103 research outputs found

    Bienestar en ovinos y su evaluación

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    The objective of this paper is to review some factors that affect the welfare of sheep. However, it is necessary to know the behavioral characteristics of these animals, (social organization, sensory capacity, and cognition), in order to achieve good animal welfare levels, without compromising their productivity. In addition, it is necessary to assess sheep welfare, being necessary to know the protocols that are currently used for its evaluation.Objetivo: Analizar algunos factores que afectan el bienestar de los ovinos, así como conocer los protocolos que actualmente se emplean para su evaluación. Aproximación: Es necesario conocer las características conductuales de los ovinos (organización social, capacidad sensorial y cognición), con la finalidad de tener bienestar sin afectar su productividad. Además, se debe determinar el grado de bienestar de estos animales en los sistemas de producción por medio de indicadores fisiológicos, sanitarios, zootécnicos y de comportamiento

    Estandarización de una técnica de extracción de ADN en sementales porcinos para evaluar la frecuencia de los genes ESR y PRLR con PCR-RFLP

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    In order to standardize extraction technique and purification of DNA from hair in swine, samples of 35 sires of Yorkshire and Landrace maternal Lines were obtained and the frequency of the genes ESR and PRLR were valued using PCR-RFLP. As a result of this technique a high quantity and quality of DNA was extracted. Two genes related with high prolificidad were identified: Estrogen (ESR) and prolactina (PRLR) receiver. These genes were amplified using PCR and RFLP´s and the genotypes were identified. The enzyme Pvu II was used to identification of ESR and Alu I for PRLR. The results showed that the genotypes associated to the genes ESR and PRLR were not in Hardy-Weinberg balance (X2,

    Adaptability of the threatened jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi Schereber, 1777) to human-altered environments in San Luis Potosí, Mexico

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    La persistencia y recuperación de especies raras en regiones en desarrollo con áreas protegidas limitadas depende de su adaptabilidad a los hábitats alterados por el hombre. El jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi) está clasificado como amenazado en México, y el conocimiento de su distribución y su correlación con el ambiente es necesario para los esfuerzos de recuperación informados. Sin embargo, poco se sabe sobre el hábitat o la distribución de jaguarundi en el interior de México, incluido el estado de San Luis Potosí (SLP). Realizamos 96 entrevistas semiestructuradas en comunidades, ejidos y ranchos a lo largo de SLP para obtener registros de la presencia de jaguarundi e identificar correlaciones ambientales y atributos de sitios asociados con su ocurrencia. Evaluamos las entrevistas utilizando criterios analíticos de credibilidad y recopilamos información sobre hábitats de 50 eventos confiables de tres de las cuatro regiones geográficas de SLP. En comparación con el paisaje de SLP, las ocurrencias de jaguarundi se ubicaron más cerca del agua, más cerca de las carreteras, a bajas elevaciones, marginalmente más cerca de las comunidades, y en áreas con mayor borde total, densidad de bordes y número de parches de paisaje. El jaguarundi mostró preferencia por los mosaicos de bosques tropicales, agrícolas, de pastizales y urbanos (es decir, cualquier comunidad). Coberturas de escondite relativamente denso o de emboscada generalmente estaban presentes en los sitios de ocurrencia. Colectivamente, el modelo de máxima entropía y el modelo de regresión logística predijeron una probabilidad similar y alta de presencia de jaguarundi en regiones caracterizadas por mosaicos de bosques tropicales, agricultura, pastizales o tipos de cobertura urbana <500 m en elevación y <2 km desde carreteras. Estos paisajes de mosaicos tendían a estar relativamente cerca de comunidades de densidades moderadas de población y agua, y generalmente soportan densidades de presas pequeñas más altas que las áreas menos fragmentadas. Los jaguarundi se adaptaron al menos a las perturbaciones ligeras y moderadas relacionadas con los seres humanos, y pueden verse beneficiados por el aumento de los mosaicos de borde y hábitat.Persistence and recovery of rare species in developing regions with limited protected areas depends upon their adaptability to human-altered habitats. The jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi) is classed as threatened in Mexico, and knowledge of its distribution and environmental correlates is necessary for informed recovery efforts. However, little is known of jaguarundi habitat or distribution in interior Mexico, including the state of San Luis Potosí (SLP). We conducted 96 semi-structured interviews around communities, ejidos, and ranches throughout SLP to obtain records of jaguarundi presence and identify environmental correlates and site attributes associated with its occurrence. We evaluated interviews using analytical criteria of credibility, and collected habitat information from 50 reliable occurrences from three of the four geographic regions of SLP. Compared to the SLP landscape, jaguarundi occurrences were located closer to water, closer to roads, at lower elevation, marginally closer to communities, and in areas with greater total edge, edge density, and number of landscape patches. Jaguarundi showed preference for mosaics of tropical forest, agricultural, grassland, and urban (i.e., any community) cover types. Relatively dense hiding or ambush cover was usually present at occurrence sites. Collectively, maximum entropy modeling and logistic regression modeling predicted similar and high likelihood of jaguarundi presence in regions characterized by mosaics of tropical forest, agriculture, grassland, or urban cover types <500 m in elevation and <2 km from roads. These mosaic landscapes tended to be relatively close to communities of moderate population densities and water, and typically support higher small prey densities than less fragmented areas. Jaguarundi were adaptable to at least light–moderate human-related disturbance, and may be benefitted by it because of increased edge and habitat mosaics

    Frequency and risk factors of intestinal parasites in pet dogs from Mexicali, Mexico

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    Parasitic intestinal infections in dogs represent a problem for human health, because a wide variety of these parasites have zoonotic potential. Therefore, proximity to pets puts us at risk. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency and risk factors (age, sex, size, breed, presence of ectoparasites and gastrointestinal disorders) of intestinal parasites in the feces of dogs attending a Veterinary Hospital in the City of Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico. A total of 148 fecal samples were collected from canine patients and analyzed for parasite identification and parasite load. A 12.2% (18/148) of the samples were positive to parasitic intestinal infections. The frequency of specific infections was an 8.1% of Cryptosporidium sp., followed by a 2.7% of Cystoisospora sp., and 1.4% of Toxascaris leonina. A statistical significance was identified between the presence of intestinal parasites and mongrel breed. The predominance of protozoa shows the importance of diagnosis prior to treatment with anthelminthic drugs, since preventive antiparasitic protocols are commonly used, although these particular parasites are out of the spectrum of those drugs. Cryptosporidium spp. have zoonotic potential, particularly in immunocompromised patients, and there are few or no treatment options

    Effect of Grazing Management on Herbage Accumulation of Lucerne-Orchard Grass Sward

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    Throughout most of México, lucerne (Medicago sativa) is the primary forage legume used in the dairy industry. Unfortunately, lucerne does not grow in late autumn and winter due to adverse weather. Recent studies with lucerne have suggested that the inclusion of a companion grass will invariably increase the seasonal distribution and total annual yield of swards (Laidlaw & Teuber, 2001). However the management of mixed swards containing lucerne is difficult as a grazing frequency or intensity which suits one species may be detrimental to the other. Changes in balance between grass and legume, especially in grazed swards, have been observed. In México mixtures of lucerne-orchard grass have a good persistence and productivity. However the explanation for this is unclear. This study examined the effects of different grazing management practices on lucerne-orchard grass production and seasonal distribution

    Animal welfare during transport and slaughter of beef cattle

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    Objective: To review the way transport and stun cattle affect animal welfare. Approach: During the transport of cattle to slaughter plants, many factors affect animal welfare, such as travel time, stress and load density. Besides, stunning might comply with animal welfare guidelines, which different protocols such as Welfare Quality® establish.Objective: To review how transport and stunning of cattle affect animal welfare. Approach: During the transport of beef cattle to slaughter plants, several factors affect animal welfare, such as travel time, stress, and load density. Additionally, the correct stunning of cattle helps comply with the animal welfare guidelines established by different protocols such as Welfare Quality®. Study limitations/Implications: Meat quality is affected by several factors, being of utmost importance the way animals are transported to the slaughterhouse, and they are stunned. Therefore, it is critical to perform these stages properly to obtain good quality meat; besides, it is a welfare issue. Conclusions: It is critical to comply with transport and slaughter procedures that guarantee good beef meat quality and ensure animal welfare to avoid stress in cattle as possible

    Rendimiento y dinámica de crecimiento estacional de ballico perenne, pastoreado con ovinos a diferentes frecuencias e intensidades

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    The objective of the present study was to assess perennial ryegrass seasonal herbage accumulation, growth rate (GR), tiller population density (TPD) and weight (TW) at different grazing frequencies and intensities. Treatments consisted of two grazing frequencies (14 and 21 d in the rainy season and 35 and 42 d in the dry and cold seasons) and three grazing intensities: (hard 4-6 cm), medium (6-8 cm) and lax (8-10 cm) in a completely randomized block design with a factorial 2x3 arrangement and three replicates. In the rainy season herbage accumulation was 28 % greater (Pballico perenne a diferentes frecuencias e intensidades de pastoreo. Los tratamientos consistieron en dos frecuencias 14 ó 21 días (época de lluvias) y 35 ó 42 días (épocas fría y seca) y tres intensidades de pastoreo: alta (IA: 4 - 6 cm), media (IM: 6 - 8 cm) y ligera (IL: 8 - 10 cm), se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con arreglo factorial 2 x 3 y tres repeticiones. En lluvias el pastorear cada 21 dás superó en 28 % al de 14 días (4,437 vs 3,457 kg MS ha-1) y durante las épocas fría y seca se produjo 27 % más forraje al pastorear cada 35 que a 42 días (2,270 vs 1,787 kg MS ha-1). La IM produjo mayor acumulación de forraje que la IA e IL, durante las tres épocas del año. La TC fue mayor en la época de lluvias, especialmente en agosto, cuando se pastoreó a IM cada 21 días. En las épocas fría y seca la mayor TC se registró con pastoreos cada 35 días a IM. En agosto se observó la mayor DT promedio (8,042 m-2) y disminuyó a partir de septiembre. El PT determinó la mayor acumulación de forraje a los 21 días en la época de lluvias, en tanto que la DT incrementó el rendimiento de forraje al inicio del siguiente periodo de lluvias

    Estado nutricional y su relación con la seguridad alimentaria en el medio rural de Oaxaca

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    The perception of food security does not guarantee an appropriate nutritional status, since the latter is influenced by the age and physiological condition of the individual and not by the sensation of satiety. The objective of this study was to relate the family’s perception of its food security (FS) with the diversity of foods available and the contribution of macronutrients to their diet. For this purpose, 100 families were sampled to determine which type and the amount of foods consumed, as well as the contribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to the total caloric value (TCV), and the FS perception. The results suggest that social backwardness and the age of members of the family negatively affect the status of FS. The contribution of proteins to the TCV was adjusted to official recommendations of around 12%, while fat had a contribution lower than 25%, and carbohydrates more than 60%. The contribution of 80% of energy consumed comes from maize, wheat, bean, oil, rice and meats, in lower proportion. The conclusion is that energy, protein and fat intake are independent from the FS perception of families.Las percepciones de seguridad alimentaria no garantizan un estado nutricional apropiado, este último se encuentra influenciado por la edad y condición fisiológica del individuo, y no por las sensaciones de saciedad. El objetivo de la investigación fue relacionar la percepción de la familia sobre su seguridad alimentaria (SA) con la diversidad de alimentos de que dispone y el aporte de macronutrientes de su dieta. Se muestrearon 100 familias y se determinó el tipo y cantidad de alimentos, el aporte de las proteínas, la grasa y los carbohidratos al valor calórico total (VCT) y la percepción de SA. Los resultados evidencian que el rezago social y la edad de los integrantes de la familia afectan negativamente al estado de SA. El aporte al VCT de las proteínas se adecuó a las recomendaciones oficiales, en torno a 12 %, la grasa tuvo un aporte inferior a 25% y los carbohidratos sobrepasaron 60%. El aporte de 80% de energía consumida proviene del maíz, trigo, frijol, aceite, arroz y en menor proporción de cárnicos. Se concluye que la ingesta energética, proteica y de grasas de la dieta son independientes de la percepción de SA que tienen las familias
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