26 research outputs found

    Standardization of inducer-activated broad host range expression modules: debugging and refactoring an alkane-responsive AlkS/PalkB device

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    Although inducible heterologous expression systems have been available since the birth of recombinant DNA technology, the diversity of genetic devices and their coming together in the corresponding vectors often result in a lack of reproducibility and interoperability. In an effort to increase the predictability of expression of genes of interest in a variety of possible bacterial hosts, we propose a composition standard for debugging and reassembling all regulatory parts that participate in the performance of such devices. As a case study, we addressed the n-octane and dicyclopropyl ketone-inducible PalkB promoter of the alkane biodegradation pOCT plasmid of Pseudomonas putida. The standardized expression module included an edited alkS transcription factor divergently expressed and separated from PalkB by a synthetic buffer segment. The DNA sequence of the alkS gene was modified to alleviate the catabolite repression exerted by several carbon and nitrogen sources through the Crc/Hfq complex of some hosts. The PalkB promoter and the alkS variants were then formatted as Standard European Vector Architecture cargoes, and their activity in P. putida was quantified with fluorescent and luminescent reporters. Despite considerable editing of the DNA sequences involved, the thereby refactored module basically kept the functioning parameters of the original configuration. The same qualities were inspected when the system was passed to Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We argue that the application of the compositional standard thereby implemented in the AlkS/PalkB module to other promoter/regulator pairs will enable more complex genetic programming in non-model bacteria.MADONNA H2020-FET OPEN-RIA-2017-1-766975BioRoboost H2020-NMBP-BIO-CSA 2018-820699SynBio4Flav H2020-NMBP-TR-IND/H2020-NMBP BIO-2018-814650MIX-UP H2020-BIO-CN-2019-87029

    A Point Mutation in the Transcriptional Repressor PerR Results in a Constitutive Oxidative Stress Response in Clostridioides difficile 630(delta)Derm

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    The human pathogen Clostridioides difficile has evolved into the leading cause of nosocomial diarrhea. The bacterium is capable of spore formation, which even allows survival of antibiotic treatment. Although C. difficile features an anaerobic lifestyle, we determined a remarkably high oxygen tolerance of the laboratory reference strain 630Δerm. A mutation of a single nucleotide (single nucleotide polymorphism [SNP]) in the DNA sequence (A to G) of the gene encoding the regulatory protein PerR results in an amino acid substitution (Thr to Ala) in one of the helices of the helix-turn-helix DNA binding domain of this transcriptional repressor in C. difficile 630Δerm. PerR is a sensor protein for hydrogen peroxide and controls the expression of genes involved in the oxidative stress response. We show that PerR of C. difficile 630Δerm has lost its ability to bind the promoter region of PerR-controlled genes. This results in a constitutive derepression of genes encoding oxidative stress proteins such as a rubrerythrin (rbr1) whose mRNA abundance under anaerobic conditions was increased by a factor of about 7 compared to its parental strain C. difficile 630. Rubrerythrin repression in strain 630Δerm could be restored by the introduction of PerR from strain 630. The permanent oxidative stress response of C. difficile 630Δerm observed here should be considered in physiological and pathophysiological investigations based on this widely used model strain

    Cellular adaptation of Clostridioides difficile to high salinity encompasses a compatible solute-responsive change in cell morphology

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    Infections by the pathogenic gut bacterium Clostridioides difficile cause severe diarrhoeas up to a toxic megacolon and are currently among the major causes of lethal bacterial infections. Successful bacte rial propagation in the gut is strongly associated with the adaptation to changing nutrition-caused environ mental conditions; e.g. environmental salt stresses. Concentrations of 350 mM NaCl, the prevailing salinity in the colon, led to significantly reduced growth of C. difficile. Metabolomics of salt-stressed bacteria revealed a major reduction of the central energy generation path ways, including the Stickland-fermentation reactions. No obvious synthesis of compatible solutes was observed up to 24 h of growth. The ensuing limited tolerance to high salinity and absence of compatible solute synthe sis might result from an evolutionary adaptation to the exclusive life of C. difficile in the mammalian gut. Addi tion of the compatible solutes carnitine, glycine-betaine, Îł-butyrobetaine, crotonobetaine, homobetaine, proline betaine and dimethylsulfoniopropionate restored growth (choline and proline failed) under conditions of high salinity. A bioinformatically identified OpuF-type ABC transporter imported most of the used compatible sol utes. A long-term adaptation after 48 h included a shift of the Stickland fermentation-based energy metabolism from the utilization to the accumulation of L-proline and resulted in restored growth. Surprisingly, salt stress resulted in the formation of coccoid C. difficile cells instead of the typical rod-shaped cells, a process reverted by the addition of several compatible solutes. Hence, compatible solute import via OpuF is the major immediate adaptation strategy of C. difficile to high salinity-incurred cellular stress

    Engineering the Osmotic State of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 for Efficient Cell Disruption and Downstream Processing of Poly(3-Hydroxyalkanoates)

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    In the last decade, the development of novel programmable cell lytic systems based on different inducible genetic constructs like the holin–endolysin and lysozyme appears as a promising alternative to circumvent the use of costly enzymes and mechanical disrupters for downstream processing of intracellular microbial products. Despite the advances, upon activation of these systems the cellular disruption of the biocatalyst occurs in an extended period, thus delaying the recovery of poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) (PHA). Herein the osmotic state of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 was engineered by inactivating the inner-membrane residing rescue valve MscL, which is responsible mainly for circumventing low-osmolarity challenges. Then the major outer membrane porin OprF and the specific porin OprE were overproduced during PHA producing conditions on decanoate-grown cells. The engineered P. putida strains carrying each porin showed no impairment on growth rate and final biomass and PHA yield after 48 h cultivation. Expression of both porins in tandem in the mutant strain KTΔmscL-oprFE led to a slight reduction of the biomass synthesis (∌10%) but higher PHA accumulation (%wt) relative to the cell dry mass. Each strain was then challenged to an osmotic upshift for 1 h and subsequently to a rapid passage to a hypotonic condition where the membrane stability of the KTΔmscL-oprFE suffered damage, resulting in a rapid reduction of cell viability. Cell disruption accounted for >95% of the cell population within 3 h as reported by colony forming units (CFU), FACS analyses, and transmission electron microscopy. PHA recovery yielded 94.2% of the biosynthesized biopolymer displaying no significant alterations on the final monomer composition. This study can serve as an efficient genetic platform for the recovery of any microbial intracellular compound allowing less unit operation steps for cellular disruption

    Channelling carbon flux through the meta-cleavage route for improved poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) production from benzoate and lignin-based aromatics in Pseudomonas putida H

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    Lignin-based aromatics are attractive raw materials to derive medium-chain length poly(3-hydroxyalkanoates) (mcl-PHAs), biodegradable polymers of commercial value. So far, this conversion has exclusively used the ortho-cleavage route of Pseudomonas putida KT2440, which results in the secretion of toxic intermediates and limited performance. Pseudomonas putida H exhibits the ortho- and the meta-cleavage pathways where the latter appears promising because it stoichiometrically yields higher levels of acetyl-CoA. Here, we created a double-mutant H-ΔcatAΔA2 that utilizes the meta route exclusively and synthesized 30% more PHA on benzoate than the parental strain but suffered from catechol accumulation. The single deletion of the catA2 gene in the H strain provoked a slight attenuation on the enzymatic capacity of the ortho route (25%) and activation of the meta route by nearly 8-fold, producing twice as much mcl-PHAs compared to the wild type. Inline, the mutant H-ΔcatA2 showed a 2-fold increase in the intracellular malonyl-CoA abundance – the main precursor for mcl-PHAs synthesis. As inferred from flux simulation and enzyme activity assays, the superior performance of H-ΔcatA2 benefited from reduced flux through the TCA cycle and malic enzyme and diminished by-product formation. In a benzoate-based fed-batch, P. putida H-ΔcatA2 achieved a PHA titre of 6.1 g l–1 and a volumetric productivity of 1.8 g l–1 day–1. Using Kraft lignin hydrolysate as feedstock, the engineered strain formed 1.4 g l- 1 PHA. The balancing of carbon flux between the parallel catechol-degrading routes emerges as an important strategy to prevent intermediate accumulation and elevate mcl-PHA production in P. putida H and, as shown here, sets the next level to derive this sustainable biopolymer from lignin hydrolysates and aromatics

    Pleiotropic Clostridioides difficile Cyclophilin PpiB Controls Cysteine-Tolerance, Toxin Production, the Central Metabolism and Multiple Stress Responses

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    The Gram-positive pathogen Clostridioides difficile is the main bacterial agent of nosocomial antibiotic associated diarrhea. Bacterial peptidyl-prolyl-cis/trans-isomerases (PPIases) are well established modulators of virulence that influence the outcome of human pathologies during infections. Here, we present the first interactomic network of the sole cyclophilin-type PPIase of C. difficile (CdPpiB) and show that it has diverse interaction partners including major enzymes of the amino acid-dependent energy (LdhA, EtfAB, Had, Acd) and the glucose-derived (Fba, GapA, Pfo, Pyk, Pyc) central metabolism. Proteins of the general (UspA), oxidative (Rbr1,2,3, Dsr), alkaline (YloU, YphY) and cold shock (CspB) response were found bound to CdPpiB. The transcriptional (Lrp), translational (InfC, RFF) and folding (GroS, DnaK) control proteins were also found attached. For a crucial enzyme of cysteine metabolism, O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase (CysK), the global transcription regulator Lrp and the flagellar subunit FliC, these interactions were independently confirmed using a bacterial two hybrid system. The active site residues F50, F109, and F110 of CdPpiB were shown to be important for the interaction with the residue P87 of Lrp. CysK activity after heat denaturation was restored by interaction with CdPpiB. In accordance, tolerance toward cell wall stress caused by the exposure to amoxicillin was reduced. In the absence of CdPpiB, C. difficile was more susceptible toward L-cysteine. At the same time, the cysteinemediated suppression of toxin production ceased resulting in higher cytotoxicity. In summary, the cyclophilin-type PPIase of C. difficile (CdPpiB) coordinates major cellular processes via its interaction with major regulators of transcription, translation, protein folding, stress response and the central metabolism

    The alternative coproporphyrinogen III oxidase (CgoN) catalyzes the oxygen-independent conversion of coproporphyrinogen III into coproporphyrin III

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    Nature utilizes three distinct pathways to synthesize the essential enzyme cofactor heme. The coproporphyrin III-dependent pathway, predominantly present in Bacillaceae, employs an oxygen-dependent coproporphyrinogen III oxidase (CgoX) that converts coproporphyrinogen III into coproporphyrin III. In this study, we report the bioinformatic-based identification of a gene called ytpQ, encoding a putative oxygen-independent counterpart, which we propose to term CgoN, from Priestia (Bacillus) megaterium. The recombinantly produced, purified, and monomeric YtpQ (CgoN) protein is shown to catalyze the oxygen-independent conversion of coproporphyrinogen III into coproporphyrin III. Minimal non-enzymatic conversion of coproporphyrinogen III was observed under the anaerobic test conditions employed in this study. FAD was identified as a cofactor, and menadione served as an artificial acceptor for the six abstracted electrons, with a KM value of 3.95 ÎŒmol/L and a kcat of 0.63 per min for the substrate. The resulting coproporphyrin III, in turn, acts as an effective substrate for the subsequent enzyme of the pathway, the coproporphyrin III ferrochelatase (CpfC). Under aerobic conditions, oxygen directly serves as an electron acceptor, but is replaced by the more efficient action of menadione. An AlphaFold2 model of the enzyme suggests that YtpQ adopts a compact triangular shape consisting of three domains. The N-terminal domain appears to be flexible with respect to the rest of the structure, potentially creating a ligand binding site that opens and closes during the catalytic cycle. A catalytic mechanism similar to the oxygen-independent protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase PgoH1 (HemG), based on the flavin-dependent abstraction of six electrons from coproporphyrinogen III and their potential quinone-dependent transfer to a membrane-localized electron transport chain, is proposed

    Pleiotropic Clostridioides difficile Cyclophilin PpiB Controls Cysteine-Tolerance, Toxin Production, the Central Metabolism and Multiple Stress Responses

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    The Gram-positive pathogen Clostridioides difficile is the main bacterial agent of nosocomial antibiotic associated diarrhea. Bacterial peptidyl-prolyl-cis/trans-isomerases (PPIases) are well established modulators of virulence that influence the outcome of human pathologies during infections. Here, we present the first interactomic network of the sole cyclophilin-type PPIase of C. difficile (CdPpiB) and show that it has diverse interaction partners including major enzymes of the amino acid-dependent energy (LdhA, EtfAB, Had, Acd) and the glucose-derived (Fba, GapA, Pfo, Pyk, Pyc) central metabolism. Proteins of the general (UspA), oxidative (Rbr1,2,3, Dsr), alkaline (YloU, YphY) and cold shock (CspB) response were found bound to CdPpiB. The transcriptional (Lrp), translational (InfC, RFF) and folding (GroS, DnaK) control proteins were also found attached. For a crucial enzyme of cysteine metabolism, O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase (CysK), the global transcription regulator Lrp and the flagellar subunit FliC, these interactions were independently confirmed using a bacterial two hybrid system. The active site residues F50, F109, and F110 of CdPpiB were shown to be important for the interaction with the residue P87 of Lrp. CysK activity after heat denaturation was restored by interaction with CdPpiB. In accordance, tolerance toward cell wall stress caused by the exposure to amoxicillin was reduced. In the absence of CdPpiB, C. difficile was more susceptible toward L-cysteine. At the same time, the cysteine-mediated suppression of toxin production ceased resulting in higher cytotoxicity. In summary, the cyclophilin-type PPIase of C. difficile (CdPpiB) coordinates major cellular processes via its interaction with major regulators of transcription, translation, protein folding, stress response and the central metabolism

    Three Pseudomonas putida FNR Family Proteins with Different Sensitivities to O-2

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    The Escherichia coli fumarate-nitrate reduction regulator (FNR) protein is the paradigm for bacterial O2-sensing transcription factors. However, unlike E. coli, some bacterial species possess multiple FNR proteins that presumably have evolved to fulfill distinct roles. Here, three FNR proteins (ANR, PP_3233, and PP_3287) from a single bacterial species, Pseudomonas putida KT2440, have been analyzed. Under anaerobic conditions, all three proteins had spectral properties resembling those of [4Fe-4S] proteins. The reactivity of the ANR [4Fe-4S] cluster with O2 was similar to that of E. coli FNR, and during conversion to the apo-protein, via a [2Fe-2S] intermediate, cluster sulfur was retained. Like ANR, reconstituted PP_3233 and PP_3287 were converted to [2Fe-2S] forms when exposed to O2, but their [4Fe-4S] clusters reacted more slowly. Transcription from an FNR-dependent promoter with a consensus FNR-binding site in P. putida and E. coli strains expressing only one FNR protein was consistent with the in vitro responses to O2. Taken together, the experimental results suggest that the local environments of the iron-sulfur clusters in the different P. putida FNR proteins influence their reactivity with O2, such that ANR resembles E. coli FNR and is highly responsive to low concentrations of O2, whereas PP_3233 and PP_3287 have evolved to be less sensitive to O2

    Plant holobiont interactions mediated by the type VI secretion system and the membrane vesicles: promising tools for a greener agriculture

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    A deeper understanding of the complex relationship between plants and their microbiota is allowing researchers to appreciate a plethora of possibilities to improve crops using chemical-free alternatives based on beneficial microorganisms. An increase in crop yield from the promotion of plant growth or even simultaneous protection of the plants from the attack of phytopathogens can be achieved in the presence of different plant-associated microorganisms known as plant-growthpromoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and biocontrol agents (BCAs), respectively. Thus, the study of the great diversity of plant-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions is an attention-grabbing topic covering studies of interactions since the plant seed and through all developmental stages, from root to shoot. The intricate communication systems that plant holobionts co-evolved has resulted in many different strategies and interplays between these organisms shaping the bacterial communities and the plant fitness simultaneously. Herein, we emphasize two understudied delivery systems existing in plant-associated bacteria: the type VI secretion system (T6SS) and the membrane vesicles with a huge potential to boost a highly demanded and necessary green agriculture.Federal State of Lower Saxony, Nieders chsisches Vorab CDiff and CDInfect projects VWZN2889/3215/3266Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) 281361126/GRK2223Ministerio de Ciencia, InnovaciĂłn y Universidades Project RTI2018-096936-J-I00Junta de AndalucĂ­a FEDER18-126496