2,180 research outputs found

    Prediction of a novel monoclinic carbon allotrope

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    A novel allotrope of carbon with P2/mP2/m symmetry was identified during an \emph{ab-initio} minima-hopping structural search which we call M10M10-carbon. This structure is predicted to be more stable than graphite at pressures above 14.4 GPa and consists purely of sp3sp^3 bonds. It has a high bulk modulus and is almost as hard as diamond. A comparison of the simulated X-ray diffraction pattern shows a good agreement with experimental results from cold compressed graphite.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Función pastoral y poder de la Iglesia

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    Summarium Etiam post Concilium Vaticanum 11 thema de relationibus inter munus pastorale et potes tate m in Ecclesia aliqua problemata ponit. Revera sive identificatic ordinis clericorum cum hierarquia et. recognitio exclusivae capacitatis clericorum ad titulum potestatis in Ecclesia habendum ex parte doctrinae anteconciliaris, sive communis bipartitio vel tripartitio potestat:s Ecclesiae conceptionem sic dictam personalistam hierarquiae ecclesiasticae supponere videntur. Doctrina Concilii Vatican; 11 prae occulis habita, problemata de relatione inter munus pastorale et potestatem in Ecclesia proposita melius solvi posse videntur, si in luce conceptionis sic dictae institutionalistae Ecclesiae considarentur. Studium muneris et potestatis in hoc contextu necnon relatio inter ministerium ecclesiasticum, munus pastorale, munus regendi et potestatem conclusionem permittere videtur secundum quam sensu juridico de potestate ordinis et de potestate magisterii independente a potestate jurisdictionis vel in ea inclusa loqui non deberet.----------------------------------- Abstract The topic of the relations between the pastoral function and power in the Church continues to put forward, after Vatican Council 11, a series of interesting problems. On the one hand, the identification by the preconciliar doctrine of clericate and hierarchy and its recognition of the exclusive capacity of clergymen to be the titularies of power in the Church, and , on the other hand, the famous bipartition or tripartition of the power of the Church, seem to have as background a personalistic vision of the ecclesiastical hierarchy. In the light of Vatican Council 11, it seems that the problems put fcrth by the relation between the pastoral function and power in the Church can be solved best when they are contemplated from the starting point of an institutionalistic vision of the Church. The sudy of the munus and the potestas in this context and the comparison between ecclesiastical ministry, pastoral function, governing function, and power seem to permit the conclusion that it must not be spoken of -in juridical terms- a power of arder and a power of magisterium independent of the power of jurisdiction, or in it included

    El concepto de pastor y función pastoral en el Vaticano II

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    Summarium Procul dubio Concilii Vaticani 11 fuit final itas pastoralis. Hanc vera indolem pastoralem ita diversissimus quisque ommentator proiecit ut pastoralem obieceret iuri, dogmaticae pastoralem, et pastoralem morali. lus canonicum vi gens non pastorale perpensum praeteritum est ac ius pastoral e coeptum est efflagitari. In constituenda dioecesi, curia iuridica a pastorali distenguebatur, prodentibus praxi multoties sectis atque obiectis diversis muneribus episcopi dioecesani. Tum auctor affertur ad exquirendum quemnam Vaticanum 11 intellegat pastorem, quidnam munus pastorale. Cum documenta concilii -imprimis constitutio Lumen gentium et decretum Christus Dominus- de pastare et de munere pastorali disserentia nobis designarent fontes textus diversos Veteris Novique Testamenti, examinatur hic conceptus pastoris et muneris pastorales iuxta S. Scripturam et extra Bibliam litteras Procter earum connexiones cum biblicis litteris. Sic studet conceptui pastoris et muneris pastorales apud aegyptios, mesopotamicos, phoenissos, chananaeos, graecos et hellenisticos. Priusquam quaestio disseratur de conceptu pastoris et muneris pastora lis in Veteri Testamento, quaedam brevia referuntur super vita pastorum palestinensium et pastoriciis verbis. Res pastoralis in Veteri Testamento plerumque exquisita est ad rationem chronologicam. Agitur itaque primum ut conceptus inveniatur pastoris et muneris pastora lis tempore patriarcharum. Deinde disputatur rei pastoralis connexiones cum regalis dignitatis institutione. Paragraphis diversis studet conceptui pastoris et muneris pastoralis in psalmis, prophetis exsilio praecurrentibus, Ezechiele, Zaccharia, Isaiae libro denique, postremo psalmo 23. Rei pastora lis studium in Novo Testamento aperitur visione generali quam prosequitur consideratio synopticorum, loannis, caeterorumque scriptorum N. T. Ratione habita earum momenti, paragraphus dicatur connexionibus inter «pascere» et «episkopos», inter pastorem et episcopum atque eorum synonima aetate apostolica. Huius sectionis studium finitur interpretatione S. S. Patrum ad textus Scripturae de re pastorali. Postquam conceptum obtulerit pastoris et muneris pastora lis in Sacra Scriptura, eidem rei studet in Vaticani 11 documentis. Confirmatur usus vocabuli in documentis conciliaribus, atque inopia terminologicae uniformitatis cum de munere pastorali agitur. Tum conatur invenire notionem etquod eadem continetur muneris pastoralis episcoporum et presbyterorum. Sic assequitur conceptum pastoris et muneris pastora lis in Concilio Vaticano 11. --------------------------------------------- Abstract There is no doubt that Vat. 11 was characterized for its unmistakeable pastoral orientation. But this pastoral concern has been so emphasized by Vat. II's commentarists that we have arrived to a kind of oppostion between pastoral and law, pastoral and dogma, pastoral and moral. Rejecting current Canon law as unpastoral, a new pastoral law was sought. On a diocesan level distinctions began to be made between juridical government and pastoral government, with the corresponding divisionsand contradictions in the diocesan bishop's real functions. This state of things brought the author to study what Vat. 11 really meant by pastor and pastoral tunction. Given the pastoral references of Council documents, particularly the Constitution Lumen Gentium and the decree Christus Dominus, to texts of the Old and New Testaments, the author analyzes the concept and misión of shepherd in Holy Scripture, and also in extrabiblical literature for its relation to biblical texts. Hence the idea and mission of shepherd is studied in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Phenicia, and Chanaan along with Greek and Hellenic civilizations. Befare entering into the question of shepherd in the Old Testament, brief references are made to the life of shepherds in Palestine as well as to pastoral terms in the Bible. The pastoral theme is studied in the Old Testament chronologically. In the first place, in the time of the Patriarchs ,and later, in the Monarchy. Different sections are dedicated to the concept of shepherd in the Psalms, in pre-exilic prophets, in Ezechiel, in Zachariah, in the Book of Isaiah. and finally. in Psalm 23. The study of the pastoral theme in the New Testament begins with an overall vision, followed by specific considerations of the Synoptic authors. the Gospel of Sto John, and the remaining writings of the New Testamento A special partdeals with the relatioship between pastoral ca re (apacentar) and episkopos, between shepherd and bishop-along with their synonyms in Apostolic times. The section ends with patristic interpretations of pastoral texts in the Bible. After reviewing the concept of shepherd and pastoral function in Holy Scripture. the theme is studied in the documents of Vat. 11. The use of the word shepherd is considered in Council documents, and a lack of terminological uniformity when speaking of pastoral function is noted. The author then makes an attempt to find the notion and content of the pastoral munus of bishops and priests. arriving in this way to the concept of shepherd and pastoral function in Vat. 11

    Functional analysis of the mouse Nodal antagonist, Cerl2, during left-right axis formation

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    Although recently our understanding of how the LR asymmetry is generated in vertebrate embryos has seen rapid progress, many important questions remain to be explained. In mouse embryos, the leftward flow of the extra-embryonic fluid in the node cavity, called nodal flow, seems to be the symmetry-breaking event. However, it is not yet know how this flow functions or how the asymmetric signal(s) generated in the node is/are transferred to the lateral plate mesoderm. The mouse gene cerberus-like2(cerl2) encodes a 20-kDa protein with a predicted signal peptide sequence and a cysteine-rich domain (CRD) containing nine cysteines characteristic of the Cerberus/DAN family. Whole-mount in situ hybridization studies showed that cerl2 transcripts could be first detected in a horseshoe-shaped expression pattern in the perinodal region of the mouse embryo (E7.0), resembling Nodal expression at this stage. At stage E7.5, expression of cerl2 begins to decrease in intensity on the left side, and by early somitogenesis (E8.0), it can be strongly detected in the right side of the node, assuming a complementary expression pattern to that observed in Nodal. Furthermore, it was shown that Cerl2 activity is upstream of the Nodal receptor inhibiting Nodal and its downstream targets. A physical interaction between these two proteins exists, which suggests that Cerl2 is a secreted Nodal antagonist. Here, to elucidate the role of Cerl2 protein in the early events of symmetry breaking the functional activity of this Nodal antagonist will be discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Enhancing the superconducting transition temperature of BaSi2 by structural tuning

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    We present a joint experimental and theoretical study of the superconducting phase of the layered binary silicide BaSi2. Compared with the layered AlB2 structure of graphite or diboride-like superconductors, in the hexagonal structure of binary silicides the sp3 arrangement of silicon atoms leads to corrugated sheets. Through a high-pressure synthesis procedure we are able to modify the buckling of these sheets, obtaining the enhancement of the superconducting transition temperature from 4 K to 8.7 K when the silicon planes flatten out. By performing ab-initio calculations based on density functional theory we explain how the electronic and phononic properties of the system are strongly affected by changes in the buckling. This mechanism is likely present in other intercalated layered superconductors, opening the way to the tuning of superconductivity through the control of internal structural parameters.Comment: Submitte

    Crónica del congreso

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