260 research outputs found

    Barriers and challenges in the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of breast cancer patients

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    Breast cancer is the most common female cancer worldwide. This disease represents one of the main points of public health concern today, aggravating the situation due to the numerous barriers to preventing, treating, and rehabilitation patients affected by this health condition. In this way, this letter to the editor aims to discuss the barriers and challenges in preventing, treating, and rehabilitating breast cancer patients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Associations between Coronavirus and Immune Response, Cardiorespiratory Fitness Rehabilitation and Physical Activity: A Brief Report

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    COVID-19 has serious effects on cardiorespiratory capacity. In this sense, physical activity has been identified as beneficial in the treatment of cardiorespiratory diseases due to its anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive benefits. To date, no study has been found on cardiorespiratory capacity and rehabilitation in patients cured after COVID-19. Thus, this brief report aims to relate the benefits of physical activity to cardiorespiratory function after COVID-19. It is important to know how different levels of physical activity can be related to the different symptoms of COVID-19. In view of this, the objectives of this brief report were to: (1) explore the theoretical associations between COVID-19 symptoms and physical activity; (2) compare the cardiorespiratory function of non-COVID-19 participants and post-COVID-19 patients; and (3) propose a physical activity program to improve the cardiorespiratory fitness of post-COVID-19 patients. Thus, we note that moderate-intensity physical activity (i.e., walking) has a greater beneficial effect on immune function, whereas vigorous activity (i.e., marathon running) tends to temporarily reduce immune function through an imbalance of cytokine types I and II in the hours and days after exercise. However, there is no consensus in the literature in this regard, since other investigations suggest that high-intensity training can also be beneficial, not causing clinically relevant immunosuppression. Physical activity has been shown to be beneficial in improving the clinical conditions most frequently associated with severe COVID-19. Thus, it is possible to infer that physically active individuals seem to be less exposed to the dangers of severe COVID-19 compared to non-active individuals through the benefits of physical activity in strengthening the immune system and fighting infections. The current study demonstrates that physical activity appears to be beneficial in improving the clinical conditions most often associated with severe COVID-19.This research was founded by the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences of the Douro and by national funds (FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) under the project UIBD/DTP/04045/2021.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of resistance training and hypocaloric diets with different protein content on body composition and lipid profile in hypercholesterolemic obese women

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    Lifestyle changes such as following a hypocaloric diet and regular physical exercise are recognized as effective non-pharmacological interventions to reduce body fat mass and prevent cardiovascular disease risk factors. Purpose: To evaluate the interactions of a higher protein (HP) vs. a lower protein (LP) diet with or without a concomitant progressive resistance training program (RT) on body composition and lipoprotein profile in hypercholesterolemic obese women. Methods: Retrospective study derived from a 16-week randomized controlled-intervention clinical trial. Twentyfive sedentary, obese (BMI: 30-40 kg/m²) women, aged 40-60 with hypercholesterolemia were assigned to a 4-arm trial using a 2 x 2 factorial design (Diet x Exercise). Prescribed diets had the same calorie restriction (-500 kcal/day), and were categorized according to protein content as: lower protein ( 22% daily energy intake, HP). Exercise comparisons involved habitual activity (control) vs. a 16-week supervised whole-body resistance training program (RT), two sessions/wk. Results: A significant decrease in weight and waist circumference was observed in all groups. A significant decrease in LDL-C and Total-Cholesterol levels was observed only when a LP diet was combined with a RT program, the RT being the most determining factor. Interestingly, an interaction between diet and exercise was found concerning LDL-C values. Conclusion: In this study, resistance training plays a key role in improving LDL-C and Total-Cholesterol; however, a lower protein intake (< 22% of daily energy intake as proteins) was found to achieve a significantly greater reduction in LDL-C

    Projeto Rosa Ativo: programa de exercício físico regular para doentes oncológicos

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    O cancro da mama é o cancro com maior prevalência no sexo feminino em Portugal, sendo também a principal causa das mortes por neoplasia nas mulheres. Tendo em conta a importância os efeitos preventivos e protetores do exercício físico nesta população especial, será desenvolvido o projeto Rosa Ativo, um programa de exercício físico para doentes oncológicos, no Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB), com a colaboração dos centros de saúde de Bragança, da Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro e da Unidade Local de Saúde. Objetivos: Avaliar, prescrever e orientar a prática de exercício físico individualizado para doentes oncológicos antes e após intervenção cirúrgica/tratamento. Métodos: A amostra será composta por um grupo de intervenção de sobreviventes de cancro de mama, 2 vezes por semana, com duração de 50 minutos cada sessão, e grupo de controlo de sobreviventes de cancro mama fisicamente inativas. Será avaliada a aptidão funcional através do Functional Fitness Test: a força e a resistência dos membros superioers (MS) e inferiores (MI) , a flexibilidade dos MI e MS, a agilidade e o equilíbrio dinâmico, a resistência aeróbia; a composição corporal : o índice de massa corporal, a densidade mineral óssea, a massa magra (MM) e a percentagem de gordura corporal; a qualidade de vida, a qualidade do sono, o risco para sintomas de depressão Resultados esperados: Esperamos melhorias positivas e significativas na capacidade funcional, qualidade de vida, qualidade do sono, índices de depressão, bem-estar, e auxiliar no eficiência no tratamento do cancro nas participantes do projeto.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effectiveness of pilates training interventions on older adults’ balance: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    Pilates training intervention programs have gained attention as a potential approach to enhancing balance in older adults, thereby reducing the risk of falls. In light of these considerations, this systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to critically evaluate the existing evidence and determine the effect of Pilates training intervention programs on older adults’ balance. Materials and Methods: The literature was searched through the PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus databases from inception until July 2023. The primary keywords used for the literature search included “elderly” or “older adults” and “pilates training” and “balance”. Results: The systematic review through qualitative analysis showed robust evidence about the efficacy of Pilates intervention programs in improving older adults’ balance. The pooled meta-analysis of static and dynamic balance showed that eight (53%) out of a total fifteen analyzed interventions presented a significant effect of Pilates in improving the participants’ balance, without between-study heterogeneity. In addition, the meta-analysis regarding dynamic balance showed that six (67%) out of nine analyzed interventions presented a significant effect of Pilates in improving the participants’ balance, without heterogeneity between studies. Similarly, the meta-analysis regarding static balance showed that four (50%) out of eight analyzed studies presented significant effects on the older adults’ balance, where moderate between-study heterogeneity was found. Sensitivity analysis showed that three studies reduced the between-study heterogeneity (19, 17.6, and 17%), regressing from moderate to low heterogeneity, p < 0.05. Conclusions: This systematic review and meta-analysis underscores the potential of Pilates training as a valuable intervention to enhance balance in the elderly populationThis work is supported by national funding through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the project UIDB/04045/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Recensiones [ Revista de Historia Económica Año V Primavera-Verano 1987 n. 2 pp. 393-424]

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    Denis Menjot. Fiscalidad y sociedad. Los murcianos y el impuesto en la Baja Edad Media (Por Miguel Ángel Ladero Quesada).-- José Luis de Rojas. México Tenochtitlán. Economía y sociedad en el siglo XVI (Por Pedro Pérez Herrero).-- James S. Amelang. La formación de una clase dirigente, 1490-1714 (Por Pere Molas) Oreste Popescu y otros. Aportaciones del pensamiento económico iberoamericano, siglos XVI-XX (Por Carlos Rodríguez Braun).-- José Camacho Cabello. La Siberia Extremeña. Población, economía y sociedad en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII (Por Andrés J. Moreno Mengíbar).-- Mariano García Rupiérez. La Real Compañía de Comercio y Fábricas de Toledo (Por Agustín González Enciso).-- Teresa Tortella Casares. Índice de los primitivos accionistas del Banco Nacional de San Carlos (Por José Patricio Merino).-- Varios autores. Madrid en la sociedad del siglo XIX (Por Santos Madrazo Madrazo).-- Leonor Ludlow y Carlos Marichal (eds.). Banca y poder en México (1800-1925) (Por Gabriel Tortella).- José M. Santacreu Soler. La crisis monetaria española de 1937 (Por Juan Hernández Andreu).-- R. Garrabou, C. Barciela y J.I. Jiménez Blanco (eds.). Historia agraria de la España contemporánea (Pot A. M. Bernal).-- K. Basu. The Less Developed Economy. A Critique of Contemporary Theory (Por Jordi Palafox)Publicad

    Asthma prevalence in adolescent students from a Portuguese primary and secondary school

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    Asthma is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases worldwide, with a considerable increase, especially in children. It is considered the main cause of childhood morbidity, school absenteeism, and limitations in sports practice. The causes are multifactorial, and their prevalence varies from region to region, thus verifying a great disparity in the estimates of the prevalence of asthma. In this sense, the objective of this study is to investigate the prevalence of asthma, its control, as well as the frequency of associated symptoms, in adolescents who attended the 3rd cycle of basic education and secondary education in schools in the municipalities of Paços de Ferreira, Paredes, and Penafiel. The sample consisted of 1222 (587 males and 635 females) (p = 0.17) aged between 12 and 17 years. The instruments used to diagnose asthma-associated symptoms were the standard questionnaire of the “International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood—ISAAC” and to check whether asthma was controlled, the “Test for Asthma Control” questionnaire was used. The results reveal a high prevalence of adolescents with asthma (8.9%) with a significant percentage that did not have the disease under control (38%). There was also a considerable percentage of adolescents who, despite not having asthma, have many symptoms associated with the disease. These results may be associated with environmental factors.This research is supported by the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences of the Douro and by national funding through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the project UID04045/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of MTHFR C677T gene polymorphism and homocysteine level in coronary atherosclerotic disease

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of C677T methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) polymorphism and correlate it with plasma homocysteine levels in coronary artery disease (CAD). METHODS: Ninety-three patients with documented CAD from Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz (Recife, PE, Brazil) and 108 healthy controls were evaluated. Homocysteine and folate levels were determined by HPLC and chemoluminescence, respectively, and lipid profile was considered. Genotyping was done by RFLP/PCR. RESULTS: The groups were homogeneous for the C677T polymorphisms. The homocysteine level in cases (11.7 µmol/L) was statistically different from that observed in controls (8.84 µmol/L, p< 0.05). It was also observed that 72% of the patients had homocysteine values above12 µmol/L while the control group presented only 32% in this range. There was no relationship between homozigosity for the C677T polymorphism and the homocysteine level (p= 0.634). We noticed statistical differences between folate levels from patients and controls (6.22 and 7.69 ng/dL, p< 0.05, respectively). However, there was no correlation between homocysteine and folate concentrations in the entire group (r= -0.202). Comparing cases and controls, the odds ratio (OR) when homocysteine is high and folate is low was OR= 11.9; CI 95%= 4.16-34.42, p< 0.01. CONCLUSION: A lack of correlation between C677T mutation and homocysteine level suggests that environmental factors and others genetic factors seem to exert more influence on homocysteine level in this population.OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar a prevalência do polimorfismo C677T do gene metilenotetraidrofolato redutase (MTHFR) e associá-la com a concentração plasmática de homocisteína plasmática na doença arterial coronariana (DAC). MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 93 pacientes com DAC documentada, atendidos no Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz (Recife, PE, Brasil), e 108 controles sem a doença. Foram determinados os perfis lipídicos de pacientes e controles. As concentrações plasmáticas de homocisteína e folato foram determinadas por HPLC e quimioluminescência, respectivamente. A genotipagem foi realizada por RFLP/PCR. RESULTADOS: Os grupos de pacientes e controles foram homogêneos quanto aos perfis genéticos do polimorfismo investigado. Nos pacientes, as concentrações plasmáticas médias de homocisteina (11,7 ± 4,4 µmol/L) e de folato (6,22 ± 3,0 ng/dL) foram estatisticamente diferentes daquelas observadas nos controles (8,84 ± 3,2 µmol/L e 7,69 ± 3,1 ng/dL, respectivamente), ao nível de significância de 0,05. Entretanto, não houve correlação entre concentração plasmática de homocisteína e folato nos pacientes (r= -0,202). Não foi observada associação entre a homozigosidade 677TT para MTHFR e a concentração plasmática de homocisteína sérica (p= 0,634). A comparação dos casos e controles que apresentaram simultaneamente alta concentração plasmática de homocisteína e baixa concentração de folato, resultou numa razão de chance superior à de cada variável analisada independentemente (RC= 11,9; IC 95%= 4,16-34,42, p< 0,01). CONCLUSÕES: A mutação C677T não parece ser um fator genético importante capaz de explicar a hiperhomocisteinemia moderada observada nos pacientes com DAC. Outros fatores, ambientais e genéticos, devem ser investigados.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Pediatria Laboratório de Erros Inatos de MetabolismoUniversidade de Pernambuco ICB Departamento de Ciências FisiológicasUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto Hospital das ClínicasUNIFESP, Depto. de Pediatria Laboratório de Erros Inatos de MetabolismoSciEL

    The influence of abdominal adiposity and physical fitness on obesity status of portuguese adolescents

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    The aim of this study was to verify the relationship between abdominal adiposity and physical fitness in the obesity status of Portuguese adolescents. BMI, abdominal adiposity, and physical fitness tests from the FITescola® were evaluated in a total of 654 Portuguese adolescents, aged 10-19 years old—male: n = 334 (51%), female: n = 320 (49%). For the final model, BMI was positively related with age (β = 0.25), abdominal adiposity (β = 0.313), horizontal jump (β = −0.100), 40 m maximal velocity (β = 0.274), and aerobic fitness (β = −0.250, R2 = 0.75, F = 382.2, and p = 0.0001). We conclude that higher age and abdominal adiposity are positively related with a higher adolescent BMI. Furthermore, lower horizontal jump distances and worse times on the 40 m maximal velocity were inversely related with a higher adolescent BMI, and lower aerobic fitness was inversely related with a higher adolescent BMI.This research was funded by the National Funds through FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (UIDB/DTP/04045/2020) and the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences of the Douro (grant number NIDEF.21-22).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Obesity status and physical fitness levels in male and female portuguese adolescents: a two-way multivariate analysis

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    Obesity and decreasing fitness levels among the youth are growing concerns in Portugal, similar to other developed countries, with implications for health and psychomotor development. Understanding the influence of health determinants such as sex and age are crucial for developing effective public health strategies. This study aimed to analyze the association between sex and chronological age with obesity status and physical fitness in Portuguese adolescents. A total of 170 adolescents (85 males and 85 females) were evaluated for body mass index, abdominal adiposity, aerobic fitness, abdominal resistance, upper limb resistance, lower limb power, and maximal running speed in a 40 m sprint using the FITescola® physical fitness battery, a Portuguese government initiative. The general model, analyzed using Pillai’s trace, showed a significant effect of age and sex on body mass index, abdominal circumference, aerobic fitness, abdominal resistance, upper limb resistance, lower limb power, and maximal running speed (V = 0.99, F (7) = 10,916.4, p < 0.001, partial η2, sex = 0.22; age = 0.43, sex and age interaction = 0.10). Boys had higher physical fitness levels than girls in most tests, but both sex groups had a significantly higher proportion of non-fit adolescents, with boys showing the highest number of participants classified as non-fit.This research was funded by the National Funds through FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (UIDB/DTP/04045/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio