1,057 research outputs found

    Noise performance of submicron HEMT channels under low power consumption operation

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    We have investigated the noise performance of HEMT devices for low noise operation with the aim of developing a noise model valid for low power biasing. Analytical expressions useful for CAD models have been derived for the calculation of the Pospieszalski gate and drain temperatures, and have been verified from near pinchoff conditions up to usual bias voltages. An overshoot in the drain temperature as a function of the drain voltage has been observed at low drain currents in deep submicron gate lenght devices

    A procedure for accurate noise measurements of one port devices with high reflection coefficients

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    This work presents a procedure to reduce effectively the uncertainty of noise measurements of highly reflective one-port DUT's. This procedure consists of inserting an attenuator between the calibration reference plane and the DUT. The measurement RSS uncertainty has been calculated analytically and an excellent improvement of the accuracy and repeatability has been obtained when attenuations of moderate values were used

    Teoría de grafos y geometría reticular: matemáticas elementales para el estímulo del talento matemático

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    El objetivo de esta charla es presentar algunos resultados recientes sobre teorías elementales en matemáticas para el desarrollo del talento en matemáticas. En particular, se mostrarán algunos resultados relacionados con la teoría de grafos y la teoría reticular, ambas, teorías matemáticas que han venido siendo adaptadas por el Grupo Yaglom de la Universidad Sergio Arboleda para los cursos de pretalentos y talentos en matemáticas

    Hermeneutics and principles of quality in urban morphology

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    [☺EN] It is common to ascertain the loss of quality in the urban form during the 20th and 21st centuries, especially in the current globalization scenario, and in comparison to the previous centuries. Relevant authors of the cultural and artistic critique such as Erwin Panofsky, Ernst Gombrich or Enrique Lafuente Ferrari have defended the identification of the quality in the works of creation as the fundamental objective of the critique. Due to this, the research and identification of the quality features in the urban form are pertinent in order to have useful instruments to correct this contemporary cultural loss. It is therefore proposed the identification of quality principles of urban form from a hermeneutic point of view. That is to say, each of these principles as capable of opening a certain horizon of comprehension of a specific perspective of quality. For example, we can aim at: beauty, scale, amenity, grace, order, etc. Each principle, offers then a horizon of understanding and also of urban creativity that assembles into this work from the analysis of operative subprinciples and their verification on specific expressive cases of urban form, in both, historical and current aspects. The principles in turn can intertwine offering cumulative and transverse quality options. Therefore, what is sought, is to offer a pertinent and structured hermeneutical tool for the analysis of urban form in its values of quality and excellence.Poyatos Sebastián, J.; Baró Zarzo, JL. (2018). Hermeneutics and principles of quality in urban morphology. En 24th ISUF International Conference. Book of Papers. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1637-1643. https://doi.org/10.4995/ISUF2017.2017.6726OCS1637164

    De la "Utilitas pública" al interés público del artículo 35 del Código Civil español

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    Tesis presentada en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Derecho, Departamento de Derecho Civil, 1983.Depto. de Derecho CivilFac. de DerechoTRUEProQuestpu

    De la "Utilitas pública" al interés público del artículo 35 del Código Civil español

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    This paper addresses the question of how (not what) we should think about human rights and religious arguments. Thinking about this relationship is today particularly important, because conflicts over human rights in practice often turn around their theoretical problems. Should religious arguments be used to justify human rights? Or do we want human rights to be free from any partisan endorsement so as to avoid divisive interpretations of universal principles? Underlying these hard questions is the issue of justification in view of a plurality of cultural and religious traditions around the globe. If human rights can be transformed so as to defy the charge of Euro-centrism (of being parochially rooted in only one cultural and religious tradition), they need to creatively draw on, not pit themselves against, this plurality. This paper suggests a framework for such a positive and inclusive engagement with various cultures and religions that goes beyond the mainstream liberal model of “public reason”

    Diastasis Recti and Other Midline Defects: Totally Subcutaneous Endoscopic Approach

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    Diastasis of the rectus is defined as the separation of the midline or alba line, which originates in a laxity of the interlocking fibers from the aponeurosis of both rectus muscles. At present, its surgical correction continues to be discussed. However, there is a multiplicity of factors that justify it

    Characterization of parasitics in microwave devices by comparing S and noise parameter measurements with two different on wafer calibration techniques

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    This paper presents a procedure for an accurate characterization of parasitic effects of terminal pads in microwave devices. This procedure is based on the measurement of S and Noise parameters of the device with two different sets of calibration standards, and simplifies the process of extracting the parasitic elements of the small signal equivalent circuit