uso de diversas técnicas de análisis, se concluye que: a) la dispersión regional y sectorial es elevada; b) las ganancias de productividad agregada se deben, prácticamente en su totalidad, a aumentos en la productividad de los sectores; c) existe un proceso de convergencia beta, tanto a escala agregada como sectorial; d) lo mismo sucede, con la única excepción del sector industrial, con la convergencia sigma; e) la descomposición del proceso de convergencia en productividad revela que el mismo se sustenta, casi exclusivamente, en el efecto crecimiento de la productividad sectorial; y f) existe una evidente bipolarización en la distribución de productividad, si bien ésta ha decrecido en el tiempo.The aim of this paper is to analyse productivity at regional level in the EU between 1990 and 2011. By making use of various techniques it concludes that: a) the regional and sectoral dispersion of productivity is rather high; b) the gains experienced in aggregate productivity are due, almost entirely, to the sectors productivity growth effect; c) there is a beta-convergence process at the aggregate and sectoral levels; d) the same occurs for sigma-convergence, apart from the industrial sector; e) the accounting decomposition of the aggregate productivity convergence process reveals the sectoral productivity growth effect to be almost the only responsible for regional catching-up; and f) there exists an evident bipolarisation in the productivity distribution, although it has decreased over the sample period

    La emergencia de los Game Studies como disciplina propia: investigando el videojuego desde las metodologías de la Comunicación

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    Both games and video games have been ignored for years from communication faculties worldwide. However, the latest research and university degrees programs focused on Game Studies have managed to redevelop them both in the Spanish and in the international context. Therefore, the present study analyzes the historical journey of this new discipline, its impact on game conception and its future as a potential teaching and research tool.Los juegos y videojuegos han sido ignorados durante años desde las facultades de comunicación de todo el mundo. No obstante, las más recientes investigaciones y los planes de estudios centrados en los Game Studies han conseguido revalorizarlos tanto en el contexto internacional como español. Por ello, en la presente investigación se analiza el recorrido histórico de esta nueva disciplina, su impacto en la concepción del juego y su potencial futuro como herramienta docente e investigadora