269 research outputs found

    Gestión del conocimiento, innovación y tecnología desde las capacidades dinámicas

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    El enfoque de capacidades dinámicas está experimentando una aplicación generalizada en las áreas de estudio relacionadas con la gestión del conocimiento, la innovación y la tecnología, con aplicación a tipos específicos de empresa, como la familiar y las de carácter emprendedor. En esta conferencia revisamos líneas emergentes de investigación en las áreas mencionadas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Análisis de la rentabilidad en el sector de la distribución en Europa

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    This empine study aims at stablishing which are the main factors that explain profitability in companies operating in the european distribution sector and their reiative importance. Methodology is based on an analysis of variance and its components. Although this type of analysis has been frequently applied on the industrial sector, its use in the distribution business is very innovative, above all when we consider the country as one of the key factors.Au travers de ce travail empirique on veut analyser quels sont les facteurs qui expliquent la rentabilité des entreprises dans le secteur de la distribution en Europe. On veut également connaftre l'importance reiative de chacun de ees facteurs. La méthodologie employée a été l'Analyse de la Variance et lAnalyse des Composants de la Variance. Mime si ce type d'analyse a été appliquée avec une fréquence reiative dans quelques secteurs industriéis, dans celui de la distribution c'est nouveau, surtout si on prend en compte le pays comme facteur explicati

    Las fuentes de rentabilidad de las empresas

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    Why does performance vary between one company and another? Why do some firms obtain better profits or performance than others? As say Jarillo states (1990, p. VII), "this is undoubtedly a major question for anyone involved in research and teaching in business management". This question has been the basis of a great deal of research in the last few years from the point of view of both industrial economics and strategic management. The aim of this paper, with regard to the latter subject, is to provide results connected with the understanding of this phenomenon. It points out some factors which influence the variability of the performance of Andalusian firms, in addition to the intensity of these factors.Pourquoi les entreprises ont-elles des rentabilités et certaines obtienent un rendement supérieur aux autres? Comme indique Jarillo (1990, p. VII): "celle-ci est, sans doute, la grande question á répondre par quelqu'un consacré á la recherche et á l'enseignement dans le monde de l'économie de l'entreprise". La question a provoqué ees derniéres années de múltiples recherches aussi bien au niveau de l'économie industrielle comme au niveau de la direction stratégique. Le travail suivant prétend apporter á cette discipline quelques résultats visant la compréhension de ce fait inévitable. A continuation nous signaleront quelques facteurs qui ont une influence sur la rentabilité des firmes andalouses, de méme que leur intensité

    Las relaciones interorganizativas como fuente de capital social

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    El capital social constituye un concepto adecuado para analizar cómo las relaciones interorganizativas pueden proporcionar una ventaja competitiva sostenible para las firmas. Para entender este proceso se ha de profundizar en las fuentes del capital social y, a partir de ahí, identificar las distintas dimensiones o recursos que lo conforman; identificación que permitirá avanzar en la medida de esta variable. En este trabajo se propone que detrás de la relevancia adquirida por los acuerdos interorganizativos está la constitución de un recurso denominado capital social, el cual puede ser crítico a la hora de explicar las diferencias de rendimiento existentes entre las empresas.Social capital constitutes an accurate concept to analyse how interorganizational relationships can provide a sustainable competitive advantage to the firm. In order to understand this process it is tried to deepen into sources of social capital, subsequently our aim is to identify the different dimensions or resources which conform it. This identification will allow us to progress by measuring this variable. Further the relevance acquired by interorganizational agreements, we propose there is a resource called social capital which could be critical to explain performance differences among firms

    El impacto de las redes sociales en las mediciones de audiencia y en la segunda pantalla : El Objetivo

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    Nos encontramos en una época en la que las redes sociales juegan un papel importante dentro de la comunicación, lo cual ha provocado una serie de cambios y evoluciones en los últimos tiempos que han desembocado en que esta comunicación ya no se conciba tal y como era. Así ocurre dentro de la televisión y las audiencias, surgiendo a raíz de las redes sociales la televisión social. Mediante la segunda pantalla, los espectadores interactúan con un determinado programa, y lo hacen a través de Twitter. El público emite mensajes en los que muestran afinidad o no respecto a la emisión de televisión que estén viendo, o mismamente pueden aportar informaciones de distinta índole en sus comentarios sobre la retransmisión. Por tanto, el espectador ahora es participe de los programas, con los que interactúa, provocando un cambio en la concepción del formato que los espacios televisivos poseen, ya que tienen en cuenta a las redes sociales para llevar a cabo una nueva estrategia comunicativa. Esta investigación determina la importancia de Twitter en las mediciones de audiencia y en la segunda pantalla. Para conocer dicha importancia, se ha llevado a cabo la revisión de literatura relacionada con la temática para definir y explicar términos como audiencia social y segunda pantalla. Una vez definidas, aplicando la metodología del estudio de caso, se ha procedido a analizar el impacto de Twitter en las mediciones de audiencia y en la segunda pantalla, examinando el programa „El Objetivo‟ de La Sexta. Mediante este mismo análisis, se ha diagnosticado la acogida del fact check por parte de la audiencia, tratándose este programa en cuestión del único que trabaja la verificación de datos dentro de todos los habidos en la televisión española. Para finalizar el estudio, se han extraído una serie de conclusiones en base al análisis.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Periodism

    Determinants of innovation output in Spanish knowledge-intensive service firms: Stability analysis throughout the economic crisis of 2008

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    The aims of this paper are to identify the main determinants of the innovation output indicators (product, process, organization, marketing, products new to the firm, and products new to the market) of Spanish knowledge-intensive service (KIS) firms, to compare them with those of other categories of non-knowledge intensive service (NoKIS) firms and manufacturing firms, and to analyze their evolution over the period 2004-2012, that is, immediately before and after the 2008 crisis. We used PITEC panel micro data, selecting and grouping firms into four categories according to their sector of activity and their intensity in use of technology and knowledge. The empirical results of our study confirm that the main determinants of innovation output are the following: cooperation with other partners to innovate, R&D intensity, and the size of the firm. These determinants are relevant not only for KIS firms but also for all the other categories. However, the influence of cooperation is more important for KIS firms for all of the innovation output indicators except for process innovation. Finally, with respect to the evolution of the main determinants over the period under study, the results show that they were not really affected by the crisis. Although all of the indicators for innovation output show clear influences of the economic cycle, the main determinants are not only the same, but their influence remains basically stable throughout the period

    Absorptive capacity in new ventures: differences among corporate ventures and independent ventures

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    This paper describes a study of the effects of venture origin on ACAP dimensions addressing two questions: how differently do corporate ventures (CVs) and independent ventures (IVs) build their ACAP? And, what are the effects of these differing ways of building ACAP on the new venture performance (NVP) and strategic variety? In answering these questions, we build on three related theoretical perspectives: resource-based view (Barney, 1991; Peteraf, 1993), knowledge-based theory (Grant, 1996), and the dynamic capabilities approach (Teece et al., 1997; Winter, 2003). Using data from face-to-face interviews and surveys on 140 new ventures, our results show that CVs primarily focus on developing the ACAP processes of acquisition and assimilation of new external knowledge when compared to IVs; and that IVs center their efforts in commercially exploiting the knowledge externally acquired. We did not find evidence of significant differences among CVs and IVs in their strategic variety. Yet, we found that an emphasis on potential ACAP is positively associated with the strategic variety of both CVs and IVs. Finally, our results reveal that ACAP is not directly related to NVP

    Biofuels 2020: Biorefineries based on lignocellulosic materials

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    The production of liquid biofuels to blend with gasoline is of worldwide importance to secure the energy supply while reducing the use of fossil fuels, supporting the development of rural technology with knowledge-based jobs and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Today, engineering for plant construction is accessible and new processes using agricultural residues and municipal solid wastes have reached a good degree of maturity and high conversion yields (almost 90% of polysaccharides are converted into monosaccharides ready for fermentation). For the complete success of the 2G technology, it is still necessary to overcome a number of limitations that prevent a first-of-a-kind plant from operating at nominal capacity. We also claim that the triumph of 2G technology requires the development of favourable logistics to guarantee biomass supply and make all actors (farmers, investors, industrial entrepreneurs, government, others) aware that success relies on agreement advances. The growth of ethanol production for 2020 seems to be secured with a number of 2G plants, but public/private investments are still necessary to enable 2G technology to move on ahead from its very early stages to a more mature consolidated technology