1,362 research outputs found

    Longe da vista, perto da validação? As Tecnologias e Metodologias de E-learning (TMEL) no reconhecimento de competências a distância nos processos de Reconhecimento, Validação e Certificação de Competências (RVCC), no âmbito da Educação e Formação de Adultos (EFA)

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    As TMeL no RVCC, no âmbito da EFA é um estudo exploratório que resulta de um trabalho de investigação realizado no âmbito do curso de mestrado em Tecnologias e Metodologias em e- Learning, para a obtenção do grau de mestre, pela Faculdade de Ciências e Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa. Constitui móbil deste estudo investigar a viabilidade do recurso às TMe-L no reconhecimento de competências a distância nos processos de RVCC. As questões de investigação são: Qual a perceção da viabilidade e potencialidade da utilização das TMeL do ponto de vista institucional, pedagógico e operacional?; Quais as competências digitais dos elementos da equipa do CNO?; Qual a percepção do nível de formação e necessidades formativas dos elementos da equipa?; Quais as práticas das equipas no recurso às TMeL? Com os resultados objectiva-se relacionar as formas de operacionalização do reconhecimento de competências a distância com recurso às TMeL, com a percepção de viabilidade das TMeL, as competências digitais e a formação da equipa. Este estudo incidiu sobre um CNO da NUT III – Lezíria do Tejo. Participaram a directora e a coordenadora do CNO, 3 profissionais de RVC e 6 formadores. Os instrumentos de recolha de dados utilizados foram um inquérito por questionário, aplicado a profissionais de RVC e Formadores, e inquérito por entrevista, dirigida à coordenação pedagógica e direcção. Os dados recolhidos apontam para uma visão positiva da utilização das TMeL, competências informáticas relativamente adequadas à aplicação das TMeL, mas uma utilização pouco diversificada, não fazendo os informantes uso do verdadeiro potencial das TMeL no processo de RVCC

    Excess mortality during COVID-19 in 5 european countries and a critique of mortality data analysis

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    Introdução A pandemia COVID-19 é um evento que tem perturbado vidas, sistemas de saúde e economias em todo o mundo. Faltam dados claros sobre o impacto da pandemia, nomeadamente relativos à mortalidade. O seu impacto na mortalidade por todas as causas pode ser direto, devido a mortes por COVID-19, mas também indireto, através de alterações nos cuidados de saúde e comportamentos individuais centrados no combate à pandemia. Objetivo Este trabalho analisa o impacto da COVID-19, através da análise de dados de mortalidade por todas as causas disponibilizados por diferentes países europeus, e faz uma crítica aos sistemas de vigilância de mortalidade Métodos Foram escolhidos países europeus com dados disponíveis publicamente sobre o número de mortes diárias/semanais (Inglaterra e Gales, França, Itália, Países Baixos e Portugal). Dois métodos diferentes foram selecionados para estimar o excesso de mortalidade: desvio do valor esperado com base em períodos homólogos, e o resto após decomposição sazonal por séries temporais. Estimámos mortalidade total e por grupo etário. Comparámos ainda diferentes políticas de resposta à COVID-19 dirigidas aos cuidados de saúde e ao distanciamento social. Resultados Foi encontrado um excesso de mortalidade nos 5 países, com valores entre 6,3% em Portugal e 81,5% em Itália. O excesso de mortalidade é provavelmente maior do que o número de mortes atribuídas à COVID-19 em 4 dos 5 países. Discussão O impacto da COVID-19 na mortalidade parece ser maior que as mortes que lhe são oficialmente atribuídas, mas em diferentes graus nos diferentes países analisados. Diferentes políticas podem explicar parte desta diferença. Comparações entre países, embora úteis, são difíceis devido às grande disparidades nos sistemas de vigilância de mortalidade. Uma falta generalizada de dados sobre mortalidade por causa específica e a baixa fiabilidade dos dados sobre mortalidade por todas as causas limitam um maior entendimento do impacto das escolhas políticas, tanto nas mortes diretas como indiretas, durante a pandemia COVID-19. Apesar disto, dos países estudados, o sistema de vigilância de mortalidade português parece ser o mais preciso e fidedigno.Intro The COVID-19 pandemic is an ongoing event disrupting lives, health systems, and economies worldwide. Clear data about the pandemic's impact is lacking, namely regarding mortality. Its impact on all-cause mortality can be direct, due to deaths by COVID-19, but also indirect, through pandemic-oriented changes in healthcare organizations and peoples' behaviours. Aim This work aims to study the impact of COVID-19 through the analysis of all-cause mortality data made available by different european countries, and to critique their mortality surveillance systems. Methods European countries that had publicly available data about the number of deaths per day/week were selected (England and Wales, France, Italy, Netherlands and Portugal). Two different methods were selected to estimate the excess mortality due to COVID19: deviation from the expected value from homologue periods, and remainder after seasonal time series decomposition. We estimate total and age-specific all-cause excess mortality. Furthermore, we compare different policy responses to COVID-19 regarding health care and social distancing. Results Excess mortality is found in all 5 countries, ranging from 6.3% in Portugal to 81.5% in Italy. Furthermore, excess mortality is likely higher than COVID-attributed deaths in 4 of the 5 countries. Discussion The impact of COVID-19 on mortality appears to go far beyond the officially attributed deaths, but with varying degrees in different countries. Different policies may explain part of this difference. Comparisons between countries would be useful, but are difficult due to large disparities in mortality surveillance systems. A generalized lack of cause-specific mortality data and unreliable data for all-cause mortality undermines the understanding of the impact of policy choices on both direct and indirect deaths during COVID-19. Nonetheless, from the studied countries, the Portuguese mortality surveillance system appears to be the most accurate and reliable

    Shall I post this now? Optimized, delay-based privacy protection in social networks

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10115-016-1010-4Despite the several advantages commonly attributed to social networks such as easiness and immediacy to communicate with acquaintances and friends, significant privacy threats provoked by unexperienced or even irresponsible users recklessly publishing sensitive material are also noticeable. Yet, a different, but equally significant privacy risk might arise from social networks profiling the online activity of their users based on the timestamp of the interactions between the former and the latter. In order to thwart this last type of commonly neglected attacks, this paper proposes an optimized deferral mechanism for messages in online social networks. Such solution suggests intelligently delaying certain messages posted by end users in social networks in a way that the observed online activity profile generated by the attacker does not reveal any time-based sensitive information, while preserving the usability of the system. Experimental results as well as a proposed architecture implementing this approach demonstrate the suitability and feasibility of our mechanism.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Towards to personal profiles of online video game players: application of POS-PLS on UTAUT model

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    There are diverse segmentations of online players in the literature. Most of them are proposed a priori, and there are no segmentations based on the acceptance of technology and the personal values of the players. The foremost purpose of this study is to obtain a clustering of online video games players, founded on UTAUT model, and to describe the subsequent segments consistent with the personal values of Schwartz. The measurement model and the structural model was analyzed with partial least squares (PLS). Subsequently, the POS-PLS technique has been devoted to inspect unobserved heterogeneity and to find players’ segments. Four segments are obtained from the statistical tools

    A study on extracurricular activities in Wakayama Normal School : In case of judo club

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    Objetive: Evaluate if World Federation of Neurological Surgeons (WFNS) scale has more efectiveness compared with Hunt and Hess scale in predicting mortality of aneurismatic subarachnoideal hemorrhage at Trujillo Belen Hospital. Material and methods: Retrospective, observational, diagnosis test study to aplicate in 86 patients with aneurismatic subarachnoideal hemorrhage. We calculated the sensibility, specificity, positive and negative predictive value. We calculated the chi square test. Results: World Federation of Neurological Surgeons (WFNS) scale give a sensibility, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of 91%, 71%, 65% and 93% in predicting mortality of aneurismatic subarachnoideal hemorrhage. Hunt and Hess scale give a sensibility, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of 57%, 83%, 67% and 76% in predicting mortality of aneurismatic subarachnoideal hemorrhage Conclusions: World Federation of Neurological Surgeons (WFNS) scale has more effectiveness compared with Hunt y Hess scale in predicting mortality of aneurismatic subarachnoideal hemorrhage at Trujillo Belen Hospital. No statistical significative differences related to age, sex and procedence were meeting between both of groups.TesisObjetivo: Evaluar si la escala de la federación mundial de neurocirujanos tiene mayor efectividad comparada con la escala de Hunt y Hess en el pronóstico de mortalidad en hemorragia subaracnoidea aneurismática en el Hospital Belén de Trujillo . Material y métodos: Estudio de pruebas diagnósticas, retrospectivo, observacional, en 86 pacientes con hemorragia subaracnoidea aneurismática. Se calculó la sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo y negativo. Se aplicó el test de chi cuadrado. Resultados: La escala de la federación mundial de neurocirujanos presentó una sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo y negativo de 91%, 71%, 65%, y 93% en el pronóstico de mortalidad en hemorragia subaracnoidea aneurismática. La escala Hunt y Hess presentó una sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo y negativo de 57%, 83%, 67%, y 76% en el pronóstico de mortalidad en hemorragia subaracnoidea aneurismática. Conclusiones: La escala de la federación mundial de neurocirujanos presentó mayor efectividad que la escala Hunt y Hess en el pronóstico de mortalidad en hemorragia subaracnoidea aneurismática. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en relación a edad, sexo o procedencia ente ambos grupos de estudio

    EU digital communication strategy during the COVID-19 vaccination campaign: Framing, contents and attributed roles at stake

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    If in recent years the European Union (EU) has had to face complex and multifactorial "poly-crises" (such as Brexit, refugees or the euro), the pandemic caused by COVID-19 has been an unprecedented event on a global scale with important implications at all levels. Indeed, it has reinforced public health issues aimed at protecting the population as nodal elements of the policies implemented by this organization. This research aims to analyze the different organizational communication strategies on Twitter implemented by the main EU institutions during the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, in order to examine the presence of this exceptional milestone. This study has been carried out using an eminently quantitative methodology, based on a content analysis to quantify the different variables and indicators established for the publications of the official profiles of the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European Council. The proposed categories focus on exploring their predominant thematic areas, as well as main purposes/attributed functions. In the light of the results obtained, it is concluded that the vaccination campaign is a milestone with a considerable volume of publications by all profiles. However, among the attributed functions, the distribution of aseptic information has been predominant, which is why it is discussed whether these institutions have sufficiently taken advantage of the possibilities offered by the digital environment of Twitter for the dissemination of the European message.This article is part of both European Chairs funded by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), belonging to the European Commission, Jean Monnet (Erasmus+), “Future of Europe Communication in times of Pandemic Disinformation” (FUTEUDISPAN), Ref: 101083334-JMO-2022-CHAIR) https://www.uc3m.es/research/futeudispan , directed between 2022 and 2025, from the University Carlos III of Madrid, by Jorge Tuñón

    Has COVID-19 promoted or discouraged a European Public Sphere? Comparative analysis of the Twitter interactions of German, French, Italian and Spanish MEPSs during the pandemic

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    This comparative research analyses the political discussion through social media of the top list German, French, Italian and Spanish Members of the European Parliament during COVID-19 crisis times. Through content analysis, the article focuses on Twitter behaviours during a pandemic crisis period (March 23 to April 23, 2020). The study that analyses up to 14 (first listed MEPs) Twitter accounts and a total N of 2101 tweets looks at clarifying if the COVID-19 pandemic has promoted or discouraged the growth of a European Public Sphere. The results show that audience involvement depended on certain online conducts of the MEP rather than on his or her constant activity. Those behaviours produced as well that the COVID-19 debate was mostly restricted to the political elite, who neither allow European civil society to take part in the discussion or communicate to the general public with the aim of shaping a European Public SphereThis article is part of three on-going research projects funded by the European Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), belonging to the European Commission. Nevertheless, the content of this article is the sole responsibility of the authors and the EACEA is not responsible for the use that may be made of the information disclosed herein. Jean Monnet Network "Matching politics with policy" (OPENEUDEBATE) (REF: 600465-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPJMO-NETWORK). Jean Monnet (Erasmus+), "European Union Communication Policy" (EUCOPOL) (Ref: 587167-EPP-1-2017-1-ES-EPPJMO). Jean Monnet Chair "European Union, disinformation and fake news" (EUDFAKE (610538-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPJMO-CHAIR). Likewise, it is also part of the "Racionalidad y contraconocimiento. Epistemología de la detección de falsedades en relatos informativos" Project financed by the Spanish Research Agency of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Government of Spain (Reference: RTI2018-097709-B-I00)

    EU Member States' Institutional Twitter Campaigns on COVID-19 Vaccination: Analyses of Germany, Spain, France and Italy

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    The development of an effective vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus became the hope for halting the spread of the disease. In recent years, social networks have become important tools for political and strategic communication in the dialogue with citizens. Therefore, the messages emitted through them were important to address vaccine hesitancy and achieve collective immunity. This paper analyses the use of Twitter by politicians and institutions in EU Member States during the first fifty days after the Commission's marketing authorisation of the first COVID-19 vaccine (21 December 2020 to 8 February 2021). To do so, a triple approach content analysis was carried out (quantitative, qualitative and discursive on feelings) applied to 1913 tweets published by the official profiles of the prime ministers, health ministers, governments and health ministries of Germany, Spain, France and Italy, the four most populous EU countries. The results point out that politicians and institutions gave preference to other issues on their political agenda over vaccine-related issues. Moreover, previous research hypotheses, such as those related to the underutilization of the Twitter tool as a two-way communication channel with citizens, are validated