41 research outputs found

    VIG-Express: Consensus on an express multidimensional/geriatric assessment system in Catalonia

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    [spa] Objetivo: Consensuar una herramienta de valoración multidimensional/geriátrica rápida (VMGR), como sistema compartido y universal de valoración multidimensional de personas con multimorbilidad, fragilidad, complejidad o situación avanzada, para todos los profesionales del sistema de salud y social de Catalun ̃a. Disen ̃o: Consenso de profesionales en tres fases, combinando sesiones presenciales con trabajo telemático. Emplazamiento: Catalun ̃a. Participantes: Se constituyó un grupo de 27 profesionales de carácter interdisciplinario repre- sentativo de los distintos ámbitos de atención. Método: Se han combinado las metodologías de Design thinking para el consenso inicial de características de la herramienta de VMGR (fase 1), con la metodología Lean Start-Up para el disen ̃o de la nueva herramienta de VMGR (fase 2), que finalmente se testeó en un grupo de pacientes (fase 3). Resultados: En la fase 1 se consensuó que la herramienta de VMGR ideal debía permitir una valoración ad hoc de las personas, ser rápida y ágil (tiempo < 10 minutos), identificar las dimen- siones alteradas mediante preguntas trigger y facilitar el diagnóstico de situación (idealmente cuantificado). En la fase 2 se elaboró el prototipo de una nueva herramienta de VMGR de 15 + dos preguntas (VIG-Express), finalmente testeada en 35 personas en la fase 3. Conclusiones: En los resultados preliminares, la herramienta VIG-Express parece facilitar una valoración multidimensional sencilla y rápida y la personalización de las intervenciones, así como una mirada única y un relato compartido entre los profesionales de los distintos ámbitos de atención. Serán necesarios más estudios para corroborar estos hallazgos. [spa] Objective: To reach a consensus on an rapid multidimensional/geriatric assessment (RMGA) tool for all health and social professionals of Catalonia as a shared and universal system to assess patients with multimorbidities, frailty, complexity or advanced conditions. Design: Three-phase consensus of professionals, combining in-person sessions with telematics. Location: Catalonia. Participants: A group of 27 interdisciplinary professionals from different care settings. Method: The Design Thinking methodology for an initial consensus on the characteristics of the RMGA tool (Phase 1) has been combined with the Lean Startup methodology to create a new RMGA tool (Phase 2), and then tested in a group of patients (Phase 3). Results: In Phase 1, a consensus was reached that the perfect RMGA tool should allow for an ad hoc assessment of patients, be fast and flexible (<10 min), identify altered dimensions using trigger questions and facilitate the diagnosis of the condition (ideally quantified). In Phase 2, a prototype of a new RMGA tool containing 15 + 2 questions (VIG-Express) was developed, which was then tested in 35 patients in Phase 3. Conclusions: Based on preliminary results, the VIG-Express tool seems to facilitate a simple, rapid multidimensional assessment and the customization of interventions, as well as provide a unique look and shared narrative between professionals from different care settings. More studies will be required to corroborate these findings

    Using illness trajectories to inform person-centred, advance care planning

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    What you need to know- Most patients with progressive illness follow characteristic trajectories of decline, previously identified as rapid, intermittent, or a gradual decline from a low baseline- Multimorbidity is increasingly common and follows a distinct fourth trajectory- An understanding of the dynamic multidimensional trajectories of patients with progressive illnesses helps clinicians consider individual holistic needs and have meaningful conversations with patients and families about advance care planning- In patients with an acute deterioration in health (such as from an infection), considering the main underlying illness trajectory helps guide shared decision making about realistic current and future treatment and care option

    Reliability, validity and feasibility of the frail-vig index

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    The study aimed to assess the reliability of the scores, evidence of validity, and feasibility of the Frail-VIG index. A validation study mixing hospitalized and community-dwelling older people was designed. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to assess the inter-rater agreement and the reliability. The construct validity of the Frail-VIG index with respect to the Frailty Phenotype (FP) was evaluated by calculating the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC-ROC). Convergent validity with the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) was assessed using Pearson's correlation coefficients. The feasibility was evaluated by calculating the average time required to administer the Frail-VIG index and the percentage of unanswered responses. A sample of 527 older people (mean age of 81.61, 56.2% female) was included. The inter-rater agreement and test-retest reliability were very strong: 0.941 (95% CI, 0.890 to 0.969) and 0.976 (95% CI, 0.958 to 0.986), respectively. Results indicated adequate convergent validity of the Frail-VIG index with respect to the FP, AUC-ROC 0.704 (95% CI, 0.622 to 0.786), and a moderate to strong positive correlation between the Frail-VIG index and CFS (r = 0.635, 95% CI, 0.54 to 0.71). The Frail-VIG index administration required an average of 5.01 min, with only 0.34% of unanswered responses. The Frail-VIG index is a reliable, feasible, and valid instrument to assess the degree of frailty in hospitalized and community-dwelling older people

    High-Performance Compression of Multibeam Echosounders Water Column Data

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    Over the last few decades, multibeam echosounders (MBES) have become the dominant technique to efficiently and accurately map the seafloor. They now allow to collect water column acoustic images along with the bathymetry, which is providing a wealth of new possibilities in oceans exploration. However, water column imagery generates vast amounts of data that poses obvious logistic, economic, and technical challenges. Surprisingly, very few studies have addressed this problem by providing efficient lossless or lossy data compression solutions. Currently, the available options are only lossless, providing low compression ratios at low speeds. In this paper, we adapt a data compression algorithm, the Fully Adaptive Prediction Error Coder (FAPEC), which was created to offer outstanding performance under the strong requirements of space data transmission. We have added to this entropy coder a specific pre-processing stage tailored to theKongsbergMaritime water column file formats. Here, we test it on data acquired with Kongsberg MBES models EM302, EM710, andEM2040.With this bespoke pre-processing, FAPEC provides good lossless compression ratios at high speeds, whereas lossy ratios reach water column file sizes even smaller than bathymetry raw files still with good image quality. We show the advantages over other lossless compression solutions, both in terms of compression ratios and speed.We illustrate the quality of water column images after lossy FAPEC compression, as well as its resilience to datagram errors and its potential for automatic detection of water column targets. We also show the successful integration in ARM microprocessors (like those used by smartphones and also by autonomous underwater vehicles), which provides a real-time solution for MBES water column data compression

    Convergent and discriminative validity of the Frail-VIG index with the EQ-5D-3L in people cared for in primary health care

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    Background The Frail-VIG frailty index has been developed recently. It is an instrument with a multidimensional approach and a pragmatic purpose that allows rapid and efficient assessment of the degree of frailty in the context of clinical practice. Our aim was to investigate the convergent and discriminative validity of the Frail-VIG frailty index with regard to EQ-5D-3L value. Methods We carried out a cross-sectional study in two Primary Health Care (PHC) centres of the Catalan Institute of Health (Institut Català de la Salut), Barcelona (Spain) from February 2017 to January 2019. Participants in the study were all people included under a home care programme during the study period. No exclusion criteria were applied. We used the EQ-5D-3L to measure Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) and the Frail-VIG index to measure frailty. Trained PHC nurses administered both instruments during face-to-face assessments in a participant's home during usual care. The relationships between both instruments were examined using Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression analyses. Results Four hundred and twelve participants were included in this study. Frail-VIG score and EQ-5D-3L value were negatively correlated (r = − 0.510; P < 0.001). Non-frail people reported a substantially better HRQoL than people with moderate and severe frailty. EQ-5D-3L value declined significantly as the Frail-VIG index score increased. Conclusions Frail-VIG index demonstrated a convergent validity with the EQ-5D-3L value. Its discriminative validity was optimal, as their scores showed an excellent capacity to differentiate between people with better and worse HRQoL. These findings provide additional pieces of evidence for construct validity of the Frail-VIG index

    Profiles of Frailty among Older People Users of a Home-Based Primary Care Service in an Urban Area of Barcelona (Spain): An Observational Study and Cluster Analysis

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    Background: The multidimensional assessment of frailty allows stratifying it into degrees; however, there is still heterogeneity in the characteristics of people in each stratum. The aim of this study was to identify frailty profiles of older people users of a home-based primary care service. Methods: We carried out an observational study from January 2018 to January 2021. Participants were all people cared for a home-based primary care service. We performed a cluster analysis by applying a k-means clustering technique. Cluster labeling was determined with the 22 variables of the Frail-VIG index, age, and sex. We computed multiple indexes to assess the optimal number of clusters, and this was selected based on a clinical assessment of the best options. Results: Four hundred and twelve participants were clustered into six profiles. Three of these profiles corresponded to a moderate frailty degree, two to a severe frailty degree and one to a mild frailty degree. In addition, almost 75% of the participants were clustered into three profiles which corresponded to mild and moderate degree of frailty. Conclusions: Different profiles were found within the same degree of frailty. Knowledge of these profiles can be useful in developing strategies tailored to these differentiated care needs

    Procediment per a la identificació i l’atenció de persones amb malalties cròniques avançades i necessitats d’atenció pal·liativa a l’atenció primaria i serveis de salut

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    Pacients crònics complexos; Atenció sanitària; ProcedimentsPacientes crónicos complejos; Atención sanitaria; ProcedimientosComplex chronic patients; Health care; ProceduresDocument que conté els procediments destinats als professionals sanitaris amb l'objectiu d'identificar i registrar la població que necessitarà atenció pal·liativa

    Frailty degree and illness trajectories in older people towards the end-of-life:a prospective observational study

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    Objectives To assess the degree of frailty in older people with different advanced diseases and its relationship with end-of-life illness trajectories and survival.Methods Prospective, observational study, including all patients admitted to the Acute Geriatric Unit of the University Hospital of Vic (Spain) during 12 consecutive months (2014–2015), followed for up to 2 years. Participants were identified as end-of-life people (EOLp) using the NECPAL (NECesidades PALiativas, palliative care needs) tool and were classified according to their dominant illness trajectory. The Frail-VIG index (Valoración Integral Geriátrica, Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment) was used to quantify frailty degree, to calculate the relationship between frailty and mortality (Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves), and to assess the combined effect of frailty degree and illness trajectories on survival (Cox proportional hazards model). Survival curves were plotted using the Kaplan-Meier estimator with participants classified into four groups (ie, no frailty, mild frailty, moderate frailty and advanced frailty) and were compared using the log-rank test.Results Of the 590 persons with a mean (SD) age of 86.4 (5.6) years recruited, 260 (44.1%) were identified as EOLp, distributed into cancer (n=31, 11.9%), organ failure (n=79, 30.4%), dementia (n=86, 33.1%) and multimorbidity (n=64, 24.6%) trajectories. All 260 EOLp had some degree of frailty, mostly advanced frailty (n=184, 70.8%), regardless of the illness trajectory, and 220 (84.6%) died within 2 years. The area under the ROC curve (95% CI) after 2 years of follow-up for EOLp was 0.87 (0.84 to 0.92) with different patterns of survival decline in the different end-of-life trajectories (p&lt;0.0001). Cox regression analyses showed that each additional deficit of the Frail-VIG index increased the risk of death by 61.5%, 30.1%, 29.6% and 12.9% in people with dementia, organ failure, multimorbidity and cancer, respectively (p&lt;0.01 for all the coefficients).Conclusions All older people towards the end-of-life in this study were frail, mostly with advanced frailty. The degree of frailty is related to survival across the different illness trajectories despite the differing survival patterns among trajectories. Frailty indexes may be useful to assess end-of-life older people, regardless of their trajectory

    Recomanacions pràctiques per a la identificació i la millora de l’atenció de persones amb malalties cròniques avançades (MACA) amb necessitat d’atenció pal·liativa en territoris i serveis de salut i socials

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    Modelo de atención de la enfermedad crónica avanzada; Profesionales sanitariosModel d’atenció de la malaltia crònica avançada; Professionals sanitarisAdvanced chronic disease care model; Health professionalsAquest document resumeix i proposa les mesures pràctiques per a la implementació d’un model d’atenció de la malaltia crònica avançada (MACA) en els territoris i en els seus serveis sanitaris i socials, en el context del Programa per a l’atenció de la cronicitat (PPAC) del Pla de salut de Catalunya