2,534 research outputs found

    Improvement of the transmission and sub-transmission overhead lines lightning performance using line arresters – Experience in Brazil

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    Lightning has been reported as the major cause of non-scheduled outages that occur in Brazilian’s power system, being responsible for approximately 50 – 70% of the outages verified in overhead lines with rated voltages up to 230 kV and creating many issues for power supply utilities and consumers. In agreement with the information of the National Institute for Space Researche (INPE) Brazil is the country with the largest incidence of lightning activities in the world, with about 50 - 70 million lightning outages a year somewhere in the country. With this considerable amount of lightning caused distubances, the resulting damages caused to the electric power systems are high such that the costs of losses and repairs exceed an annual value of 350 million dollars. This fact has been taken up by several power supply utilities and industrial consumers and caused them to invest in partnership with universities and research centers in the development of theoretical studies and the promotion of improvements along the critical sections of their overhead lines with poor lightning performance, thereby increasing their reliability. In many cases line arresters have been considered as the most effective method to improve the lightning performance. In Brazil, the first application of line arresters was in the middle of the nineties and from this time on more than 3,000 units of gapless line arresters were installed on overhead lines from 34.5 kV up to 230 kV. The analysis and evaluation of overhead lines lightning performance before and after the line arresters installation have shown a good effectiveness, with average indexes for the improvement higher than 70%. Good field experience and the proven results obtained in the improvement of the overhead lines lightning performance after the line arresters installation have been encouraging more and more Brazilian power supply utilities and industrial consumers to develop studies to evaluate the line arresters application along their overhead lines presenting poorer lightning performance. This paper presents information about the experience of the Brazilian power supply utilities as well as industrial consumers in the application of line arresters to improve the overhead lines lightning performance. Procedures used to optimize the characteristics of the line arresters, quantity and location along the critical sections of the lines; field experience as well as the lightning performance of the lines before and after the line arresters application are presented and discussed

    Suscetibilidade de Merremia cissoides, Neotonia wightii e Stizolobium aterrimum aos herbicidas amicarbazine, imazapic e sulfentrazone

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    Three experiments were developed with the goal to evaluate the susceptibility of Merremia cissoides, Neonotonia wightii and Stizolobium aterrimum to the amicarbazone, imazapic and sulfentrazone herbicides, by means of rate-response curves. The experiments were installed in clay soil, where eight doses of each herbicide were applied, in pre-emergency. The used doses were: 8D, 4D, 2D, D, 1/2D, 1/4D, 1/8D, and check plots without application; whereas D is the recommended dose of amicarbazone (1200 g ha-1), imazapic (147 g ha-1) or sulfentrazone (800 g ha-1). For M. cissoides and N. wightii species, the three tested herbicides demonstrated effective control up to the 60 days, in the recommended doses. For the S. aterrimum species, only amicarbazone herbicide was effective, in the recommended dose. Control levels ensure these three herbicides as control options in pre-emergence for the M. cissoides and N. wightii species and only the amicarbazone herbicide, as control option for S. aterrimum.Três experimentos foram desenvolvidos com o objetivo de avaliar a suscetibilidade das plantas daninhas Merremia cissoides, Neonotonia wightii e Stizolobium aterrimum aos herbicidas amicarbazone, imazapic e sulfentrazone, por meio de curvas de dose-resposta. Os experimentos foram instalados em solo argiloso, onde foram aplicadas oito doses de cada herbicida, em pré-emergência. As doses utilizadas foram: 8D, 4D, 2D, D, 1/2D, 1/4D, 1/8D e testemunha sem aplicação; sendo D a dose recomendada de amicarbazone (1200 g ha-1), imazapic (147 g ha-1), ou sulfentrazone (800 g ha-1). Para as espécies M. cissoides e N. wightii, os três herbicidas testados demonstraram controle eficaz até os 60 dias, nas doses recomendadas. Para a espécie S. aterrimum, somente o herbicida amicarbazone foi eficaz, na dose recomendada. Os níveis de controle garantem estes três herbicidas como opções de controle em pré-emergência para as espécies M. cissoides e N. wightii e apenas o herbicida amicarbazone, como opção de controle da S. aterrimum

    Experience of Tyco & Antamina in the Lightning Performance and Reliability Improvement of 220 kV Transmission Lines in Peru

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    The Antamina Mine is located in the Antamina valley in the Andes Mountains in the Ancash region of north-central Peru, approximately 270 kilometers north of Lima, Peru. Antamina Mine operations began in late 2001, with an estimated mine life of more than 20 years. The deposit is one of the largest copper-zinc ore bodies in the world. Antamina Mine is electrically connected to five 220 kV transmission lines located in regions with isokeraunic levels from 15 to 90 thunderstorm days per year. In the period from 2002 to 2006, 80 nonschedule outages due to lightning which have affected the process productive have been observed in these lines. Antamina has too a 23 kV overhead shielded distribution ring network in which outages due to lightning have been also observed. In the middle of 2003 Antamina started to work in partnership with Tyco Electronics in order to evaluate the lightning performance of the distribution and transmission lines. With basis in these studies from January 2006 till June 2007, approximately 450 units of line arresters were installed along the distribution network and 265 gapless transmission line arresters (TLA) were installed along the sections of the two 220 kV transmission lines with poorer lightning performance. From October 2006 on only one outage due to lightning was recorded in these two lines, proving the effectiveness of this protection system. This paper presents details about the transmission line lightning performance studies and evaluation carried out by Tyco Electronics and Antamina in this partnership project. Methods to select the arresters characteristics and to define the quantity and the optimized arresters location along the lines are presented. Field experience obtained in these two first years and the line performance / reliability of the system after the TLA application in comparison with the performance before the arresters’ installation are presented and discussed

    Evaluationof the stability of polihexametilene biguanide hydrochloride in footbath for bovines

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    O presente estudo avaliou a estabilidade da solução desinfetante de cloridrato de polihexametileno biguanida (PHMB) utilizada em pedilúvio. Foram avaliadas três concentrações (1%, 3% e 5%) por um período de sete dias. Durante esse período, dez animais saudáveis passaram no pedilúvio, na freqüência de três vezes, com intervalos entre as passagens de 48 horas. De cada solução foram colhidas quatro amostras, com intervalos de 48 horas, sendo que a primeira colheita foi realizada imediatamente após o preparo da solução. As análises físico-químicas constaram da determinação do pH e da concentração do PHMB. As análises microbiológicas realizadas foram as contagens de microrganismos aeróbios ou facultativos mesófilos e de anaeróbios mesófilos. Para classificar o tipo de crescimento microbiológico foi utilizada uma adaptação da metodologia proposta por Andrade e Macêdo (1996). A seleção da melhor concentração baseou-se nas menores médias das contagens dos microrganismos anaeróbios mesófilos, nas menores contagens de aeróbios ou facultativos mesófilos, no menor custo/benefício da solução e no conforto animal. As características físico-químicas mantiveram-se praticamente estáveis e não se observou diferença no crescimento microbiológico entre as concentrações a 5% e 1%, sendo isolados somente Staphylococcus epidermidis e Bacillus spp. Estabeleceu-se, a partir do custo/benefício, a concentração de 1% como sendo a mais viável para ser utilizada em pedilúvio. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe present study evaluated the stability of the polihexametilene biguanide hydrochloride solution (PHMB) used in footbath as disinfectant. Three concentrations (1%, 3% and 5%) were appraised for a period of seven days. During that period, ten healthy animals passed three times through the footbath, with intervals of 48 hours among the passages. Of each solution four samples were picked, with intervals of 48 hours, and the first crop was accomplished immediately as solution was prepared. The physical-chemistry analysis consisted of the determination of pH and the concentration of PHMB. The microbiological analyses consisted of aerobic microorganism or optional mesophilics and of anaerobics mesophilics. The microbial growth was based on an adaptation of the methodology proposed by Andrade and Macêdo (1996). The selection of the best concentration was based on the smallest averages of the anaerobic mesophilics, in the smallest aerobic or optional mesophilics, in the smallest cost/benefit of the solution and in the animal comfort. The physical and chemical characteristics remained practically stable and no difference was observed in the microbial growth among the concentrations of 5% and 1% and only Staphylococcus epidermidis and Bacillus spp. were isolated. The use of PHMB at 1% was considered to be the most viable regarding the economical point of view

    Práticas sustentáveis de gestão em ambiente universitário

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    O papel do Estado traz uma expectativa de transformações, do surgimento de uma mentalidade coletiva e de uma sociedade mais consciente. A atuação do Estado na conscientização socioambiental no Brasil tem dois importantes instrumentos que são a Agenda Ambiental na Administração Pública, A3P e o Plano de Gestão e Logística Sustentável, PLS. Este estudo, aplicando uma pesquisa de natureza aplicada, de abordagem qualitativa e descritiva, analisou as práticas de responsabilidade socioambiental dos centros acadêmicos da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, na percepção dos gestores de infraestrutura. Aplicaram-se questionários a gestores de nove centros da sede em Recife. Analisou-se cinco dimensões de práticas sustentáveis: Uso racional de energia elétrica, almoxarifados, uso racional da água, obras e reforma e descarte de resíduos. Utilizou-se uma escala Likert para mensurar as percepções dos gestores sobre práticas sustentáveis. A respeito do uso racional de energia, pode-se verificar que dentre as seis ações sustentáveis pesquisadas e referentes a este tópico, são adotadas práticas direcionadas ao uso adequado da energia elétrica. Quanto a Almoxarifados, observou-se que, dentre as cinco ações referentes a este tópico, adota-se a prática de se “aplicar uma visão de longo prazo, avaliando o ciclo de vida dos objetos a serem contratados para os serviços da infraestrutura, desde a origem até o descarte”. Quanto à gestão da água os respondentes percebem que esse tipo de ação acontece “raramente” ou “às vezes”, em suas gerências. Pode-se concluir que existem práticas sustentáveis sendo desenvolvidas, entretanto para algumas, as medidas adotadas precisam tornar-se mais efetivas

    Las escuelas gubernamentales y su papel estructurador en la formación de empleados públicos en tiempos de Nueva Gestión Pública: informes de experiencias en el nordeste de Brasil

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    O texto estuda a relação entre os construtos escolas de governo e Nova Gestão Pública e os articula com o objetivo de compreender o papel das escolas de governo na formação de servidores públicos, no contexto da nova gestão pública brasileira. Metodologicamente, realizou-se uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, com uso da entrevista narrativa como técnica de coleta de dados, junto a uma servidora pública responsável pela implementação e gestão de uma escola de Governo (Alfa); uma gestora pública que realizou várias das capacitações promovidas pela EG; e um gestor de órgão público que atua como facilitador e aluno da EG. A técnica de análise dos dados utilizada foi a análise temática de conteúdo, por meio da qual foram identificados os seguintes temas: i) história; ii) papéis; iii) estratégias e ações; iv) dificuldades, todos relacionados à história de Alfa e articulados com a literatura revisada. Conclui-se que, em meio a êxitos e dificuldades, Alfa constitui um caso exemplar do papel das escolas de governo como elementos estruturantes da NGP brasileira, na medida em que essas atuam na formação estratégica dos servidores que são, em última instância, aqueles que tornam possível a implantação dos modelos de gestão pública.The paper investigates the relationship between the constructs government schools and New Public Management and articulates in order to understand the role of government schools in the training of civil servants in the context of Brazil's new public management. Methodologically, was executed a qualitative research, using the narrative interview as data collection technique, next to a public servant responsible for implementing and managing a school of government (Alfa); one public manager that participated in several trainings promoted by the Alfa; and a manager of a public agency who works as facilitator and student of Alfa. The technical of analysis of data based on content thematic analysis, through which the following issues were identified: i) history; ii) roles; iii) strategies and actions; iv) difficulties. All related to the Alfa's history and articulated with the revised literature. We conclude that, amid successes and difficulties, Alfa is a typical example of the role of government schools as structural elements of Brazilian NPM, to the extent that they act in the strategic formation of the servers that are, ultimately, those who make possible the implementation of public management models.El texto estudia la relación entre los constructos escuelas de gobierno y Nueva Gestión Pública y los articula bajo el objetivo de comprender la función de las escuelas de Gobierno en la formación de los servidores públicos, en el contexto de la nueva gestión pública brasileña. Metodológicamente, se realizó una investigación de naturaleza cualitativa, con el uso de la entrevista narrativa como técnica de colecta de datos, el método fue aplicado a una servidora pública responsable de la implementación y gestión de una escuela de gobierno (Alpha); un gestor público que participó de muchos entrenamientos promovidos por Alfa; y un gerente de una agencia pública que trabaja como facilitador y alumno de Alfa. La técnica de análisis de los datos utilizada fue el análisis temático de contenido, por medio del cual fueron identificados los siguientes temas: i) historia; ii) roles; iii) estrategias y acciones; iv) dificultades, todos relacionados con la historia de Alpha y articulados con la literatura revisada. Se concluye que, en medio a los éxitos y dificultades, Alpha constituye un caso ejemplar del rol de las escuelas de gobierno como elementos estructurantes da Nueva Gestión Pública brasileña, en la proporción en que estas actúan en la formación estratégica de los servidores que son, en última instancia, aquellos que tornan posible la implementación de los modelos de la gestión pública.Revista do Serviço Público - RSP, v. 70, ed. especial, p. 107-131Gestão PúblicaNúmero Especial: Três Décadas de Enap e de Escolas de GovernoISSN Eletrônico: 2357-8017ISSN Impresso: 0034-924

    Yield components and crop estimation for wheat cultivars at different sowing times

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the yield and yield components of wheat cultivars, and compare the productivity obtained in the field and estimated with Jensen model, at different sowing dates, in Cascavel and Palotina cities, Parana state, Brazil. The experiments were carried out in the field at the COODETEC Research Center, located in Cascavel and Palotina. The experiment was conducted in a randomized blocks design in a 7 × 3 factorial, with plots consisting of six lines spaced at 5 × 0.17 meters, with seven wheat cultivars and three sowing dates, with three repetitions. The pluvial precipitation higher than crop evapotranspiration in all cultivation cycles analyzed did not prevent water deficiencies, which occurred predominantly in the heading and physiological maturation stages. The smallest water deficiencies in Cascavel (31.2 mm; April 22) and Palotina (7.2 mm; March 31), from sowing to heading, reduced grain yield by 41.7% and 42.8%, respectively, in relation to the higher productivity of each location. Small differences in yield components (NEM, NGE and MMG) provide differences in grain yield between the cultivars tested. The sowing carried out at the end of April and in May tended to have a higher yield. The best performances with Jensen model to estimate wheat grains yield were obtained for CD 1440 and QUARTZO cultivars. The Jensen model overestimated the grain yield of the CD 108, CD 1104, CD 150 and CD 154 cultivars, since the model do not consider losses due to excessive rainfall and/or pests and diseases

    Emergence of new immunopathogenic factors in human yellow fever: polarization of the M1/M2 macrophage response in the renal parenchyma

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    This research was funded by grant number 457664/2013-4 and 303999/2016-0.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Universidade do Estado do Pará. Departamento de Patologia. Belém, PA, Brazil / Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.Universidade do Estado do Pará. Departamento de Patologia. Belém, PA, Brazil.Universidade do Estado do Pará. Departamento de Patologia. Belém, PA, Brazil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.Universidade do Estado do Pará. Departamento de Patologia. Belém, PA, Brazil.Universidade do Estado do Pará. Departamento de Patologia. Belém, PA, Brazil.Universidade do Estado do Pará. Departamento de Patologia. Belém, PA, Brazil / Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina. São Paulo, SP, Brazil / Universidade Federal do Pará. Núcleo de Medicina Tropical. Belém, PA, Brazil.Macrophages in the kidney play a pathogenic role in inflammation and fibrosis. Our study aimed to understand the polarisation of the M1 and M2 phenotypic profiles of macrophages in injured kidney tissue retrieved from fatal cases of yellow fever virus (YFV). A total of 11 renal tissue biopsies obtained from patients who died of yellow fever (YF) were analysed. To detect antibodies that promote the classical and alternative pathways of macrophage activation, immunohistochemical analysis was performed to detect CD163, CD68, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), arginase 1, interleukin (IL)-4, IL-10, interferon (IFN)-γ, IFN-β, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α, IL-13, and transforming growth factor (TGF)-β. There was a difference in the marker expression between fatal cases of YFV and control samples, with increased expression in the cortical region of the renal parenchyma. The immunoexpression of CD68 and CD163 receptors suggests the presence of activated macrophages migrating to infectious foci. The rise in IL-10, IL-4, and IL-13 indicated their potential role in the inactivation of the inflammatory macrophage response and phenotypic modulation of M2 macrophages. The altered expression of IFN-γ and IFN-β demonstrates the importance of the innate immune response in combating microorganisms. Our findings indicate that the polarisation of M1 and M2 macrophages plays a vital role in the renal immune response to YFV

    Natural Products from Ethnodirected Studies: Revisiting the Ethnobiology of the Zombie Poison

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    Wade Davis's study of Haitian “zombification” in the 1980s was a landmark in ethnobiological research. His research was an attempt to trace the origins of reports of “undead” Haitians, focusing on the preparation of the zombification poison. Starting with this influential ethnopharmacological research, this study examines advances in the pharmacology of natural products, focusing especially on those of animal-derived products. Ethnopharmacological, pharmacological, and chemical aspects are considered. We also update information on the animal species that reportedly constitute the zombie poison. Several components of the zombie powder are not unique to Haiti and are used as remedies in traditional medicine worldwide. This paper emphasizes the medicinal potential of products from zootherapy. These biological products are promising sources for the development of new drugs