1,720 research outputs found

    Automated image analysis of lung branching morphogenesis from microscopic images of fetal rat explants

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    Article ID 820214Background. Regulating mechanisms of branching morphogenesis of fetal lung rat explants have been an essential tool for molecular research. This work presents a new methodology to accurately quantify the epithelial, outer contour, and peripheral airway buds of lung explants during cellular development from microscopic images. Methods. The outer contour was defined using an adaptive and multiscale threshold algorithm whose level was automatically calculated based on an entropy maximization criterion. The inner lung epithelium was defined by a clustering procedure that groups small image regions according to the minimum description length principle and local statistical properties. Finally, the number of peripheral buds was counted as the skeleton branched ends from a skeletonized image of the lung inner epithelia. Results. The time for lung branching morphometric analysis was reduced in 98% in contrast to the manual method. Best results were obtained in the first two days of cellular development, with lesser standard deviations. Nonsignificant differences were found between the automatic and manual results in all culture days. Conclusions. The proposed method introduces a series of advantages related to its intuitive use and accuracy, making the technique suitable to images with different lighting characteristics and allowing a reliable comparison between different researchers.The authors acknowledge Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Portugal, for the fellowship with the references: SFRH/BD/74276/2010 and SFRH/BPD/46851/2008

    Cystic adenomatoid malformations are induced by localized FGF10 overexpression in fetal rat lung

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    Fibroblast growth factor-10 (FGF10) is a mesenchymal growth factor, involved in epithelial and mesenchymal interactions during lung branching morphogenesis. In the present work, FGF10 overexpression was transiently induced in a temporally and spatially restricted manner, during the pseudoglandular or canalicular stages of rat lung development, by trans-uterine ultrasound-guided intraparenchymal microinjections of adenoviral vector encoding the rfgf10 transgene. The morphologic and histologic classification of the resulting malformations were dependent upon developmental stage and location. Overexpression of FGF10 restricted to the proximal tracheobronchial tree during the pseudoglandular phase resulted in large cysts lined by tall columnar epithelium composed primarily of Clara cells with a paucity of Type II pneumocytes, resembling bronchiolar type epithelium. In contrast, FGF10 overexpression in the distal lung parenchyma during the canalicular phase resulted in small cysts lined by cuboidal epithelial cells composed of primarily Type II pneumocytes resembling acinar epithelial differentiation. The cystic malformations induced by FGF10 overexpression appear to closely recapitulate the morphology and histology of the spectrum of human congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM). These findings support a role for FGF10 in the induction of human CCAM and provide further mechanistic insight into the role of FGF10 in normal and abnormal lung development.This project was in part funded by proceeds from the Ruth and Tristram C. Colket Jr. Chair in Pediatric Surgery (A.W.F.), and the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (POCI/SAUOBS/56428/2004). S.G. was supported by FCT grant ref. SFRH/BD/15260/2004

    Targeted gene transfer to fetal rat lung interstitium by ultrasound-guided intrapulmonary injection

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    In utero gene transfer to the developing lung may have clinical or research applications. In this study, we developed a new method for specifically targeting the fetal rat lung with adeno and lentiviral vectors encoding the enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP) marker gene at E15.5 using ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM). Survival rate, morphometric parameters, viral biodistribution, and lung transduction efficiency were analyzed and compared to the intra-amniotic route of administration. Expression of EGFP started as early as 24 and 72 h after the injection of adenoviral and lentiviral vectors, respectively. Both vectors transduced lung parenchyma with gene expression limited to interstitial cells of the injected region, in contrast to intra-amniotic injection, which targeted the pulmonary epithelium. Expression of EGFP was most intense at E18.5 and E21.5 for adenoviral and lentiviral vectors, respectively. In contrast to lentivirus, adenoviral expression significantly declined until final analysis at 1 week of age. This study demonstrates the feasibility of targeting the fetal rat lung interstitium with viral vectors under UBM guidance during the pseudoglandular stage. This model system may facilitate in vivo studies of dynamic lung morphogenesis and could provide insight into the efficacy of prenatal gene transfer strategies for treatment of specific lung disorders.FCT Grant (SFRH/BD/15260/2004) on behalf of the FCT Grant POCI/SAU-OBS/56428/200

    Finite element analysis of pectus carinatum surgical correction via a minimally invasive approach

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    Pectus carinatum (PC) is a chest deformity caused by a disproportionate growth of the costal cartilages compared to the bony thoracic skeleton, pulling the sternum towards, which leads to its protrusion. There has been a growing interest on using the 'reversed Nuss' technique as a minimally invasive procedure for PC surgical correction. A corrective bar is introduced between the skin and the thoracic cage and positioned on top of the sternum highest protrusion area for continuous pressure. Then, it is fixed to the ribs and kept implanted for about 2-3 years. The purpose of this work was to (a) assess the stresses distribution on the thoracic cage that arise from the procedure, and (b) investigate the impact of different positioning of the corrective bar along the sternum. The higher stresses were generated on the 4th, 5th and 6th ribs backend, supporting the hypothesis of pectus deformities correction-induced scoliosis. The different bar positioning originated different stresses on the ribs' backend. The bar position that led to lower stresses generated on the ribs backend was the one that also led to the smallest sternum displacement. However, this may be preferred, as the risk of induced scoliosis is lowered.This work was financially supported by the Potuguese Foundation for Science and Techrnology (FCT) under the R&D project PTDC/SAU-BEB/103368/2008 and the fellowship SFRH/BPD/46851/2008

    Pectus Excavatum postsurgical outcome based on preoperative soft body dynamics simulation

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    Pectus excavatum is the most common congenital deformity of the anterior chest wall, in which an abnormal formation of the rib cage gives the chest a caved-in or sunken appearance. Today, the surgical correction of this deformity is carried out in children and adults through Nuss technic, which consists in the placement of a prosthetic bar under the sternum and over the ribs. Alth ough this technique has been shown to be safe and reliable, not all patients have achieved adequate cosmetic outcome. This often leads to psyc hological problems and social stress, before and after the surgical correction. This paper targets this particular problem by presenting a method to predict the patient surgical outcome based on pre-surgical imagiologic information and chest skin dynamic modulation. The proposed approach uses the patient pre-surgical thoracic CT scan and anatomical-surg ical references to perform a 3D segmentation of the left ribs, right ribs, sternum and skin. The technique encompasses three steps: a) approximation of the cartilages, between the ribs and the sternum, trough b-spline interpolation; b) a volu metric mass spring model that connects two layers - inner skin layer based on the outer pleura contour and the outer su rface skin; and c) displacement of the sternum according to the prosthetic bar position. A dynamic model of the skin around the chest wall region was generated, capable of simulating the effect of the movement of the prosthetic bar along the sternum. The results were compared and validated with patient postsurgical skin surface acquired with Polhemus FastSCAN system.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologi

    Thoracic wall reconstruction using ultrasound images to model/bend the thoracic prosthesis for correction of pectus excavatum

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    Pectus excavatum is the most common congenital deformity of the anterior thoracic wall. The surgical correction of such deformity, using Nuss procedure, consists in the placement of a personalized convex prosthesis into sub-sternal position to correct the deformity. The aim of this work is the CT-scan substitution by ultrasound imaging for the pre-operative diagnosis and pre-modeling of the prosthesis, in order to avoid patient radiation exposure. To accomplish this, ultrasound images are acquired along an axial plane, followed by a rigid registration method to obtain the spatial transformation between subsequent images. These images are overlapped to reconstruct an axial plane equivalent to a CT-slice. A phantom was used to conduct preliminary experiments and the achieved results were compared with the corresponding CT-data, showing that the proposed methodology can be capable to create a valid approximation of the anterior thoracic wall, which can be used to model/bend the prosthesis.Fundação para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT

    Variations of the soft tissue thicknesses external to the ribs in pectus excavatum patients

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    BACKGROUND: Surgical repair of pectus excavatum (PE) has become more popular due to improvements in the minimally invasive Nuss procedure. The pre-surgical assessment of PE patients requires Computerized Tomography (CT), as the malformation characteristics vary from patient to patient. OBJECTIVE: This work aims to characterize soft tissue thickness (STT) external to the ribs among PE patients. It also presents a comparative analysis between the anterior chest wall surface before and after surgical correction. METHODS: Through surrounding tissue segmentation in CT data, STT values were calculated at different lines along the thoracic wall, with a reference point in the intersection of coronal and median planes. The comparative analysis between the two 3D anterior chest surfaces sets a surgical correction influence area (SCIA) and a volume of interest (VOI) based on image processing algorithms, 3D surface algorithms, and registration methods. RESULTS: There are always variations between left and right side STTs (2.54 ± 2.05 mm and 2.95 ± 2.97 mm for female and male patients, respectively). STTs are dependent on age, sex, and body mass index of each patient. On female patients, breast tissue induces additional errors in bar manual conception. The distances starting at the deformity's largest depression point at the SCIA are similar in all directions. Some diverging measures and outliers were found, being difficult to find similar characteristics between them, especially in asymmetric patients. CONCLUSION: The Nuss procedure metal bar must be modeled according to each patient's special characteristics. The studied relationships between STT and chest surface could represent a step forward to eliminate the CT scan from PE pre-surgical evaluation.This work was supported by "Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia" (FCT), Portugal, through the R&D project referenced PTDC/SAU-BEB/103368/2008 and the fellowships referenced SFRH/BD/74276/2010, SFRH/BD/68270/2010 and SFRH/BPD/46851/2008

    N-terminal-pro-B type natriuretic peptide as a useful tool to evaluate pulmonary hypertension and cardiac function in CDH infants

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    Objective: In congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) the severity of pulmonary hypertension (PH) is considered, by several authors, determinant of clinical outcome. Plasmatic N-terminal-pro-B type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) might be useful in diagnosis and management of PH in newborns, although its interest in CDH infants remains to be defined. Early NT-proBNP levels were assessed in CDH infants and correlated with cardiovascular echocardiographic parameters. Patients and Methods: 28 newborns, CDH and age-matched controls were enrolled in a prospective study. Clinical condition, NT-proBNP plasmatic levels, echo parameters of PH and biventricular function were assessed at 24 h after delivery as well as survival outcome. Results: Estimated mean pulmonary pressure and NT-proBNP were significantly higher in CDH than control infants. NT-proBNP significantly correlated with estimated pulmonary artery pressure, right ventricular Tei index, and tricuspid E/A ratio. Additionally, we found that CDH infants with NT-proBNP >11,500 pg/ml experienced a worse prognosis. Conclusions: We demonstrated that PH is associated with NT-proBNP elevation and diastolic impairment in CDH infants. Early elevations in NT-proBNP levels seem to alert for a subset of CDH infants with worse prognosis. Copyrigh

    Ghrelin expression in human and rat fetal lungs and the effect of ghrelin administration in nitrofen-induced congenital diaphragmatic hernia

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    Ghrelin is a strong physiologic growth hormone secretagogue that exhibits endocrine and non-endocrine actions. In this study, ghrelin expression in humans and rats was evaluated throughout development of normal and hypoplastic lungs associated with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). Additionally, the effect of antenatal treatment with ghrelin in the nitrofen-induced CDH rat model was tested. In normal lungs, ghrelin was expressed in the primitive epithelium at early stages of development and decreased in levels of expression with gestational age. In hypoplastic lungs ghrelin was overexpressed in both human and rat CDH fetuses when compared with controls. Exogenous administration of ghrelin to nitrofen-treated dams led to an attenuation of pulmonary hypoplasia of CDH pups. Furthermore, the growth hormone, secretagogue receptor (GHSR1a), could not be amplified from human or rat fetal lungs by RT-PCR. In conclusion, of all the lungs studied so far, the fetal lung is one of the first to express ghrelin during development and might be considered a new source of circulating fetal ghrelin. Overexpression of ghrelin in hypoplastic lungs and the effect of exogenous administration of ghrelin to nitrofen-treated dams strongly suggest a role for ghrelin in mechanisms involved in attenuation of fetal lung hypoplasia, most likely through a GHSR1a-independent pathway

    Time course and mechanisms of left ventricular systolic and diastolic dysfunction in monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension

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    Although pulmonary hypertension (PH) selectively overloads the right ventricle (RV), neuroendocrine activation and intrinsic myocardial dysfunction have been described in the left ventricle (LV). In order to establish the timing of LV dysfunction development in PH and to clarify underlying molecular changes, Wistar rats were studied 4 and 6 weeks after subcutaneous injection of monocrotaline (MCT) 60 mg/kg (MCT-4, n = 11; MCT-6, n = 11) or vehicle (Ctrl-4, n = 11; Ctrl-6, n = 11). Acute single beat stepwise increases of systolic pressure were performed from baseline to isovolumetric (LVPiso). This hemodynamic stress was used to detect early changes in LV performance. Neurohumoral activation was evaluated by measuring angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and endothelin-1 (ET-1) LV mRNA levels. Cardiomyocyte apoptosis was evaluated by TUNEL assay. Extracellular matrix composition was evaluated by tenascin-C mRNA levels and interstitial collagen content. Myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition of the LV was studied by protein quantification. MCT treatment increased RV pressures and RV/LV weight ratio, without changing LV end-diastolic pressures or dimensions. Baseline LV dysfunction were present only in MCT-6 rats. Afterload elevations prolonged tau and upward-shifted end-diastolic pressure dimension relations in MCT-4 and even more in MCT-6. MHC-isoform switch, ACE upregulation and cardiomyocyte apoptosis were present in both MCT groups. Rats with severe PH develop LV dysfunction associated with ET-1 and tenascin-C overexpression. Diastolic dysfunction, however, could be elicited at earlier stages in response to hemodynamic stress, when only LV molecular changes, such as MHC isoform switch, ACE upregulation, and myocardial apoptosis were present.Supported by Portuguese grants from FCT (POCI/SAU-FCF/60803/2004 and POCI/SAU-MMO/61547/2004) through Cardiovascular R&D Unit (FCT No. 51/94)