2,521 research outputs found

    Un currículo para el estudio de la historia de la ciencia en Secundaria : la experiencia del Seminario Orotava de Historia de la Ciencia

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    The curricula of two disciplines on History of Science at the High School level have been elaborated as part of the activities of a singular experience, Seminario Orotava de Historia de la Ciencia. The philosophy of the design considers science as an essential part of culture and interdisciplinarity as the most fitted method of teaching and learnign in a significative way

    Optimization of pulsed thermoelectric materials using simulated annealing and non-linear finite elements

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    [EN] The objective of this work is to determine the optimal shape, gains and duration of an electric pulse applied to a Peltier cell, together with the length of the thermoelectric to maximize cooling while min- imizing electric consumption. For this purpose, a fully coupled, multiphysics, dynamic finite-element model, which solves for the thermal, electric and mechanical fields is used. Because of the demanding computing requirements of the optimization process, a special mesh is designed and a convergence anal- ysis is carried out before using the multiphysics model. The highly non-linear optimization is done by simulated annealing, a heuristic algorithm in the Markov chain Monte-Carlo family. A preliminary para- metric investigation is presented, analyzing the impact of some of the parameters. The results of this pre- liminary analysis help to understand the effect of the different shapes in the evolution of the cold face temperature. Some of these results are expected and have already been discussed elsewhere, but others can only be explained after further analysis and a full system modeling. Pulse optimization is multiobjec- tive and multiparametric, i.e., it can consider several targets such as maximizing the cooling temperature, the cooling duration or others. The trade-offs between the different targets are studied. In all cases, stres- ses inside the thermoelement are examined at all points, and the pulses must meet the restriction that an equivalent stress is not above the allowable value.This research was partially supported by the grants, Haut-de-France Region (CR Picardie, 120-2015-RDISTRUCT-000010), EU funding (FEDER, RDISTRUCT-000010) for Chaire-de-Mecanique, and Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness grant CGL2014-59841-P. These supports are gratefully acknowledgedMoreno-Navarro, P.; Pérez-Aparicio, JL.; Gómez-Hernández, JJ. (2017). Optimization of pulsed thermoelectric materials using simulated annealing and non-linear finite elements. Applied Thermal Engineering. 120:603-613. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.04.036S60361312

    Analytical and multicoupled methods for optimal steady-state thermoelectric solutions

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    [EN] Peltier cells have low efficiency, but they are becoming attractive alternatives for affordable and environmentally clean cooling. In this line, the current article develops closed-form and semianalytical solutions to improve the temperature distribution of Bi2Te3 thermoelements. From the distribution, the main objective of the current work-the optimal electric intensity to maximize cooling-is inferred. The general one-dimensional differential coupled equation is integrated for linear and quadratic geometry of thermoelements, under temperature constant properties. For a general shape, a piece-wise solution based on heat flux continuity among virtual layers gives accurate analytical solutions. For variable properties, another piece-wise solution is developed but solved iteratively. Taking advantage of the formulae, the optimal intensity is directly derived with a minimal computational cost; its value will be of utility for more advanced designs. Finally, a parametric study including straight, two linear, barrel, hourglass and vase geometries is presented, drawing conclusions on how the shape of the thermoelement affects the coupled phenomena. A specially developed coupled and non-linear finite element research code is run taking into account all the materials of the cell and using symmetries and repetitions. These accurate results are used to validate the analytical ones.This work was supported by the Generalitat Valenciana research programmes PROMETEO/2020/016: Applications de Topologic Isolators in Spintronics and Thermoelectricity (TOP-TERM) and BEST/2021/079. The support is gratefully acknowledged.Moreno-Navarro, P.; Pérez-Aparicio, JL.; Gómez-Hernández, JJ. (2022). Analytical and multicoupled methods for optimal steady-state thermoelectric solutions. Coupled Systems Mechanics, an international journal. 11(2):151-166. https://doi.org/10.12989/csm.2022.11.2.15115116611

    A Holistic and Interoperable Approach towards the Implementation of Services for the Digital Transformation of Smart Cities: The Case of Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain)

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    Cities in the 21st century play a major role in the sustainability and climate impact reduction challenges set by the European agenda. As the population of cities grows and their environmental impact becomes more evident, the European strategy aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions—the main cause of climate change. Measures to reduce the impact of climate change include reducing energy consumption, improving mobility, harnessing resources and renewable energies, integrating nature-based solutions and efficiently managing infrastructure. The monitoring and control of all this activity is essential for its proper functioning. In this context, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays a key role in the digitisation, monitoring, and managing of these different verticals. Urban data platforms support cities on extracting Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in their efforts to make better decisions. Cities must be transformed by applying efficient urban planning measures and taking into account not only technological aspects, but also by applying a holistic vision in building solutions where citizens are at the centre. In addition, standardisation of platforms where applications are integrated as one is necessary. This requires interoperability between different verticals. This article presents the information platform developed for the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz in Spain. The platform is based on the UNE 178104 standard to provide a holistic architecture that integrates information from the different urban planning measures implemented in the city. The platform was constructed in the context of the SmartEnCity project following the urban transformation strategy established by the city. The article presents the value-added solutions implemented in the platform. These solutions have been developed by applying co-creation techniques in which stakeholders have been involved throughout the process. The platform proposes a step forward towards standardization, harmonises the integration of data from multiple vertical, provides interoperability between services, and simplifies scalability and replicability due to its microservice architecture.This work has been supported by the Department of Education, Universities, and Research of the Basque Government under the projects Ikerketa Taldeak (Software and Systems Engineering research group of Mondragon Unibertsitatea) and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the project SmartEnCity with the grant agreement no. 691883

    Deuda viva municipal en un contexto de crisis económica: análisis de los factores determinantes y de las formas de gestión

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    ResumenLa especial situación de crisis económica, junto con las restricciones al endeudamiento impuestas a los ayuntamientos y el control del déficit público, han reducido los recursos de las administraciones locales. En este contexto, los gestores encuentran en la creación de entes instrumentales una herramienta que permite al ayuntamiento no computar en su presupuesto determinados niveles de deuda. El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar si la cooperación intermunicipal, la colaboración público-privada y la descentralización, junto con los aspectos políticos y financieros de la entidad, son factores que condicionan que el ayuntamiento presente un determinado nivel de deuda en período de crisis económica. Para ello, utilizando diferentes bases de datos, se estudia sobre una muestra de 1.238 municipios, para el período 2008-2011, cuáles de estos factores influyen sobre la deuda de los municipios españoles. Los resultados muestran, tras la aplicación de un modelo de regresión agrupada, que las variables financieras influyen sobre el nivel de deuda del municipio, así como la tasa de inmigración y la presencia o no de fragmentación política en el gobierno local. Igualmente, se ha obtenido evidencia de que tanto los ayuntamientos con mayor cooperación intermunicipal como aquellos con un mayor grado de descentralización presentan un mayor nivel de deuda.AbstractAs a result of the current economic crisis, with the consequent borrowing constraints imposed on municipalities and curbs on public deficit, the resources of local governments have been severely reduced. In this context, the creation of devolved organizations provides municipalities with a means of eliminating certain forms of debt from their budget items. The aim of this study is to determine whether inter-municipal cooperation, public-private collaboration and decentralization, together with the political and financial characteristics of the local authority in question, are factors constraining it to present a particular level of debt in times of economic crisis. To achieve these goals, various databases were used to study a sample of 1,238 local authorities for the period 2008-2011, to determine which of these factors influence municipal debt in Spain. Application of a pooled regression model showed that financial variables are factors that influence the level of municipal debt, as does the political orientation of the governing local party. We also found that local councils presenting higher levels of inter-municipal cooperation and those with a higher degree of decentralization have higher levels of debt

    Factores predictores en el consumo de apuestas deportivas entre los adolescentes

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    La situación actual que presenta nuestra sociedad con el incremento del consumo de apuestas deportivas, y en concreto, en el colectivo adolescente, provoca el interés de investigaren dicho ámbito debido a la preocupación suscitada. Según Odriozola (2012), factores personales, familiares y sociales favorecen dicha conducta de consumo, frente a la autoestima y a las habilidades sociales que se consideran factores de protección ante lamisma. Las campañas publicitarias cada vez más llamativas, atractivas y con un mayor conocimiento del consumidor, están favoreciendo el progresivo aumento de las apuestas deportivas en este colectivo en concreto. De hecho, si observamos los clubes que integran la Liga Santander de fútbol profesional, 15 de los 20 clubes (75%) poseen como patrocinador una casa de apuestas deportivas (Eljarrat, 2017). Por todo ello, se tiene como objetivo analizar tanto el consumo de apuestas deportivas como los factores predictores en el consumo de estas entre los adolescentes.The current situation our society presents with the increase in the consumption of sports betting, and in particular, in the adolescent collective, produces the interest of investigating in this area due to the concern raised. According to Odriozola (2012), personal, familiar and social factors favour this consumer behaviour, as opposed to self-esteem and social skills that are considered protection factors. The advertising campaigns increasingly striking, and appealing with a greater knowledge of the consumer, are favouring the progressive increase of sports betting in this group in particular. In fact, if we look at the clubs that make up the Santander League of professional football, 15 of the 20 clubs (75%) have a sports betting house as a sponsor (Eljarrat, 2017). For all these purposes, the aim is to analyse both the consumption of sports bets and the predictive factors in the consumption of sports bets among youngsters.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Fractures of the tibial plateau. Influence of the type of fracture and precision of the articular reduction on the prognosis

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    Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo en 43 pacientes tratados de 45 fracturas de pilón tibial entre 1990 y 1998. Según la clasificación de Rüedi y Allgöwer 6 fracturas eran tipo I (13,3%), 6 tipo II (13,3%) y 33 tipo III (73,3%). El tratamiento realizado fue manipulación e inmovilización en botín de yeso en 8 fracturas, las seis del tipo I y dos del tipo II. En las 37 fracturas restantes se realizó osteotaxis y osteosíntesis. Los resultados clínicos obtenidos fueron excelentes-buenos en 27 de las fracturas (60%), valorados por parámetros objetivos, pero solo en 16 de las fracturas (35,5%) cuando se valoraron por parámetros subjetivos. Se apreciaron mejores resultados clínicos objetivos/subjetivos cuando se consiguió una buena reducción articular y cuanto menor era el grado de desplazamiento y hundimiento de la fractura; en estos casos fue más difícil obtener una buena reducción articular. En 2 fracturas (25%) tratadas conservadoramente y en 17 (46%) tratadas quirúrgicamente se presentó al menos una complicación. Las fracturas de pilón tibial son fracturas graves, por la frecuencia de lesiones de partes blandas y de otras estructuras con que se asocian y por los resultados mediocres derivados de su tratamiento, que son peores en las fracturas tipo III y cuando no se consigue una correcta reducción articular

    Effect of Grazing Management on Herbage Accumulation of Lucerne-Orchard Grass Sward

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    Throughout most of México, lucerne (Medicago sativa) is the primary forage legume used in the dairy industry. Unfortunately, lucerne does not grow in late autumn and winter due to adverse weather. Recent studies with lucerne have suggested that the inclusion of a companion grass will invariably increase the seasonal distribution and total annual yield of swards (Laidlaw & Teuber, 2001). However the management of mixed swards containing lucerne is difficult as a grazing frequency or intensity which suits one species may be detrimental to the other. Changes in balance between grass and legume, especially in grazed swards, have been observed. In México mixtures of lucerne-orchard grass have a good persistence and productivity. However the explanation for this is unclear. This study examined the effects of different grazing management practices on lucerne-orchard grass production and seasonal distribution

    Identification of latexin by a proteomic analysis in rat normal articular cartilage

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized by degeneration of articular cartilage. Animal models of OA induced are a widely used tool in the study of the pathogenesis of disease. Several proteomic techniques for selective extraction of proteins have provided protein profiles of chondrocytes and secretory patterns in normal and osteoarthritic cartilage, including the discovery of new and promising biomarkers. In this proteomic analysis to study several proteins from rat normal articular cartilage, two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry (MS) were used. Interestingly, latexin (LXN) was found. Using an immunohistochemical technique, it was possible to determine its localization within the chondrocytes from normal and osteoarthritic articular cartilage.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, 147 proteins were visualized, and 47 proteins were identified by MS. A significant proportion of proteins are involved in metabolic processes and energy (32%), as well as participating in different biological functions including structural organization (19%), signal transduction and molecular signaling (11%), redox homeostasis (9%), transcription and protein synthesis (6%), and transport (6%). The identified proteins were assigned to one or more subcellular compartments.</p> <p>Among the identified proteins, we found some proteins already recognized in other studies such as OA-associated proteins. Interestingly, we identified LXN, an inhibitor of mammalian carboxypeptidases, which had not been described in articular cartilage. Immunolabeling assays for LXN showed a granular distribution pattern in the cytoplasm of most chondrocytes of the middle, deep and calcified zones of normal articular cartilage as well as in subchondral bone. In osteoarthritic cartilage, LXN was observed in superficial and deep zones.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study provides the first proteomic analysis of normal articular cartilage of rat. We identified LXN, whose location was demonstrated by immunolabeling in the chondrocytes from the middle, deep and calcified zones of normal articular cartilage, and superficial and deep zones of osteoarthritic cartilage.</p