2,984 research outputs found

    Un nou model de prosperitat

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    Texture descriptors applied to digital mammography

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    Breast cancer is the second cause of death among women cancers. Computer Aided Detection has been demon- strated an useful tool for early diagnosis, a crucial as- pect for a high survival rate. In this context, several re- search works have incorporated texture features in mam- mographic image segmentation and description such as Gray-Level co-occurrence matrices, Local Binary Pat- terns, and many others. This paper presents an approach for breast density classi¯cation based on segmentation and texture feature extraction techniques in order to clas- sify digital mammograms according to their internal tis- sue. The aim of this work is to compare di®erent texture descriptors on the same framework (same algorithms for segmentation and classi¯cation, as well as same images). Extensive results prove the feasibility of the proposed ap- proach.Postprint (published version

    Naufragio del buque «Isla de Hierro» en el puerto de Málaga

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    La Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo, Sala 3ª, Sección 6ª, de 9 de abril de 2002 (Ar. 3461, La Ley 5565), ponente Agustín Puente Prieto, resuelve un caso de responsabilidad patrimonial del Estado por el naufragio del buque "Isla de Hierro" tras tratar de esquivar dos pateras que se encontraban en la entrada del puerto de Málaga

    Java instrumentation suite: accurate analysis of Java threaded applications

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    The rapid maturing process of the Java technology is encouraging users the development of portable applications using the Java language. As an important part of the definition of the Java language, the use of threads is becoming commonplace when programming this kind of applications. Understanding and tuning threaded applications requires the use of effective tools for detecting possible performance bottlenecks. Most of the available tools summarize the behavior of the application in a global way offering different metrics that are sufficient to optimize the performance of the application in some cases. However, they do not enable a detailed analysis of the behavior of the application; this requires the use of tools that perform an exhaustive and time-aware tracing at a fine-grain level. This paper presents the Java Instrumentation Suite (JIS), a set of tools designed to instrument Java threaded applications using dynamic code interposition (avoiding the instrumentation and recompilation of the source code and/or the Java Virtual Machine JVM). Our initial implementation targets the JVM version 3.1.1 on top of the SGI Origin2000 parallel platform. The paper describes the design of JIS and highlights some of its main functionalities specifically designed to understand the behavior of Java threaded applications and the JVM itself, and to speed them up.Postprint (author’s final draft

    Actualizando el conocimiento: arquitectura, uso y cronología de los monumentos escalonados en Mallorca

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    The ongoing excavation of a stepped monument at the Mestre Ramon settlement in the island of Mallorca provided new chronological and architectural information motivating an analytical review of known Mallorcan stepped monuments. The combination of the already existing chronological information and the new radiocarbon dates for Mestre Ramon place the construction of stepped monuments within the Prototalaiotic period (ca. 1100/1000-850 cal BCE). This chronology constitutes the basis for an analysis of the architectural characteristics of the monuments and of their relationships with other structures. This study offers a preliminary, but detailed, characterisation of the material features of stepped monuments and their social dimension within the process of social transformation that occurred during the Late Bronze Age in Mallorca.La excavación en curso de un monumento escalonado en el yacimiento de Mestre Ramon en la isla de Mallorca ha aportado nueva información cronológica y arquitectónica que ha motivado una revisión analítica de las estructuras conocidas como monumentos escalonados en Mallorca. La combinación de la información cronológica existente con nuevas dataciones radiocarbónicas relacionadas con el yacimiento de Mestre Ramon ha permitido situar el momento de construcción de los monumentos escalonados en el período Prototalayótico (ca. 1100/1000-850 cal a.n.e.). Este encuadre cronológico ha sido la base del análisis de las características arquitectónicas de dichos monumentos y su relación con otras estructuras. El trabajo que se presenta ofrece una caracterización preliminar, pero detallada, de las peculiaridades materiales de los monumentos escalonados y de su dimensión social dentro de los procesos de transformación social que se desarrollaron durante el final de la Edad de Bronce en Mallorca

    El arco-puerta romana conmemorativa de Gerunda (Girona)

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    The present work deals with the interpretation of 15 disiecta membra lapides in marble assigned to be part of an arcuated honorific Roman monument of Gerunda (Girona). Most of these blocks were reused during the Carolingian period as building material for the basement of a tower of the city wall. The study proposes an architectural restitution of the monument as well as a chronological and functional (location) of it.El presente trabajo trata sobre la interpretación de 15 disiecta membra lapídeos marmóreos adscribibles a formar parte de un monumento arcuado honorífico romano de Gerunda (Girona). La mayoría de estos bloques fueron reaprovechados en época carolingia como material constructivo del basamento de una torre del recinto úrbico. El estudio elabora tanto una propuesta de restitución arquitectónica del monumento como una propuesta cronológica y funcional (emplazamiento) del mismo

    Innovació educativa i treball per reptes a l'aula de la FP. El context comunicatiu pràctic

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    During the educational process of each student it is fundamental to educate him/her emotionally in order he/she would be prepared for a better learning. Nevertheless in some cases this has not been possible so they have finally failed at school. The Programmes for Formation and Insertion (PFI) proposed by the Catalan Goverment are an oportunity for those young students. Although I might consider this sort of programmes are absolutely necessaries I also think that there several issues related with the activities done into the classroom suitable to be improved. This is why I propose the use of Based Project Learning sustained by the Universal Desing for Learning as the methodologies to be used in the PFI framework in Girona in order to improve such a deficiencies. Through surveies, personal and focus group interviews with pupils as well as professors I wanted to know about their point of view regarding some key points in both methodologies. Once analyzed the data from the surveies I have concluded that there is a gap between the perception of the professor in how is conducting the class concerning PBL and UDL methods, and how this should be performed according their theories. Accordingly I advise the professors to be better prepared on the PBL and UDL methodologies. Regarding the answers from the pupils I advise about their low level of empowerment. All in all, this gives sense to the aim of this master dissertation

    Heritage as a source of studies into industrial history: using digital tools to explore the geography of the industrialization

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    The main objective of this article is to explore the possibility of combining two very different sources in order to study the distribution of industrial activity throughout history. The traditional primary sources to use for this purpose are the official censuses on population and economic activity that have been conducted in the majority of countries since the mid-nineteenth century. However, the majority of these lack detail at the regional level and also with respect to the types of professional occupations that they quantify. In order to complement and profile these census data, we propose the use of another type of information which can also be quantified, but whose characteristics are very different. We refer to the industrial heritage sites identified in digital format in a given territory, which in this case is Catalonia, Spain. This innovative dataset was obtained using digital tools such as web scraping and data mining techniques. This type of historical information was used to check whether it is reliable and valid for interpreting the spatial impact of the introduction of industrial activity. The article also shows that the systematic identification of elements of industrial heritage offers a new and very useful source of information for interpreting the history of industrial geography.This research has been financed by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spanish Ministry for the Economy and Competitiveness—CSO2015-65733-P), ICREA-Academia and also supported by RecerCaixa, and the EU (Jean Monnet 586912-EPP-1-2017-1-ES-EPPJMO-PROJEC)

    Recycling of sludge from drinking water treatment as ceramic material for the manufacture of tiles

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    Currently, the main destination for sludge from Drinking Water Treatment Plants (DWTP) is its disposal in sanitary landfills. However, its chemical composition and physical properties make it suitable for use as a building material. In this work, the use of spray-dried DWTP sludge on the manufacture of cladding ceramic material for the production of tiles as an alternative to the final disposal of sludge is analysed. The work is based on an experimental study carried out on a laboratory scale. Clay and spray-dried DWTP sludge (average humidity of 3¿wt%) were mixed with different percentages of sludge (from 0 to 70¿wt%) to form a slurry to be extruded. Specimens were then fired up to 980¿°C. Chemical and mineralogical composition of raw materials was analysed. Technical properties of the ceramic samples were determined. The results obtained showed that the DWTP sludge became a powder with low organic content and a high-micronised calcareous content (14.4¿wt% calcium oxide). The ceramic samples had a high open porosity, which increases with the increase in sludge addition percentage. They also had a high dilatometric coefficient. Taking into account these two properties, a possible application of this material would be the manufacture of glazed tiles. The resulting ceramic material does not pose any environmental problem, far surpassing the NEN-7345 leaching test and accelerated degassing tests (outgassing PSS-01-702 and offgassing PSS-01-729 standards of the European Space Agency).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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