24 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Soybean GmNAC Superfamily

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    The NAC (NAM, ATAF, and CUC) genes encode transcription factors involved with the control of plant morph-physiology and stress responses. The release of the last soybean (Glycine max) genome assembly (Wm82.a2.v1) raised the possibility that new NAC genes would be present in the soybean genome. Here, we interrogated the last version of the soybean genome against a conserved NAC domain structure. Our analysis identified 32 putative novel NAC genes, updating the superfamily to 180 gene members. We also organized the genes in 15 phylogenetic subfamilies, which showed a perfect correlation among sequence conservation, expression profile, and function of orthologous Arabidopsis thaliana genes and NAC soybean genes. To validate our in silico analyses, we monitored the stress-mediated gene expression profiles of eight new NAC-genes by qRT-PCR and monitored the GmNAC senescence-associated genes by RNA-seq. Among ER stress, osmotic stress and salicylic acid treatment, all the novel tested GmNAC genes responded to at least one type of stress, displaying a complex expression profile under different kinetics and extension of the response. Furthermore, we showed that 40% of the GmNACs were differentially regulated by natural leaf senescence, including eight (8) newly identified GmNACs. The developmental and stress-responsive expression profiles of the novel NAC genes fitted perfectly with their phylogenetic subfamily. Finally, we examined two uncharacterized senescence-associated proteins, GmNAC065 and GmNAC085, and a novel, previously unidentified, NAC protein, GmNAC177, and showed that they are nuclear localized, and except for GmNAC065, they display transactivation activity in yeast. Consistent with a role in leaf senescence, transient expression of GmNAC065 and GmNAC085 induces the appearance of hallmarks of leaf senescence, including chlorophyll loss, leaf yellowing, lipid peroxidation and accumulation of H2O2. GmNAC177 was clustered to an uncharacterized subfamily but in close proximity to the TIP subfamily. Accordingly, it was rapidly induced by ER stress and by salicylic acid under late kinetic response and promoted cell death in planta. Collectively, our data further substantiated the notion that the GmNAC genes display functional and expression profiles consistent with their phylogenetic relatedness and established a complete framework of the soybean NAC superfamily as a foundation for future analyses

    Fangorn Forest (F2): a machine learning approach to classify genes and genera in the family Geminiviridae

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    Abstract Background Geminiviruses infect a broad range of cultivated and non-cultivated plants, causing significant economic losses worldwide. The studies of the diversity of species, taxonomy, mechanisms of evolution, geographic distribution, and mechanisms of interaction of these pathogens with the host have greatly increased in recent years. Furthermore, the use of rolling circle amplification (RCA) and advanced metagenomics approaches have enabled the elucidation of viromes and the identification of many viral agents in a large number of plant species. As a result, determining the nomenclature and taxonomically classifying geminiviruses turned into complex tasks. In addition, the gene responsible for viral replication (particularly, the viruses belonging to the genus Mastrevirus) may be spliced due to the use of the transcriptional/splicing machinery in the host cells. However, the current tools have limitations concerning the identification of introns. Results This study proposes a new method, designated Fangorn Forest (F2), based on machine learning approaches to classify genera using an ab initio approach, i.e., using only the genomic sequence, as well as to predict and classify genes in the family Geminiviridae. In this investigation, nine genera of the family Geminiviridae and their related satellite DNAs were selected. We obtained two training sets, one for genus classification, containing attributes extracted from the complete genome of geminiviruses, while the other was made up to classify geminivirus genes, containing attributes extracted from ORFs taken from the complete genomes cited above. Three ML algorithms were applied on those datasets to build the predictive models: support vector machines, using the sequential minimal optimization training approach, random forest (RF), and multilayer perceptron. RF demonstrated a very high predictive power, achieving 0.966, 0.964, and 0.995 of precision, recall, and area under the curve (AUC), respectively, for genus classification. For gene classification, RF could reach 0.983, 0.983, and 0.998 of precision, recall, and AUC, respectively. Conclusions Therefore, Fangorn Forest is proven to be an efficient method for classifying genera of the family Geminiviridae with high precision and effective gene prediction and classification. The method is freely accessible at www.geminivirus.org:8080/geminivirusdw/discoveryGeminivirus.jsp

    Rama: a machine learning approach for ribosomal protein prediction in plants

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    Abstract Ribosomal proteins (RPs) play a fundamental role within all type of cells, as they are major components of ribosomes, which are essential for translation of mRNAs. Furthermore, these proteins are involved in various physiological and pathological processes. The intrinsic biological relevance of RPs motivated advanced studies for the identification of unrevealed RPs. In this work, we propose a new computational method, termed Rama, for the prediction of RPs, based on machine learning techniques, with a particular interest in plants. To perform an effective classification, Rama uses a set of fundamental attributes of the amino acid side chains and applies a two-step procedure to classify proteins with unknown function as RPs. The evaluation of the resultant predictive models showed that Rama could achieve mean sensitivity, precision, and specificity of 0.91, 0.91, and 0.82, respectively. Furthermore, a list of proteins that have no annotation in Phytozome v.10, and are annotated as RPs in Phytozome v.12, were correctly classified by our models. Additional computational experiments have also shown that Rama presents high accuracy to differentiate ribosomal proteins from RNA-binding proteins. Finally, two novel proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana were validated in biological experiments. Rama is freely available at http://inctipp.bioagro.ufv.br:8080/Rama

    The molecular chaperone binding protein BiP prevents leaf dehydration-induced cellular homeostasis disruption

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    BiP overexpression improves leaf water relations during droughts and delays drought-induced leaf senescence. However, whether BiP controls cellular homeostasis under drought conditions or simply delays dehydration-induced leaf senescence as the primary cause for water stress tolerance remains to be determined. To address this issue, we examined the drought-induced transcriptomes of BiP-overexpressing lines and wild-type (WT) lines under similar leaf water potential (ψw) values. In the WT leaves, a ψw reduction of −1.0 resulted in 1339 up-regulated and 2710 down-regulated genes; in the BiP-overexpressing line 35S::BiP-4, only 334 and 420 genes were induced and repressed, respectively, at a similar leaf ψw = −1.0 MPa. This level of leaf dehydration was low enough to induce a repertory of typical drought-responsive genes in WT leaves but not in 35S::BiP-4 dehydrated leaves. The responders included hormone-related genes, functional and regulatory genes involved in drought protection and senescence-associated genes. The number of differentially expressed genes in the 35S::BiP-4 line approached the wild type number at a leaf ψw = −1.6 MPa. However, N-rich protein (NRP)- mediated cell death signaling genes and unfolded protein response (UPR) genes were induced to a much lower extent in the 35S::BiP-4 line than in the WT even at ψw = −1.6 MPa. The heatmaps for UPR, ERAD (ER-associated degradation protein system), drought-responsive and cell death-associated genes revealed that the leaf transcriptome of 35S::BiP-4 at ψw = −1.0 MPa clustered together with the transcriptome of well-watered leaves and they diverged considerably from the drought-induced transcriptome of the WT (ψw = −1.0, −1.7 and −2.0 MPa) and 35S::BiP-4 leaves at ψw = −1.6 MPa. Taken together, our data revealed that BiP-overexpressing lines requires a much higher level of stress (ψw = −1.6 MPa) to respond to drought than that of WT (ψw = −1.0). Therefore, BiP overexpression maintains cellular homeostasis under water stress conditions and thus ameliorates endogenous osmotic stress

    Comprehensive analysis of the endoplasmic reticulum stress response in the soybean genome: conserved and plant-specific features

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    Despite the relevance of the eukaryotic endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-stress response as an integrator of multiple stress signals into an adaptive response, knowledge about these ER-mediated cytoprotective pathways in soybean (Glycine max) is lacking. Here, we searched for genes involved in the highly conserved unfolded protein response (UPR) and ER stress-induced plant-specific cell death signaling pathways in the soybean genome. Previously characterized Arabidopsis UPR genes were used as prototypes for the identification of the soybean orthologs and the in silico assembly of the UPR in soybean, using eggNOG v4.0 software. Functional studies were also conducted by analyzing the transcriptional activity of soybean UPR transducers. As a result of this search, we have provided a complete profile of soybean UPR genes with significant predicted protein similarities to A. thaliana UPR-associated proteins. Both arms of the plant UPR were further examined functionally, and evidence is presented that the soybean counterparts are true orthologs of previously characterized UPR transducers in Arabidopsis. The bZIP17/bZI28 orthologs (GmbZIP37 and GmbZIP38) and ZIP60 ortholog (GmbZIP68) from soybean have similar structural organizations as their Arabidopsis counterparts, were induced by ER stress and activated an ERSE- and UPRE-containing BiP promoter. Furthermore, the transcript of the putative substrate of GmIREs, GmbZIP68, harbors a canonical site for IRE1 endonuclease activity and was efficiently spliced under ER stress conditions. In a reverse approach, we also examined the Arabidopsis genome for components of a previously characterized ER stress-induced cell death signaling response in soybean. With the exception of GmERD15, which apparently does not possess an Arabidopsis ortholog, the Arabidopsis genome harbors conserved GmNRP, GmNAC81, GmNAC30 and GmVPE sequences that share significant structural and sequence similarities with their soybean counterparts. These results suggest that the NRP/GmNAC81 + GmNAC30/VPE regulatory circuit may transduce cell death signals in plant species other than soybean. Our in silico analyses, along with current and previous functional data, permitted generation of a comprehensive overview of the ER stress response in soybean as a framework for functional prediction of ER stress signaling components and their possible connections with multiple stress responses

    Comparative genomics of Staphylococcus aureus associated with subclinical and clinical bovine mastitis.

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    Many efforts have been made to understand the pathogenesis of bovine mastitis to reduce losses and promote animal welfare. Staphylococcus aureus may cause bovine clinical mastitis, but it is mainly associated with subclinical infection, which is usually persistent and can easily reoccur. Here, we conducted a comparative genomic analysis between strains of S. aureus causing subclinical infection (Sau170, 302, 1269, 1364), previously sequenced by our group, and two well-characterized strains causing clinical mastitis (N305 and RF122) to find differences that could be linked to mastitis outcome. A total of 146 virulence-associated genes were compared and no appreciable differences were found between the bacteria. However, several nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified in genes present in the subclinical strains when compared to RF122 and N305, especially in genes encoding host immune evasion and surface proteins. The secreted and surface proteins predicted by in silico tools were compared through multidimensional scaling analysis (MDS), revealing a high degree of similarity among the strains. The comparison of orthologous genes by OrthoMCL identified a membrane transporter and a lipoprotein as exclusive of bacteria belonging to the subclinical and clinical groups, respectively. No hit was found in RF122 and N305 for the membrane transporter using BLAST algorithm. For the lipoprotein, sequences of Sau170, 302, 1269, and 1364 with identities between 68-73% were found in the MDS dataset. A conserved region found only in the lipoprotein genes of RF122 and N305 was used for primer design. Although the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on field isolates of S. aureus did not validate the findings for the transporter, the lipoprotein was able to separate the clinical from the subclinical isolates. These results show that sequence variation among bovine S. aureus, and not only the presence/absence of virulence factors, is an important aspect to consider when comparing isolates causing different mastitis outcomes

    A long and stressful day : photoperiod shapes aluminium tolerance in plants

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    Aluminium (Al), a limiting factor for crop productivity in acidic soils (pH ≤ 5.5), imposes drastic constraints for food safety in developing countries. The major mechanisms that allow plants to cope with Al involve manipulations of organic acids metabolism and DNA-checkpoints. When assumed individually both approaches have been insufficient to overcome Al toxicity. On analysing the centre of origin of most cultivated plants, we hypothesised that day-length seems to be a pivotal agent modulating Al tolerance across distinct plant species. We observed that with increasing distance from the Equator, Al tolerance decreases, suggesting a relationship with the photoperiod. We verified that long-day (LD) species are generally more Al-sensitive than short-day (SD) species, whereas genetic conversion of tomato for SD growth habit boosts Al tolerance. Reduced Al tolerance correlates with DNA-checkpoint activation under LD. Furthermore, DNA-checkpoint-related genes are under positive selection in Arabidopsis accessions from regions with shorter days, suggesting that photoperiod act as a selective barrier for Al tolerance. A diel regulation and genetic diversity affect Al tolerance, suggesting that day-length orchestrates Al tolerance. Altogether, photoperiodic control of Al tolerance might contribute to solving the historical obstacle that imposes barriers for developing countries to reach a sustainable agriculture

    Revisiting the Soybean GmNAC Superfamily

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    The NAC (NAM, ATAF, and CUC) genes encode transcription factors involved with the control of plant morph-physiology and stress responses. The release of the last soybean (Glycine max) genome assembly (Wm82.a2.v1) raised the possibility that new NAC genes would be present in the soybean genome. Here, we interrogated the last version of the soybean genome against a conserved NAC domain structure. Our analysis identified 32 putative novel NAC genes, updating the superfamily to 180 gene members. We also organized the genes in 15 phylogenetic subfamilies, which showed a perfect correlation among sequence conservation, expression profile, and function of orthologous Arabidopsis thaliana genes and NAC soybean genes. To validate our in silico analyses, we monitored the stress-mediated gene expression profiles of eight new NAC-genes by qRT-PCR and monitored the GmNAC senescence-associated genes by RNA-seq. Among ER stress, osmotic stress and salicylic acid treatment, all the novel tested GmNAC genes responded to at least one type of stress, displaying a complex expression profile under different kinetics and extension of the response. Furthermore, we showed that 40% of the GmNACs were differentially regulated by natural leaf senescence, including eight (8) newly identified GmNACs. The developmental and stress-responsive expression profiles of the novel NAC genes fitted perfectly with their phylogenetic subfamily. Finally, we examined two uncharacterized senescence-associated proteins, GmNAC065 and GmNAC085, and a novel, previously unidentified, NAC protein, GmNAC177, and showed that they are nuclear localized, and except for GmNAC065, they display transactivation activity in yeast. Consistent with a role in leaf senescence, transient expression of GmNAC065 and GmNAC085 induces the appearance of hallmarks of leaf senescence, including chlorophyll loss, leaf yellowing, lipid peroxidation and accumulation of H 2 O 2 . GmNAC177 was clustered to an uncharacterized subfamily but in close proximity to the TIP subfamily. Accordingly, it was rapidly induced by ER stress and by salicylic acid under late kinetic response and promoted cell death in planta. Collectively, our data further substantiated the notion that the GmNAC genes display functional and expression profiles consistent with their phylogenetic relatedness and established a complete framework of the soybean NAC superfamily as a foundation for future analyses

    Galantamine Based Novel Acetylcholinesterase Enzyme Inhibitors: A Molecular Modeling Design Approach

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    Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzymes play an essential role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Its excessive activity causes several neuronal problems, particularly psychopathies and neuronal cell death. A bioactive pose on the hAChE B site of the human acetylcholinesterase (hAChE) enzyme employed in this investigation, which was obtained from the Protein Data Bank (PDB ID 4EY6), allowed for the prediction of the binding affinity and free binding energy between the protein and the ligand. Virtual screening was performed to obtain structures similar to Galantamine (GNT) with potential hAChE activity. The top 200 hit compounds were prioritized through the use of filters in ZincPharmer, with special features related to the pharmacophore. Critical analyses were carried out, such as hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA), ADME/Tox predictions, molecular docking, molecular simulation studies, synthetic accessibility (SA), lipophilicity, water solubility, and hot spots to confirm the stable binding of the two promising molecules (ZINC16951574-LMQC2, and ZINC08342556-LMQC5). The metabolism prediction, with metabolites M3-2, which is formed by Glutathionation reaction (Phase II), M1-2, and M2-2 formed from the reaction of S-oxidation and Aliphatic hydroxylation (Phase I), were both reactive but with no side effects. Theoretical synthetic routes and prediction of synthetic accessibility for the most promising compounds are also proposed. In conclusion, this study shows that in silico modeling can be used to create new drug candidate inhibitors for hAChE. The compounds ZINC16951574-LMQC2, and ZINC08342556-LMQC5 are particularly promising for oral administration because they have a favorable drug-likeness profile, excellent lipid solubility, high bioavailability, and adequate pharmacokinetics

    Hamamelis japonica Sieb. et Zucc. var. bichuensis Ohwi

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    原著和名: アテツマンサク科名: マンサク科 = Hamamelidaceae採集地: 岡山県 新見市 布原 (備中 新見市 布原)採集日: 1978/6/12採集者: 萩庭丈壽整理番号: JH037836国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-98783