78 research outputs found

    Adsorption of MCPA, 2,4-D and diuron onto activated carbons from wood

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    Activated carbon adsorbents were produced from particleboard and medium-density fiberboard, industry originated wastes, without value added applications. These materials were characterized, showing a well-developed microporous structure reaching 0.58 cm3/g, and afterwards, their potential application for the removal of phenoxy acetic acids and substituted urea herbicide was evaluated. Studies in liquid phase were conducted in 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D), 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy acetic acid (MCPA) and 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (diuron), being the obtained data linearized using the Langmuir and Freundlich equations. Results indicated high removal capabilities for the adsorptives in study, reaching 0.97, 1.37 and 1.87 mmol/g for diuron, 2,4-D, and MCPA respectively, allowing the conclusion that these materials should be studied further, having in mind real life applications. © 2017 Portuguese Society of Materials (SPM). Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U.. All rights reserved. Keywords: Activated carbon; adsorption; pesticides; monolith wood

    Factores condicionantes dos processos de desenvolvimento regional : o caso do Alentejo

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    Mestrado em Gestão e Estratégia IndustrialO desenvolvimento das regiões é sobretudo o resultado da capacidade de organização que os seus recursos humanos possuem, no sentido de explorarem as oportunidades que se lhes apresentam. Assim se criam as organizações, que tem por objectivo responder às necessidades presentes ou latentes da sociedade. O sucesso das organizações depende de factores internos, e de factores que lhe são externos, tais como: fornecedores, concorrentes, serviços de apoio, etc. Consequentemente, as organizações tendem a localízarse em meios que disponham dos factores competitivos de que estas necessitam, dando origem a sistemas territoriais de produção. Existe um conjunto de factores resultante da evolução sócio-cultural, político-administrativa e económica nesses meios, que condiciona espacialmente as suas vantagens competitivas. O presente trabalho consiste na elaboração de um quadro de análise explicativo das interacções existentes entre um conjunto de factores apontados como condicionantes das vantagens competitivas e do desenvolvimento de uma região. É preparado também um esquema longitudinal de análise dum processo de desenvolvimento regional, no qual está integrado o quadro de análise. Por ultimo, o esquema longitudinal de análise é aplicado à região do Alentejo.The developement of the regions is above ali the results of the organizatíon capability of íts human resources, wíth the aim of exploring the oportuníties that may encounter. Thus organízations are created ín order to fulfil the present and latent needs of the society. The success of these organizations depends on internai and externai factors, such as; suppliers, competitors, backup services, etc.. Consequently, the organizations tend to grow in places that have the competitive factors that they need, gíving birth to territorial systems of production. However, the socio-cultural, administratíve-polítical and economical evolutíon of theses places leads to a number of factors that mfluence íts competitive advantages. The present work consísts on the elaboration of a self-explanatory analysis chart of the ínteractíons between a number of factors that are frequently pointed out as conditioners of the competitive advantages and of the development of a regíon. A longitudinal analysis scheme of a regional development process that includes the analysis chart is also presented. Fínally, the longitudinal analysis scheme is applied lo the region of Alentejo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Learning from yeasts: intracellular sensing of stress conditions

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    One intriguing challenge in modern biology is to understand how cells respond to, and distinguish between different stressing stimuli. Evidence accumulated in recent years indicates that a network of signaling pathways extends from the plasma membrane to the very core of the cell nucleus to transduce environmental changes into a graded transcriptional response. Although many steps still remain unclear, studies on the stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK) pathways and related mechanisms provide insight into the biochemistry that regulates signal transmission and leads to outcomes such as cell adaptation and differentiation. This review focuses on selected topics of current interest related to the sensing of stress signals in cells of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Because signaling pathways appear to be evolutionarily well conserved, yeasts may be useful models to learn how higher eukaryotes sense and respond to stresses at the cellular level

    Light-induced rhythmic changes in thermotolerance in stationary-phase cells of Candida utilis

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    In synchronized light-dark cycles, stationary-phase cultures of the budding yeast Candida utilis were able to survive heat treatment at 50ºC with an apparent circadian-like rhythm related to the onset of light. However, in continuous darkness this pattern did not run freely and was markedly dampened. We discuss these findings in terms of the potential circadian control of heat tolerance, which has been described in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Our results suggest that the resistance pattern observed in C. utilis is most likely an adaptive response to the light-induced generation of reactive oxygen species rather than the occurrence of a truly endogenous circadian rhythm. [Int Microbiol 2006; 9(1):61-64

    El aprendizaje cooperativo aplicado a la docencia de microbiología

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    [SPA] Las técnicas de aprendizaje cooperativo constituyen una metodología docente que ofrece pautas a seguir para el diseño de programas centrados en el aprendizaje. Además, permite que los verdaderos protagonistas de la actividad docente sean los alumnos organizados en pequeños grupos. Este modelo de aprendizaje plantea una propuesta de trabajo alternativa en el aula universitaria. En este trabajo describimos la aplicación de una técnica específica de aprendizaje cooperativo denominada Puzzle a la docencia, principalmente práctica, de Microbiología en el nuevo Grado de Biología de la Universidad de Murcia (UMU). Esta técnica es especialmente útil cuando los contenidos de la materia son susceptibles de ser fragmentados en diferentes partes, tantas como componentes del grupo, como si fuesen piezas de un rompecabezas. Este ensayo metodológico pone de manifiesto que la cooperación (97% de los alumnos obtienen una puntuación igual o superior a 5) ha sido más productiva que el aprendizaje individualista (79% de los alumnos obtienen una puntuación igual o superior a 5). En vista del éxito obtenido nos planteamos hacer extensible esta metodología a algunos apartados específicos del programa teórico de la asignatura.[ENG] The cooperative learning is an educational methodology that offers a few guidelines to establish the design of programs centered on the learning procedure. In addition, this technique highlights that the students become the real protagonists of the educational activity organized in small groups. This model of learning raises an alternative proposal for the classroom in the university. We describe here the application of a specific technique of cooperative learning, the Jigsaw Classroom (Aronson, 1978), to a practical Microbiology course in the new Degree of Biology of the University of Murcia (UMU). The jigsaw method is specially useful when the contents of the matter offer the possibility of being fragmented in different parts, as many as the components of the group. The application of this methodological test reveals that the cooperation (97% of the students obtained a punctuation equal to/or above 5) results more productive than the individualistic learning (79% of the students obtained a punctuation equal to/or above 5). In view of the success obtained we are considering to extend this methodology to some specific parts of the theoretical program of the Microbiology course.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murcia

    Silicates as Binders in the Preparation of Adsorbent Materials

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    The use of binders in the preparation of materials for a wide range of applications is a well-known practice. In this work, we explore the use of silicates as binders to aggregate carbon materials for applications as adsorbents, Figure 1. A set of binders of the family of silicates, among them sodium silicate and some commercial silicates (LUDOX® AS-40, Ludox® AM and Ludox® TMA), were used in the agglomeration of a commercial adsorbent (Activated Carbon-AC) by direct spray dispersion and a rotary technique. The best agglomeration conditions obtained with AC were replicated with a non-commercial carbon adsorbent of a lignocellulosic nature prepared in our laboratory. Selected samples were also submitted to thermal treatment (in a non-controlled atmosphere and inert atmosphere), and physical activation with carbon dioxide (CO2) aimed to increase grain stability and improve the adsorptive properties of the samples, namely their surface chemistry and porosity

    Preliminary results of UV measurements in the high-altitude station Formigal-Sarrios (Pyrenees)

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    Póster presentado en: WMO Technical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental Instruments and Methods of Observation celebrada del 8 al 11 de octubre de 2018 en Amsterdam