14 research outputs found

    Temporal Adaptation to Audiovisual Asynchrony Generalizes Across Different Sound Frequencies

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    The human brain exhibits a highly adaptive ability to reduce natural asynchronies between visual and auditory signals. Even though this mechanism robustly modulates the subsequent perception of sounds and visual stimuli, it is still unclear how such a temporal realignment is attained. In the present study, we investigated whether or not temporal adaptation generalizes across different auditory frequencies. In a first exposure phase, participants adapted to a fixed 220-ms audiovisual asynchrony or else to synchrony for 3 min. In a second phase, the participants performed simultaneity judgments (SJs) regarding pairs of audiovisual stimuli that were presented at different stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs) and included either the same tone as in the exposure phase (a 250 Hz beep), another low-pitched beep (300 Hz), or a high-pitched beep (2500 Hz). Temporal realignment was always observed (when comparing SJ performance after exposure to asynchrony vs. synchrony), regardless of the frequency of the sound tested. This suggests that temporal recalibration influences the audiovisual perception of sounds in a frequency non-specific manner and may imply the participation of non-primary perceptual areas of the brain that are not constrained by certain physical features such as sound frequency

    BioBlitz Serra Llarga-Secans de la Noguera 2021: desenvolupament i espècies presents

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    En aquest article es fa la descripció de la tasca duta a terme durant el BioBlitz Serra Llarga-Secans de la Noguera dels dies 21 i 22 de maig de 2021 i es presenta el llistat despècies observades amb lobjectiu de facilitar que aquestes observacions es puguin integrar en les bases de dades públiques de biodiversitat.This paper lists the work carried out during the BioBlitz Serra Llarga-Secans de la Noguera on 21-22 May 2021. We present the list of observed species with the aim of facilitating that these observation could be integrated into public biodiversity databases

    Famílies botàniques de plantes medicinals

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    Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Ensenyament: Grau de Farmàcia, Assignatura: Botànica Farmacèutica, Curs: 2013-2014, Coordinadors: Joan Simon, Cèsar Blanché i Maria Bosch.Els materials que aquí es presenten són els recull de 175 treballs d’una família botànica d’interès medicinal realitzats de manera individual. Els treballs han estat realitzat per la totalitat dels estudiants dels grups M-2 i M-3 de l’assignatura Botànica Farmacèutica durant els mesos d’abril i maig del curs 2013-14. Tots els treballs s’han dut a terme a través de la plataforma de GoogleDocs i han estat tutoritzats pel professor de l’assignatura i revisats i finalment co-avaluats entre els propis estudiants. L’objectiu principal de l’activitat ha estat fomentar l’aprenentatge autònom i col·laboratiu en Botànica farmacèutica

    El taller metalúrgico del Castellot de Bolvir (II-I a.C.) y la presencia romana en el Pirineo

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    Con autorización de la editorial para este capítulo.[EN] This paper offers new information about metallurgical activities in the site of Castellot de Bolvir (Cerdanya) during the 2nd-1st century BC. A singular building with several rooms was identifyed as a metallurgical workshop, where some pottery vessels were also identified as crucibles. The sediment from this crucible was studied by Scaning Electron Microprobe (SEM). Some minerals and metallic particles have been identified, defining a polymetallic workshop (iron, copper, brass and lead) including noble metals (gold and silver) and cinnabar.[ES] Se presentan datos sobre la actividad metalúrgica en el poblado de Castellot de Bolvir (Cerdanya) durante su fase de ocupación en los siglos II-I a.C. La identificación de un edificio con varias estancias donde se realizaron diferentes actividades vinculadas con la metalurgia y algunos elementos cerámicos que podrían interpretarse como crisoles, llevó a indagar sobre su funcionalidad a través del estudio de los sedimentos con Microscopia Electrónica de Barrido (MEB). La identificación de diferentes partículas metálicas y minerales permite ampliar la información sobre los metales procesados en este taller principalmente, definiendo un área de actividad polimetálica (hierro, cobre, plomo, latón) y destaca la presencia de metales nobles (oro y plata) y cinabrio.Esta investigación ha contado con la ayuda del proyecto MINECO, HAR2013-41629-P, Paisajes de la Hispania romana: de la diversidad a la complementariedad, y del Proyecto de la Generalitat de Catalunya, PATCA, 2014/100875

    Impacto psicológico de la pandemia de COVID-19: efectos del optimismo y la incertidumbre sobre el malestar emocional durante el confinamiento en España

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    The objective of this study is to make a quick assessment of the psychological resources and emotional distress of the general population locked down during the COVID-19 pandemic (in Catalonia, Spain), and to observe their evolution over the course of two waves during lockdown: at two weeks and at one month (April 1th to 3th and April 17th to 19th). The longitudinal study collected data from 29,231 participants aged 18 or older through an online platform who answered questions which evaluated: optimism, uncertainty, perceived competence, self-efficacy, emotional distress, current job situation, sadness and anger in conjunction with sociodemographic variables. The main results indicated that general beliefs about the future, uncertainty, and optimism, together with beliefs about one’s own conduct, such as perceived competence when facing the situation or self-efficacy to maintain routines, could predict the emotional distress experienced by an individual. A clear gender pattern was found. Between the two waves, optimism, perceived competence to manage the situation and self-efficacy to maintain routines decrease, uncertainty grows, and emotional distress remains. Taking these results into account we can prevent possible emotional scars and offer coping strategies to overcome the pandemic and the future situations of confinement in a more efficient way.El objetivo de este estudio es realizar una valoración rápida de los recursos psicológicos y y el malestar emocional de la población general durante el encierro por la pandemia de COVID-19 (en Cataluña, España), y observar su evolución a lo largo de dos oleadas durante el confinamiento: a las dos semanas y al mes (del 1 al 3 de abril y del 17 al 19 de abril). El estudio longitudinal recopiló datos de 29.231 participantes de 18 años o más a través de una plataforma en línea que respondieron preguntas que evaluaban: optimismo, incertidumbre, competencia percibida, autoeficacia, malestar emoción, situación laboral actual, tristeza e ira y variables sociodemográficas. Los principales resultados indicaron que las creencias generales sobre el futuro, la incertidumbre y el optimismo, junto con las creencias sobre la propia conducta, como la competencia percibida ante la situación o la autoeficacia para mantener las rutinas, pueden predecir el malestar emocional que experimenta un individuo. Se encontró un patrón de género claro.Depto. de Psicología Experimental, Procesos Cognitivos y LogopediaFac. de Trabajo SocialTRUEpu

    Long Covid-19: Proposed Primary Care Clinical Guidelines for Diagnosis and Disease Management

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    Long COVID-19 may be defined as patients who, four weeks after the diagnosis of SARS-Cov-2 infection, continue to have signs and symptoms not explainable by other causes. The estimated frequency is around 10% and signs and symptoms may last for months. The main long-term manifestations observed in other coronaviruses (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)) are very similar to and have clear clinical parallels with SARS-CoV-2: mainly respiratory, musculoskeletal, and neuropsychiatric. The growing number of patients worldwide will have an impact on health systems. Therefore, the main objective of these clinical practice guidelines is to identify patients with signs and symptoms of long COVID-19 in primary care through a protocolized diagnostic process that studies possible etiologies and establishes an accurate differential diagnosis. The guidelines have been developed pragmatically by compiling the few studies published so far on long COVID-19, editorials and expert opinions, press releases, and the authors' clinical experience. Patients with long COVID-19 should be managed using structured primary care visits based on the time from diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Based on the current limited evidence, disease management of long COVID-19 signs and symptoms will require a holistic, longitudinal follow up in primary care, multidisciplinary rehabilitation services, and the empowerment of affected patient groups

    BioBlitz Serra Llarga-Secans de la Noguera 2021: desenvolupament i espècies presents

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    En aquest article es fa la descripció de la tasca duta a terme durant el BioBlitz Serra Llarga-Secans de la Noguera dels dies 21 i 22 de maig de 2021 i es presenta el llistat d’espècies observades amb l’objectiu de facilitar que aquestes observacions es puguin integrar en les bases de dades públiques de biodiversitatThis paper lists the work carried out during the BioBlitz Serra Llarga-Secans de la Noguera on 21-22 May 2021. We present the list of observed species with the aim of facilitating that these observation could be integrated into public biodiversity databases.En aquest article es fa la descripció de la tasca duta a terme durant el BioBlitz Serra Llarga-Secans de la Noguera dels dies 21 i 22 de maig de 2021 i es presenta el llistat d’espècies observades amb l’objectiu de facilitar que aquestes observacions es puguin integrar en les bases de dades públiques de biodiversita