45 research outputs found

    Evolución histórica: Nacimiento, desarrollo y futuro de la conservación del Patrimonio Minero-Metalúrgico

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    En España la Minería todavía es una actividad industrial de peso en la economía nacional. Sin embargo la minería metálica y la del carbón han sufrido profundas crisis, dejando paso a una nueva minería de minerales y rocas industriales (incluimos el agua mineral), así como de rocas ornamentales. Estas transformaciones han repercutido en el cierre de cuencas mineras históricas enteras, tales como Linares-La Carolina (Jaén), Sierra de Cartagena (Murcia), Somorrostro (Vizcaya), El Marquesado (Granada), Sierra de Gador, Rodalquilar y Sierra Almagrera (Almería), Ojos Negros (Teruel), Sabero (León), etc. Otras viejas minas como Almadén (Ciudad Real) o Reocín (Santander) están a punto de cancelar sus líneas productivas. A raíz de ello a ha ido quedando a la intemperie un Patrimonio Minero-Metalúrgico extenso y valioso. En Europa la tendencia ha sido parecida: desaparición de explotaciones tradicionales, por agotamiento, coste de la mano de obra, pequeña extensión de los criaderos, control medioambiental, etc. La solución dada en los pa.ses industrializados (principalmente en los centroeuropeos) ha sido la creación de minas museo, museos mineros, ecomuseos, museos del territorio, parques geomineros, monumentos restaurados y a veces reutilizados, con fines culturales, lúdicos o administrativos, etc. En total, en el Viejo Continente, se han organizado entre 500 y 700 museos en relación a la Minería: el reordenar las actividades económicas de las cuencas mineras en declive, al turismo ecológico y cultural, supone evitar en muchos casos su desertización, ayudando a generar nuevos recursos. El montaje de los museos mineros ha contado en la mayor parte de los casos con ayudas públicas, aunque también ha habido proyectos de particulares sin otros medios que los propio

    D. Luis Adaro Ruiz Falcó (Gijón, 1914-Gijón, 2006)

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    D. Luis Adaro falleció el pasado 26 de septiembre de 2006 a los 93 años de edad. Ha sido, a nuestro humilde entender, el principal historiador de la minería española, con numerosos libros y artículos a sus espaldas. Socio fundador de la Sociedad Española para la Defensa del Patrimonio Geológico y Minero (SEDPGYM) siempre tuvo una gran preocupación por el patrimonio y la cultura minera. Tal vez, como miembro de una destacada familia de ingenieros de minas (Mañana, 2002) busca en la historia sus ancestrales raíces. Ya ha recibido numerosos homenajes, nosotros pensamos que ya era hora de proponerlo como socio honorario de SEDPGYM y realizamos este nombramiento días antes de su repentina muerte

    The Relationship between the IC50 Values and the Apparent Inhibition Constant in the Study of Inhibitors of Tyrosinase Diphenolase Activity Helps Confirm the Mechanism of Inhibition

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    Tyrosinase is the enzyme involved in melanization and is also responsible for the browning of fruits and vegetables. Control of its activity can be carried out using inhibitors, which is interesting in terms of quantitatively understanding the action of these regulators. In the study of the inhibition of the diphenolase activity of tyrosinase, it is intriguing to know the strength and type of inhibition. The strength is indicated by the value of the inhibition constant(s), and the type can be, in a first approximation: competitive, non-competitive, uncompetitive and mixed. In this work, it is proposed to calculate the degree of inhibition (iD), varying the concentration of inhibitor to a fixed concentration of substrate, L-dopa (D). The non-linear regression adjustment of iD with respect to the initial inhibitor concentration I0 allows for the calculation of the inhibitor concentration necessary to inhibit the activity by 50%, at a given substrate concentration (IC50), thus avoiding making interpolations between different values of iD. The analytical expression of the IC50, for the different types of inhibition, are related to the apparent inhibition constant (KIapp). Therefore, this parameter can be used: (a) To classify a series of inhibitors of an enzyme by their power. Determining these values at a fixed substrate concentration, the lower IC50, the more potent the inhibitor. (b) Checking an inhibitor for which the type and the inhibition constant have been determined (using the usual methods), must confirm the IC50 value according to the corresponding analytical expression. (c) The type and strength of an inhibitor can be analysed from the study of the variation in iD and IC50 with substrate concentration. The dependence of IC50 on the substrate concentration allows us to distinguish between non-competitive inhibition (iD does not depend on D0) and the rest. In the case of competitive inhibition, this dependence of iD on D0 leads to an ambiguity between competitive inhibition and type 1 mixed inhibition. This is solved by adjusting the data to the possible equations; in the case of a competitive inhibitor, the calculation of KI1app is carried out from the IC50 expression. The same occurs with uncompetitive inhibition and type 2 mixed inhibition. The representation of iD vs. n, with n=D0/KmD, allows us to distinguish between them. A hyperbolic iD vs. n representation that passes through the origin of coordinates is a characteristic of uncompetitive inhibition; the calculation of KI2app is immediate from the IC50 value. In the case of mixed inhibitors, the values of the apparent inhibition constant of meta-tyrosinase (Em) and oxy-tyrosinase (Eox), KI1app and the apparent inhibition constant of metatyrosinase/Dopa complexes (EmD) and oxytyrosinase/Dopa (EoxD), KI2app are obtained from the dependence of iD vs. n, and the results obtained must comply with the IC50 value

    Identification of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer germline variants in Granada (Spain): NGS perspective

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    Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA. Maria Molina-Zayas has been a recipient of the 2018 AEFA Post-residency Grant (Spanish Association of Clinical Laboratory) and Dr. Carmen Garrido-Navas holds a postdoctoral fellowship from the Ministry of Economy, Competitiveness, Enterprises and Universities (DOC_01682).The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of germline variants in cancer-predisposing genes by either targeted (BRCA1/2) or multigene NGS panel in a high-risk Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC) cohort. Samples from 824 Caucasian probands were retrospectively collected and the impact of genetic diagnosis and genetic variants epidemiology in this cohort was evaluated. Performance of risk-reducing prophylactic measures, such as prophylactic mastectomy and/or prophylactic oophorectomy, was assessed through clinical follow-up of patients with a positive genetic result. Pathogenic variants predisposing to HBOC were identified in 11.9% (98/824) individuals at BRCA2 (47/98), BRCA1 (24/98), PALB2 (8/51), ATM (7/51), CHEK2 (6/51) MSH6, (2/51), RAD51C (2/51) and TP53 (2/386). Of them, 11 novel pathogenic variants and 12 VUS were identified, characterized, and submitted to ClinVar. Regarding clinical impact, the risk of developing basal or Her2 breast cancer was increased 15.7 times or 37.5 times for BRCA1 and MSH6 pathogenic variants respectively. On the contrary, the risk of developing basal or luminal A breast cancer was reduced to 81% or 77% for BRCA2 and BRCA1 pathogenic variants, respectively. Finally, 53.2% of individuals testing positive for class IV/V variants underwent prophylactic surgery (mastectomy, oophorectomy or both) being significantly younger at the cancer diagnosis than those undertaking prophylactic measures (p = 0.008). Of them, 8 carried a pathogenic/likely pathogenic variant in other genes different from BRCA1 and BRCA2, and the remaining (46.7%) decided to continue with clinical follow-up. No differences in pathogenicity or risk of developing cancer were found for BRCA1/2 between targeted and multigene sequencing strategies; however, NGS was able to resolve a greater proportion of high-risk patients.Universidad de Granada/CBUA2018 AEFA Post-residency Grant (Spanish Association of Clinical Laboratory)Ministry of Economy, Competitiveness, Enterprises and Universities DOC_0168

    Cooperative and Escaping Mechanisms between Circulating Tumor Cells and Blood Constituents

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    Metastasis is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths and despite measurable progress in the field, underlying mechanisms are still not fully understood. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) disseminate within the bloodstream, where most of them die due to the attack of the immune system. On the other hand, recent evidence shows active interactions between CTCs and platelets, myeloid cells, macrophages, neutrophils, and other hematopoietic cells that secrete immunosuppressive cytokines, which aid CTCs to evade the immune system and enable metastasis. Platelets, for instance, regulate inflammation, recruit neutrophils, and cause fibrin clots, which may protect CTCs from the attack of Natural Killer cells or macrophages and facilitate extravasation. Recently, a correlation between the commensal microbiota and the inflammatory/immune tone of the organism has been stablished. Thus, the microbiota may affect the development of cancer-promoting conditions. Furthermore, CTCs may suffer phenotypic changes, as those caused by the epithelial–mesenchymal transition, that also contribute to the immune escape and resistance to immunotherapy. In this review,we discuss the findings regarding the collaborative biological events among CTCs, immune cells, and microbiome associated to immune escape and metastatic progression

    Metodología de internacionalización de material docente basada en el uso de Markdown y Pandoc

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    La internacionalización de la docencia ofrece grandes oportunidades para la Universidad, pero también plantea retos significativos para estudiantes y profesores. En particular, la creación y mantenimiento efectivo del material docente de una asignatura impartida simultáneamente en varios idiomas y con alto grado de coordinación entre los distintos grupos de la misma (p.ej., examen final/prácticas comunes para todos los estudiantes) puede suponer un importante desafío para los profesores. Para hacer frente a este problema, hemos diseñado una estrategia específica para la creación y gestión de material docente en dual (p.ej., inglés-español), y desarrollado un conjunto de herramientas multiplataforma para ponerla en práctica. La idea general es mantener en un mismo fichero de texto el contenido del documento que se desee construir en ambos idiomas, proporcionando justo detrás de cada párrafo y título en uno de los idiomas su traducción al otro idioma, empleando delimitadores especiales. Para crear estos documentos duales se emplea Markdown, un lenguaje de marcado ligero, que dada su sencillez y versatilidad está teniendo una rápida adopción por un amplio espectro de profesionales: desde escritores de novelas o periodistas, hasta administradores de sitios web. A partir de los documentos duales creados con Markdown, es posible generar automáticamente el documento final para cada idioma en el formato deseado que se pondrá a disposición de los estudiantes. Para esta tarea, nos basamos en el uso de la herramienta Pandoc, que permite realizar la conversión de documentos Markdown a una gran cantidad de formatos, como PDF, docx (Microsoft Word), EPUB (libro electrónico) o HTML. Como parte de nuestro proyecto, hemos creado extensiones de Pandoc para permitir la creación de documentos duales en Markdown y para aumentar la expresividad de este lenguaje con construcciones comunmente utilizadas en documentos de carácter docente

    Biomarkers characterization of circulating tumour cells in breast cancer patients

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    Introduction: Increasing evidence supports the view that the detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) predicts outcomes of nonmetastatic breast cancer patients. CTCs differ genetically from the primary tumor and may contribute to variations in prognosis and response to therapy. As we start to understand more about the biology of CTCs, we can begin to address how best to treat this form of disease. Methods: Ninety-eight nonmetastatic breast cancer patients were included in this study. CTCs were isolated by immunomagnetic techniques using magnetic beads labelled with a multi-CK-specific antibody (CK3-11D5) and CTC detection through immunocytochemical methods. Estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) were evaluated by immunofluorescence experiments and HER2 and TOP2A by fluorescence in situ hybridization. We aimed to characterize this set of biomarkers in CTCs and correlate it with clinical-pathological characteristics. Results: Baseline detection rate was 46.9% ≥ 1 CTC/30 ml threshold. CTC-positive cells were more frequent in HER2-negative tumors (p = 0.046). In patients younger than 50 years old, HER2-amplified and G1-G2 tumors had a higher possibility of being nondetectable CTCs. Heterogeneous expression of hormonal receptors (HRs) in samples from the same patients was found. Discordances between HR expression, HER2 and TOP2A status in CTCs and their primary tumor were found in the sequential blood samples. Less that 35% of patients switched their CTC status after receiving chemotherapy. EGFR-positive CTCs were associated with Luminal tumors (p = 0.03). Conclusions: This is the largest exploratory CTC biomarker analysis in nonmetastatic BC patients. Our study suggests that CTC biomarkers profiles might be useful as a surrogate marker for therapeutic selection and monitoring since heterogeneity of the biomarker distribution in CTCs and the lack of correlation with the primary tumor biomarker status were found. Further exploration of the association between EGFR-positive CTCs and Luminal tumors is warranted

    Somos diversidad. Actividades para la formación de profesionales de la educación formal y no formal en diversidad sexual, familiar, corporal y de expresión e identidad de género

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    Este manual se presenta como una “caja de herramientas” donde acudir en busca de recursos y actividades didácticas para elaborar formaciones en diversidad sexual, familiar, corporal y de expresión e identidad de género, dirigidas a profesionales que trabajan con jóvenes. En este sentido, son materiales que se pueden adaptar a las necesidades de cada formación y a distintos niveles de conocimiento, tanto de los grupos participantes, como de la persona que dinamice las actividades y que son lo suficientemente flexibles para que puedan ser moldeados y utilizados según los recursos temporales y espaciales que presente cada propuestaformativa. “Somos diversidad” ofrece un total de 44 actividades articuladas en 5 módulos temáticos. Abrazar la diversidad como una oportunidad educativa Transformarse para transformar: afectividad, diferencia y diversidad Sexualidades Corporalidades, identidades y expresiones de género Diversidad familiar Cada módulo ofrece un índice inicial, una breve bienvenida donde se reflejan la justificación y objetivos del módulo, una serie de actividades y un apartado de bibliografía citada y consultada. En cada actividad se detalla su duración estimada, los objetivos propuestos, los recursos necesarios, las indicaciones para su desarrollo, y se aportan finalmente los materiales específicos necesarios para realizarlas. Este manual es el resultado de la actividad “Juventud y LGTBI+: abrazar la diversidad en la educación no formal y formal” dentro del Plan de Actividades Transnacionales (TCA) del programa Erasmus+: Juventud en Acción, organizada por el Injuve y el Grupo de Investigación “Antropología, Diversidad y Convivencia” de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    The IDENTIFY study: the investigation and detection of urological neoplasia in patients referred with suspected urinary tract cancer - a multicentre observational study

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    Objective To evaluate the contemporary prevalence of urinary tract cancer (bladder cancer, upper tract urothelial cancer [UTUC] and renal cancer) in patients referred to secondary care with haematuria, adjusted for established patient risk markers and geographical variation. Patients and Methods This was an international multicentre prospective observational study. We included patients aged ≥16 years, referred to secondary care with suspected urinary tract cancer. Patients with a known or previous urological malignancy were excluded. We estimated the prevalence of bladder cancer, UTUC, renal cancer and prostate cancer; stratified by age, type of haematuria, sex, and smoking. We used a multivariable mixed-effects logistic regression to adjust cancer prevalence for age, type of haematuria, sex, smoking, hospitals, and countries. Results Of the 11 059 patients assessed for eligibility, 10 896 were included from 110 hospitals across 26 countries. The overall adjusted cancer prevalence (n = 2257) was 28.2% (95% confidence interval [CI] 22.3–34.1), bladder cancer (n = 1951) 24.7% (95% CI 19.1–30.2), UTUC (n = 128) 1.14% (95% CI 0.77–1.52), renal cancer (n = 107) 1.05% (95% CI 0.80–1.29), and prostate cancer (n = 124) 1.75% (95% CI 1.32–2.18). The odds ratios for patient risk markers in the model for all cancers were: age 1.04 (95% CI 1.03–1.05; P < 0.001), visible haematuria 3.47 (95% CI 2.90–4.15; P < 0.001), male sex 1.30 (95% CI 1.14–1.50; P < 0.001), and smoking 2.70 (95% CI 2.30–3.18; P < 0.001). Conclusions A better understanding of cancer prevalence across an international population is required to inform clinical guidelines. We are the first to report urinary tract cancer prevalence across an international population in patients referred to secondary care, adjusted for patient risk markers and geographical variation. Bladder cancer was the most prevalent disease. Visible haematuria was the strongest predictor for urinary tract cancer

    Temsirolimus in overtreated metastatic renal cancer with subsequent use of sunitinib: A case report.

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    JOURNAL ARTICLEDuring the last decade, we have been developing new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of renal cancer, based on knowledge derived from molecular biology. We report a case of long-term renal metastatic cancer progression despite therapy with sunitinib and interleukin, which are the most active drugs in renal cancer. Disease stabilization for 58 weeks was achieved upon sequential use of temsirolimus, following the occurrence of disease progression during angiogenic therapy. The patient demonstrated excellent tolerance without marked symptoms for 10 months. Hypothyroidism and mumps-related adverse events were present. The survival time from diagnosis to lung metastasis was 8 years. Thus, this case demonstrates promising therapeutic effects of the sequential use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors during different stages of the disease.Ye