37 research outputs found

    Paleopopulations and ecological connectivity in the Natura 2000 Network: proposal for the serpentine‑soil Spanish firs of Sierra Bermeja (Serranía de Ronda)

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    Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Granada/ CBUA. This research has been supported by a contract for Univer- sity Teacher Training (Formación de Profesorado Universitario) (Ref. 18/03023) from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes del Gobierno de España), and research projects financed by the State Research Agency (SRA) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): PALEOPINSAPO (CSO2017-83576-P), MED-REFUGIA (RTI2018-101714-B-I00) and TED2021-132631B-I00; Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation: Oromed-Refugia (P18-RT- 4963); and ERDF Opera- tional Programme in Andalusia (EU regional programme): ForestMed (A-RNM-688-UGR20).One of the conservation priorities of the Natura 2000 Network is the ecological connectivity of forests and species of com- munity interest to facilitate compliance with the obligations of the EU Habitats Directive. The location of paleo-populations and past distribution areas is a first step towards creating an ecological corridor which, with the protection enjoyed by Special Areas of Conservation, could positively impact the resilience of forest species in the face of Climate Change. The endangered relict forests of Spanish fir (Abies pinsapo) are endemic in the Serranía de Ronda (Baetic Cordillera, Southern Spain) and form a highly fragmented habitat of community interest. Amongst these forests, the Spanish fir forests that grow on serpentine soils are particularly interesting. This ultramafic mountain range has suffered the highest recurrence of forest fires in all the Serranía de Ronda, and as a result, the Spanish fir forests have been subject to processes of local extinction throughout history. In this research, we used pedoanthracology to uncover ancient locations of Abies pinsapo; in this way, forest fires are the main cause of the disappearance of this emblematic species in Sierra Bermeja, and their charcoal remains allowed us to make a precise reconstruction of its past distribution area. On the basis of the data obtained, an ecological corridor linking these relict forests was proposed. This corridor has now begun to be implemented with the participation of public and private social agents.Universidad de Granada/CBUASpanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deportes del Gobierno de Espana) 18/03023State Research Agency (SRA)European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): PALEOPINSAPO CSO2017-83576-PEuropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF): MED-REFUGIA RTI2018-101714-B-I00European Commission TED2021-132631B-I00Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation: Oromed-Refugia P18-RT- 4963ERDF Operational Programme in Andalusia (EU regional programme): ForestMed (A-RNM-688-UGR2

    Proposal to create a micro-reserve on the Peñón (the Rock) of Salobreña to protect the coastal habitats of Granada (Spain)

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    Se propone la creación de una microrreserva de flora en el litoral de la provincia de Granada (Andalucía, sur de España). Esta figura de protección es un modelo pionero de conservación en enclaves de elevada fitodiversidad, no incluidos en la Red de Espacios Naturales Protegidos de Andalucía [RENPA]. La franja litoral de Granada ha experimentado un continuo proceso de ocupación durante las últimas décadas como consecuencia del turismo y la agricultura, por lo que se ha producido la degradación de ecosistemas costeros frágiles y dinámicos. El trabajo de campo ha sido el principal procedimiento metodológico para llevar a cabo la investigación, dada la falta de estudios sobre conservación de hábitats en la costa de Granada. Se ha tomado como punto de partida la localización de los taxones más amenazados y los hábitats naturales de interés comunitario de la Red Natura 2000. A continuación, se ha analizado un caso práctico, el Peñón de Salobreña, como modelo de microrreserva vegetal y área piloto para la conservación y posible regeneración de hábitats litorales. Se ha llegado a la conclusión de que este modelo de protección in situ es ideal para la gestión de pequeñas áreas de alto valor ecológico en regiones tan degradadas y humanizadas como el litoral mediterráneo andaluz.The objective is to create a plant micro-reserve on the coastline of the Granada province (Andalusia, Southern Spain). This protection figure is a pioneering conservation model in areas with substantial plant diversity located in very anthropised environments that are not included in the RENPA [network of protected natural areas of Andalusia]. In the last few decades the Granada coastline has been subject to continual intense occupation, mainly due to tourism and agriculture, which has led to the degradation of the fragile and dynamic coastal systems. Fieldwork has been the primary methodological procedure used to conduct the research work, given the lack of previous studies on the conservation of threatened plant species on the Granada coastline. The starting point was to locate the most threatened plant taxa and the natural habitats of community interest of the NATURA 2000 Network identified along this coastal strip that these species belong to. Then a case study was analyzed, that of the Peñón de Salobreña, as a model for a plant micro-reserve and a pilot experiment area for conservation and the possible regeneration of natural habitats. The conclusion drawn is that this in situ model of protection is ideal to manage small areas of highly valuable ecology in such degraded and humanized regions like the Mediterranean coastline of Andalusia

    The history of Abies pinsapo during the Holocene in southern Spain, based on pedoanthracological analysis

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    The results of this research are part of the contract for Formacion de Profesorado Universitario (University Teacher Training) (Ref. 18/03023) financed by the Ministerio de Educacion del Gobierno de Espana (Ministry of Education of the Government of Spain), and research projects PALEOPINSAPO (CSO2017-83576-P), Med-Refugia (Ref. RTI2018-101714-B-I00), Oromed-Refugia (Ref. P18-RT-4963) and Relic-Flora 2 (Ref. B-RNM-404-UGR18), dependents on the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad del Gobierno de Espana y la Junta de Andalucia (Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain and the Regional Government of Andalusia.The aim of this research is to reconstruct the ancient distribution area of Abies pinsapo Boiss. (Spanish fir) in the Serranía de Ronda region, southern Spain, during the Holocene. The main method was pedoanthracological analysis, the study of non-archaeological charcoal found in natural soils. In this research a total of 37 soil excavations were done in several mountain ranges with potentially favourable places for firs to have grown in the past. Specific sites and places such as hillsides, endorheic basins (with no outflow), sinkholes, summits and mountain passes were selected on the basis of evidence from a range of different sources including ancient documents, pollen studies and species distribution models. The soil samples collected from these sites were prepared in the laboratory and the charcoal was identified and radiocarbon dated. Statistical and cartographic analyses were also done. The study revealed evidence of past populations of Abies sp. in places where it is no longer found today. A total of 47 different chronologies were obtained from these sites with ages ranging between 9,931 cal bp and 78 cal bp. In addition, the wide variations in the charcoal values enabled us to make an initial estimate of the importance of ancient forest fires in different places in the Serranía de Ronda. When this information has been considered with all the other available data sources, it will be an essential resource for the efficient management of relict fir woods in southern Spain.Ministerio de Educacion del Gobierno de Espana (Ministry of Education of the Government of Spain) 18/03023dependents on the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad del Gobierno de Espana y la Junta de Andalucia (Ministry of the Economy) CSO2017-83576-P RTI2018-101714-B-I00 P18-RT-4963 B-RNM-404-UGR18Junta de AndaluciaCompetitiveness of the Government of Spai

    Elemental Concentration in Serpentinitic Soils over Ultramafic Bedrock in Sierra Bermeja (Southern Spain)

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    Although the presence of potentially toxic metals in soils is normally associated with human soil pollution, these elements also appear naturally in environments in which the lithological base contains ultramafic rocks such as peridotites. Serpentinitic soils tend to develop on substrates of this kind, often containing metals with few or no known biological functions, which in some cases are toxic for most plants. This study assessed the level of potentially toxic metals and other elements in an endorheic basin discovered in Sierra Bermeja (Southern Spain), one of the largest peridotite outcrops on Earth. In this location—of particular interest given that basins of this kind are very rare on peridotites—six geomorphoedaphic sub-units on three different substrates were identified. The distribution of microelements in these sub-units was analyzed, and stratified random sampling was performed to identify the major ions with essential functions for living organisms and the potentially toxic metals. The lowest values for macronutrients appeared in the soils formed on ultramafic materials. When analyzing the load of potentially toxic metals, no significant differences were detected between the soils formed on serpentinite and peridotite substrates, although different values were obtained in the soils formed over acidic rocks.This research was funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain through the ULTRAFORESTS (Ref. CSO2013-47713-P) and PALEOPINSAPO (CSO2017-83576-P) Projects

    El tejo en el sur de España: análisis geoecológico y propuesta de conservación de una población mediterránea en peligro crítico de extinción

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    Este trabajo consiste en un análisis geoecológico de una población mediterránea relicta, amenazada y poco conocida de tejo (Taxus baccata). Se estudia el caso de Sierra Arana (sur de España). El objetivo prioritario es conocer en qué condiciones se desarrolla la especie y sus posibilidades de preservación en el futuro, para lo cual se aborda, mediante el trabajo de campo -principal procedimiento metodológico-, su identificación y localización, el análisis de la estructura demográfica de la población, de su estado de conservación, de los hábitats y de los nichos ecológicos. Como resultados se obtienen un mapa corológico de la especie y un mayor conocimiento de la misma, estableciéndose: a) el predominio de árboles adultos de edades medias y longevas, la escasez de individuos juveniles y la inexistencia de plántulas; b) un destacado desequilibrio sexual, con prevalencia del género masculino; c) un estado de conservación óptimo a degradado para el conjunto de la población; d) unos hábitats en laderas acusadas sobre suelos básicos, en emplazamientos incluso subrupícolas; e) un nicho ecológico coincidente con la orla preforestal de bosques caduco-marcescentes de Acer monspessulanum y Quercus faginea. También se plantea una propuesta de conservación y regeneración del tejo basada en la protección de los ejemplares existentes y en la reforestación de los nichos ecológicos más adecuados. Se concluye que Taxus baccata en Sierra Arana se encuentra en peligro crítico de extinción a consecuencia de sus escasas posibilidades de regeneración y expansión de manera natural, requiriendo de medidas extraordinarias para su conservación.This paper introduces a geo-ecological analysis done on a relict, threatened and little known Mediterranean population of yew (Taxus baccata). We study the case of Sierra Arana (southern Spain). The priority is to know under what conditions the species develops and its ability for future preservation, for which, through fieldwork -the main methodological procedure-, its identification and location and the analysis of not only its population demographic structure, but also of its conservation status, its habitats and ecological niches are undertaken. The results obtained are a chorological map of the species and a major knowledge of it; establishing: a) predominance of mature trees -middle-aged and long-lived-, scarcity of young specimens and absence of seedlings; b) a significant imbalance in sex ratio, prevailing male individuals; c) a conservation status that varies from optimum to degraded for the population as a whole; d) habitats located on very steep slopes over basic soils, even in sub-rupicolous locations; e) ecological niche corresponds to preforestal orla of deciduous and marcescent forests of Acer monspessulanum and Quercus faginea. Finally, we present a proposal for the conservation and regeneration of yew based on the protection of existing specimens and on the reforestation in the most appropriate ecological niches. The main conclusion established is the critically endangered state of Taxus baccata in Sierra Arana due to its little chance of natural regeneration and expansion, requiring extraordinary measures to its preservation

    Episodio de lluvias torrenciales del 21 de septiembre de 2007. Las inundaciones de Almuñecar

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    The torrential rainfall in Andalucía on the 21st of September, 2007, was one of the highest recorded in recent years. Due to its intensity and the damage that it caused in Granada this storm will be particularly remembered by its residents. Almunecar was one of the towns most affected where the urban area bore the brunt of the flooding due to the rivers Seco, Verde and Jate bursting their banks. There was one fatality and the material damage caused amounted to millions. Crops along the coastline were destroyed particularly in the Rio Verde and the Lecrin Vally regions and the area of Los Guajares.Las lluvias torrenciales del 21 de septiembre de 2007 fueron de las más intensas registradas en Andalucía en los últimos años. Por sus abultados registros pluviométricos y por sus efectos sobre la población, este temporal será especialmente recordado en la provincia de Granada. Entre los municipios afectados destaca Almuñécar, que vio cómo la mayor parte de su casco urbano resultaba anegado por las aguas desbocadas de los ríos Seco, Verde y Jate. Una persona resultó muerta y las pérdidas materiales fueron millonarias. Muy dañados resultaron las plantaciones agrícolas del litoral y prelitoral, especialmente en los pueblos del valle del río Verde, Los Guájares y Valle de Lecrín.Les pluies torrentielles du 21 septembre 2007 ont été des plus intenses inscrites l’Andalousie dans dernières années. Par ces registres pluviométricos et par ses effets sur la population, cette tempête sera spécialement rappelée dans la province de Grenade. Entre les municipalités affectées Almuñécar se fait remarquer, qui a vu comment la plupart de son casque urbain semblait inondée par les eaux débridées des rivières Sèches, Vertes et de Jate. Une personne a semblé morte et les pertes matérielles ont été millionnaires. Très endommagées, elles ont semblé, les plantations agricoles du littoral et prelitoral, spécialement dans les peuples de la vallée de la rivière Verte, des Guájares et la Vallée de Lecrín

    Episodio de lluvias torrenciales del 21 de septiembre de 2007. Las inundaciones de Almuñecar

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    The torrential rainfall in Andalucía on the 21st of September, 2007, was one of the highest recorded in recent years. Due to its intensity and the damage that it caused in Granada this storm will be particularly remembered by its residents. Almunecar was one of the towns most affected where the urban area bore the brunt of the flooding due to the rivers Seco, Verde and Jate bursting their banks. There was one fatality and the material damage caused amounted to millions. Crops along the coastline were destroyed particularly in the Rio Verde and the Lecrin Vally regions and the area of Los Guajares.Las lluvias torrenciales del 21 de septiembre de 2007 fueron de las más intensas registradas en Andalucía en los últimos años. Por sus abultados registros pluviométricos y por sus efectos sobre la población, este temporal será especialmente recordado en la provincia de Granada. Entre los municipios afectados destaca Almuñécar, que vio cómo la mayor parte de su casco urbano resultaba anegado por las aguas desbocadas de los ríos Seco, Verde y Jate. Una persona resultó muerta y las pérdidas materiales fueron millonarias. Muy dañados resultaron las plantaciones agrícolas del litoral y prelitoral, especialmente en los pueblos del valle del río Verde, Los Guájares y Valle de Lecrín.Les pluies torrentielles du 21 septembre 2007 ont été des plus intenses inscrites l’Andalousie dans dernières années. Par ces registres pluviométricos et par ses effets sur la population, cette tempête sera spécialement rappelée dans la province de Grenade. Entre les municipalités affectées Almuñécar se fait remarquer, qui a vu comment la plupart de son casque urbain semblait inondée par les eaux débridées des rivières Sèches, Vertes et de Jate. Une personne a semblé morte et les pertes matérielles ont été millionnaires. Très endommagées, elles ont semblé, les plantations agricoles du littoral et prelitoral, spécialement dans les peuples de la vallée de la rivière Verte, des Guájares et la Vallée de Lecrín

    Europe's southernmost interglacial refugia as sentinels for the local extinction of mountain conifers

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    This research has been supported by a contract for University Teacher Training (Formación de Profesorado Universitario) (Ref. 18/03023) from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes del Gobierno de España), and research projects financed by the State Research Agency (SRA) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): PALEOPINSAPO (CSO2017-83576-P), MED-REFUGIA (RTI2018-101714-B-I00) and TED2021-132631B-I00; Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation: Oromed-Refugia (P18-RT- 4963); and ERDF Opera- tional Programme in Andalusia (EU regional programme): ForestMed (A-RNM-688-UGR20).The Serrania de Ronda is an exceptional palaeoecological laboratory for studying the dynamics of vegetation over time, due to its strategic geographical location at a biogeographical crossroads and its proven historical legacy. Many of the mountains that form part of this territory are today practically deforested, such as Sierra Blanca, whose geographic location at the heart of the Serranía de Ronda means that it has enormous potential as a bio- geographical crossroads: the occasional presence of Abies pinsapo, Pinus pinaster and Quercus rotundifolia suggests that it was once covered by a mixed forest of conifers and broad-leaved trees. The lack of environmental research in Sierra Blanca has facilitated the installation of large quarries, which have led to its exclusion from the Sierra de las Nieves National Park, which was created in 2021. We applied the pedoanthracological methodology, which has enabled us to discover paleo-populations of A. pinsapo and Pinus sylvestris-type. The results confirm that co- niferous forests previously covered a much wider area during the Holocene. These findings reinforce the role of Sierra Blanca as a high-altitude refuge for conifers during the warm stages of the Holocene and as a sentinel for the local extinction of mountain conifers. This information could help improve its management and conservation.Spanish Government 18/03023State Research Agency (SRA)European Commission CSO2017-83576-P, RTI2018-101714-B-I00, TED2021-132631B-I00Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation P18-RT-4963ERDF Operational Programme in Andalusia (EU regional programme) A-RNM-688-UGR2

    Episodio de lluvias torrenciales del 21 de septiembre de 2007. Las inundaciones de Almuñecar

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    The torrential rainfall in Andalucía on the 21st of September, 2007, was one of the highest recorded in recent years. Due to its intensity and the damage that it caused in Granada this storm will be particularly remembered by its residents. Almunecar was one of the towns most affected where the urban area bore the brunt of the flooding due to the rivers Seco, Verde and Jate bursting their banks. There was one fatality and the material damage caused amounted to millions. Crops along the coastline were destroyed particularly in the Rio Verde and the Lecrin Vally regions and the area of Los Guajares.Las lluvias torrenciales del 21 de septiembre de 2007 fueron de las más intensas registradas en Andalucía en los últimos años. Por sus abultados registros pluviométricos y por sus efectos sobre la población, este temporal será especialmente recordado en la provincia de Granada. Entre los municipios afectados destaca Almuñécar, que vio cómo la mayor parte de su casco urbano resultaba anegado por las aguas desbocadas de los ríos Seco, Verde y Jate. Una persona resultó muerta y las pérdidas materiales fueron millonarias. Muy dañados resultaron las plantaciones agrícolas del litoral y prelitoral, especialmente en los pueblos del valle del río Verde, Los Guájares y Valle de Lecrín.Les pluies torrentielles du 21 septembre 2007 ont été des plus intenses inscrites l’Andalousie dans dernières années. Par ces registres pluviométricos et par ses effets sur la population, cette tempête sera spécialement rappelée dans la province de Grenade. Entre les municipalités affectées Almuñécar se fait remarquer, qui a vu comment la plupart de son casque urbain semblait inondée par les eaux débridées des rivières Sèches, Vertes et de Jate. Une personne a semblé morte et les pertes matérielles ont été millionnaires. Très endommagées, elles ont semblé, les plantations agricoles du littoral et prelitoral, spécialement dans les peuples de la vallée de la rivière Verte, des Guájares et la Vallée de Lecrín

    Episodio de lluvias torrenciales del 21 de septiembre de 2007. Las inundaciones de Almuñecar

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    The torrential rainfall in Andalucía on the 21st of September, 2007, was one of the highest recorded in recent years. Due to its intensity and the damage that it caused in Granada this storm will be particularly remembered by its residents. Almunecar was one of the towns most affected where the urban area bore the brunt of the flooding due to the rivers Seco, Verde and Jate bursting their banks. There was one fatality and the material damage caused amounted to millions. Crops along the coastline were destroyed particularly in the Rio Verde and the Lecrin Vally regions and the area of Los Guajares.Las lluvias torrenciales del 21 de septiembre de 2007 fueron de las más intensas registradas en Andalucía en los últimos años. Por sus abultados registros pluviométricos y por sus efectos sobre la población, este temporal será especialmente recordado en la provincia de Granada. Entre los municipios afectados destaca Almuñécar, que vio cómo la mayor parte de su casco urbano resultaba anegado por las aguas desbocadas de los ríos Seco, Verde y Jate. Una persona resultó muerta y las pérdidas materiales fueron millonarias. Muy dañados resultaron las plantaciones agrícolas del litoral y prelitoral, especialmente en los pueblos del valle del río Verde, Los Guájares y Valle de Lecrín.Les pluies torrentielles du 21 septembre 2007 ont été des plus intenses inscrites l’Andalousie dans dernières années. Par ces registres pluviométricos et par ses effets sur la population, cette tempête sera spécialement rappelée dans la province de Grenade. Entre les municipalités affectées Almuñécar se fait remarquer, qui a vu comment la plupart de son casque urbain semblait inondée par les eaux débridées des rivières Sèches, Vertes et de Jate. Une personne a semblé morte et les pertes matérielles ont été millionnaires. Très endommagées, elles ont semblé, les plantations agricoles du littoral et prelitoral, spécialement dans les peuples de la vallée de la rivière Verte, des Guájares et la Vallée de Lecrín