21 research outputs found

    A logic-algebraic tool for reasoning with Knowledge-Based Systems

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    A detailed exposition of foundations of a logic-algebraic model for reasoning with knowledge bases speci ed by propositional (Boolean) logic is presented. The model is conceived from the logical translation of usual derivatives on polynomials (on residue rings) which is used to design a new inference rule of algebro-geometric inspiration. Soundness and (refutational) completeness of the rule are proved. Some applications of the tools introduced in the paper are shown.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-41086-

    Extending Attribute Exploration by Means of Boolean Derivatives

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    We present a translation of problems of Formal Context Analysis into ideals problems in F2[x] through the Boolean derivatives. The Boolean derivatives are introduced as a kind of operators on propositional formulas which provide a complete calculus. They are useful to refine stem basis as well as for extending attribute exploration

    Crystal Structure of the Hemochromatosis Protein HFE and Characterization of Its Interaction with Transferrin Receptor

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    AbstractHFE is an MHC-related protein that is mutated in the iron-overload disease hereditary hemochromatosis. HFE binds to transferrin receptor (TfR) and reduces its affinity for iron-loaded transferrin, implicating HFE in iron metabolism. The 2.6 Ã… crystal structure of HFE reveals the locations of hemochromatosis mutations and a patch of histidines that could be involved in pH-dependent interactions. We also demonstrate that soluble TfR and HFE bind tightly at the basic pH of the cell surface, but not at the acidic pH of intracellular vesicles. TfR:HFE stoichiometry (2:1) differs from TfR:transferrin stoichiometry (2:2), implying a different mode of binding for HFE and transferrin to TfR, consistent with our demonstration that HFE, transferrin, and TfR form a ternary complex

    Binding and uptake of H-ferritin are mediated by human transferrin receptor-1

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    Ferritin is a spherical molecule composed of 24 subunits of two types, ferritin H chain (FHC) and ferritin L chain (FLC). Ferritin stores iron within cells, but it also circulates and binds specifically and saturably to a variety of cell types. For most cell types, this binding can be mediated by ferritin composed only of FHC (HFt) but not by ferritin composed only of FLC (LFt), indicating that binding of ferritin to cells is mediated by FHC but not FLC. By using expression cloning, we identified human transferrin receptor-1 (TfR1) as an important receptor for HFt with little or no binding to LFt. In vitro, HFt can be precipitated by soluble TfR1, showing that this interaction is not dependent on other proteins. Binding of HFt to TfR1 is partially inhibited by diferric transferrin, but it is hindered little, if at all, by HFE. After binding of HFt to TfR1 on the cell surface, HFt enters both endosomes and lysosomes. TfR1 accounts for most, if not all, of the binding of HFt to mitogen-activated T and B cells, circulating reticulocytes, and all cell lines that we have studied. The demonstration that TfR1 can bind HFt as well as Tf raises the possibility that this dual receptor function may coordinate the processing and use of iron by these iron-binding molecules

    Extracellular matrix protein anosmin-1 overexpression alters dopaminergic phenotype in the CNS and the PNS with no pathogenic consequences in a MPTP model of Parkinson’s disease

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    The development and survival of dopaminergic neurons are influenced by the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) pathway. Anosmin-1 (A1) is an extracellular matrix protein that acts as a major regulator of this signaling pathway, controlling FGF diffusion, and receptor interaction and shuttling. In particular, previous work showed that A1 overexpression results in more dopaminergic neurons in the olfactory bulb. Prompted by those intriguing results, in this study, we investigated the effects of A1 overexpression on different populations of catecholaminergic neurons in the central (CNS) and the peripheral nervous systems (PNS). We found that A1 overexpression increases the number of dopaminergic substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) neurons and alters the striosome/matrix organization of the striatum. Interestingly, these numerical and morphological changes in the nigrostriatal pathway of A1-mice did not confer an altered susceptibility to experimental MPTP-parkinsonism with respect to wild-type controls. Moreover, the study of the effects of A1 overexpression was extended to different dopaminergic tissues associated with the PNS, detecting a significant reduction in the number of dopaminergic chemosensitive carotid body glomus cells in A1-mice. Overall, our work shows that A1 regulates the development and survival of dopaminergic neurons in different nuclei of the mammalian nervous system.This research was supported by MCIN/Spanish Research Agency (AEI)/grants PID2019-105995RB-I00 (J.J.T.-A. and J.V.) and PID2019-109858RB-I00 (to F. dC.); ISCIII grants Red TerCel, RD16/0011/0025 (J.J.T.-A.), PI12/02574 (J.J.T.-A.), CP21/00106 (DG-G) and PI22/00156 (DG-G); Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa grant CTS2739 (J.J.T.-A.), Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad grant US-1380891 (J.J.T.-A. and J.V.), Junta de Andalucía.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Sevilla/CBUA.Peer reviewe

    A synthetic glycodendropeptide induces methylation changes on regulatory T cells linked to tolerant responses in anaphylactic-mice

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    IntroductionLipid transfer proteins (LTPs) are allergens found in a wide range of plant-foods. Specifically, Pru p 3, the major allergen of peach, is commonly responsible for severe allergic reactions. The need for new alternatives to conventional food allergy treatments, like restrictive diets, suggests allergen immunotherapy as a promising option. It has been demonstrated that sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) with synthetic glycodendropeptides, such as D1ManPrup3, containing mannose and Pru p 3 peptides induced tolerance in mice and that the persistence of this effect depends on treatment dose (2nM or 5nM). Moreover, it produces changes associated with differential gene expression and methylation profile of dendritic cells, as well as phenotypical changes in regulatory T cells (Treg). However, there are no works addressing the study of epigenetic changes in terms of methylation in the cell subsets that sustain tolerant responses, Treg. Therefore, in this work, DNA methylation changes in splenic-Treg from Pru p 3 anaphylactic mice were evaluated.MethodsIt was performed by whole genome bisulphite sequencing comparing SLIT-D1ManPrup3 treated mice: tolerant (2nM D1ManPrup3), desensitized (5nM D1ManPrup3), and sensitized but not treated (antigen-only), with anaphylactic mice.ResultsMost of the methylation changes were found in the gene promoters from both SLIT-treated groups, desensitized (1,580) and tolerant (1,576), followed by the antigen-only (1,151) group. Although tolerant and desensitized mice showed a similar number of methylation changes, only 445 genes were shared in both. Remarkably, interesting methylation changes were observed on the promoter regions of critical transcription factors for Treg function like Stat4, Stat5a, Stat5b, Foxp3, and Gata3. In fact, Foxp3 was observed exclusively as hypomethylated in tolerant group, whereas Gata3 was only hypomethylated in the desensitized mice.DiscussionIn conclusion, diverse D1ManPrup3 doses induce different responses (tolerance or desensitization) in mice, which are reflected by differential methylation changes in Tregs

    Potentiometric Study of Carbon Nanotube/Surfactant Interactions by Ion-Selective Electrodes. Driving Forces in the Adsorption and Dispersion Processes

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    The interaction (adsorption process) of commercial ionic surfactants with non-functionalized and functionalized carbon nanotubes (CNTs) has been studied by potentiometric measurements based on the use of ion-selective electrodes. The goal of this work was to investigate the role of the CNTs’ charge and structure in the CNT/surfactant interactions. Non-functionalized single- (SWCNT) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT), and amine functionalized SWCNT were used. The influence of the surfactant architecture on the CNT/surfactant interactions was also studied. Surfactants with different charge and hydrophobic tail length (sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), octyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (OTAB), dodecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (DoTAB) and hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB)) were studied. According to the results, the adsorption process shows a cooperative character, with the hydrophobic interaction contribution playing a key role. This is made evident by the correlation between the free surfactant concentration (at a fixed [CNT]) and the critical micellar concentration, cmc, found for all the CNTs and surfactants investigated. The electrostatic interactions mainly determine the CNT dispersion, although hydrophobic interactions also contribute to this process

    The Transferrin Receptor Binding Site on HFE, the Class I MHC-related Protein Mutated in Hereditary Hemochromatosis

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    HFE is a class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-related protein that is mutated in patients with the iron storage disease hereditary hemochromatosis. HFE binds tightly to transferrin receptor (TfR), the receptor that mediates uptake of iron-loaded transferrin. The binding affinities for TfR of HFE mutants, designed using the HFE crystal structure, were measured using biosensor assays. The results allow localization of the TfR binding site on HFE to the C-terminal portion of the α1 domain helix and an adjacent loop, a region distinct from the ligand binding sites on class I MHC and related proteins. A biosensor-derived pH-dependent affinity profile for the HFE-TfR interaction is discussed in terms of HFE's hypothesized role in intracellular trafficking

    Crystal structure of the hereditary haemochromatosis protein HFE complexed with transferrin receptor

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    HFE is related to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I proteins and is mutated in the iron-overload disease hereditary haemochromatosis. HFE binds to the transferrin receptor (TfR), a receptor by which cells acquire iron-loaded transferrin. The 2.8 Å crystal structure of a complex between the extracellular portions of HFE and TfR shows two HFE molecules which grasp each side of a twofold symmetric TfR dimer. On a cell membrane containing both proteins, HFE would 'lie down' parallel to the membrane, such that the HFE helices that delineate the counterpart of the MHC peptide-binding groove make extensive contacts with helices in the TfR dimerization domain. The structures of TfR alone and complexed with HFE differ in their domain arrangement and dimer interfaces, providing a mechanism for communicating binding events between TfR chains. The HFE–TfR complex suggests a binding site for transferrin on TfR and sheds light upon the function of HFE in regulating iron homeostasis