254 research outputs found

    Evolución de las publicaciones en neurología clínica en España, Francia, Italia y Alemania en el período 2000-2009

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    This study analyzes the productivity and visibility of Spanish publications in the area of clinical neurology in the period 2000-2009 and compared with those for Italy, France and Germany. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We used the database Web of Science. The analysis (annual and in five-year) was restricted to the citable documents (original articles, reviews and proceedings papers). Bibliometric indicators used were the number of publications, citations received by publications and Hirsch's h-index. We also assessed the slope of the annual growth rate (b), the number of publications by language and the international collaboration. RESULTS: In the period 2000-2009 there were 46,114 publications in neurology clinic of which 6,998 were Spanish publications (h = 75), 11,629 in Italy (h = 101), French 9,745 (h = 102) and 20,143 in Germany (h = 124). The rate of increase in the total number of publications in Spain (b = 15) was lower than that observed in Italy (b = 65), Germany (b = 61) or France (b = 34). In the case of publications in English, the growth rate was higher for Spain (b = 37) than for France (b = 36) but lower than for Germany (b = 54) and Italy (b = 65). CONCLUSIONS: Although the total number of publications and the observed increase are lower in Spain compared to Italy, France or Germany, the Spanish publications in Clinical Neurology shows good trend indicators with regard to publications in English and international collaboration. This improvement was associated with greater visibility as showed by the five-year analysis of citations received by Spanish publications

    Improving elevation resolution in phased-array inspections for NDT

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    The Phased Array Ultrasonic Technique (PAUT) offers great advantages over the conventional ultrasound technique (UT), particularly because of beam focusing, beam steering and electronic scanning capabilities. However, the 2D images obtained have usually low resolution in the direction perpendicular to the array elements, which limits the inspection quality of large components by mechanical scanning. This paper describes a novel approach to improve image quality in these situations, by combining three ultrasonic techniques: Phased Array with dynamic depth focusing in reception, Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT) and Phase Coherence Imaging (PCI). To be applied with conventional NDT arrays (1D and non-focused in elevation) a special mask to produce a wide beam in the movement direction was designed and analysed by simulation and experimentally. Then, the imaging algorithm is presented and validated by the inspection of test samples. The obtained images quality is comparable to that obtained with an equivalent matrix array, but using conventional NDT arrays and equipments, and implemented in real time.Fil: Brizuela, Jose David. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Camacho, J.. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Cosarinsky, Guillermo Gerardo. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica; ArgentinaFil: Iriarte, Juan Manuel. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica; ArgentinaFil: Cruza, Jorge F.. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Españ

    Granja educativa en el patronato del parque de las leyendas “Felipe Benavides Barreda”- distrito de San Miguel

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    En el Perú , el Ministerio del Ambiente, está implementando la Política Nacional del Ambiente, que fue aprobada mediante Decreto Supremo Nº 012-2009-MINAM de 23 de Mayo de 2009, y de acuerdo al artículo 9º de la Ley Nº 28611, Ley General del Ambiente, el objetivo de la Política Nacional del Ambiente es mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas, garantizando la existencia de ecosistemas saludables, viables y funcionales en el largo plazo; y el desarrollo sostenible del país, mediante la prevención, protección y recuperación del ambiente y sus componentes, la conservación y el aprovechamiento sostenible de los recursos naturales, de una manera responsable y congruente con el respeto de los derechos fundamentales de la persona. La educación es imprescindible para el avance de un país, es así que se busca implementar nuevas alternativas de enseñanza, y la Granja Educativa, se presenta como un concepto diferente para complementar la instrucción impartida en los centros educativos de enseñanza general básica, la Granja Educativa busca además de enseñar, promover el respeto a la naturaleza y los seres que en ella habitan mediante el cuidado ambiental, y la convivencia directa con plantas y animales. La Granja Educativa, incentiva el desarrollo de enseñanza en temas de carácter extracurricular, que ayuda a reforzar la labor docente que es proporcionada a los estudiantes de forma entretenida y segura

    Post-CMOS compatible high-throughput fabrication of AIN-based piezoelectric microcantilevers

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    A post-complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) compatible microfabrication process of piezoelectric cantilevers has been developed. The fabrication process is suitable for standard silicon technology and provides low-cost and high-throughput manufacturing. This work reports design, fabrication and characterization of piezoelectric cantilevers based on aluminum nitride (AlN) thin films synthesized at room temperature. The proposed microcantilever system is a sandwich structure composed of chromium (Cr) electrodes and a sputtered AlN film. The key issue for cantilever fabrication is the growth at room temperature of the AlN layer by reactive sputtering, making possible the innovative compatibility of piezoelectric MEMS devices with CMOS circuits already processed. AlN and Cr have been etched by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) dry etching using a BCl3–Cl2–Ar plasma chemistry. As part of the novelty of the post-CMOS micromachining process presented here, a silicon Si (1 0 0) wafer has been used as substrate as well as the sacrificial layer used to release the microcantilevers. In order to achieve this, the Si surface underneath the structure has been wet etched using an HNA (hydrofluoric acid + nitric acid + acetic acid) based solution. X-ray diffraction (XRD) characterization indicated the high crystalline quality of the AlN film. An atomic force microscope (AFM) has been used to determine the Cr electrode surface roughness. The morphology of the fabricated devices has been studied by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The cantilevers have been piezoelectrically actuated and their out-of-plane vibration modes were detected by vibrometry

    Aportes al conocimiento de la hidatidosis como zoonosis urbana

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    In Argentina hydatidosis is a serious problem of Public Health with socioeconomic effects Strong urbanistic populational streams brought from the country local habits to urban areas. Hydatidosis became them an urban zoonosis. In spite of data on canine infection found (1.12%) are lower than those found in rural areas from the same region, the potential capacity to infect humans is higher in dogs from areas of high demographic density. The high incidences of human infections found are in accordance with this idea.En la República Argentina, la hidatidosis constituye un serio problema que afecta a la salud publica y tiene graves repercusiones socioeconómicas. Las fuertes corrientes urbanisticas han traido consigo el traslado de algunas costumbres rurales hacia los centros poblados. A partir ae ello la hidatidosis en las areas endêmicas ha adquirido importância como zoonosis urbana. Si bien las cifras de infección canina halladas (1.12%) son significativamente inferiores que en las áreas rurales de la misma región, la capacidad potencial de infectar al hombre es muy superior en canes domiciliados en áreas de gran densidad demográfica. Las altas tasas de infección humana halladas son demostrativas de los aspectos señalados

    New feature extraction approach for epileptic EEG signal detection using time-frequency distributions

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    10 pages, 6 figures.-- PMID: 20217264.This paper describes a new method to identify seizures in electroencephalogram (EEG) signals using feature extraction in time–frequency distributions (TFDs). Particularly, the method extracts features from the Smoothed Pseudo Wigner-Ville distribution using tracks estimated from the McAulay-Quatieri sinusoidal model. The proposed features are the length, frequency, and energy of the principal track. We evaluate the proposed scheme using several datasets and we compute sensitivity, specificity, F-score, receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve, and percentile bootstrap confidence to conclude that the proposed scheme generalizes well and is a suitable approach for automatic seizure detection at a moderate cost, also opening the possibility of formulating new criteria to detect, classify or analyze abnormal EEGs.This work has been funded by the Spain CICYT grant TEC2008-02473.Publicad

    Estimulación vagal en el tratamiento de la epilepsia

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    The vagal nerve stimulation is a new technique for the treatment of drug resistant epilepsies. DEVELOPMENT: In 1997, it was approved in United States by the FDA to be used in adults with refractory focal epilepsies not candidates for epilepsy surgery. Its mechanism of action is unknown. The results in the controlled studies indicated a decrease of 30 50% in the seizure frequency in around 50% of the patients. Although more experience is needed to corroborate these results, it seems reasonable as a treatment for patients with difficult epilepsies, especially when the response to the antiepileptic drugs is poor or they are producing secondary effects, and the resection of the focus is not possible

    Clasificación de los trastornos del sueño

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    Sleep disorders are frequent processes, both as a symptom associated with other diseases and as independent disorders. However, only in the last 4 decades has Sleep medicine gained its position among the medical specialties. In fact, it was only in these years that significant advances were obtained in the study of the etiology and treatment of these disorders. Similarly, the different classifications have been evolving over the years. First, they were based upon the clinical symptom; later on, more emphasis was given to the diseases. Finally, in 2005, the new classification was once again based on the symptoms. More than 90 disorders are listed in this latest classification, and an attempt is made to include the symptoms and the diseases of sleep, as well as those in which sleep disorders are fundamental. It is essential to have a clear idea of this complete classification of sleep disorders in order to deal with these patients appropriately