104 research outputs found

    Análisis de las fluctuaciones cíclicas en España

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    Las fluctuaciones de la producción en una economía han sido denominadas ciclos al observarse regularmente cada cierto número de años pero sin una periodicidad determinada. Los trabajos empíricos sobre el ciclo económico se iniciaron en los Estados Unidos a principios del siglo XX en el National Bureau o Economic Research (NBER), donde se desarrolló una metodología para la descripción y la cuantificación del ciclo económico. La finalidad principal de los indicadores cíclicos consiste en identificar las fases expansivas y recesivas de la actividad económica. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar las principaJes aportaciones realizadas en España en este ámbito de investigación. Esto ha de permitir analizar las diferentes aproximaciones realizadas y, a la vez, puede ser útil para determinar líneas futuras de investigación en el ámbito del análisis cíclico, dada la importancia que tiene la determinación de las etapas expansivas y recesivas de una economía para la adopción de decisiones por parte de los agentes públicos y privados

    Is there life beyond the ISI journals lists? the international impact of Spanish, Italian, French and German economics journals

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    This comparative study looks at the international impact of leading economics journals published in Spain, Italy, France and Germany. It also aims to establish whether they play a similar role in any of these 4 countries. For this purpose data were collected on the number of times that articles published in these journals are cited in international journals on the ISI Journals lists. The study focused on the number and characteristics of the citations received during the period 1996-2004 by articles published between 1995 and 1999 in a limited number of Spanish, Italian, French and German journals. The international impact of the Spanish journals was found to be similar in size and characteristics to that of the Italian publications. However, it differed sharply from the impact of the highest-ranking French and German journals. These last received a higher volume of citations, some of which also showed very different qualitative characteristics

    Is there life beyond the ISI journals lists? the international impact of Spanish, Italian, French and German economics journals.

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    This comparative study looks at the international impact of leading economics journals published in Spain, Italy, France and Germany. It also aims to establish whether they play a similar role in any of these 4 countries. For this purpose data were collected on the number of times that articles published in these journals are cited in international journals on the ISI Journals lists. The study focused on the number and characteristics of the citations received during the period 1996-2004 by articles published between 1995 and 1999 in a limited number of Spanish, Italian, French and German journals. The international impact of the Spanish journals was found to be similar in size and characteristics to that of the Italian publications. However, it differed sharply from the impact of the highest-ranking French and German journals. These last received a higher volume of citations, some of which also showed very different qualitative characteristics.

    Spatial dependence and Kaldor's laws: Evidence for the European regions

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    In this paper we provide an outline of Kaldor's growth model and tests its relevance to the economic experience of European regions during the 1984-1992 period. The Kaldor's first law asserts that manufacturing is the engine of economic growth. The second proposition, also known as Verdoorn's law, states that there is a strong positive relation between the productivity growth in manufacturing and the output growth of manufacturing. The third law suggests that overall productivity growth is positively related to output growth in manufacturing and negatively related to the employment of non manufacturing sectors. The empirical results, corrected for the presence of spatial autocorrelation, indicates that Kaldor's second and third laws are compatible with the economic growth of European regions during the period 1984-1992. Keywords: Kaldor's laws, regional economics, spatial autocorrelation

    Public Health Expenditure and Spatial Interactions in a Decentralized National Health System

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    One of the limitations of cross-country health expenditure analysis refers to the fact that the financing, the internal organization and political restraints of health care decision-making are country-specific and heterogeneous. Yet, a potential solution is to examine the influence of such effects in those countries that have undertaken decentralization processes. In such a setting, it is possible to examine potential expenditure spillovers across the geography of a country as well as the influence of the political ideology of regional incumbents on public health expenditure. This paper examines the determinants of public health expenditure within Spanish region-states (Autonomous Communities, ACs), most of them subject to similar financing structures although exhibiting significant heterogeneity as a result of the increasing decentralization, region specific political factors along with different use of health care inputs, economic dimension and spatial interactions.political ideology, spatial interactions., health expenditure, devolution, political competition


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    This comparative study looks at the international impact of leading economics journals published in Spain, Italy, France and Germany. It also aims to establish whether they play a similar role in any of these 4 countries. For this purpose data were collected on the number of times that articles published in these journals are cited in international journals on the ISI Journals lists. The study focused on the number and characteristics of the citations received during the period 1996-2004 by articles published between 1995 and 1999 in a limited number of Spanish, Italian, French and German journals. The international impact of the Spanish journals was found to be similar in size and characteristics to that of the Italian publications. However, it differed sharply from the impact of the highest-ranking French and German journals. These last received a higher volume of citations, some of which also showed very different qualitative characteristics.

    Son excesivamente suaves las series de contabilidad nacional trimestral?

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    In this paper it is analyzed if the Contabilidad Nacional Trimestral series in Spain are extremely smooth and, therefore, if they really explain about the evolution of the Spanish economy on the short term. It is shown, by use of spectral analysis, that the Spanish quarterly series have a greater variability than the ones of the other OECD countries at the lower frequencies (which are associated to the long term behavior) and a shorter variability at the upper frequencies (associated to the series noise). It is concluded that the different behavior of the Spanish quarterly series is due to the signal extraction method known as filtro de lineas aereas modificado (LAM).linear filters, short term analysis, signal extraction

    Why Italy and not Spain? Comparing two industrialization processes from a dissagregate time series perspective

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    In 1996 and 1997 Economic History Review published two appraisals of recent contributions on the contemporary economic development of Spain and Italy prior to the Second World War. In his study of Spain, James Simpson described the situation as one of slow growth. By contrast, Giovanni Federico entitled his study Italy, 1860-1940: a little known success story. The assessments of these two authors were based on the growing quantitative evidence of the healthy growth experienced in the Italian economy during the giolittiano period, in contrast to the relative stagnation of the Spanish economy during the second half of the nineteenth century, especially during the Restoration of the Bourbon monarchy. A comparison of the evolution in industrial output shows that this situation is the result of marked differences in the rate of industrial development. The indices of industrial output that are available support the opinions presented in seminal historiographical studies of the development of nineteenth century Spain and Italy. In 1975, Nadal considered that industrialization in Spain had failed to take a strong foothold; after a promising early start, the sector lost momentum as the last thirty years of the nineteenth century wore on. In contrast, the pioneer works of Gerschenkron stated that only during the final decade of the nineteenth century did a break occur in the behaviour of Italian industry, which was to represent the beginning of the process of industrialization.industrialisation

    Regional integration and specialisation patterns in Spain

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse how economic integration in Europe has affected industrial geographical concentration in Spain and explain what the driving forces behind industry location are. Firstly, we construct regional specialisation and geographical concentration indices for Spanish 50 provinces and 30 industrial sectors in 1979, 1986 and 1992. Secondly, we carry out an econometric analysis of the determinants of geographical concentration of industries. Our main conclusion is that there is no evidence of increasing specialisation in Spain between 1979 and 1992 and that the most important determinant of Spain¿s economic geography is scale economies. Furthermore, traditional trade theory has no effects in explaining the pattern of industrial concentration- L'objectiu d'aquest treball és analitzar com la integració econòmica a Europa ha afectat a la concentració geogràfica de les indústries a Espanya i explicar quines són les forces determinants de la localització industrial. En primer lloc, construïm índexs d'especialització regional i de concentració geogràfica per a les 50 províncies espanyoles i per 30 sectors industrials el 1979, 1986 i 1992. En segon lloc, realitzem una anàlisi economètrica dels determinants de la concentració geogràfica de les indústries. Les nostres conclusions més importants són que no existeix evidència d¿un augment en l'especialització a Espanya entre 1979 i 1992 i que el determinant més important de la geografia econòmica espanyola són les economies d'escala. A més a més, la teoria tradicional del comerç no explica el patró de concentració industrial