184 research outputs found

    Integration of business and manufacturing processes through industrial machinery as a service approach

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    In manufacturing organizations is difficult to reach the requirements of the new business models (agile and dynamic adaptation to changes) due to technological and conceptual constraints between elements located at different levels of the organization, which prevents the integration of business and manufacturing processes. In this paper, a new industrial machinery model that achieves this integration has been proposed. This model, named IMaaS, shows the industrial machinery as a set of business processes, removing the conceptual constraints, and exposed as services, removing technology constraints.This work was supported in part by the Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, University of Alicante (Proyectos de investigación emergentes 2010: Sistema de gestión de procesos integral en entornos manufactureros. Aplicación a la fabricación ágil)

    A Context-Driven Model for the Flat Roofs Construction Process through Sensing Systems, Internet-of-Things and Last Planner System

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    The main causes of building defects are errors in the design and the construction phases. These causes related to construction are mainly due to the general lack of control of construction work and represent approximately 75% of the anomalies. In particular, one of the main causes of such anomalies, which end in building defects, is the lack of control over the physical variables of the work environment during the execution of tasks. Therefore, the high percentage of defects detected in buildings that have the root cause in the construction phase could be avoidable with a more accurate and efficient control of the process. The present work proposes a novel integration model based on information and communications technologies for the automation of both construction work and its management at the execution phase, specifically focused on the flat roof construction process. Roofs represent the second area where more defects are claimed. The proposed model is based on a Web system, supported by a service oriented architecture, for the integral management of tasks through the Last Planner System methodology, but incorporating the management of task restrictions from the physical environment variables by designing specific sensing systems. Likewise, all workers are integrated into the management process by Internet-of-Things solutions that guide them throughout the execution process in a non-intrusive and transparent way

    SOA-Based Model for Value-Added ITS Services Delivery

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    Integration is currently a key factor in intelligent transportation systems (ITS), especially because of the ever increasing service demands originating from the ITS industry and ITS users. The current ITS landscape is made up of multiple technologies that are tightly coupled, and its interoperability is extremely low, which limits ITS services generation. Given this fact, novel information technologies (IT) based on the service-oriented architecture (SOA) paradigm have begun to introduce new ways to address this problem. The SOA paradigm allows the construction of loosely coupled distributed systems that can help to integrate the heterogeneous systems that are part of ITS. In this paper, we focus on developing an SOA-based model for integrating information technologies (IT) into ITS to achieve ITS service delivery. To develop our model, the ITS technologies and services involved were identified, catalogued, and decoupled. In doing so, we applied our SOA-based model to integrate all of the ITS technologies and services, ranging from the lowest-level technical components, such as roadside unit as a service (RS S), to the most abstract ITS services that will be offered to ITS users (value-added services). To validate our model, a functionality case study that included all of the components of our model was designed

    Cultura trabajo y familia, apoyo organizacional percibido y satisfacción laboral en trabajadores de una empresa productiva de Región de Bio- Bío

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    73 p.El objetivo de esta investigación consistió en identificar la relación entre Cultura Trabajo-Familia, Apoyo Organizacional Percibido y Satisfacción Laboral. A 80 trabajadores de una empresa productora de la Región del Bío Bío, a través del cuestionario de Cultura Trabajo-Familia (Thompson, Beauvais y Lyness, 1999); el Cuestionario de Apoyo Organizacional Percibido (Allen & Meller, 1991) y el de Satisfacción Laboral S10/12 (Meliá & Peiró, 1989). Se observan relaciones positivas y estadísticamente significativas entre cultura trabajo-familia y apoyo organizacional percibido (r=-0,891; ρ<0,001), cultura trabajo-familia y satisfacción laboral (r=0,594; ρ<0,001) y apoyo organizacional percibido y satisfacción laboral, (r=0.606; ρ<0,001). Los resultados concluyen, que a mayor cultura trabajo familia mayor será el apoyo organizacional percibido, trayendo consigo altos niveles de satisfacción laboral en los trabajadores. En base a la relación entre dimensiones de cultura trabajo familia y apoyo organizacional percibido se obtuvo una relación positiva con apoyo directivo, consecuencias negativas de carrera y demandas de tiempo por parte de la organización, de las dos últimas no se obtuvo respaldo en investigaciones previas. Finalmente se consiguió una relación significativa entre la variable cultura trabajo familia y apoyo organizacional percibido con las dimensiones de satisfacción laboral. Para futuras investigaciones se sugiere contar con una distribución equitativa de ambos sexos en la muestra, dado que en algunas variables existiría mayor relevancia para las mujeres que para los hombres.Palabras clave: Cultura Trabajo-Familia, Apoyo Organizacional Percibido, Satisfacción Laboral

    Network service providing by means of embedded systems

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    In this paper we present an embedded device able to manage the remote boot of network nodes by means of Wake on LAN (WoL) through Internet and wide area network, presenting it as a Web service. The service is known as WoLI and comprises a network device, a group of embedded software applications in that device and an application protocol known as WoLIP. This device is small and requires only minimal maintenance, and is able to communicate via Wide Area Networks through embedded applications, using the WoLIP application protocol defined on SOAP massages and defined by means of WSDL documents. The mechanism used for booting up the devices is compatible with WoL technology. The service can be perfectly integrated with remote management systems based on SO A. The management and control of the device and the service may be carried out via Internet, using a standard Web browser. This approach is an example of the application of a more general proposal for managing network services, based on the use of small embedded network devices which provide specific functionalities for common use, and which are as autonomous and self sufficient as possible

    A new paradigm: cloud agile manufacturing

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    Cloud Agile Manufacturing is a new paradigm proposed in this article. The main objective of Cloud Agile Manufacturing is to offer industrial production systems as a service. Thus users can access any functionality available in the cloud of manufacturing (process design, production, management, business integration, factories virtualization, etc.) without knowledge — or at least without having to be experts — in managing the required resources. The proposal takes advantage of many of the benefits that can offer technologies and models like: Business Process Management (BPM), Cloud Computing, Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and Ontologies. To develop the proposal has been taken as a starting point the Semantic Industrial Machinery as a Service (SIMaaS) proposed in previous work. This proposal facilitates the effective integration of industrial machinery in a computing environment, offering it as a network service. The work also includes an analysis of the benefits and disadvantages of the proposal

    Accounting for food availability reveals contaminant-induced breeding impairment, food-modulated contaminant effects, and endpoint-specificity of exposure indicators in free ranging avian populations

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    It remains unclear how sub-lethal effects of contaminants play out in relation to other stressors encountered by free-ranging populations. Effects may be masked or influenced by interactions with field stressors such as food availability. We predicted that (1) including food availability, and particularly its interaction with Hg, would reveal or enhance associations between Hg and breeding endpoints. We further predicted that (2) breeding impairment associated with Hg would be higher under food stress conditions. We monitored Hg and nest success of great egrets (Ardea alba) in eight breeding colonies in the Florida Everglades over 11 years. We characterized variation in local food availability among colonies and years using fish biomass and recession range -a proxy to fish vulnerability. We used two Hg exposure indicators (egg albumen Hg and nestling feather Hg) and six breeding endpoints (clutch-size, brood-size, fledged-size, hatching success, post-hatching success and fledglings per egg) to assess whether variation in food availability influenced associations between Hg and these endpoints. Accounting for interactions between Hg and food availability, we identified statistically significant associations in all 12 indicator-endpoint combinations, while only three were detectable without food. Further, 10 combinations showed interactions between Hg and components of food availability. Our results also indicated an endpoint-specific affinity, with albumen [Hg] explaining more variation in hatching success while nestling feather [Hg] explained more variation in post-hatching survival. Both Hg indicators accounted for relevant (6-10%) amounts of variation in fledglings produced per egg laid, an integrative endpoint. Increased Hg exposure resulted in overall reduced reproductive success when food availability was low, but our models predicted low or no effects of increasing Hg exposure when food availability was high. Our results indicate that Hg induced impairment is strongly driven by food availability, providing a framework that accommodates previously contradictory results in the literature.This work was supported by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Cooperative Agreement W912HZ-12-02-0007) and by grants of equipment from the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Egret monitoring was performed under University of Florida IACUC permit 201708650. Fish samplingwas supported by Cooperative Agreements W912HZ-11-2-0048 and W912HZ-16-2-0008 between Florida International University (FIU) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Contract 4600001083 between FIU and the South Florida Water Management District. Fish monitoring was performed under FIU IACUC permits including IACUC-08-004, -09-029, -10-026, 12-020, -13-060, and -16-033

    Sistema de Trazabilidad Vitivinícola Basado en IoT

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    129 p.La globalización ha incrementado el interés de los países en la adquisición de productos de calidad que involucran una cantidad significativa de pasos en los procesos de producción. Dando la posibilidad de que industrias de los países en desarrollo quieran exportar productos de calidad, de manera segura. Para lograr este objetivo, se requiere de un sistema de registro que permita corroborar si un producto cumple con los estándares básicos de calidad. Dentro de Chile y particularmente la región del Maule, la producción de vino es una de la más grande del país. Reconocido en todo el mundo, su elaboración es muy rigurosa y la gran industria del sector vitivinícola es reconocida por el buen tratamiento de las etapas en los procesos productivos. La trazabilidad permite asegurar la calidad del producto a través del registro de los procesos de producción. Comúnmente el proceso de registro se hace a través de personas en plataformas ofimáticas o manualmente por medio de libros de anotación. Para asegurar la integridad de la información nace la necesidad de crear un sistema que abarque una infraestructura de dispositivos IoT que permitan la captura de datos y procesamiento de estos de manera autónoma, por medio de un sistema web que permita el almacenamiento y respaldo de los datos. Con la finalidad de que se consulten los datos por medio de dispositivos móviles a través de una aplicación para dicho dispositivo, visualizando cada uno de los procesos involucrados para la elaboración de una botella de vino. El proyecto es desarrollado bajo la metodología Personal Extremme Programming (PXP) que permite ajustar el desarrollo a un solo programador y se adapta a los cambios de manera progresiva, mientras se desarrolla la aplicación. También se especifican los diseños lógicos, físicos, diagrama de clases y modelo de datos del sistema, de manera que se pueda entender los objetos y artefactos que interactúan. Se explica las etapas de desarrollo del proyecto, con las tareas y actividades asociadas en cada una de las iteraciones planificadas. Dando como resultado, un sistema que está construido bajo tres tecnologías que permite asegurar la trazabilidad en los procesos de producción del vino. Abarcando la captura de información por medio de sensores y dispositivos IoT, creación de trazados entre procesos por medio de un controlador centralizado, el respaldo de información y generación de código QR por medio de una plataforma web. Con la finalización de una aplicación móvil que permite consultar la información de trazabilidad asociada a un código QR en una botella de vino. Concluyendo finalmente con las metodologías de evaluación aplicadas con sus respectivos resultados

    Primary liver carcinoid tumour with a Zollinger Ellison syndrome - an unusual diagnosis: a case report

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    Carcinoids are neuroendocrine tumours which may secrete hormones like gastrin, insulin, ACTH, etc. Liver is a common site for metastasis of carcinoid origin and an unusual site for a primary carcinoid tumour to arise