8 research outputs found

    Towards cognitively plausible data science in language research

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    Over the past 10 years, Cognitive Linguistics has taken a Quantitative Turn. Yet, concerns have been raised that this preoccupation with quantification and modelling may not bring us any closer to understanding how language works. We show that this objection is unfounded, especially if we rely on modelling techniques based on biologically and psychologically plausible learning algorithms. These make it possible to take a quantitative approach, while generating and testing specific hypotheses that will advance our understanding of how knowledge of language emerges from exposure to usage

    Naphthalene Degradation and Biosurfactant Activity by Bacillus cereus 28BN

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    Biosurfactant activity and naphthalene degradation by a new strain identified as Bacillus cereus 28BN were studied. The strain grew well and produced effective biosurfactants in the presence of n-alkanes, naphthalene, crude oil and vegetable oils. The biosurfactants were detected by the surface tension lowering of the medium, thin layer chromatography and infrared spectra analysis. With (2%) naphthalene as the sole carbon source, high levels of rhamnolipids at a concentration of 2.3 g l Ð1 were determined in the stationary growth. After 20 d of incubation 72 ð 4% of the initial naphthalene was degraded. This is the first report for a Bacillus cereus rhamnolipid producing strain that utilized naphthalene under aerobic conditions. The strain looks promising for application in environmental technologies

    Učestalost gojaznosti kod osoba sa smetnjama u razvoju

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    Introduction. The incidence of obesity is rising both in the general population and in people with developmental disabilities. The aim of the study was to examine the frequency of obesity in people with developmental disorders. So far, this topic has not been processed in any article in Serbia and, as such, is a unique attempt. Method. This cross sectional study conducted in the Center for Accommodation and Living of Children and Youth in Development in Belgrade. The study included 139 adult persons, users of the Center's services. The consent of the parents was obtained for the participation of all subjects. All users were surveyed and all anthropometric measurements were made. For questioning, using a specific questionnaire designed for the research needs filled in by the researcher. Data on demographic and physical activity were obtained using questionnaire. In order to estimate the nutrition state, anthropometric measurements were made for all users to determine: body weight, body height, waist and thickness of skin folds, and calculated Body Mass Index. The recommendation of the World Health Organization was used to assess the nutritional state. Results. The survey comprised 139 respondents, of whom 79 (56.8%) were men and 60 women (43.2%). In the examined group, there were 43.9% of subjects who had normal weight, users with overweight were 30.2% and obese 25.9%. Obesity expressed through BMI was more frequent in female subjects than male (p=0.502), and abdominal obesity (p=0.692). Physically active was 20.9% users, whereby male subjects significantly more likely to engage in physical activity than female (p=0.013). Conclusion. It is necessary to organize continuous education of people with disabilities and increase their physical activity in order to prevent obesity and promote healthy lifestyle habits.Učestalost gojaznosti je u porastu kako u opštoj populaciji tako i kod osoba sa smetnjama u razvoju. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita učestalost gojaznosti kod osoba sa smetnjama u razvoju. Ova tema, do sada, nije obrađivana ni u jednom časopisu u Srbiji i, kao takva, predstavlja unikatan pokušaj. Metod. U sprovedenom istraživanju u Centru za smeštaj i dnevni boravak dece i omladine ometene u razvoju u Beogradu korišćena je studija preseka. U studiju je uključeno 139 punoletnih osoba, korisnika usluga Centra. Za učešće svih ispitanika dobijena je saglasnost roditelja. Svi korisnici su anketirani i kod svih su urađena antropometrijska merenja. Za anketiranje je korišćem specifčni upitnik konstruisan za potrebe istraživanja koji je popunjavao istraživač. Pored osnovnih demografskih podataka, anketom su prikupljeni i podaci o fzičkoj aktivnosti. U cilju procene stanja uhranjenosti, kod svih korisnika rađena su antropometrijska merenja da bi se odredila: telesna masa, telesna visina, obim struka i debljina kožnih nabora, i izračunao Indeks telesne mase. Za procenu stanja uhranjenosti korišćena je preporuka Svetske zdravstvene organizacije. Rezultati. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 139 ispitanika, od kojih je 79 (56,8%) bilo muškaraca a žena 60 (43,2%). U ispitivanoj grupi je bilo 43,9% ispitanika koji su bili normalno uhranjeni, osoba sa prekomernom telesnom masom bilo je 30,2%, a gojaznih 25,9%. Gojaznost izražena preko indeksa telesne mase bila je češća kod osoba ženskog pola (p=0,502), kao i abdominalna gojaznost (p=0,692). Fizički aktivno je 20,9% ispitanika, pri čemu su se osobe muškog pola značajno ćešće bavile fzičkom aktivnošću (p=0,013). Zaključak. Potrebno je organizovati stalnu edukaciju osoba sa smetnjama u razvoju i povećati njihovu fzičku aktivnost u cilju prevencije gojaznosti i promovisanja zdravih životnih navika

    Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are socially significant diseases due to high morbidity and loss of people of working age. In Bulgaria, they are the leading cause of mortality among the population and are a consequence of the effect of cardiovascular risk factors. The draft of the National Health Strategy (NHS) 2021–2030 reports on their wide distribution, as well as on the insufficient knowledge, skills and motivation for their prevention and control. The purpose of this review is to address the prevention of cardiovascular disease, which is a significant problem worldwide. Prevention goals for patients with established cardiovascular disease and those at high risk include smoking cessation, healthy eating, physical activity, and lowering body mass index. There are various methods that are part of health promotion to reduce CVD risks. These methods include motivational interviewing, non-pharmacological means, the use of certain medications for CVD prevention, as well as physical activity. Strategies for effective primary prevention refer to engaging the patient to change their lifestyle and identifying risk factors, while secondary prevention is aimed at activities to detect the disease early and to slow down its progression. It is necessary to create a strategy for timely preventive actions with a view to preventing the negative influence of risk factors and improving people‘s heart health

    and Emergency Medicine »N.I. Pirogov«, Sofia 2Second Surgical Clinic, Multiprofiled Hospital for Active Treatment

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    Summary: The following study comprises 116 patients (77 men, 39 women) admitted to the Secon

    Učestalost gojaznosti kod osoba sa smetnjama u razvoju

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    Introduction. The incidence of obesity is rising both in the general population and in people with developmental disabilities. The aim of the study was to examine the frequency of obesity in people with developmental disorders. So far, this topic has not been processed in any article in Serbia and, as such, is a unique attempt. Method. This cross sectional study conducted in the Center for Accommodation and Living of Children and Youth in Development in Belgrade. The study included 139 adult persons, users of the Center's services. The consent of the parents was obtained for the participation of all subjects. All users were surveyed and all anthropometric measurements were made. For questioning, using a specific questionnaire designed for the research needs filled in by the researcher. Data on demographic and physical activity were obtained using questionnaire. In order to estimate the nutrition state, anthropometric measurements were made for all users to determine: body weight, body height, waist and thickness of skin folds, and calculated Body Mass Index. The recommendation of the World Health Organization was used to assess the nutritional state. Results. The survey comprised 139 respondents, of whom 79 (56.8%) were men and 60 women (43.2%). In the examined group, there were 43.9% of subjects who had normal weight, users with overweight were 30.2% and obese 25.9%. Obesity expressed through BMI was more frequent in female subjects than male (p=0.502), and abdominal obesity (p=0.692). Physically active was 20.9% users, whereby male subjects significantly more likely to engage in physical activity than female (p=0.013). Conclusion. It is necessary to organize continuous education of people with disabilities and increase their physical activity in order to prevent obesity and promote healthy lifestyle habits.Učestalost gojaznosti je u porastu kako u opštoj populaciji tako i kod osoba sa smetnjama u razvoju. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita učestalost gojaznosti kod osoba sa smetnjama u razvoju. Ova tema, do sada, nije obrađivana ni u jednom časopisu u Srbiji i, kao takva, predstavlja unikatan pokušaj. Metod. U sprovedenom istraživanju u Centru za smeštaj i dnevni boravak dece i omladine ometene u razvoju u Beogradu korišćena je studija preseka. U studiju je uključeno 139 punoletnih osoba, korisnika usluga Centra. Za učešće svih ispitanika dobijena je saglasnost roditelja. Svi korisnici su anketirani i kod svih su urađena antropometrijska merenja. Za anketiranje je korišćem specifčni upitnik konstruisan za potrebe istraživanja koji je popunjavao istraživač. Pored osnovnih demografskih podataka, anketom su prikupljeni i podaci o fzičkoj aktivnosti. U cilju procene stanja uhranjenosti, kod svih korisnika rađena su antropometrijska merenja da bi se odredila: telesna masa, telesna visina, obim struka i debljina kožnih nabora, i izračunao Indeks telesne mase. Za procenu stanja uhranjenosti korišćena je preporuka Svetske zdravstvene organizacije. Rezultati. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 139 ispitanika, od kojih je 79 (56,8%) bilo muškaraca a žena 60 (43,2%). U ispitivanoj grupi je bilo 43,9% ispitanika koji su bili normalno uhranjeni, osoba sa prekomernom telesnom masom bilo je 30,2%, a gojaznih 25,9%. Gojaznost izražena preko indeksa telesne mase bila je češća kod osoba ženskog pola (p=0,502), kao i abdominalna gojaznost (p=0,692). Fizički aktivno je 20,9% ispitanika, pri čemu su se osobe muškog pola značajno ćešće bavile fzičkom aktivnošću (p=0,013). Zaključak. Potrebno je organizovati stalnu edukaciju osoba sa smetnjama u razvoju i povećati njihovu fzičku aktivnost u cilju prevencije gojaznosti i promovisanja zdravih životnih navika

    The relationship between sensory processing and anxiety on cars scale in autism spectrum disorder

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder, characterized by deficits in social interactions, social communication, stereotyped behavior associated with sensory disorders occurring before the age of 3. There has been a growing trend of this neurodevelopmental disorder in recent years. Although the sensory processing problems have been noticed since the first descriptions of autism spectrum disorders, it is only the DSM-5, diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, that includes sensory problems, as the crucial symptom in diagnostic profile of autism spectrum disorder. Objective: To establish the relationship between functional areas related to sensory processing and anxiety, as well as to determine the degree of autistic disorder in adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorder. Method: 42 participants, adolescents and adults with severe autism disorder and intellectual disability, aged 15-35, of both sexes from Belgrade were evaluated by Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) used to determine the degree of autistic disorder. The following functional areas were compared: sensory interests and anxiety in adolescents and adults with autistic spectrum of both sexes. Results: The results indicated the existence of the relationship between anxiety and unusual sensory interests and the severity of autism spectrum disorder. The results showed that there was a correlation between visual perception and the level of intellectual functioning, especially of the severity of autistic disorder and visual perception. Conclusion: These results indicate the reasons of the problems and difficulties in the field of general adaptation of the individuals with autism spectrum disorder

    Geometric Visualization of a Polygon Area Partitioning

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    In the process of modeling sewerage networks, the main component is the drained area (catchment) from which water is collected to each conduit (pipe). If the area for a single sub-catchment is derived from a mathematical model, we have to create the geometry of that territory, Exactly, in this paper, we want to make geometric visualization for partitioning of a given living area, with respect to the known water debit, relative to each pipe. If each pipe is represent as edges and these edges formed polygon then our main goal is to make geometric visualization of a polygon area partitioning