4,906 research outputs found

    Sharing by Design: Data and Decentralized Commons

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    Ambitious international data-sharing initiatives have existed for years in fields such as genomics, earth science, and astronomy. But to realize the promise of large-scale sharing of scientific data, intellectual property (IP), data privacy, national security, and other legal and policy obstacles must be overcome. While these issues have attracted significant attention in the corporate world, they have been less appreciated in academic and governmental settings, where solving issues of legal interoperability among data pools in different jurisdictions has taken a back seat to addressing technical challenges. Yet failing to account for legal and policy issues at the outset of a large transborder data-sharing project can lead to undue resource expenditures and data-sharing structures that may offer fewer benefits than hoped. We propose a framework to help planners create data-sharing arrangements with a focus on critical early-stage design decisions including options for legal interoperability

    Recurrence Plots in Nonlinear Time Series Analysis: Free Software

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    Recurrence plots are graphical devices specially suited to detect hidden dynamical patterns and nonlinearities in data. However, there are few programs available to apply such a mehodology. This paper reviews one of the best free programs to apply nonlinear time series analysis: Visual Recurrence Analysis (VRA). This program is targeted to recurrence analysis and the so-called Recurrence Quantitative Analysis (RQA, the quantitative counterpart of recurrence plots), although it includes many procedures in a friendly visual environment. Comparisons with alternative programs are performed.

    Wavelet-Based Entropy Measures to Characterize Two-Dimensional Fractional Brownian Fields

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    The aim of this work was to extend the results of Perez et al. (Physica A (2006), 365 (2), 282–288) to the two-dimensional (2D) fractional Brownian field. In particular, we defined Shannon entropy using the wavelet spectrum from which the Hurst exponent is estimated by the regression of the logarithm of the square coefficients over the levels of resolutions. Using the same methodology. we also defined two other entropies in 2D: Tsallis and the Rényi entropies. A simulation study was performed for showing the ability of the method to characterize 2D (in this case, α = 2) self-similar processes

    Standards and Related Intellectual Property Issues for Climate Change Technology

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    Almost every product sold today must conform to standards, whether relating to its design, manufacture, operation, testing, safety, sale or disposal, and sometimes to many of these at once. At their root, standards are no more than written requirements or design features of a product, service or other activity. They can be breathtakingly detailed or disarmingly general, ranging from thousands of pages in length to just a few sentences. Standards are set by a wide range of bodies, from governmental agencies to industry consortia to multinational treaty organizations. Some standards are adopted into local, state or federal legislation and attain the force of law, others remain voluntary, yet are adopted by entire industries. This chapter provides a brief overview of the standards development landscape as it pertains to climate change technologies, also sometimes referred to as clean tech , green tech and sustainability technologies, as well as the critical intellectual property issues that affect standards setting today

    Standards and Related Intellectual Property Issues for Climate Change Technology

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    Almost every product sold today must conform to standards, whether relating to its design, manufacture, operation, testing, safety, sale or disposal, and sometimes to many of these at once. At their root, standards are no more than written requirements or design features of a product, service or other activity. They can be breathtakingly detailed or disarmingly general, ranging from thousands of pages in length to just a few sentences. Standards are set by a wide range of bodies, from governmental agencies to industry consortia to multinational treaty organizations. Some standards are adopted into local, state or federal legislation and attain the force of law, others remain voluntary, yet are adopted by entire industries. This chapter provides a brief overview of the standards development landscape as it pertains to climate change technologies, also sometimes referred to as clean tech , green tech and sustainability technologies, as well as the critical intellectual property issues that affect standards setting today

    Introducción a proyectos fraseológicos del siglo XVIII

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    Con el trabajo que mostramos a continuación intentaremos trabajar un campo tan delicado y tan poco estudiado como el de las unidades fraseológicas en español; como el campo que abarca la fraseología es muy amplio nosotros hemos decidido acotar nuestra zona de estudio, por lo que aquí sólo trabajaremos las paremias en obras del siglo XVIII, pero nos hemos tomado la libertad de no estudiarlo en una obra clave como es el Diccionario de autoridades ya que las unidades fraseológicasincluyendo las paremias en esta obra ya han sido estudiadas por investigadores como Montoro del Arco y Martínez Montoro, por lo tanto hemos decidido trabajar con tres obras de diferente tipología

    Lenguaje vago: los números en la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera

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    The vague language, in addition to the attenuation, is a pragmatic content that is not worked enough during the lessons of Spanish as a Foreign Language. In fact, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages nor the Plan Curricular of the Instituto Cervantes give it the relevance it has, especially at levels B and C. In this paper, a theoretical approach to vague language is made, more specifically to the use of numbers. The research shows part of a database in which oral texts have been compiled from Val.Es.Co. (Valencia Español Coloquial), from CREA (Corpus of Reference of t he Present Spanish) and from the research project Es.Var.Atenuación (Spanish Variation and Attenuation). Once the results of the database have been analyzed, some activities are proposed.El lenguaje vago, además de la atenuación, es un aspecto pragmático que ha sido llevado en aula de Español como Lengua Extranjera muy pocas veces. De hecho ni el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia de las Lenguas ni el Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes le dan la relevancia que tiene , sobre todo en niveles B y C. En el presente artículo se realiza un acercamiento teórico al lenguaje vago, más concretamente a la utilización de los números. Se muestra parte de una base de datos en la que se han recopilado textos orales de Val.Es.Co. (Va lencia Español Coloquial), de CREA (Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual) y del proyecto de Investigación Es.Var.Atenuación (Español Variación y Atenuación). Una vez analizados los resultados arrojados por la base de datos se proponen algunas actividades

    Standards, Patents, and the National Smart Grid

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    The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is charged with overseeing the identification and selection of hundreds of standards that will be required to implement the national Smart Grid project. However, the benefits that could be realized from Smart Grid standardization could be threatened by a growing number of patents that cover Smart Grid architecture and technologies. If such patents are not revealed until technology is broadly distributed throughout the network (“locked-in”), significant disruption could occur when patent holders seek to collect unanticipated rents from large segments of the market. Moreover, even if patents are revealed early in the standardization process, there is currently no efficient way for market participants to assess the cost of implementing the standardized technologies covered by these patents before lock-in. As a result, costs to consumers can increase, competitors can be shut-out from the market, and the standardization process itself can be subverted. And far from being hypothetical, each of these scenarios has already occurred in industries that rely heavily on standardization, such as computer memory and telecommunications. In the case of the Smart Grid, however, the risk is even greater, as Smart Grid standards are mandated by law and have the potential to be adopted into both federal and state regulation, making lock-in nearly impossible to avoid and providing even greater leverage to patent holders. Given the critical importance of the national Smart Grid, it is imperative that the governmental agencies overseeing the identification and development of Smart Grid standards take appropriate measures to ensure that broad, national implementation of standardized Smart Grid technology is not hindered either by undue economic burdens imposed by patent holders or the threat of costly and disruptive patent litigation. In this article, I lay out a number of legal options available to the U.S. federal government for addressing potential patent encumbrances on Smart Grid standards. These range from relatively modest measures such as priority-setting within existing regulatory frameworks to more interventionist approaches, such as federal march-in rights, compulsory licensing, legislative exclusions of injunctive relief and the formation of patent pools