3,140 research outputs found

    The Complexity of Corruption: Nature and Ethical Suggestions

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    Corruption is a well-established research topic which increasingly attracts interest, as attested by a growing body of literature. Nevertheless, disagreements persist not only about how to curve it, but even about its definition, causes and consequences. Such a lack of consensus reflects the complexity of the problem, a feature which is often cited but rarely analyzed. This paper aims to fill that gap. In particular, we first address the nature of corruption’s complexity by offering and analyzing an inventory of “generators of complexity” compiled from the available literature. Secondly, our paper draws from the key conclusions of that analysis to shed some light on the complex role played by corporations on corruption. Finally, we suggest that ethical aspects have to be considered in order to clarify many complex dilemmas around corruption and illuminate the corporate role in both domestic and foreign business activity.

    Gene Therapy in Cardiovascular Disease

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    <em>Trypanosoma cruzi</em> Infection: Mechanisms of Evasion of Immune Response

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    Trypanosoma cruzi has a complex life cycle that involves a vertebrate as well as an invertebrate host. In this, last two stages are present: trypomastigotes, the flagellated and infective stage and the amastigote, which is the replicative stage. T. cruzi is considered one of the most successful intracellular parasites, because it cannot be eliminated by the immune system and has the capacity of invading, surviving, and replicating inside the host cells. The effects that the infection has over the immune system have been widely studied at the molecular and cellular level. However, understanding the mechanisms that the parasite uses to evade the immune system to persist in the infected individual is necessary for the effective development of drugs and/or vaccines. In this chapter, a compilation of the already described mechanisms will be carried out

    Synthesis of Nano-structured materials for storing hydrogen as an alternative source to fossil fuels derivatives.

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    The decline in global reserves of fossil fuels due to the increasing energy demand has caused the petrochemical industry to be interested in finding new energy sources. An alternative that should be considered is the technology based on hydrogen as it is friendly to the environment and its combustion is greenhouse

    Diseño de guía informativa del seguro de guarderias y prestaciones sociales "Régimen voluntario y otras percepciones juridicas voluntarias"

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    La finalidad es facilitar la información de manera clara y sencilla respecto a este tema, y de esta manera conozcan los servicios que otorgan, requisitos, trámites, con el propósito de que tengan una visión clara de los beneficios que pueden obtener si están cotizando, así mismo podrán decidir qué es lo que más les conviene antes de emitir un juicio, nuestro ideal radica en fomentar en cada uno de los trabajadores que exijan sus derechos al Instituto asegurador. En consecuencia de lo anterior y para su mejor comprensión, el trabajo está integrado por cuatro capítulos, conclusiones, bibliografía y anexos

    Diseño y simulación de una plataforma elevadora para la ejecución de trabajos en fachadas de edificaciones elevación máxima 10 m.

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    En la actualidad se ha determinado al trabajo de altura como una actividad de alto riesgo que debe ser planeada y realizada de tal forma que se reduzcan los riesgos para los trabajadores. Cuando se identificó la caída de altura como una de las causas más comunes de muerte durante el trabajo se tomaron medidas para establecer condiciones mínimas de seguridad a fin de desarrollar estas tareas. La máquina elevadora propuesta, debe cumplir con los objetivos deseados dentro de los parámetros y normas de trabajo seguro y confiable. Hay que aclarar que el objetivo es utilizar este dispositivo únicamente en el trabajo en fachadas, y de aquí parte la necesidad de adecuarla para los trabajos específicos de este tipo