650 research outputs found

    Verba volant, statuae (nonnumquam) manent. Aproximación a la problemática de las estatuas funerarias romanas de Corduba-Colonia Patricia

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    The study of the funerary statuary of Corduba-Colonia Patricia only could be undertaken until recently from a small number of sculptural and epigraphic testimonies, found isolated and without context. Nevertheless, this situation has begun to change after the discovery in 2004, during an archaeological excavation, of a female statue linked to her correspondent funerary monument. The analysis of this piece and of those other elements allows us to approach towards the phenomenon of the self-representation of the cordovans elites of Late Republic and Early Empire across their sepulchral statues.El estudio de la estatuaria funeraria de Corduba-Colonia Patricia sólo podía acometerse hasta fechas muy recientes a partir de un reducido número de testimonios escultóricos y epigráficos hallados de forma aislada y fuera de contexto. Sin embargo, esta situación ha comenzado cambiar tras el descubrimiento en 2004, en el transcurso de una excavación arqueológica, de una estatua femenina vinculada a su correspondiente monumento funerario. El examen de esta pieza y de aquellos otros elementos nos permite realizar aquí un primer acercamiento al fenómeno de la autorrepresentación de las elites cordubenses de época tardorrepublicana y altoimperial a través de sus estatuas sepulcrales

    Los retratos imperiales romanos del cortijo de Alcurrucén (Pedro Abad, Córdoba): ¿Testimonios de un grupo estatuario julioclaudio?

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    Der vorliegende Artikel untersucht die Gruppe romischer Skulpturen, die vor einigen Jahrzehnten im cortijo de Alcurrucen (Pedro Abad, Cordoba) gefunden wurde. Zu diesen Skulpturen záhlen drei Kaiserportr ä ts, die aufgrund ihrer Herkunñ und vor allem wegen ihrer Zeitstellung (alie datieren in sp ä ttiberische-frühclaudische Zeit) m ö glicherweise eine iulisch-claudische Statuengruppe bildeten, die einst in der antiken Stadt Sacili aufgestellt war.Se estudian aquí, de manera conjunta, las esculturas romanas halladas hace varias décadas en el cortijo de Alcurrucén (Pedro Abad, Córdoba). Entre ellas se encuentran tres retratos imperiales que, por compartir procedencia y, sobre todo, por poseer una cronología semejante -entre tiberiana tardía y claudia temprana- tal vez hubiesen constituido un grupo estatuario julioclaudio erigido en la antigua Sacili

    Reflexiones en torno al denominado "Foro de Altos de Santa Ana" y a los comienzos del culto dinástico en Colonia Patricia Corduba

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    In this paper, we analyze the diverse archeological information (specially the sculptures) of Augustan and Julio-Claudian ages found in the so-called «foro de Altos de Santa Ana », located in Ángel de Saavedra's street and its environs. This public area of the ancient Colonia Patricia was related with the imperial cult from the first time and was presided over a sacred place dedicated to Diana and, perhaps, to Apolo.En este artículo analizamos la diversa documentación arqueológica -especialmente la de carácter escultórico- de las épocas augustea y julioclaudia hallada en el denominado «foro de Altos de Santa Ana» de Córdoba, situado en la C / Ángel de Saavedra y su entorno. Dicho espacio público de la antigua Colonia Patricia estuvo relacionado desde un primer momento con el culto imperial y estuvo presidido por un recinto sagrado dedicado a Diana y, tal vez, a Apolo

    High viscosity gas fluidization of fine particles: An extended window of quasihomogeneous flow

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    We explore the role of gas viscosity in the behavior of gas-fluidized beds of fine powders by means of experimental measurements using nitrogen and neon as fluidizing gases, and theoretical considerations. The existence of a nonbubbling fluidlike regime has been recently observed in beds of fine powders fluidized with nitrogen. Our experiments with neon reveal a discontinuous transition from heterogeneous fluidization to a highly expanded homogeneous fluidization state. We point out that increasing gas viscosity enhances the coherence of agglomerate swarms, which promotes a local void-splitting mechanism, thus improving the uniformity of fluidization. Our theoretical analysis predicts that further increase of gas viscosity would produce a full suppression of the bubbling regime, i.e., the uniformly fluidized bed would undergo a direct transition to a turbulent regime as seen in beds of nanoparticles fluidized by nitrogen and in liquid-fluidized beds of moderate-density beads

    Types of gas fluidization of cohesive granular materials

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    Some years ago it was shown that gas-fluidized powders may transit from solidlike to fluidlike fluidization prior to bubbling, shedding light on a long-standing controversy on the nature of “homogeneous” fluidization. In this paper it is shown that some gas-fluidized powders may also transit from the fluidlike regime to elutriation, with full suppression of the bubbling regime. We provide a diagram that can be used to predict these types of fluidization exhibited by cohesive powders based on simple phenomenological equations in which particle aggregation due to attractive forces is a key ingredient

    Effect of compaction history on the fluidization behavior of fine cohesive powders

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    Fine particles agglomerate in the fluidized state due to the strength of interparticle attractive forces as compared to particle weight. Interparticle adhesion can be largely increased by consolidation stresses applied during powder handling. As a consequence, fragments of the consolidated powder may persist when the powder is fluidized, which gives rise to large agglomerates of strongly adhered particles in fluidization. This history-dependent effect can be minimized by coating the particles with surface additives such as silica nanoparticles. In this paper, we investigate the effect of high consolidation stresses _c previously applied to samples of silica-coated fine particles on their fluidization behavior. Our experimental measurements show that, even though homogeneous fluidization is still observed, the average agglomerate size and fractal dimension of the agglomerates increase as _c is increased. Bed expansion in the fluidized state is hindered by previously applied high consolidations, which we attribute to an increase of the largest stable size of mesoscopic fluid pockets. As a consequence, we observe that the initiation of macroscopic bubbling is delayed up to larger values of the fluid velocity

    Magnetic field induced inversion in the effect of particle size on powder cohesiveness

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    Experimental measurements are reported on the tensile yield stress of magnetofluidized beds of fine magnetic powders operated in the cross-flow configuration. In the absence of externally applied magnetic field the yield stress of the powder depends on particle size as expected, i.e., it increases as bead size is decreased. This trend is however inverted when an external magnetic field is applied. It is suggested that the average orientation of interparticle contacts relative to the direction of the field as affected by particle size plays a relevant role on the magnetic yield stress of these systems.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología de España-FIS2006-0364