74 research outputs found

    Effect of leaf removal and Shoot Topping on the aromatic composition of White wines

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of canopy treatments on the aromatic composition and sensory qualities of Muscatel wines produced in the Valencia Region (Spain). The evaluation was conducted during 2008 and 2009 in an experimental field on vines in a vertical trellis system. The canopy treatments were made in the form of leaf removal and shoot topping using three different rootstocks (Couderc 3309, Paulsen 1103 and Ruggeri 140). The vine canopies of the control plants were given no treatment. Ripening was monitored by evaluating the content of soluble solids, total acidity and pH from veraison to harvest. 50 Kg grape samples were microvinificated, after which an evaluation was made of the aromatic composition and sensory attributes of the wines by gas chromatography. A sensory analysis was performed using a panel of wine expert tasters. The results of sugar accumulation in the grapes showed that leaf removal was the best canopy treatment in every plant rootstock. Lower yield was observed with both leaf removal and shoot topping. The highest concentration of aromatic compounds (acetates, alcohols, ethyl esters, fatty acids and monoterpenes) was found in wines made from the vines on Couderc 3309 rootstock who underwent to leaf removal and shoot topping. The wines from Couderc 3309 also obtained the highest scores in the sensory analysis. The wines from vines with leaf removal were the highest rated, while those from plants whose shoots had been topped were the lowest rated, regardless of the rootstock used.The authors would like to express their thanks for the financial support received for this project from the Agricultural Council of the Regional Government of The Valencian Community (Spain).Aleixandre-Tudó, JL.; Aleixandre Benavent, JL. (2019). Effect of leaf removal and Shoot Topping on the aromatic composition of White wines. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research. 6(11):66-77. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/158242S667761

    Current trends in scientific research on global warming: a bilbiometric analysis

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    [EN] The objective of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of the scientific knowledge in global warming, as well as to investigate the evolution of the research knowledge through the published papers included in Web of Science database. A bibliometric and social network analyses was performed to obtain indicators of scientific productivity, impact and collaboration between researchers, institutions and countries. A subject analysis was also carried out taking into account the key words assigned to papers and subject areas of journals. A number of 1,672 articles were analysed since 2005 until 2014. The most productive journals were Journal of Climate (n = 95) and the most frequent keyword have been climate change (n = 722). The network of collaboration between countries shows the central position of the USA. Papers on the topic are published in a vast amount of journals from several subject categories. KeywordsAleixandre-Tudó, JL.; Bolaños-Pizarro, M.; Aleixandre, JL.; Aleixandre-Benavent, R. (2019). Current trends in scientific research on global warming: a bilbiometric analysis. International Journal of Global Warming. 17(2):142-169. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJGW.2019.097858 DOI: 10.1504/IJGW.2019.10019213S14216917

    Worldwide Scientific Research on Nanotechnology: A Bibliometric Analysis of Tendencies, Funding, and Challenges

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    This document is the unedited Author¿s version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.0c02141.[EN] The main objective of this investigation was to analyze the scientific production in global research on nanotechnology, integrating scientific production, funding of studies, collaborations between countries, and the most cited publications. The source for obtaining the research papers for our analysis was the Science Citation Index Expanded from the Web of Science. A total of 3546 documents were extracted during the period of 1997-2018. Food science & technology, chemistry (applied and analytical), spectroscopy, and agriculture appeared as the main areas where the articles were published. Most prolific and cited journals were Analytical Methods, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, and Food Chemistry. The co-word analysis showed the relationships between "nanoparticles", which is the central word, and "silver nanoparticles", "delivery systems", and "zincnanoparticles". The most productive countries were China (1089 papers), the United States (523), Iran (427), and India (359). The main cited topics deal with the biomedical applications of nanoparticles, its synthesis from plants, and its applications in food science. The results highlight an important collaboration between institutions and countries. The availability of funding for research in nanotechnology was remarkable compared to other fields. The multidisciplinarity of the nanotechnology field is one of the main features as well as one of the central findings.Aleixandre-Tudó, JL.; Bolaños Pizarro, M.; Aleixandre Benavent, JL.; Aleixandre-Benavent, R. (2020). Worldwide Scientific Research on Nanotechnology: A Bibliometric Analysis of Tendencies, Funding, and Challenges. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 68(34):9158-9170. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.0c02141S915891706834Ranjan, S., Dasgupta, N., & Lichtfouse, E. (Eds.). (2016). Nanoscience in Food and Agriculture 1. Sustainable Agriculture Reviews. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-39303-2National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). National Nanotechnology Initiative Strategic Plan; NSTC: Washington, D.C., 2016; https://www.nano.gov/sites/default/files/pub_resource/2016-nni-strategic-plan.pdf (accessed June 11, 2020.Durán, N., & Marcato, P. D. (2012). Nanobiotechnology perspectives. Role of nanotechnology in the food industry: a review. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 48(6), 1127-1134. doi:10.1111/ijfs.12027Chaudhry, Q., Castle, L., & Watkins, R. (Eds.). (2010). Nanotechnologies in Food. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Series. doi:10.1039/9781847559883Duncan, T. V. (2011). Applications of nanotechnology in food packaging and food safety: Barrier materials, antimicrobials and sensors. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 363(1), 1-24. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2011.07.017Chen, W.-T., Chan, A., Jovic, V., Sun-Waterhouse, D., Murai, K., Idriss, H., & Waterhouse, G. I. N. (2014). Effect of the TiO2 Crystallite Size, TiO2 Polymorph and Test Conditions on the Photo-Oxidation Rate of Aqueous Methylene Blue. Topics in Catalysis, 58(2-3), 85-102. doi:10.1007/s11244-014-0348-7WATERHOUSE, G. (2004). Influence of catalyst morphology on the performance of electrolytic silver catalysts for the partial oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde. Applied Catalysis A: General, 266(2), 257-273. doi:10.1016/j.apcata.2004.02.015Chen, W.-T., Chan, A., Sun-Waterhouse, D., Moriga, T., Idriss, H., & Waterhouse, G. I. N. (2015). Ni/TiO2: A promising low-cost photocatalytic system for solar H2 production from ethanol–water mixtures. Journal of Catalysis, 326, 43-53. doi:10.1016/j.jcat.2015.03.008Allen, M. W., Zemlyanov, D. Y., Waterhouse, G. I. N., Metson, J. B., Veal, T. D., McConville, C. F., & Durbin, S. M. (2011). Polarity effects in the x-ray photoemission of ZnO and other wurtzite semiconductors. Applied Physics Letters, 98(10), 101906. doi:10.1063/1.3562308Leveneur, J., Waterhouse, G. I. N., Kennedy, J., Metson, J. B., & Mitchell, D. R. G. (2011). Nucleation and Growth of Fe Nanoparticles in SiO2: A TEM, XPS, and Fe L-Edge XANES Investigation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115(43), 20978-20985. doi:10.1021/jp206357cWaterhouse, G. I. N., Chen, W.-T., Chan, A., Jin, H., Sun-Waterhouse, D., & Cowie, B. C. C. (2015). Structural, Optical, and Catalytic Support Properties of γ-Al2O3 Inverse Opals. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(12), 6647-6659. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b00437Murdoch, M., Waterhouse, G. I. N., Nadeem, M. A., Metson, J. B., Keane, M. A., Howe, R. F., … Idriss, H. (2011). The effect of gold loading and particle size on photocatalytic hydrogen production from ethanol over Au/TiO2 nanoparticles. Nature Chemistry, 3(6), 489-492. doi:10.1038/nchem.1048Sharma, M., Waterhouse, G. I. N., Loader, S. W. C., Garg, S., & Svirskis, D. (2013). High surface area polypyrrole scaffolds for tunable drug delivery. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 443(1-2), 163-168. doi:10.1016/j.ijpharm.2013.01.006Yabutani, T., Waterhouse, G. I. N., Sun-Waterhouse, D., Metson, J. B., Iinuma, A., Thuy, L. T. X., … Motonaka, J. (2014). Facile synthesis of platinum nanoparticle-containing porous carbons, and their application to amperometric glucose biosensing. Microchimica Acta, 181(15-16), 1871-1878. doi:10.1007/s00604-014-1270-1Suominen, A., Li, Y., Youtie, J., & Shapira, P. (2016). A bibliometric analysis of the development of next generation active nanotechnologies. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 18(9). doi:10.1007/s11051-016-3578-8Sahoo, S. K., Parveen, S., & Panda, J. J. (2007). The present and future of nanotechnology in human health care. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 3(1), 20-31. doi:10.1016/j.nano.2006.11.008Celik, I., Mason, B. E., Phillips, A. B., Heben, M. J., & Apul, D. (2017). Environmental Impacts from Photovoltaic Solar Cells Made with Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Environmental Science & Technology, 51(8), 4722-4732. doi:10.1021/acs.est.6b06272Xiao, H., Ai, Z., & Zhang, L. (2009). Nonaqueous Sol−Gel Synthesized Hierarchical CeO2 Nanocrystal Microspheres as Novel Adsorbents for Wastewater Treatment. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113(38), 16625-16630. doi:10.1021/jp9050269Crane, R. A., & Scott, T. B. (2012). Nanoscale zero-valent iron: Future prospects for an emerging water treatment technology. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 211-212, 112-125. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2011.11.073KOSTOFF, R., TSHITEYA, R., PFEIL, K., HUMENIK, J., & KARYPIS, G. (2005). Power source roadmaps using bibliometrics and database tomography. Energy, 30(5), 709-730. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2004.04.058Heersmink, R., van den Hoven, J., van Eck, N. J., & van den Berg, J. (2011). Bibliometric mapping of computer and information ethics. Ethics and Information Technology, 13(3), 241-249. doi:10.1007/s10676-011-9273-7Moed, H. F., De Bruin, R. E., & Van Leeuwen, T. N. (1995). New bibliometric tools for the assessment of national research performance: Database description, overview of indicators and first applications. Scientometrics, 33(3), 381-422. doi:10.1007/bf02017338Kostoff, R. N. (2002). Scientometrics, 53(1), 49-71. doi:10.1023/a:1014831920172Waltman, L. (2016). A review of the literature on citation impact indicators. Journal of Informetrics, 10(2), 365-391. doi:10.1016/j.joi.2016.02.007Aleixandre-Tudó, J. L., Castelló-Cogollos, L., Aleixandre, J. L., & Aleixandre-Benavent, R. (2019). Tendencies and Challenges in Worldwide Scientific Research on Probiotics. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, 12(3), 785-797. doi:10.1007/s12602-019-09591-0Rueda, G.; Gerdsri, P.; Kocaoglu, D. F. Bibliometrics and Social Network Analysis of the Nanotechnology Field. PICMET 2007 Proceedings; Portland, OR, Aug 5–9, 2007.Aleixandre-Tudó, J. L., Castelló-Cogollos, L., Aleixandre, J. L., & Aleixandre-Benavent, R. (2019). Renewable energies: Worldwide trends in research, funding and international collaboration. Renewable Energy, 139, 268-278. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2019.02.079Batagelj, V., & Mrvar, A. (2002). Pajek— Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 477-478. doi:10.1007/3-540-45848-4_54Chiu, W.-T., & Ho, Y.-S. (2007). Bibliometric analysis of tsunami research. Scientometrics, 73(1), 3-17. doi:10.1007/s11192-005-1523-1Aleixandre-Benavent, R., Aleixandre-Tudó, J. L., Castelló-Cogollos, L., & Aleixandre, J. L. (2018). Trends in global research in deforestation. A bibliometric analysis. Land Use Policy, 72, 293-302. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.12.060Chandran, S. P., Chaudhary, M., Pasricha, R., Ahmad, A., & Sastry, M. (2006). Synthesis of Gold Nanotriangles and Silver Nanoparticles Using Aloe vera Plant Extract. Biotechnology Progress, 22(2), 577-583. doi:10.1021/bp0501423Porter, A. L., Youtie, J., Shapira, P., & Schoeneck, D. J. (2007). Refining search terms for nanotechnology. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 10(5), 715-728. doi:10.1007/s11051-007-9266-yDuran, E., Astroza, K., Ocaranza-Ozimica, J., Peñailillo, D., Pavez-Soto, I., & Ramirez-Tagle, R. (2019). Scientific Research on Nanotechnology in Latin American Journals Published in SciELO: Bibliometric Analysis of Gender Differences. NanoEthics, 13(2), 113-118. doi:10.1007/s11569-019-00344-5Braun, T., Schubert, A., & Zsindely, S. (1997). Nanoscience and nanotecnology on the balance. Scientometrics, 38(2), 321-325. doi:10.1007/bf02457417Hullmann, A., & Meyer, M. (2003). 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    Trends in scientific research on climate change in agriculture and forestry subject areas (2005-2014)

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    [EN] The term "Climate change" involves an alteration of the mean and variability of the climate properties. It implies unusual variations in the planet earth atmosphere, which causes related effect on other parts of the planet. The reduction in the land crops annual yield is derived from those alterations. The objective of this paper was to contribute to a better understanding of the scientific knowledge of climate change and its effect concerning agriculture and investigate its evolution through published papers. The items under study were obtained from the Web of Science (WOS) platform from Thomson Reuters. A bibliometric and social network analysis was performed to determine the indicators of scientific productivity, impact and collaboration between authors, institutions and countries. A subject analysis taking into account the key words assigned to papers and subject areas of journals was also carried out. A total of 1471 articles were included in the selected subject categories in WOS from 2005 until 2014. More than 50% of the papers were published in the last three years. The papers were published in 302 different journals. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is the most productive institution (n = 70), followed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (n = 58) and the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA, France) (n = 47). The Canadian Forest Service has the most citations (n = 1456). The most frequent keywords were CO2, adaptation, model, temperature and impact. The network of collaboration between institutions and countries involve both centres from developed and developing countries and the central position of the United States, together with other leading countries, such as China, Canada, Australia, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Twenty papers received more than 100 citations, most of them concerned with emerging risks that climate change causes on forests, the impact on the forest ecosystems, the effect on plant diseases and adaptation options.Aleixandre-Benavent, R.; Aleixandre-Tudó, JL.; Castelló-Cogollos, L.; Aleixandre Benavent, JL. (2017). Trends in scientific research on climate change in agriculture and forestry subject areas (2005-2014). Journal of Cleaner Production. 147:406-418. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.01.112S40641814

    Análisis de la citocompatibilidad, la bioactividad y la activación de vías de señalización celular inducida por nuevos biosilicatos hidráulicos de uso en Endodoncia Regenerativa

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    Introducción: Las células madre dentales son un subgrupo de células madre postnatales que presentan un fenotipo similar al de las células madre mesenquimales. Los biomateriales que se apliquen en tratamientos basados en células madre y enfoques de ingeniería tisular deben presentar ciertas propiedades biológicas, a saber, biocompatibilidad y bioactividad. Entre los biomateriales endodónticos, los materiales hidráulicos a base de silicato de calcio parecen ser candidatos prometedores para los procedimientos endodónticos de base biológica y la ingeniería tisular. Por lo tanto, estos materiales deben expresar propiedades biológicas adecuadas para no interferir o incluso potenciar los procesos reparativos responsables del éxito de estos tratamientos. Objetivo: El objetivo del presente proyecto de tesis doctoral fue evaluar la citocompatibilidad y las propiedades bioactivas de los materiales basados en silicato de calcio sobre la pulpa dental y las células madre periodontales y explorar los mecanismos detrás de su interacción. Metodología: Se presenta un compendio de 5 estudios publicados en revistas indexadas en el Journal Citation Reports (JCR): dos revisiones sistemáticas sobre las propiedades biológicas de los cementos a base de silicato de calcio sobre las células madre del ligamento periodontal y los mecanismos que subyacen a la interacción entre estos materiales y las células madre dentales; y tres estudios experimentales sobre las propiedades biológicas de los nuevos materiales a base de silicato de calcio y las células madre dentales (Totalfill BC Sealer ION+ y las células madre del ligamento periodontal, Theracal PT y las células madre de la pulpa dental, y el AH Plus Bioceramic Sealer y las células madre del ligamento periodontal). Resultados y conclusiones: La citocompatibilidad y las propiedades bioactivas de los materiales hidráulicos a base de silicato de calcio sobre las células madre del ligamento periodontal han sido confirmadas por la síntesis cualitativa de las pruebas disponibles al respecto. Se han dilucidado preliminarmente las propiedades biológicas favorables de dos nuevas formulaciones de selladores a base de silicato de calcio (Totalfill BC Sealer ION+ y el AH Plus Bioceramic Sealer) sobre las células madre del ligamento periodontal. Se han dilucidado preliminarmente las propiedades biológicas favorables de una nueva formulación de cemento de silicato cálcico modificado con resina (Theracal PT) sobre las células madre de la pulpa dental. La participación de varias vías de señalización celular (MAPK (y sus subfamilias ERK, JNK y P38), NF-κB, Wnt/β-catenina, BMP/Smad y CAMKII) en la interacción entre los cementos a base de silicato de calcio y las células madre dentales se ha descrito mediante la síntesis cualitativa de las pruebas disponibles al respecto.Introduction: Dental stem cells are a subgroup of postnatal stem cells which display a mesenchymal stem cell-like phenotype. The biomaterials to be applied in stem cell-based treatments and tissue engineering approaches need to exhibit certain biological properties, namely, biocompatibility and bioactivity. Among endodontic biomaterials, hydraulic calcium silicate-based materials appear as promising candidates for biologically-based endodontic procedures and tissue engineering approaches. Therefore, these materials should express adequate biological properties to not interfere or even to enhance the reparative processes responsible for the successful outcome of the treatments. Aim: The aim of the present PhD thesis project was to evaluate the cytocompatibility and bioactive properties of calcium silicate-based on dental pulp and periodontal stem cells and to explore the mechanisms behind their interaction. Methodology: A compendium of 5 studies published in indexed journals is presented: two systematic reviews on the biological properties of calcium silicate-based cements on periodontal ligament stem cells and the mechanisms behind the interaction between these materials and dental stem cells; and three experimental studies on the biological properties of new calcium silicate-based materials and dental stem cells (Totalfill BC Sealer ION+ and periodontal ligament stem cells, Theracal PT and dental pulp stem cells, and AH Plus bioceramic sealer and periodontal ligament stem cells). Results and conclusions (key findings): The cytocompatibility and bioactive properties of hydraulic calcium silicate-based materials on human periodontal ligament stem cells have been confirmed by the qualitative synthesis of the available evidence in this regard. The favorable biological properties of two new formulations of calcium silicate-based sealers (Totalfill BC Sealer ION+ and AH Plus bioceramic sealer) on human periodontal ligament stem cells have been preliminarily elucidated. The favorable biological properties of a new dual curing resin-modified calcium silicate cement (Theracal PT) formulation on human dental pulp stem cells have been preliminarily elucidated. The involvement of several cell signaling pathways (MAPK (and its subfamilies ERK, JNK and P38), NF-κB, Wnt/β-catenin, BMP/Smad and CAMKII pathways) in the interaction between calcium silicate-based cements and dental stem cells has been described by the qualitative synthesis of the available evidence in this regard

    Efectos de los fenómenos producidos por el cambio climático sobre la calidad de los vinos

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    [ES] Effects of phenomena caused by climate change on the wines quality. Climate change is an alteration of the climate that manifests by changes in the environment that also modify their characteristics. On the production side, especially in viticulture, climate change is exerting an increasing influence on the phenology of the vine also affecting grape composition. It also influences the vinification, oenological, chemical, microbiology and the organoleptic behaviour. In this work, the effects that global warming, due to the emission of greenhouse gases, is inducing in viticulture and oenology areas was analysed. The effects of temperature, carbon dioxide and solar radiation on the grapes ripening which produce an advancement harvest time with consequent changes in the composition of the grape influences the type of wine produced. Moreover, the problems generated by increased sugar and pH, along with decreased acidity are of major importance. Certain aspects concerning oak wood and its use in wine aging wine, as well as chemical changes associated with this process were also analysed.Martinez, A.; Aleixandre Tudó, JL.; Aleixandre Benavent, JL. (2016). Efectos de los fenómenos producidos por el cambio climático sobre la calidad de los vinos. Enoviticultura. 42:4-26. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/92945S4264

    Efecto genotipo sobre la evolución de los fenoles y azúcares en cinco clones de variedades de Vitis vinifera para diferentes estadios fenológicos

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    [ES] Este trabajo estudia la composición de algunos polifenoles y azúcares, en diferentes estadios fenológicos y en diferentes clones de Vitis vinifera, con objeto de caracterizar a los clones individualmente y también de compararlos entre sí. Las condiciones de cultivo son homogéneas para todos los clones: arena (condiciones sanitarias conocidas), ausencia de déficit hídrico (goteo y capa freática a 1 m) y selección clonal. Se utilizan cinco clones de variedades tintas: Syrah 174, Cabernet Sauvignon 341, Merlot 181, Cot 46 y Garnacha 136, de los cuales se estudian las diferentes variables en tres estadios fenológicos: estadio I (cierre de racimo), estadio II (20¿50% de envero, donde se distingue estadio II bayas verdes y II bayas rojas), y estadio III (madurez de vendimia). Los análisis de polifenoles se efectúan sobre el hollejo, determinándose los flavonoles, taninos catequínicos totales, proantocianidoles y antocianos utilizando técnicas de espectrofotometría. La determinación de los azúcares se efectúa sobre el mosto obtenido a partir de las bayas y también utilizando técnicas espectrofotométricas. Los resultados obtenidos y el tratamiento estadístico de los datos ponen de manifiesto que el fenotipo se debe al genotipo, ya que, todas los clones se han cultivado en las mismas condiciones y en la misma zona, con lo que las diferencias entre los parámetros estudiados en todos ellos, se deben únicamente a las características propias de cada clon.[EN] This paper studies the composition of some polyphenols and sugars in different phenological stages and in different clones of Vitis vinifera in order to characterize the individual clones and also compare them. The culture conditions are homogeneous for all clones: sand (known health conditions), lack of water deficit (drip and water table at 1 m) and clonal selection. Was used five clones varieties: Syrah 174, Cabernet Sauvignon 341, Merlot 181, Cot 46 and Grenache 136, which examines different variables in three phenological stages: stage IAleixandre-Tudó, JL.; Rosario Farré; Aleixandre Benavent, JL. (2014). Efecto genotipo sobre la evolución de los fenoles y azúcares en cinco clones de variedades de Vitis vinifera para diferentes estadios fenológicos. Enoviticultura. 26:6-27. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/94455S6272

    Evolución fenólica y calidad sensorial de los vinos tintos de Bobal elaborados utilizando diferentes tecnologías

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    [ES] El objetivo del presente trabajo fue conocer la influencia que el estado de madurez de la uva y el tiempo de maceración durante la fermentación, tuvieron sobre la calidad fenólica y sensorial de los vinos tintos de Bobal. Por espectrometría se analizó la Intensidad colorante, Índice de polifenoles totales, Antocianos totales, Taninos, e Índices de Glories. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto un aumento de taninos, polifenoles totales, y grado de polimerización, y una disminución de la intensidad colorante y el contenido en antocianos. Los Índices de Etanol y Clorhídrico también aumentan, y con ello el grado de condensación de los taninos y las combinaciones con polisacáridos, al igual que ocurre con el Índice de Gelatina, dando vinos más astringentes. Los vinos obtenidos con distinto tiempo de maceración no presentan diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el análisis sensorial, aunque las sensaciones percibidas por los catadores en los vinos con maceraciones más largas, evidencian connotaciones agradables de concentración y untuosidad.Sánchez Diana, N.; Aleixandre Tudó, JL.; Aleixandre Benavent, JL. (2015). Evolución fenólica y calidad sensorial de los vinos tintos de Bobal elaborados utilizando diferentes tecnologías. Enoviticultura. 37:16-29. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/92944S16293

    Study of grapevine water state improvement by enhancing quality of the soil in the vineyards of Castellon region (Spain)

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    [EN] This work is about the improvement of the grapevine water state under Mediterranean climate conditions regarding projections of the increasing temperatures and a threat of the soil desertification, via enhancing the soil quality and 'biological soil fertility" in particular, by appliance of the different viticultural techniques. The methods and technics used were: ramial chipped wood (RCW), combination of the RCW and beans as a cover crop, control plot, cultivated and without cover crop. Following water state of the plant by analyses of predawn leaf water potential and stem leaf water potential. The results obtained were the following: water state of the plant was better where the techniques were applied. Soil respiration and fauna showed higher results in the modalities with the applied techniques, than in the conventional cultivation modality, cover crop consumed the water in the nether soil horizon hence forcing vine to explore deeper horizons for the water uptake. In the third sample, modality covered with RCW contained soil aggregates. Modality with RCW did not create lack of nitrogen for the vine plant and demonstrated the highest soil humidity among the modalities. The conclusions of the study stated that technics as RCW and cover cropping are able to activate soil fauna, which improves soil structure and contributes into increase of the soil organic matter. Comparing to the cultivated soil, enhanced soils where techniques were applied, positively affect the water state of the vine plant and decreases its stress under the hot Mediterranean climate.Shkarupilo, L.; Malafosse, M.; Soriano, MD.; Aleixandre-Tudó, JL.; Giner Gonzálbez, JF.; Aleixandre Benavent, JL. (2017). Study of grapevine water state improvement by enhancing quality of the soil in the vineyards of Castellon region (Spain). International journal of research studies in agricultural sciences. 3(11):1-17. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/99044S11731

    Efectos de la homogeneización sobre la composición en compuestos volátiles de los vinos de licor

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    [ES] La variedad Moscatel está considerada una de las variedades más aromáticas del mundo, y por lo tanto su utilización en la elaboración de vinos de licor, comúnmente llamados mistelas, es muy frecuente dado el gran potencial aromático que encierran sus uvas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la influencia del proceso de homogeneización del mosto y el alcohol sobre el perfil aromático de los vinos elaborados. Para ello se utilizaron un mosto flor, un mosto prensa y un mosto mezcla de flor y prensa al 50%, y se homogeneizaron con alcohol durante un periodo de tres horas. Por cromatografía en fase gaseosa (GC) se determinaron el acetaldehído, metanol, alcoholes superiores, ésteres y terpenos. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que el tiempo de homogeneización influye sobre el contenido en acetaldehído, que es mayor cuanto mayor es el tiempo de homogeneización; influye también sobre los valores medios de los alcoholes superiores, que aumentan con el tiempo de homogeneización, así como los ésteres y terpenos. Los vinos de licor con mayor concentración en compuestos aromáticos fueron los procedentes de mosto flor.[EN] Effects of homogenization on the volatile compounds content in liquor wines. The Muscat variety is considered one of the most aromatic varieties of the world, and therefore its use in the production of liquor wines, commonly called mistelas, is very often given the large aromatic potential of its grapes. The aim of this work was to study the influence of the must and alcohol homogenization process on the aromatic profile of wines elaborate. For this purpose three musts, one from the run must, other from must press, and the thirst from must press mixture with run must at 50% were used and subjected to homogenization operation for a period of three hours. By gas chromatography (GC) were determined: acetaldehyde, methanol, higher alcohols, esters and terpenes. The results show that the homogenization time influences the acetaldehyde content, which is higher the greater the homogenization time; also influences the average values of the higher alcohols, which increase with time of homogenization, as well as esters and terpenes. Liqueur wines with higher concentrations of aromatic compounds were run juice from.Carbonell, P.; Aleixandre Tudó, JL.; Picó, J.; Aleixandre Benavent, JL. (2015). Efectos de la homogeneización sobre la composición en compuestos volátiles de los vinos de licor. Enoviticultura. 33:6-23. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/92943S6233