8 research outputs found

    Eutanásia e dignidade da pessoa humana: aspectos ético-jurídicos que impossibilitam a prática no Brasil

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    O princípio constitucional da dignidade da pessoa humana não se encerra em sua medida reguladora, mas também traz o aspecto moral em sua composição. Essa realidade resulta na dicotomia em que, de um lado, há aqueles que indicam a compatibilidade desse princípio com a prática da eutanásia, sob a perspectiva de concessão de uma morte humanizada. E, por outro lado, estão os que atestam a inviolabilidade da vida, o compreendendo como direito crucial diretamente proporcional à dignidade. Nesse parâmetro, o referido trabalho tem por objetivo principal explorar a possibilidade da recepção da eutanásia pelo ordenamento legal brasileiro — que, no tempo presente, prevê a ilicitude da prática — baseando-se no marco do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana. Introdutoriamente, ter-se-á, sobretudo, uma abordagem conceitual indispensável para entender a eutanásia e diferenciá-la do suicídio assistido. O segundo capítulo focará em localizar a eutanásia dentro do sistema jurídico, enquanto o seguinte nas desconformidades e, especialmente, nos paralelismos entre a dignidade da pessoa humana e a eutanásia. O último capítulo objetiva gerar indagações acerca do controle do Estado brasileiro ao proibir tal comportamento, além de expor países onde, de forma contrária, a eutanásia é admitida. Trata-se, de forma geral, de estudo qualitativo, com utilização de fontes bibliográficas e documentais

    High 15-f-2t-isoprostane Levels In Patients With A Previous History Of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer: The Effects Of Supplementary Antioxidant Therapy

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Background. Phase I of this study was aimed at comparing the profiles of oxidative stress biomarkers in patients with history of nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC), previously treated with surgery, to the healthy subjects. Phase II aimed to evaluate the effects of supplementary antioxidant therapy on the levels of biomarkers in the case group. Materials and Methods. In Phase I, oxidative stress biomarkers were measured in blood samples obtained from 24 healthy subjects and 60 patients with history of NMSC previously treated with surgery. In Phase II, the 60 patients with history of NMSC were randomized into two subgroups, one receiving placebo (n = 34) and the other (n = 26) receiving vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc supplementation for 8 weeks, followed by reevaluation of biomarkers. Results. In Phase I, patients with history of NMSC showed increased plasma concentrations of all biomarkers, but only 15-F-2t-isoprostane was significantly higher than in the healthy subjects. Risk of NMSC increased by 4% for each additional 1 pg/mL increase in 15-F-2t-isoprostane. In Phase II, supplementation did not significantly reduce levels of oxidative stress biomarkers. Conclusion. Patients with history of NMSC had significantly high 15-F-2t-isoprostane plasma levels; supplementation did not result in significant reduction of oxidative stress biomarkers. This trial was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (ID NCT02248584).Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)CNPq [482958/2011-1

    High 15-f-2t-isoprostane levels in patients with a previous history of nonmelanoma skin cancer: the effects of supplementary antioxidant therapy

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    Phase I of this study was aimed at comparing the profiles of oxidative stress biomarkers in patients with history of nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC), previously treated with surgery, to the healthy subjects. Phase II aimed to evaluate the effects of supplementary antioxidant therapy on the levels of biomarkers in the case group. In Phase I, oxidative stress biomarkers were measured in blood samples obtained from 24 healthy subjects and 60 patients with history of NMSC previously treated with surgery. In Phase II, the 60 patients with history of NMSC were randomized into two subgroups, one receiving placebo (n = 34) and the other (n = 26) receiving vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc supplementation for 8 weeks, followed by reevaluation of biomarkers. Results. In Phase I, patients with history of NMSC showed increased plasma concentrations of all biomarkers, but only 15-F-2t-isoprostane was significantly higher than in the healthy subjects. Risk of NMSC increased by 4% for each additional 1 pg/mL increase in 15-F-2t-isoprostane. In Phase II, supplementation did not significantly reduce levels of oxidative stress biomarkers. Patients with history of NMSC had significantly high 15-F-2t-isoprostane plasma levels; supplementation did not result in significant reduction of oxidative stress biomarkers. This trial was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (ID NCT02248584)2015CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP482958/2011-1sem informaçã

    High 15-f2t-isoprostane Levels In Patients With A Previous History Of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer: The Effects Of Supplementary Antioxidant Therapy.

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    Phase I of this study was aimed at comparing the profiles of oxidative stress biomarkers in patients with history of nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC), previously treated with surgery, to the healthy subjects. Phase II aimed to evaluate the effects of supplementary antioxidant therapy on the levels of biomarkers in the case group. In Phase I, oxidative stress biomarkers were measured in blood samples obtained from 24 healthy subjects and 60 patients with history of NMSC previously treated with surgery. In Phase II, the 60 patients with history of NMSC were randomized into two subgroups, one receiving placebo (n = 34) and the other (n = 26) receiving vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc supplementation for 8 weeks, followed by reevaluation of biomarkers. In Phase I, patients with history of NMSC showed increased plasma concentrations of all biomarkers, but only 15-F2t-isoprostane was significantly higher than in the healthy subjects. Risk of NMSC increased by 4% for each additional 1 pg/mL increase in 15-F2t-isoprostane. In Phase II, supplementation did not significantly reduce levels of oxidative stress biomarkers. Patients with history of NMSC had significantly high 15-F2t-isoprostane plasma levels; supplementation did not result in significant reduction of oxidative stress biomarkers. This trial was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (ID NCT02248584).201596356

    Não Ver, (Não) Ser Visto, Per-Tecer: narrativas de alunos com deficiência visual na universidade

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    El objetivo de este artículo es conocer las narrativas de alumnos con deficiencia visual en una universidad pública de Goiás, para discutir su experiencia y los procesos de inclusión-exclusión. Como método de investigación realizamos una sesión de grupo operativo, conforme la teoría y técnica del psicólogo social argentino Enrique Pichon-Rivière. Como resultados, desarrollamos tres categorías de análisis: no ver, (no) ser visto y per-tejer. En la primera categoría citamos las principales vicisitudes relativas a lo no ver en la Universidad, que se refieren principalmente a las barreras arquitectónicas y la dificultad de accesibilidad al material didáctico y procedimientos de enseñanza de los profesores. En la segunda categoría discutimos la invisibilidad del estudiante con deficiencia visual en la Universidad, que pasa a no ser visto por sus colegas. En la última, discutimos las tramas que deben ser realizadas entre videntes y no videntes para que la inclusión pueda efectivamente ser construida en la Universidad.O objetivo deste artigo é conhecer as narrativas de alunos com deficiência visual em uma universidade pública de Goiás, para discutir sua experiência e os processos de inclusão-exclusão. Como método de investigação realizamos uma sessão de grupo operativo, conforme a teoria e técnica do psicólogo social argentino Enrique Pichon-Rivière. Como resultados, elaboramos três categorias de análise: não ver, (não) ser visto e per-tecer. Na primeira categoria elencamos os principais percalços relacionados ao não ver na Universidade, que se referem principalmente às barreiras arquitetônicas e a dificuldade de acessibilidade ao material didático e procedimentos de ensino dos professores. Na segunda categoria, (não) ser visto, discutimos a invisibilidade do estudante com deficiência visual na Universidade, que passa a não ser visto por seus colegas, bem como por alguns professores. Na última categoria, per-tecer, discutimos as tessituras que devem ser realizadas entre videntes e não videntes para que a inclusão possa efetivamente ser construída na Universidade.Le but de cet article est de connaître les récits des étudiants ayant une déficience visuelle dans une université publique de Goiás, afin de discuter de leur expérience et des processus d'inclusion-exclusion. Comme méthode de recherche, nous avons réalisé une session de groupe opératif, selon la théorie et la technique du psychologue social argentin Enrique Pichon-Rivière. En conséquence, nous avons développé trois catégories d'analyse: ne pas voir, (ne pas) être vu et per-tecter. Dans la première catégorie, nous citons les principales vicissitudes liées au fait de ne pas voir à l'Université, qui se réfèrent principalement aux barrières architecturales et à la difficulté d'accès au matériel didactique et aux procédures d'enseignement des professeurs. Dans la deuxième catégorie, nous abordons l'invisibilité de l'étudiant malvoyant à l'université, qui n'est pas vu par ses collègues. Dans la dernière catégorie, nous discutons des tissages qui doivent être faits entre les étudiants voyants et non voyants pour que l'inclusion puisse être effectivement construite à l'Université.The aim of this article is to know the narratives of students with visual impairment in a public university in Goiás, to discuss their experience and the inclusion-exclusion processes. As a research method, we carried out an operative group session, according to the theory and technique of the Argentine social psychologist Enrique Pichon-Rivière. As a result, we developed three categories of analysis: not seeing, (not) be seeing and per-weaving. In the first category, we list the main difficulties related to not see at the University, which mainly refer to architectural barriers and the difficulty of accessing teaching material and procedures of professors. In the second category, we discuss the invisibility of the visually impaired student at the University, who is not seen by colleagues. In the last one, we discuss the weave that must be performed between sighted and non-sighted so that inclusion can be effectively built at the University

    Eutanásia e Dignidade da Pessoa Humana: aspectos ético-jurídicos que impossibilitam a prática no Brasil

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    O princípio constitucional da dignidade da pessoa humana não se encerra em sua medida reguladora, mas também traz o aspecto moral em sua composição. Essa realidade resulta na dicotomia em que, de um lado, há aqueles que indicam a compatibilidade desse princípio com a prática da eutanásia, sob a perspectiva de concessão de uma morte huma- nizada. E, por outro lado, estão os que atestam a inviolabilidade da vida, o compreendendo como direito crucial diretamente proporcional à dignidade. Nesse parâmetro, o referido tra- balho tem por objetivo principal explorar a possibilidade da recepção da eutanásia pelo orde- namento legal brasileiro – que, no tempo presente, prevê a ilicitude da prática – baseando-se no marco do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana. Introdutoriamente, ter-se-á, sobre- tudo, uma abordagem conceitual indispensável para entender a eutanásia e diferenciá-la do suicídio assistido. O segundo capítulo focará em localizar a eutanásia dentro do sistema ju- rídico, enquanto o seguinte nas desconformidades e, especialmente, nos paralelismos entre a dignidade da pessoa humana e a eutanásia. O último capítulo objetiva gerar indagações acerca do controle do Estado brasileiro ao proibir tal comportamento, além de expor países onde, de forma contrária, a eutanásia é admitida. Trata-se, de forma geral, de estudo qualita- tivo, com utilização de fontes bibliográficas e documentais

    Antioxidant Capacity Total In Non-melanoma Skin Cancer And Its Relationship With Food Consumption Of Antioxidant Nutrients

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    The non-melanoma skin cancer is the most common cancer and accounts for more than half of the diagnoses of cancer, and basal cell carcinoma (BCC), the most frequent cutaneous neoplasm, corresponding to 70-80% of cutaneous tumors. Oxidative stress is an important trigger for skin carcinogenesis. Thus, it is important to evaluate oxidative stress, in order to discern effective therapeutic strategies able to stop it or attenuate it, thereby prevent the installation of non-melanoma skin cancer. Cross-sectional study with controls, involving 84 individuals of both sexes aged between 38-84 years, divided into two groups: control group of healthy people(n = 24) and the case group included individuals who presented non-melanoma skin and they have undergoing surgery (n = 60). The blood samples of the individuals were obtained for evaluation of biomarkers of oxidative stress (F2-isoprostane, nitrite, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and total antioxidant capacity). The usual dietary intake and nutritional status of the subjects were evaluated. The significance level for this study was 5%. Patients in the case group had higher serum concentrations of biomarkers of oxidative stress, F2-isoprostane concentrations were significantly higher compared to controls. The results showed high rates of overweight and obesity in the case and control groups. The dietary concentrations of antioxidant minerals zinc, copper and selenium in the case group were significantly lower compared to controls. The correlation between markers of oxidative stress and dietary concentrations of antioxidant nutrients showed the influence of food intake of vitamins A and E in reducing oxidative stress, since these nutrients behave as important antioxidants, acting as sweepers of RL, by removing of the body the negative effects on the redox balance of the skin. We emphasize the importance of adopting healthy eating habits that optimize the consumption of antioxidant nutrients as a strategy to prevent oxidative damage to the skin.3141682168

    Clinical Study High 15-F 2t -Isoprostane Levels in Patients with a Previous History of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer: The Effects of Supplementary Antioxidant Therapy

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    Background. Phase I of this study was aimed at comparing the profiles of oxidative stress biomarkers in patients with history of nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC), previously treated with surgery, to the healthy subjects. Phase II aimed to evaluate the effects of supplementary antioxidant therapy on the levels of biomarkers in the case group. Materials and Methods. In Phase I, oxidative stress biomarkers were measured in blood samples obtained from 24 healthy subjects and 60 patients with history of NMSC previously treated with surgery. In Phase II, the 60 patients with history of NMSC were randomized into two subgroups, one receiving placebo ( = 34) and the other ( = 26) receiving vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc supplementation for 8 weeks, followed by reevaluation of biomarkers. Results. In Phase I, patients with history of NMSC showed increased plasma concentrations of all biomarkers, but only 15-F 2t -isoprostane was significantly higher than in the healthy subjects. Risk of NMSC increased by 4% for each additional 1 pg/mL increase in 15-F 2t -isoprostane. In Phase II, supplementation did not significantly reduce levels of oxidative stress biomarkers. Conclusion. Patients with history of NMSC had significantly high 15-F 2t -isoprostane plasma levels; supplementation did not result in significant reduction of oxidative stress biomarkers. This trial was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (ID NCT02248584)