598 research outputs found

    Investigating Students\u27 Experiences with Sexual Victimization and Their Perceptions of the Overall Campus Climate at a Rural Institution

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    This study examined sexual assault of both females and males attending a mid-sized rural southern college campus with fewer than 12,000 students. The online survey (N = 659) included questions to measure attempted and/or completed rape, sexual coercion, and sexual contact. We investigated whether perceptions of the overall campus climate differed between student survivors and student non-victims. Findings indicated that sexual victimization occurred at this university, and that this social problem is not limited to large urban schools

    Only in the people we trust": The moral structure of the Chilean urban poor's radical political discourse in the Partido Igualdad

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    Indexación: Scopus; Scielo.En el presente artículo, se analiza la estructura del discurso político radical de los pobladores chilenos, a través del caso del Partido Igualdad. La hipótesis que orienta este artículo es que el discurso que vehiculiza el Partido tiene una lógica populista centrada en el significante pueblo y elementos anti-elitistas. Si bien esta estructura coincide con la literatura contemporánea acerca del populismo, el significante pueblo estaría limitado por otros dos significantes: el “sufrimiento compartido” y la “dignidad”, lo que restringe sus posibilidades de articulación.In the present article, the structure of the radical political discourse of the Chilean squatters is analyzed through the case of the Partido Igualdad. The hypothesis that guides the article is that the discourse of the party has a populist logic centered on the signifier “the people” and anti-elitist elements. Although this structure coincides with contemporary literature about populism, the signifier “the people” would be limited by two other signifiers: "shared suffering" and "dignity", which restricts their possibilities of articulation.http://www.izquierdas.cl/images/pdf/2019/n46/art2.pd

    Leukemoid Reaction: Presentation of Two Cases

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    The leukemoid reaction is defined by the presence in peripheral blood of white cells above 50,000/mm3 or neutrophils above 30,000/mm3 . The frequency varies between 1.3 and 15% of newborns admitted to neonatal intensive care units [1]. It usually appears during the first two weeks of life and more frequently during the first four days, the duration is about 8.5 days [2]. In extremely premature, this process is produced by an inflammatory response that active cytokines who increased granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (G-CSF). These induce the production of neutrophils that cause hyperleukocytosis

    Development of Ontology Aware of Information Quality for the Improvement of Situational Awareness in the Field of Emergency Management

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    Artigo apresentado no I Workshop de Informação, Dados e Tecnologia, realizado entre nos dias 04 e 06 de setembro de 2017, na cidade de Florianópolis (SC), no Auditório do Espaço Físico Integrado (EFI) da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC).Uma questão desafiadora na comunidade da Avaliação da Situação é determinar como o processo de avaliação pode ser redesenhado para o aprimoramento da Consciência da Situação (SAW), que pode ser severamente degradada se dados de baixa qualidade propagarem pelo processo comprometendo assim a tomada de decisões. Em sistemas de gerenciamento de emergências o grande desafio de adquirir e manter a SAW em operadores humano, é o consumo em excesso de dados em um ambiente dinâmico. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma ontologia de domínio para o gerenciamento de emergências mais especificamente sobre incêndios florestais visando contribuir para a representação de informações, contribuindo assim com processos de avaliação de situações de fogo. Para tal, foram desenvolvidas entrevistas com especialistas, modelagem conceitual das tarefas e objetivos e o emprego de ferramentas e metodologias para a construção da ontologia que ao final será incorporada ao sistema “Distrito Federal Sem Fogo” (DF100Fogo).A challenging issue in the Situation Assessment community is to determine how the assessment process can be redesigned to improve Situation Awareness (SAW), which can be severely degraded if poor quality data propagate through the process, thereby compromising decision-making. In emergency management systems, the great challenge of acquiring and maintaining SAW in human operators is consuming too much data in a dynamic environment. The present work has the objective of developing a domain ontology for the emergencies management, more specifically about forest fires, aiming to contribute to the representation of information in this domain, thus contributing to fire assessment processes. To this end, interviews with specialists, conceptual modeling of tasks and objectives and the use of tools and methodologies for the construction of the ontology were developed, which in the end will be incorporated into the Distrito Federal Sem Fogo (DF100Fogo) system

    Myosporidium merluccius n. g., n. sp. Infecting Muscle of Commercial Hake (Merluccius sp.) from Fisheries near Namibia

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    A new species of Microsporidia classified to a new genus was observed in the trunk muscle of commercial hake (Merluccius capensis/paradoxus complex) from Namibian fisheries. Macroscopic examination revealed thin and dark filaments inserted among muscle fibers. Inside the filaments were many sporophorous vesicles with about 30–50 spores per vesicle. The shape of the spore was pyriform and the extruded polar filament was of moderate length (up to 4.29 mm, n512). This new species of Microsporidia is described using macrophotography, microphotography, staining, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), as well as molecular methods. Its 16S rRNA was found to be similar to that of Microsporidium prosopium Kent et al., 1999, while both sequences were quite different from 16S rRNA sequences known for other Microsporidia. Nevertheless, this new species is separated morphologically from M. prosopium by the presence of 11–12 anisofilar coils and the formation of the xenoma at the site of infection. Type specie

    Evaluación del cribado y la efectividad de una intervención breve en bebedores de riesgo atendidos en consultas de atención primaria

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    ObjetivosEvaluar el cribado y la efectividad de una intervención breve antialcohólica, el grado de aceptación y la evolución de los parámetros biológicos asociados con el consumo de alcohol tras la intervención.DiseñoEstudio prospectivo longitudinal de intervención de 1 año de duración.EmplazamientoCinco consultas de atención primaria urbanas.ParticipantesDe una muestra aleatoria de 681 sujetos de ambos sexos y de edad de 18-65 años, se seleccionó a 78 bebedores de riesgo. Los que cumplían criterios de exclusión (n=10), no aceptaban participar (n=24) y presentaban sospecha de síndrome de dependencia alcohólica (n=11) no participaron en el estudio.IntervencionesSe ofrecía un breve consejo antialcohólico apoyado con soporte escrito, y se realizaba un seguimiento a los 2 y 12 meses mediante la cuantificación del consumo de alcohol y un control analítico.Mediciones principalesSe estimó la prevalencia de bebedores de riesgo, el grado de aceptación a participar en el estudio, la disminución del consumo de alcohol y de bebedores de riesgo a los 2 y 12 meses, y la evolución de los parámetros analíticos tras la intervención.ResultadosLa prevalencia de bebedores de riesgo fue del 11,5% (intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%, 8,3-14,7%). El grado de aceptación a participar en el estudio fue del 64,7%. Se observó un decremento significativo (p<0,05) en el consumo de alcohol a los 2 y 12 meses, así como una disminución de los bebedores de riesgo, que a los 2 meses fue del 57,6% (IC del 95%, 50,3-64,9%; p=0,01) y a los 12 meses del 42,4% (IC del 95%, 35,9-48,9%; p=0,003). Asimismo, se produjeron disminuciones significativas en las concentraciones de GGT, VCM, colesterol y triglicéridos.ConclusionesSe observa una baja prevalencia de bebedores de riesgo sin sospecha de síndrome de dependencia alcohólica en nuestro medio, así como una elevada efectividad del consejo breve antialcohol y del grado de aceptación a participar en el estudio. Se apreció una disminución de las concentraciones de GGT, VCM, colesterol y triglicéridos tras la intervención.AimsTo evaluate the screening, the effectiveness of an antialcoholic brief intervention for risk drinkers, the acceptation level to participate in this study, and the analytical parameters evolution associated to the alcohol consumption after of the intervention.DesignLongitudinal prospective intervention study of 1 year of duration.Setting5 urban primary care physician's practices.ParticipantsOf an aleatory pattern of 681 patients, men and women of 18-65 years old, were selected 78 risk drinkers. Patients with exclusion criteria (n=10), didn’t wanted to participate (n=24) and had suspicion of alcoholic dependence syndrome (ADS) (n=11), didn’t participated in this intervention.InterventionsWere offered antialcoholic brief counselling with written supporter and were followed with alcohol consumption rate and analytical control at 2 and 12 months.Main measuresWas estimated the prevalence of risk drinkers, the acceptation level to participate in this study, alcohol consumption and risk drinkers decreased at 2 and 12 months, analytical parameters evolution after of the intervention.ResultsPrevalence of risk drinkers: 11.5% (95% confidence interval [CI], 8.3%-14.7%). Acceptation level to participate in this study: 64.7%. Significative alcohol consumption decreased at 2 and 12 months (P<.05). Risk drinkers decreased: at 2 months were 57.6% (95% CI, 50.3%-64.9%; P=.01) and at 12 months were 42.4% (95% CI; 35.9%-48.9%) (P=.003). GGT, MCV, cholesterol, and triglycerides significative decreased.ConclusionsLow prevalence of risk drinkers without suspicion of ADS in our setting; high effectiveness of antialcoholic brief counselling and high acceptation level to participate in this study; reduction of the GGT, MCV, cholesterol, and triglycerides after of the intervention

    An overview of forest residues as promising low-cost adsorbents

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    Anthropogenic activities have severely affected biogeochemical cycles on a global scale, resulting in a drastic increase in environmental problems, intensified by wastewater generation containing high levels of pollutants. As it is known that water is precious yet limited, viable wastewater treatments must be developed. Adsorption is an environmentally friendly option, and it offers the possibility of resolving two problems simultaneously. Besides removing pollutants from water, many adsorbents can be produced using wooden forestry residues. Such materials are generally considered as waste, which leads to their direct disposal. In addition, there are types of wooden forestry waste that have little or no use for humankind, such as fallen leaves or rotten fruits. Therefore, the utilization of wooden forestry residues for preparing low-cost adsorbents is promising. In this review, we briefly approach adsorption advantages to wastewater treatment. Later on, we focus on several types of wooden forestry residues as alternative low-cost adsorbents. © 2021 International Association for Gondwana Research

    Radio data challenge the broadband modelling of GRB160131A afterglow

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    Context. Gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows originate from the interaction between the relativistic ejecta and the surrounding medium. Consequently, their properties depend on several aspects: radiation mechanisms, relativistic shock micro-physics, circumburst environment, and the structure and geometry of the relativistic jet. While the standard afterglow model accounts for the overall spectral and temporal evolution for a number of GRBs, its validity limits emerge when the data set is particularly rich and constraining, especially in the radio band. Aims. We aimed to model the afterglow of the long GRB160131A (redshift z=0.972z = 0.972), for which we collected a rich, broadband, and accurate data set, spanning from 6×1086\times10^{8} to 7×10177\times10^{17} Hz in frequency, and from 330 s to 160 days post burst in time. Methods. We modelled the spectral and temporal evolution of this GRB afterglow through two approaches: the adoption of empirical functions to model optical/X-rays data set, later assessing their compatibility with the radio domain; the inclusion of the entire multi-frequency data set simultaneously through the Python package named sAGa (Software for AfterGlow Analysis), to come up with an exhaustive and self-consistent description of the micro-physics, geometry, and dynamics of the afterglow. Results. From deep broadband analysis (from radio to X-ray frequencies) of the afterglow light curves, GRB160131A outflow shows evidence of jetted emission. Moreover, we observe dust extinction in the optical spectra, and energy injection in the optical/X-ray data. Radio spectra are characterised by several peaks, that could be due to either interstellar scintillation (ISS) effects or a multi-component structure. Conclusions. The inclusion of radio data in the broadband set of GRB160131A makes a self-consistent modelling hardly attainable within the standard model of GRB afterglows.Comment: 36 pages, 16 figures, 8 tables, accepted by A&A; v2: updated Acknowledgement

    Biodiversity of the Collembola Fauna of Wetland Kerkini (N. Greece), with description of the sexual dimorphism of Entomobrya atrocincta Schött 1896 (Collembola: Entomobryomorpha)

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    A report on the results of a research into some aspects of the collembolan fauna of the Greek Nature Reserve associated with Lake Kerkini, known as Wetland Kerkini, is presented. The nature reserve is large and includes a wide variety of habitats, many of which were not included in this preliminary survey. From the areas sampled we recorded 44 species, of which 39 were previously described, two (Folsomia potapovi Jordana & Baquero n. sp., Entomobrya naziridisi Jordana & Baquero n. sp.), are new to science, while three are identifi ed to generic level; a further 21 are new records for Greece, and an additional 11 species are new records to the Greek Mainland. Sampling with Berlese- Tullgren funnels and Malaise traps allowed us to capture species typical of soil and species present over vegetation. This summary is based on the records held in the online database of the Fauna Europaea Project