511 research outputs found

    Política Monetaria y Cambios de Régimen en los tipos de Interés del Mercado Interbancario

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    We analyse the dynamic behaviour of the 1-month interest rate of the Spanish money market between 1987 and 2001. The rate is modelled as a squared-root diffusion process that allows the rate to change depending on the state of the economy. The switch between regimes is governed by a first-order Markov process with state-dependent transition probabilities. We find two clearly differentiated regimens that can be related with changes in the monetary policy. We find periods of extremely high and volatile interest rates, which seem to be associated with episodes characterized by strong pressures in the exchange markets. This kind of behaviour is the less probable one. The second regime presents a bigger persistence, and it is characterized by less volatile and low interest rates that behave clearly as a random walk..En este trabajo analizamos el comportamiento dinámico del tipo de interés a un mes del mercado interbancario español entre 1987 y 2001. Se utiliza un proceso de difusión tipo raíz cuadrada que permite que el tipo cambie dependiendo del estado en el que se encuentre la economía. El cambio entre regímenes es dirigido por un proceso de Markov de primer orden con probabilidades de transición estado dependientes Encontramos dos regímenes claramente diferenciados que podemos relacionar con cambios en la política monetaria. Encontramos periodos en los que el tipo de interés es extremadamente alto y volátil, los cuales parecen estar asociados con episodios caracterizados por fuertes presiones en los mercados cambiarios. Este tipo de comportamiento es el menos probable. El segundo régimen presenta una mayor persistencia y está caracterizado por tipos de interés bajos poco volátiles que se comportan claramente como un paseo aleatorio.Impuesto inflacionario óptimo, Coeficiente legal de caja

    Efecto de los cambios estructurales en el análisis de series económicas no estacionarias

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico II (Economía Cuantitativa), leída el 08-03-1999En esta Tesis Doctoral se analiza la influencia de la inestabilidad paramétrica sobre dos de las herramientas más frecuentemente utilizadas en el estudio de series económicas no estacionarias: los contrastes de raíces unitarias y los contrastes de cointegración. En relación a los contrastes de raíces unitarias se estudia en profundidad el comportamiento de algunos de los contrastes propuestos en la literatura e ilustramos algunos resultados paradójicos a la vez que proponemos estadísticos más robustos que también proporcionan estimaciones acerca de la localización del punto de corte. Un estudio similar al anterior ha sido llevado a cabo para analizar el comportamiento de los contrastes de cointegración en presencia de cambios estructurales. Terminamos el trabajo con una aplicación empírica en la que se analiza la influencia de inestabilidad paramétrica en la demanda de dinero sobre el cumplimiento a largo plazo del modelo monetario del tipo de cambio para las relaciones bilaterales entre la peseta y las monedas de los países del G-7 y SuizaDepto. de Análisis Económico y Economía CuantitativaFac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesTRUEpu

    Laser fetoscopy ablation for twin–twin transfusion syndrome may reduce the risk of ROP

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    Profesor contratado doctor con plaza vinculada al Hospital Universitario San Cecilio de Granada Grupo de Investigación RICORS Enfermedades Inflamatorias; RD21/0002/0011,Purpose: Twin–twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a condition wherein monochorionic twins share a common placenta with placental anastomoses between the two foetal circulations. Most infants who survive TTTS are born prematurely. This study aimed to determine whether fetoscopic laser ablation (FLA) can reduce the risk of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and whether TTTS was a risk factor for ROP. Methods: This single-centre, retrospective, comparative study included 32 monochorionic twins with TTTS matched for gestational age, birthweight and sex to premature twins and singletons without TTTS (n = 68; twins, n = 34; and singletons, n = 34) born between 2003 and 2022. A single ophthalmologist recorded the fundus findings. FLA was performed using Solomon's technique to separate the vascular systems of the twins with TTTS. Results: The gestational age and weight of premature infants with TTTS treated with FLA were significantly higher than those of untreated infants (p = 0.001 and p = 0.001, respectively); however, the hyaline membrane grade was lower (p = 0.004). A significant increase in weight (g/day) (p = 0.002) and lesser avascular area in the peripheral temporal retina (p = 0.045) was observed at postnatal week 4. The risk of ROP in the FLA group was 2.6 times (13.3% vs. 35.3%) lower than that in the non-FLA group; however, this difference was not significant. The incidence of any stage of ROP (25% vs. 18%) and treatment for ROP type 1 (6.25% vs. 5.9%) did not differ significantly between monochorionic twins with TTTS and premature infants without TTTS. Conclusion: The gestational age of premature infants with TTTS treated with FLA was higher than that of untreated infants. Moreover, a reduction in complications of prematurity was also observed. Laser fetoscopy in twin–twin transfusion syndrome may reduce the risk of ROP, but the difference was not statistically significant in this small study.Universidad de Granada aporta fondos para publicación del artículo en acceso abierto (Funding for open access charge): Universidad de Granada /CBUA. Acuerdo Universidad de Granada con Wiley 2023

    Experiences in evaluating multilingual and text-image information retrieval

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    23 pages, 8 figures.One important step during the development of information retrieval (IR) processes is the evaluation of the output regarding the information needs of the user. The "high quality" of the output is related to the integration of different methods to be applied in the IR process and the information included in the retrieved documents, but how can "quality" be measured? Although some of these methods can be tested in a stand-alone way, it is not always clear what will happen when several methods are integrated. For this reason, much effort has been put into establishing a good combination of several methods or to correctly tuning some of the algorithms involved. The current approach is to measure the precision and recall figures yielded when different combinations of methods are included in an IR process. In this article, a short description of the current techniques and methods included in an IR system is given, paying special attention to the multilingual aspect of the problem. Also a discussion of their influence on the final performance of the IR process is presented by explaining previous experiences in the evaluation process followed in two projects (MIRACLE and OmniPaper) related to multilingual information retrieval.This work has been partially supported by the projects OmniPaper (European Union, 5th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, IST-2001-32174), NEDINE (E-Content project Ref.: 22225), and GPS Project—Software Process Management Platform: modeling, reuse, and measurement (National Research Plan, TIN2004-07083).Publicad

    miraQA: Initial experiments in Question Answering

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    We present the miraQA system that constitutes MIRACLE first experience in Question Answering for monolingual Spanish and has been developed for QA@CLEF 2004. The architecture of the system is described and details of our approach to Statistical Answer Extraction based on Hidden Markov Models are presented. One run that uses last year question set for training purposes has been submitted. The results are presented together with ideas for improvement

    MIRACLE evaluation of results for ImageCLEF 2003

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    ImageCLEF is a new pilot experiment introduced in CLEF 2003. It is devoted to the cross language retrieval of images using textual descriptions related to images contents. This paper presents MIRACLE research team experiments and results obtained for this track

    Grado de Satisfacción de los adultos con los Programas Universitarios

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    This research analyses the degree of satisfaction of a sample of 874 students from University Programmes for adults and elderly, from Spain. The investigation is framed along the lines of positive psychology, specifically in Martin Seligman’s proposal, founder of this movement, who advocates that the main objective of this branch of psychological science is to investigate the healthy aspects of human life. The methodology applied is mixed. The level of satisfaction, collected through the survey technique was analysed by the SPSS 20.0 (using method CHAID) statistical program for the quantitative data; and by the Programme Atlas.Ti 6.0 (textual and conceptual analyses) for the qualitative data. The analysed data reveal that students are highly satisfied with the programme, the teachers and their peers. The discussion confirms these results, since it has also stood out in others studiesLa presente investigación analiza el grado de satisfacción de una muestra de 874 alumnos/as de Programas Universitarios para Adultos-Mayores (PUM) de todo el Estado Español. La investigación se enmarca dentro de la psicología positiva, específicamente en la propuesta de Martin Seligman, creador de este movimiento, quien propugna que el principal objetivo de esta rama de la ciencia psicológica es investigar los aspectos saludables de la vida del ser humano. La metodología utilizada es mixta. El grado de satisfacción, recogido a través de la técnica de la encuesta, fue analizado mediante el programa estadístico SPSS 20.0 (análisis de segmentación- CHAID) para la información cuantitativa; y el programa Atlas.Ti 6.0 (análisis textual y conceptual) para la información cualitativa. Los datos analizados revelan que el alumnado se encuentra altamente satisfecho con el Programa, el profesorado y sus compañeros/as. La discusión corrobora estos resultados, dado que también se han puesto de relieve en otros estudios

    Evaluation of MIRACLE approach results for CLEF 2003

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    This paper describes MIRACLE (Multilingual Information RetrievAl for the CLEf campaign) approach and results for the mono, bi and multilingual Cross Language Evaluation Forum tasks. The approach is based on the combination of linguistic and statistic techniques to perform indexing and retrieval tasks

    Individual and societal risk factors of attitudes justifying intimate partner violence against women: a multilevel cross-sectional study

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    Data are available in a public, open access repository. Data used in the research are available in a public, open access repository. These can be obtained at https:// osf. io/ vza98/? view_ only= 8748 b54b f6a1 44b0 896e 6a9e 5f239e89 or by emailing to first author.Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been peer-reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines, terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise.Objectives Attitudes justifying intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW) can play an essential role in explaining the prevalence of such public health problem. The study aim was to explain attitudes justifying IPVAW identifying individual and societal risk factors. Design and setting A multilevel cross-sectional study of the World Values Survey (WVS) in 54 global countries. Participants A representative transnational community-based sample of 81 516 participants (47.8% male, 52.1% female), aged mean of 42.41. Measures Attitudes justifying IPVAW, sociodemographic, sexism, self-transcendence and conservation values were measured using questions from WVS. Country and regional gender inequality were assessed by Gender Inequality Index. Results Around 16% (intraclass correlation=0.16) of individual differences in attitudes justifying IPVAW are explained by countries. Statistically significant predictors at individual and country level were: sex (B=−0.24, 95% CI −0.27 to −0.22), age (B=−0.08 to −0.25, 95% CI −0.34 to −0.03), marital status (B=0.09 to 0.23, 95% CI 0.002 to 0.33), educational level (B=−0.10 to −0.14, 95% CI −0.20 to −0.04), self-transcendence values (B=−0.10, 95% CI −0.20 to −0.12), sexism (B=0.21, 95% CI 0.15 to 0.28), country (B=2.18, 95% CI 1.09 to 3.26) and regional (B=2.23, 95% CI 1.04 to 3.42) gender inequality. Country gender inequality (B=−0.18, p=0.12) and regional gender inequality (B=−0.21, p=0.10) did not moderate the associations between self-transcendence values and attitudes justifying IPVAW. In the same way for sexism, data did not provide support for a moderating role of country gender inequality (B=0.22, p=0.26) and regional gender inequality (B=0.10, p=0.66). Conclusions Individual and country predictors accounted for differences in attitudes justifying IPVAW. However, neither gender inequality of country nor gender inequality of region interacted with sexism and self-transcendence values. Theoretical and methodological implications are discussed.Scholarship for University Teachers Training - Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport FPU16/0302

    MIRACLE’s hybrid approach to bilingual and monolingual Information Retrieval

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    The main goal of the bilingual and monolingual participation of the MIRACLE team at CLEF 2004 was testing the effect of combination approaches to information retrieval. The starting point is a set of basic components: stemming, transformation, filtering, generation of n-grams, weighting and relevance feedback. Some of these basic components are used in different combinations and order of application for document indexing and for query processing. Besides this, a second order combination is done, mainly by averaging or by selective combination of the documents retrieved by different approaches for a particular query