18 research outputs found

    Silicon and titanium affect the percentage of juice and color attributes in tomato fruits of plants exposed to salt stress

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    Objective: To evaluate the leaf application of silicon (Si) and titanium (Ti) in three doses (0, 75, and 150 mg L-1), independently, on tomato plants cv. Río Supremo, subjected to saline stress (0, 50, and 100 mM NaCl), on the percentage of juice and color attributes of the fruit. Design/methodology/approach: Two independent essays were carried out under a completely randomized experimental design in a 32 factorial arrangement, where the first study factor was the NaCl concentration in the nutrient solution and the second factor was the leaf application of Si or Ti. The percentage of juice and color attributes in fruits were determined. An analysis of variance and the comparison of means by Tukey (p ≤ 0.05) with the SAS software were performed. Results: Salinity was found to reduce the percentage of juice, the color index, and the ratio of “a/b” indexes. Regarding the interactive effects, NaCl with both Ti and Si increases the “b” index. Leaf applications of Si increased the “b” index and reduced the percentage of juice, the color index, and the ratio of “a/b” indexes. Also, Ti improved the color index and the “b” index. Limitations of the study/implications: The results were obtained in the Río Supremo tomato variety under greenhouse conditions. Other varieties should be tested too. Findings/conclusions: Si and Ti applied to the leaves have positive effects on the color of the fruits of tomato plants under saline stress

    Effect of open field crop management on the floral development of gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides Ellis)

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    ABSTRACT Objective: Analyze the effect of open field crop management on gardenia flower development Design/methodology/approach: A randomized block design was used with a factorial arrangement of two factors conformed by field management (four levels: M1 = old plant in natural shade; M2 and M3 = old plant in full sun and M4 = mature plant in full sun) and the floral stages (eight levels: tender, lemony, striped, white, star, caracolled, open and yellow). Eight morphological descriptors were measured: flower weight, perianth length, perianth diameter, calyx length, calyx diameter, corolla width, number of sepals, and length of sepals. Results: The analysis of variance allowed to identify of highly significant differences (P ? 0.05) in the variables weight, perianth length, calyx length and diameter, number of sepals, and length of sepals for the management-stage interaction. In handling M1 and M2, the caracolled flower reached a weight greater than 2.94 ± 0.08 g with a perianth diameter of 60.66 ± 1.23 mm. The open flower presented the largest corolla width of 37.39 ± 1.07 mm. The white button cataloged from the commercial point of view in the category of buttons, according to weight, perianth diameter, and width of the corolla, presented flower characteristics; thus, classifying the floral development in three stages for buttons and five for flowers. Findings/conclusions: Cultivation management with natural shade increases the size of the flowers in terms of weight, perianth diameter, and corolla width. These descriptors can be used as quality criteria when selecting the flower. In addition, the open and caracolled flower can contain the largest reserve of volatile components and, as they are not commercial qualities, it could be used in the extraction of compounds to produce cosmetics.Objective: To analyze the effect of open field crop management on gardenia flower development Design/Methodology/Approach: A randomized block design was used with a factorial arrangement of two factors conformed by field management (four levels: M1 = old plant in natural shade; M2 and M3 = old plant in full sun and M4 = mature plant in full sun) and the floral stages (eight levels: tender, lemony, striped, white, star, caracolled, open and yellow). Eight morphological descriptors were measured: flower weight, perianth length, perianth diameter, calyx length, calyx diameter, corolla width, number of sepals, and length of sepals. Results: The analysis of variance allowed to identify highly significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) in the variables weight, perianth length, calyx length and diameter, number of sepals, and length of sepals for the management-stage interaction. In handling M1 and M2, the caracolled flower reached a weight greater than 2.94 ± 0.08 g with a perianth diameter of 60.66 ± 1.23 mm. The open flower presented the largest corolla width of 37.39 ± 1.07 mm. The white button cataloged from the commercial point of view in the category of buttons, according to weight, perianth diameter, and width of the corolla, presented flower characteristics, thus classifying the floral development in three stages for buttons and five for flowers. Findings/Conclusions: Crop management with natural shade increases the size of the flowers in terms of weight, perianth diameter, and corolla width. These descriptors can be used as quality criteria when selecting the flower. In addition, the open and caracolled flower can contain the largest reserve of volatile components and, as they are not commercial qualities, it could be used in the extraction of compounds to produce cosmetics

    Efecto de la estacionalidad en la calidad microbiológica y fisicoquímica de leche de cabra producida en el centro de Veracruz, México

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    The effect of seasonality on the microbiological and physicochemical quality of goat milk produced at the center of the Veracruz state, Mexico, was evaluated. Milk from different goat production units (Coatepec, Perote and Tatatila) during the rainy, dry and windy seasons were evaluated. The contents of aerobic mesophiles, total coliform Eschericha coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella ssp. and Brucella sp. as well as protein, fat, lactose, non-fat solids, density and acidity. The microbiological results determined the absence of Eschericha coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp. and Brucella sp. in the analyzed milks. The effect of the interaction season of the year per production unit per type of milk showed that 50 % of the milk (raw and pasteurized) produced in the windy and rainy seasons presented the highest contents of aerobic mesophiles and total coliforms. The effect of the interaction unit of production by type of milk showed the highest content of non-fat solids, proteins, lactose and density due to the use of different forages such as mulberry, orange peel, Taiwan grass, alfalfa and corn stover. The highest fat contents were found in the production units of Coatepec and Tatatila.Se evaluó el efecto de la estacionalidad en la calidad microbiológica y fisicoquímica de leche de cabra producida en el centro del estado de Veracruz, México. Se evaluaron leches de diferentes unidades de producción caprina (Coatepec, Perote y Tatatila) producidas en las épocas de lluvias, secas y nortes. Se determinaron los contenidos de mesófilos aerobios, coliformes totales Eschericha coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella ssp y Brucella sp. así como proteína, grasa, lactosa, sólidos no grasos, densidad y acidez. Los resultados microbiológicos determinaron la ausencia de Eschericha coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp y Brucella sp. en las leches analizadas. El efecto de la interacción Época del año por Unidad de producción por Tipo de leche mostro que el 50% de las leches (crudas y pasteurizadas) producidas en las épocas de norte y lluvias presentaron los mayores contenidos de Mesófilos aerobios y Coliformes totales. El efecto de la interacción unidad de producción por tipo de leche presentaron los mayores contenidos de sólidos no grasos, proteínas, lactosa y densidad debido a uso de diferentes forrajes como morera, cascaras de naranja, pasto Taiwán, alfalfa y rastrojo de maíz. Los mayores contenidos de grasa se encontraron en las unidades de producción de Coatepec y Tatatila

    Caracterización fisicoquímica de masas de maíz (Zea mays L.) nixtamalizado: caso Córdoba, Veracruz, México

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    Objetivo: Determinar las características físicas y químicas de las masas de maíz fresco (Zea mays L.) para tortillerías de Córdoba, Veracruz, México, utilizando tecnología GIS para delimitar el área de muestreo. La hipótesis es que las masas de maíz fresco en una región tienen características fisicoquímicas similares. En México no hay información oficial sobre el número de tortillerías existentes, por lo que es difícil aplicar un método estadístico convencional para determinar el tamaño de la muestra. Diseño / metodología / enfoque: La densidad de población se utilizó para el muestreo, tomando como referencia los centroides de las áreas donde la densidad de población era de 250 habitantes / hectárea. Se recolectó 1 kg de masa de maíz fresco en 12 tortillerías seleccionadas. Resultados: Se obtuvieron tres submuestras de 333.3 g de la masa muestreada de cada tortilla y se analizaron su pH, humedad, cenizas, actividad del agua, color, distribución de partículas y perfil de textura. Se realizó una comparación de medias con las submuestras recolectadas. Se obtuvieron los siguientes intervalos: pH de 8.63 a 11.20, actividad de agua de 0.93 a 0.99, humedad de 55.76 a 62.37%, cenizas de 1.05 a 2.35%, dureza de 7.62 a 18.71 N y color de L * = 77.26 a 83.00, a * = 0.13 a 1.55 yb * = 19.56 a 27.00. La correlación de Pearson entre el color amarillo de las masas con el pH y el porcentaje de cenizas fue estadísticamente positiva. Limitaciones en el estudio / implicaciones: La información presentada corresponde una región específica de Veracruz, por lo que, para tener una mayor representatividad de los resultados, debe tener una mayor cobertura de muestreo. Hallazgos / conclusiones: la variabilidad de las muestras fue alta entre las tortillerías e indica que la preparación de masas no sigue un proceso estandarizado y esto puede impactar en el producto final

    Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of a functional honey-added marshmallow

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of the addition of honey and the ºBloom of gelatin on the phenol content and antioxidant capacity of a marshmallow. Design/methodology/approach: A 32 factorial design was carried out adding honey concentrations of 0, 50 and 75 % and grenetins of 265, 300 and 315 ºBloom. Results: The addition of honey increased the phenol content and antioxidant activity by more than 45 % compared to samples without honey. Sensory analysis did not show differences in taste, smell and mouthfeel between samples with and without honey, however, higher ºBloom improved the texture and appearance of the marshmallows. Limitations of the study/implications: The sweetness of the marshmallows with honey increased with the concentration of the honey, being excessive for consumers. Findings/conclusions: Marshmallows made with honey are a viable alternative for introduction to the confectionery market.Objective: To evaluate the effect of adding honey and the gelatin degrees Bloom in the phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of a marshmallow product. Design/methodology/approach: A 32 factorial design was carried out adding 0, 50 and 75% honey concentrations and 265, 300 and 315 degrees Bloom of gelatin. Results: Adding of honey increased the phenolic content and antioxidant activity by 45% compared to samples without honey. Sensory analysis showed no differences in flavor, aroma and mouthfeel between samples with and without honey, however, higher degrees bloom improved the texture and appearance of the marshmallows. Limitations of the study/implications: The sweetness of honey-added marshmallows increased with the honey concentration, being excessive for consumers. Findings/conclusions: Functional honey-added marshmallow is a viable alternative that can be feasibly introduced to the confectionery market

    Options. Journal of the UNAB Financial Engineering Program. Volume 4 No. 7 June 2010

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    Las opiniones contenidas en los artículos de esta revista no vinculan a la institución sino que son de exclusiva responsabilidad de los autores, dentro de los principios democráticos de cátedra libre y libertad de expresión, consagrados en el artículo 3° del Estatuto General de la Corporación Autónoma de Bucaramanga. El material de esta publicación puede ser reproducido sín autorización, siempre y cuando se mencione su procedencia y el Programa de Ingeniería Financiera de la UNAB reciba un ejemplar de su publicación.Editorial. - 5 Los mercados de energía eléctrica en América Latina y Europa. - 7 Perfil del emprendedor en Bucaramanga. - 19 CRM o el camino a la calidad del servicio. - 30 Importancia del XBRL. - 37 Diseño y evaluación financiera de la creación de un centro de maquinaria agrícola para los cultivadores de tabaco del Huila y su impacto en la estructura de costos del cultivo. 41 Importancia de la intervención del estado colombiano en el sistema financiero. - 50 Análisis y valoración del riesgo de precio de energía eléctrica en Colombia. - 55The opinions contained in the articles of this magazine do not bind the institution but are exclusive responsibility of the authors, within the democratic principles of free teaching and freedom of expression, enshrined in article 3 of the General Statute of the Autonomous Corporation of Bucaramanga. The material in this publication may be reproduced without authorization, as long as its origin and the Financial Engineering Program of UNAB receives a copy of your publication

    Monitoreo de la degradación forestal en México con base en el inventario nacional forestal y de suelos (Infys)

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    Existen muchas definiciones de degradación forestal. Sin embargo, la mayoría no son operativas dado que no proponen variables para medirla. Su medición es compleja; evaluarla implica comparar el estatus del bosque en un momento dado con un estado previo (condición de referencia o línea base). El reto del seguimiento (monitoreo) de la degradación inicia con su definición y con la identificación de la línea base. En este trabajo se propone un índice general de degradación (IGD) para evaluar la degradación forestal que ocurre en México en el periodo que transcurre entre mediciones del Inventario Nacional Forestal y de Suelos (Infys). El IGD está compuesto de indicadores que toman como insumo la base de datos del Infys. Paralelamente, el estudio pretende construir una línea base que permita dar seguimiento a la degradación forestal en años futuros. Los resultados a escala de entidad federativa indican que los estados de Puebla, Veracruz, Morelos y Colima no muestran evidencia global de procesos de degradación en el periodo evaluado. Contrariamente, Querétaro, Tamaulipas y el D.F. (Ciudad de México) registran cierto proceso de degradación. El valor del IGD ponderado a escala nacional indica que, en general, para los periodos evaluados de cinco años (e.g. 2004-2009, 2005-2010, etc.) los ecosistemas del país no registran procesos considerables de degradación, es decir, el valor obtenido del IGD es igual al valor de referencia. Sin embargo, a escala local es posible identificar áreas severamente degradadas o incluso deforestadas

    Monitoreo de la degradación forestal en México con base en el inventario nacional forestal y de suelos (Infys)

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    There are many definitions of forest degradation, however, most of them are not operational because they do not propose variables to measure it. Its measurement is complex. Evaluation involves comparing the status of the forest at a given time with a previous state (reference condition or baseline). The challenge to follow-up the degradation process begins with its definition and the identification of the baseline. The present paper proposes a General Index of Degradation (IGD, for its meaning in Spanish) to assess forest degradation that occurs in Mexico in the time period between measurements of the National Inventory of Forest and Soil (Infys). The IGD is composed of indicators that take as input the Infys database. At the same time, the study aims to build a base line that will allow monitoring forest degradation in future years. The results at the scale of federal entity indicate that the states of Puebla, Veracruz, Morelos and Colima show no evidence of degradation processes (IGD) during the period evaluated. On the contrary, Querétaro, Tamaulipas and Mexico City recorded certain process of degradation. The value of the IGD weighted at the national scale indicates that in general, for the five-year periods evaluated (e.g. 2004-2009, 2005-2010, etc.) the country’s ecosystems do not record any significant degradation, i.e., the value obtained from the IGD is equal to the baseline value. However, at the local scale it is possible to identify areas severely degraded or even deforested.Existen muchas definiciones de degradación forestal. Sin embargo, la mayoría no son operativas dado que no proponen variables para medirla. Su medición es compleja; evaluarla implica comparar el estatus del bosque en un momento dado con un estado previo (condición de referencia o línea base). El reto del seguimiento (monitoreo) de la degradación inicia con su definición y con la identificación de la línea base. En este trabajo se propone un índice general de degradación (IGD) para evaluar la degradación forestal que ocurre en México en el periodo que transcurre entre mediciones del Inventario Nacional Forestal y de Suelos (Infys). El IGD está compuesto de indicadores que toman como insumo la base de datos del Infys. Paralelamente, el estudio pretende construir una línea base que permita dar seguimiento a la degradación forestal en años futuros. Los resultados a escala de entidad federativa indican que los estados de Puebla, Veracruz, Morelos y Colima no muestran evidencia global de procesos de degradación en el periodo evaluado. Contrariamente, Querétaro, Tamaulipas y el D.F. (Ciudad de México) registran cierto proceso de degradación. El valor del IGD ponderado a escala nacional indica que, en general, para los periodos evaluados de cinco años (e.g. 2004-2009, 2005-2010, etc.) los ecosistemas del país no registran procesos considerables de degradación, es decir, el valor obtenido del IGD es igual al valor de referencia. Sin embargo, a escala local es posible identificar áreas severamente degradadas o incluso deforestadas

    Biochemical, anatomical, and histochemical characterization of cachichín (Oecopetalum mexicanum Greenm. & C.H. Thomps: Metteniusaceae) seeds exposed to different thermal treatments

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    Background Cachichín (Oecopetalum mexicanum Greenm. & C.H. Thomps: Metteniusaceae) is an arboreal species native to the Misantla mountain range, Veracruz, Mexico, whose fruit contains an edible seed with potential nutraceutical properties. Basic biochemical analyses have been performed, though the effects of thermal treatments on the concentration of vital molecules, the seed structure and the histochemistry have yet to be elicited. Herewith we determined the effect of different thermal treatments on the concentrations of total sugars; glucose and fructose; proteins; and amino acids; as well as the impact of such treatments on the anatomy and histochemistry of seeds. Methods Biochemical, anatomical, and histochemical characterizations of the cachichín seed were carried out in raw form (T1) and under three thermal treatments: boiled (T2), commercial toasting (T3), and controlled toasting (T4). The biochemical variables evaluated were total and reducing sugars, total proteins, and total amino acids. Observations of the seed structure were performed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), while histochemical staining was carried out to identify starch, lipids, tannins, polysaccharides and proteins under compound light microscopy. Results Concentration of total sugars was reduced in boiled (T2) and commercial toasting (T3) seeds as compared to raw (T1) and controlled toasting (T4) seeds; boiled seeds (T3) displayed the lowest concentration of total sugars. An increase in the concentrations of glucose and fructose was observed in T4. As compared to T1, all other treatments did not change protein concentrations in the seed; the only significant difference observed was between T2 and T3, with commercial toasting displaying the highest mean for this variable. Amino acid concentrations decreased in T3 and T4 compared to T1, while in T2 the concentration of these molecules increased. The anatomic analysis of (T1) revealed a well-organized structure, compared to applied thermal treatments, where degradation of anatomical structures was observed. In general, the thermal treatments tested modified the concentrations and distribution of starch, lipids, tannins, polysaccharides and proteins as compared to raw seeds. The raw cachichín seed has a well-defined anatomical and cellular compartmental organization, while the application of the thermal treatments caused a loss of its structural organization and degradation of vital biomolecules. Conclusion The cachichín seed can be considered a good source of proteins and lipids. Thermal treatments can improve its organoleptic properties, though they negatively impact its nutritional value and anatomical structure. Among thermal treatments tested, the controlled toasting can maintain or even improve some nutraceutical properties with a few structural and biochemical modifications