242 research outputs found

    El Efecto de la Edad Relativa (RAE) en el fútbol profesional español masculino y femenino: temporada 2016 – 2017.

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    El efecto de la edad relativa (Relative Age Effect, RAE) ha sido, y sigue siendo, motivo de estudio desde hace muchos años, afectando tanto al ámbito educativo como al deportivo, en el que intervienen aspectos de carácter económico, social y psicológico entre otros, que pueden ser decisivos a la hora del desarrollo y maduración del individuo. El objetivo del presente estudio es comprobar si se produce un efecto de la edad relativa en la Liga de Fútbol Profesional española (LFP), tanto en la primera división masculina (Liga Santander) como en la primera división femenina (Liga Iberdrola), teniendo en cuenta que el corte de edad actual para la formación de las categorías es el del año natural. El análisis ha incluido a todos los futbolistas de la primera división española masculina de la temporada 2016-2017, con un total de 484 jugadores distribuidos entre los 20 equipos que conforman la Liga Santander, así como a todas las futbolistas de la primera división española femenina de la temporada 2016-2017, siendo un total de 361 jugadoras distribuidas en 16 equipos, que son los que conforman la Liga Iberdrola. El resultado del estudio confirma un importante efecto de la edad relativa en el fútbol profesional en España, siendo mayor en la liga masculina, donde el 61,98% de los futbolistas han nacido en el primer semestre del año, mientras que en la liga femenina disminuye, aunque se mantiene por encima de la mitad, siendo el 53,74% de las futbolistas las que nacieron en el primer semestre del año. Además se ha realizado el estudio del efecto de la edad relativa llevando a cabo una diferenciación por nacionalidad y posición en el terreno de juego de ambas competiciones, de los cuales se han obtenido resultados muy significativos.pre-print1119 K

    Risk of hypertension and Use of antihypertensive drugs in the physically active population under-70 years old—spanish health survey

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    Introduction: Reducing the prevalence of hypertension is a major priority of the World Health Organization (WHO). Its high prevalence and associated risks generate high economic and social costs. Physical activity (PA) is associated with a decrease in hypertension and in the use of antihypertensive drugs. Objective: To explore the association between PA levels (PAL), prevalence of hypertension and the use of antihypertensive drugs in Spanish population. To calculate risks of hypertension and use of antihypertensive in the inactive versus physically active population. Method: This cross-sectional study used data from 17717 individuals, sampled in the 2017 National Health Survey. Interaction by sex, age groups, body mass index (BMI), hypertension prevalence, antihypertensive drugs use and PAL, using a pairwise z-test, and dependence relationships between variables, were studied using a chi square test. Odds ratios of hypertension and antihypertensive drug use were calculated among the inactive and the physically active populations. Results: The findings showed a significant inverse association between prevalence of hypertension, antihypertensive use, and PAL in both sexes and different age and BMI groups, with lower prevalence of hypertension and antihypertensive use when PAL were higher. The risks of hypertension and antihypertensive use seems to be reduced when related to higher PAL compared to inactive people. Conclusions: High PAL is associated with lower prevalence of hypertension and lower antihypertensive use. Thus, being physically active or very active may reduce the risks of suffering from hypertension and the need to use antihypertensives compared to inactive people or walkersinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Static analysis of WCET in a satellite software subsystem

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    This paper describes the authors? experience with static analysis of both WCET and stack usage of a satellite on-board software subsystem. The work is a continuation of a previous case study that used a dynamic WCET analysis tool on an earlier version of the same software system. In particular, the AbsInt aiT tool has been evaluated by analysing both C and Ada code generated by Simulink within the UPMSat-2 project. Some aspects of the aiT tool, specifically those dealing with SPARC register windows, are compared to another static analysis tool, Bound-T. The results of the analysis are discussed, and some conclusions on the use of static WCET analysis tools on the SPARC architecture are commented in the paper

    ARINC-653 Inter-partition communications and the ravenscar profile

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    The ARINC-653 standard is often used to build mixed-criticality systems, using a partitioned architecture. Inter-partition communication is carried out by means of a message-passing mechanism based on ports. The standard includes an API for Ada, but the implementation semantics of operation ports is not fully defined. Furthermore, the API was defined for the Ada 95 standard, and therefore does not take into account the enhancements to the real-time features of the language that have been incorporated in the 2005 and 2013 standards, most notably the Ravenscar profile. This paper is aimed at clarifying the implementation of ARINC communication ports in Ada and the Ravenscar profile. ARINC communication ports are analysed, and their compatibility with the Ravenscar profile is assessed. A new API that can be used with the profile is defined, and a pilot implementation is introduced

    In support of extending the Ravenscar profile

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    This paper discusses different approaches for implementing an EEPROM memory driver which is part of the UPMSat2 satellite on-board computer software. The Ravenscar profile restrictions are to be observed in order to ensure the analysability of the system, and therefore the approaches are evaluated against the profile. Results of this evaluation as well as considerations on a possible extension of the Ravenscar profile with respect protected entries are presented

    Relationships between physical activity frequency and self-perceived health, self-reported depression, and depressive symptoms in spanish older adults with diabetes: a cross-sectional study

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    Diabetes is one of the most prevalent noncommunicable diseases in the world. This disease can affect both physical and mental health in the population. This study analyzed the prevalence of Self-Perceived Health (SPH), self-reported depression, and depressive symptoms in comparison with the Physical Activity Frequency (PAF) reported by Spanish older adults with diabetes. A cross-sectional study was carried out with data from 2799 self-reported diabetic participants, all of whom were residents of Spain, aged 50–79 years, and included in the European Health Surveys carried out in Spain (EHIS) both in 2014 and 2020. The relationships between the variables were analysed with a chi-squared test. A z-test for independent proportions was performed to analyze differences in proportions between the sexes. A multiple binary logistic regression was carried out on the prevalence of depression. Linear regressions were performed on depressive symptoms and SPH. Dependent relationships were found between the SPH, self-reported depression, and depressive symptoms with PAF. Most of the very active participants reported a higher prevalence of self-reported depression. Physical inactivity increased the risk of depression, major depressive symptoms, and negative SPH.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diseño e implementación del software del UPMSat-2 en el entorno de desarrollo TASTE.

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    Como respuesta a a necesidad de modernizar y homogeneizar el proceso de diseño y desarro llo de software par a el segmento de vuelo de sus misiones, la Agencia Espacial Europea puso en marcha en 2004 el proyecto ASSERT El resultado de este proyecto fue una nueva metodología basada en el desarrollo basado en modelo. Posteriormente, la propia Agencia promovió un nuevo proyecto, TASTE, con el objetivo de desarrollar un entorno de desarrollo que permitiera la puesta en práctica de la metodología propuesta en ASSERT. En el presente artículo se describen las principales características de este entorno de desarrollo, así como la experiencia en su uso en el ámbito del proyecto UPMSat-