347 research outputs found

    Petrology of the Maladeta granitoids ln the Tahüll-Lago Negro sector (Lérida)

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    [Resumen] El Macizo plutónico de La Maladeta (Huesca-Lérida) corresponde, en su sector central (Tahül1-lago Negro), a un plutón circunscrito, cuyo carácter polifásico, está representado por los cuatro pulsos siguientes: a) los Cuarzo-Gabros, ubicados en su extremo sur, b) las Granodioritas que, con contenidos variables en anfíbol y biotita, comprenden, en conjunto, el volumen dominante y el pulso más representativo, c) las tonalitas con alto contenido en biotita y, por último, d) los sienogranitos (de dos micas) situados en su zona más central. La composición modal y, en especial, el análisis químico de las fases minerales principales (piroxeno, anfíbol, plagioclasa, biotita, moscovita y feldespato) corroboran una evolución magmática gradual, desde las composiciones más indiferenciadas (Cuarzo-Gabros) hasta las más tardías (Sienogranitos). Se observa una buena correspondencia entre la evolución petrologica (a nivel espacia!) y la de composición mineral, obtenidas por nosotros, con la secuencia de edades radiométicas (Rb/ Sr y U/Pb) determinadas por MICHARD-VITRAC, A. el al, (1980). Esta zonación tiene, a su vez, una muy buena correspondencia con las pautas de evolución geoquímica (elementos mayores y trazas) obtenidas en estudios preliminares (ARRANZ, E., 1991; ARRANZ, E. el al., 1991 a, by c).[Abstract] The Maladeta plutonic Massif (Huesca-Lérida) corresponds, in its central area (Tahül1-Lago Negro), to a circumscribed pluton wich, with multiepisodic character, is represented by the fol1owing four pulses: a) the Quartz-Gabbros, located in its southern extreme brim, b) the Granodiorites that, with variable amount in amphibole and biotite, consist, as a whole, the dominant volume and the most representative pulse, c) the biotite-rich Tonalites and, lastly, d) the syenogranites (with two micas), located in its centermost point. The modal composition and, special1y, the chemical analysis in main mineral phases (pyroxene, amphibole, plagioclase, biotite, muscovite, and feldspar), confirm a gradual magmatic evolution, from' a more indifferentiate composition (Quartz-Gabbross) to the latest (Syenogranites). There exists a good correspondence between the petrological and mineralogical composition, obtained by us, with the sequence of radiometric dates (Rb/Sr and U/Pb) analysed by MICHARD-VITRAC el al., (1980). The petrological zonation has, in turn, a very good correspondence with the pattern of magmatic evolution (major and trace elements) obtained in preliminary studies (ARRANZ, E., 1991; ARRANZ, E. el al., 1991 a, b y c)

    Efficiency of university education: A partial frontier analysis

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    This article investigates the efficiency of the university education using two linked databases (Saber Pro and Saber 11) from the Colombian Institute for Evaluation of Education (ICFES) corresponding to 2014. We use a non-parametric frontier approach that combines the "order m" technique with the concept of a meta-frontier to disaggregate students' total efficiency in generic skills in quantitative reasoning, critical reading, and written communication, into the parts attributable to the students themselves and the university. The analysis is performed by academic programme and by education sector (public vs. private). Results indicate that most of the inefficiency of students in the assessment of generic skills in higher education is attributable to the students themselves and a significant number of students could improve their performance in the assessment in each of the academic programmes if they performed as efficiently as those located on the frontier. Furthermore, the inefficiency share of students varies between academic programmes and university sectors, with students in the private sector more inefficient than those in the public sector in some and less inefficient in others. This research constitutes the first application of the technique of "order m" with the approach of the meta-frontier for the analysis of educational efficiency using data at the student and university levels

    Resultados del tratamiento de la inestabilidad postdisectomia mediante artrodesis posterolateral lumbar

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    El mecanismo fisiopatológico por el cual, tras una discectomia en columna lumbar, se puede producir inestabilidad en este segmento de la columna, ha sido establecido en múltiples estudios y se encuentra en la bibliografía actual. Sin embargo, hay pocas publicaciones en la literatura que hagan referencia a los resultados de la artrodesis posterolateral lumbar en inestabilidad clínico-radiológica generada tras una discectomia lumbar. El propósito del presente estudio es valorar los resultados obtenidos en mejora de calidad de vida, en pacientes sometidos a artrodesis lumbar con tornillos pediculares en inestabilidad postdisectomía. La población estudiada se trató de 15 pacientes, 10 hombres y 5 mujeres con edades comprendidas entre los 27 y 65 años, la selección de los pacientes además del antecedente de cirugía discal, se basó en la presencia de un cuadro clínico de inestabilidad unido a pruebas radiológicas estáticas, dinámicas y resonancia magnética, y por último la ausencia de problemas de tipo laboral o psicológico, los datos se obtuvieron por entrevista personal y llamada telefónica, utilizando la escala de Oswestry y la escala analógica de Scott. Los resultados obtenidos fueron buenos ya que más del 90% de los pacientes refirieron mejoría en su calidad de vida. Se puede concluir que la artrodesis posterolateral con tornillos pediculares en inestabilidad postdisectomia, es una buena opción quirúrgica, con la cual se puede obtener mejoría del cuadro clínico del paciente.The present study has the aime, the evaluation of results of posterolateral lumbar arthrodesis in patients who had undergone lumbar discal surgery failed because of appearance of instability. Retrospective study in 15 patients with diagnosis instability postdiskectomy made by: clinical, static and dynamic x-ray and MRI, treated with posterolateral lumbar arthrodesis using pedicular screw. Ten males and five female of 27-65 years and average 46, we used the life quality scale Oswestry and Scott scale. The shortest follow up 3 years and longest 6 years. Our results were: time between diskectomy and arthrodesis variated from 1 to 10 years, average 5 years, about: pain intensity, patients need analgesic because pain, help for activities, deambulation, sexual activity all of them improve. We had 3 cases with clinical symptoms, the other one pain free. One case of deep infection of wound where surgical debridement was necessary. Finally Scott¿s scale prior to surgery punctuation was between 1-4. after between 8-10. Excepting 1 case with bad evolution. Conclusion: posterolateral lumbar arthrodesis with pedicular screew can be a good option of treatment in instability postdikectomy

    Importancia de la estática del raquis lumbar y pelvis en la estenosis degenerativa del canal raquídeo lumbar

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es examinar algunos parámetros de la estática del caquis lumbosacro en 50 pacientes diagnosticados de estrechez degenerativa del caneal raquídeo lumbar (EDCL), y en un grupo control de 31 sujetos sin antecedentes de patología raquídea, y evaluar las diferencias entre ambos grupos. Los parámetros estudiados mediante radiología simple han sido: Altura discal, la lordosis lumbar, el ángulo lumbosacro de Ferguson, la pendiente sacra, el índice de Taillard, el ángulo discal L5-S1, el nivel de crestas iliacas, y el ángulo de Cauchoix. El ángulo de inclinación del platillo de S1 respecto de la horizontal fue significativamente mayor en el grupo de pacientes que en el de controles. La lordosis no varió significativamente entre ambos grupos. Pero si se observaron diferencias significativas en función del número de niveles estrechados. En el grupo de control, predominaron de forma significativas las disposiciones pélvicas estables, donde las crestas iliacas coinciden con la cuarta vértebra lumbar.The objective of this paper is to examine some parameters of the static of the lumbosacral spine in 50 patients with degenerative stenose of lumbar spine, and in a control groupe of 31 subjects without antecedents of spine pathology, and to evaluate the differences between both groups. We studied by means of simple radiology: the discal height, the lumbar lordosis, the index of Taillard, the discal angle L5-S1, the level of the iliacs crests, and the angle of Cauchoix. The angel of Ferguson was significantly smaller in the group of patients that in that of the controls. The lordosis didn't vary significantly between groups, but it was significantly different if it was observed in function of the number of narrowed levels. In the control group, the stable pelvic despositions (where the crests iliacas coincides with fourth lumbar vertebra) prevailed in a significant way

    Setting, Petrology and Geochemistry of the Volcanoclastic Complex of Orea (Guadalajara, Iberian Chain)

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    [Abstract] The volcanoclastic outcrop ofOrea (south margin of the Iberian Chain) reflects a pluriepisodic igneous activity, expressed in agglomerates and tuffs ofdacitic composition (with a calc-alkaline affinity) and Autunian-Thuringian age. The tuffs are the results' of a hydromagmatic activity, developed under a thin sheet of water (in a paludal environment). The structure of the magmatic outcrop results of the late-Hercynian extensional tectonics, equivalent to that observed in many other outcrops ofthe southeast border ofthe Iberian Chain. The setting characters and composition of the involved magmatic rock-types, suggest the presence of only one volcanic focus, as in other coetaneous half-grabens of this sector of the Iberian Chain

    Characters of the Stephanian-Permian Bronchales basin and the tourmalinization associated to calc-alkaline rhyolites (Teruel Province)

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    [Resumen] La turmalinización que afecta a riolitas calco-alcalinas presentes en la fosa transtensional de Bronchales, con edad Autuniense, destaca por el elevado contenido en B (0.87 O/o de promedio). Esta mineralización muestra un enriqueciIl\iento de HREE y un empobrecimiento en LREE debido a que el fluido mineralizante (rico en F) pudo ejercer una función acomplejante para estos elementos y, también, con carácter selectivo, para As, Sn, Sb y Bi.[Abstract] Calc-alkaline rhyolites of Bronchales transtensional basin (Autunian age) are affected by a tourmalinization process. Tourmalinized rhyolites with 0.87 O/o ofboron as average value show As, Sb, Sn and Bi increments over nontourmalinized ones, as well as important enrichments of HREE over LREE possibly because tourmalinization fluids were enriched in complexing agents (i.e .F)

    Setting conclitions, Petrology ancl Geochemistry of calc-alkaline rhyolites, stephanian-permian, in the iberian chains

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    [Resumen] Se exponen los caracteres del emplazamiento, la composición petrológica y geoquímica de unos sills riolíticos que, con afinidad calco-alcalina, se emplazaron, bajo un ambiente sin-colisional, en diversos sectores de la Cadena Ibérica. Estas riolitas representan un origen crustal, con baja tasa de fusión, previo a un magmatismo calco-alcalino de origen subcrustal.[Abstract] The setting characters, the petrological and geochemical composition are exposed for sorne rhyolitic sills, with calc-alkaline affinity, which were set, in a syncollisional environment, in several areas of the Iberian Chains. These rhyolites represent a crustal origin, with a low degree of fussion, previous to a calc-alkaline magmatism of subcrustal origino

    Study in COMSOL of the generation of traveling waves in an AEF robot by piezoelectric actuation

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    [Abstract] This paper presents a study of motion of an artificial eukaryotic flagellum (AEF) microrobot in COMSOL Multiphysics®. The microrobot is essentially a body, consisting of an aluminum beam structure with two piezoelectric patches bonded on its surface. It requires the same voltage with different frequencies or phases be applied to each piezoelectric or use one of the piezoelectrics as absorber in order to generate a traveling wave on the body. Different types of actuation are simulated to demonstrate that a non-reciprocal motion can be obtained with this kind of configuration.[Abstract] Este artículo presenta un estudio del movimiento de un microrobot de eukaryotic flagellum (AEF) en COMSOL Multiphysics®. El microrobot es esencialmente un cuerpo, que consiste en una estructura de vigas de aluminio con dos parches piezoeléctricos adheridos en su superficie. Requiere que se aplique la misma tensión con diferentes frecuencias o fases a cada piezoeléctrico o use uno de los piezoeléctricos como absorbente para generar una onda viajera en el cuerpo. Se simulan diferentes tipos de actuación para demostrar que se puede obtener un movimiento no recíproco con este tipo de configuración.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; DPI2016-80547-

    Direct specific isotopic analysis of compounds released by pyrolysis (Py-CSIA): Novel applications in paleoenvironmental studies

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    Poster J.03 presentado en el The 40th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography and 13th GCxGC Symposium May 29-June 03, (2016) Riva del Garda Fierecongressi, Riva del Garda, Italyisotopic analysis (Py-CSIA) and analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC/MS) opens new windows of information and is particularly useful to study solid materials that are not soluble and therefore not amenable by conventional GC/MS techniques. Py-CSIA is a rather novel hyphenated technique that combines the chromatographic separation of compounds released by pyrolysis (Py-GC) with an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS). The technique allows the measurement of stable isotope proportions i.e., δ13C, δ15N and δ2H, δ18O in specific compounds released by pyrolysis. The sample preparation is minimized and a molecular fingerprinting of the material is achieved.N

    Preliminary comparison of magmatic manifestations, calc-alkaline affinity and stephanian-permian age, in the Iberian Chain

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    [Resumen] En este trabajo se estudian, de forma sintética y actualizada, las manifestaciones (hipovolcánicas y volcanoclásticas) calco-alcalinas que, con carácter epizonal, pluriepisódico y edad Stephaniense-Pérmico, afloran en la Cadena Ibérica. El estudio del magmatismo en la cuenca de Sauquillo de Alcázar (Soria) permite identificar la geometría y la modalidad de este magmatismo con mayor precisi6n, respecto a lo obtenido en los cuatro afloramientos volcano-clásticos seleccionados. Los resultados obtenidos facilitan realizar consideraciones sobre el estudio espacio-temporal de este magmatismo..[Abstract] A synthetic and actualized study of several magmatic calc-alkaline manifestations of Stephanian-Permian age, of the Iberian Chain, is proposed in this papero The Sauquillo de Alcázar (Soria) outcrop allows a more complete study (with drilling logs and a surface profile) giving improved spacetime information on the geometry and evolution of this magmatism. Four pyroclastic outcrops are integrated in this compariso