944 research outputs found

    Design rationale for secure probe storage based on patterned magnetic media

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    We describe the design rationale for a hardware tamper resistant secure storage system based on probe storage with a patterned magnetic medium. This medium supports normal read/write operations by magnetising individual dots perpendicular to the media plane. We report on an experiment to show that in principle the medium also supports a separate class of read/write-once operations by allowing individual dots in the media to be destroyed irreversibly by precise local heating. Security stems from the fact that bulk-erase is not possible

    Directed flow in non-adiabatic stochastic pumps

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    We analyze the operation of a molecular machine driven by the non-adiabatic variation of external parameters. We derive a formula for the integrated flow from one configuration to another, obtain a "no-pumping theorem" for cyclic processes with thermally activated transitions, and show that in the adiabatic limit the pumped current is given by a geometric expression.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, very minor change

    Product assurance policies and procedures for flight dynamics software development

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    The product assurance policies and procedures necessary to support flight dynamics software development projects for Goddard Space Flight Center are presented. The quality assurance and configuration management methods and tools for each phase of the software development life cycles are described, from requirements analysis through acceptance testing; maintenance and operation are not addressed

    Cell division in apicomplexan parasites is organized by a homolog of the striated rootlet fiber of algal flagella

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    Apicomplexa are intracellular parasites that cause important human diseases including malaria and toxoplasmosis. During host cell infection new parasites are formed through a budding process that parcels out nuclei and organelles into multiple daughters. Budding is remarkably flexible in output and can produce two to thousands of progeny cells. How genomes and daughters are counted and coordinated is unknown. Apicomplexa evolved from single celled flagellated algae, but with the exception of the gametes, lack flagella. Here we demonstrate that a structure that in the algal ancestor served as the rootlet of the flagellar basal bodies is required for parasite cell division. Parasite striated fiber assemblins (SFA) polymerize into a dynamic fiber that emerges from the centrosomes immediately after their duplication. The fiber grows in a polarized fashion and daughter cells form at its distal tip. As the daughter cell is further elaborated it remains physically tethered at its apical end, the conoid and polar ring. Genetic experiments in Toxoplasma gondii demonstrate two essential components of the fiber, TgSFA2 and 3. In the absence of either of these proteins cytokinesis is blocked at its earliest point, the initiation of the daughter microtubule organizing center (MTOC). Mitosis remains unimpeded and mutant cells accumulate numerous nuclei but fail to form daughter cells. The SFA fiber provides a robust spatial and temporal organizer of parasite cell division, a process that appears hard-wired to the centrosome by multiple tethers. Our findings have broader evolutionary implications. We propose that Apicomplexa abandoned flagella for most stages yet retained the organizing principle of the flagellar MTOC. Instead of ensuring appropriate numbers of flagella, the system now positions the apical invasion complexes. This suggests that elements of the invasion apparatus may be derived from flagella or flagellum associated structures

    Concert recording 2018-05-02b

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    [Track 1]. Omphalo centric lecture / Nigel Westlake -- [Track 2]. Alter ego / Pat Jacobs -- [Track 3]. VIII. March / Elliot Carter -- [Track 4]. Bushido: the way of the warrior. I. 仁 Jin (benevolence) [Track 5]. II. 名誉 Meiyo (honor and glory) [Track 6]. III. 湯 (bravery and herosim) / John Willmarth -- [Track 7]. Texas hoedown / David Friedman -- [Track 8]. Cappuccino lovely. I. Choco / Chin Cheng Lin -- [Track 9]. True love waits / Radiohead arranged by Edwin Scott Sewell

    Analiza suradnje proizvođača namještaja i dizajnera u procesu razvoja proizvoda

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    The aim of our research was to analyze the cooperation of furniture industry and designers in product development process. The results indicate the diffi culties of and impediments to such cooperation. SWOT analysis was used for analyzing the strengths and opportunities as well threats and weaknesses of cooperation of furniture industry with designers in product development process. The leading management of furniture companies and designers indentifi ed greater creativity (more innovative solutions), better design and more fresh ideas as the highest strength and opportunity of cooperation.U istraživanju je analizirana suradnja industrije namještaja i dizajnera u procesu razvoja proizvoda. Rezultati upućuju na teškoće i suzdržanost pri takvoj suradnji. Primjenom SWOT analize istražene su prednosti i mogućnosti te opasnosti i nedostatci suradnje industrije namještaja s dizajnerima pri razvoju proizvoda. Najvećom korišću od te suradnje vodeći manadžment proizvođača namještaja i dizajneri ocjenjuju veću kreativnost (više inovativnih rješenja), bolji dizajn i više svježih ideja

    Toll-like receptor signaling and stages of addiction

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    Athina Markou and her colleagues discovered persistent changes in adult behavior following adolescent exposure to ethanol or nicotine consistent with increased risk for developing addiction. Building on Dr. Markou's important work and that of others in the field, researchers at the Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies have found that persistent changes in behavior following adolescent stress or alcohol exposure may be linked to induction of immune signaling in brain. This study aims to illuminate the critical interrelationship of the innate immune system (e.g., toll-like receptors [TLRs], high-mobility group box 1 [HMGB1]) in the neurobiology of addiction. This study reviews the relevant research regarding the relationship between the innate immune system and addiction. Emerging evidence indicates that TLRs in brain, particularly those on microglia, respond to endogenous innate immune agonists such as HMGB1 and microRNAs (miRNAs). Multiple TLRs, HMGB1, and miRNAs are induced in the brain by stress, alcohol, and other drugs of abuse and are increased in the postmortem human alcoholic brain. Enhanced TLR-innate immune signaling in brain leads to epigenetic modifications, alterations in synaptic plasticity, and loss of neuronal cell populations, which contribute to cognitive and emotive dysfunctions. Addiction involves progressive stages of drug binges and intoxication, withdrawal-negative affect, and ultimately compulsive drug use and abuse. Toll-like receptor signaling within cortical-limbic circuits is modified by alcohol and stress in a manner consistent with promoting progression through the stages of addiction

    Temperature and Emission-Measure Profiles Along Long-Lived Solar Coronal Loops Observed with TRACE

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    We report an initial study of temperature and emission measure distributions along four steady loops observed with the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) at the limb of the Sun. The temperature diagnostic is the filter ratio of the extreme-ultraviolet 171-angstrom and 195-angstrom passbands. The emission measure diagnostic is the count rate in the 171-angstrom passband. We find essentially no temperature variation along the loops. We compare the observed loop structure with theoretical isothermal and nonisothermal static loop structure.Comment: 10 pages, 3 postscript figures (LaTeX, uses aaspp4.sty). Accepted by ApJ Letter

    Comparison of Goal Achievement When Transitioning from In-Person Therapy to Teletherapy in the Westchester County Early Intervention Program Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The sudden transition to virtual therapeutic services during the COVID-19 pandemic provided a unique opportunity to explore telehealth as a platform for delivering early intervention (EI) services. Through retrospective chart review of 93 children, we collected the following data: demographics, diagnosed conditions, therapy type, service format, and provider-reported participant goal achievement (1=no progress, 2=little progress, 3=moderate progress, 4=great deal of progress, 5=outcome achieved) over a six-month period before and after transitioning to telehealth. Pre- and post-transition progress scores were compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results demonstrated maintained progress among children who transitioned from in-person to virtual services for similar therapy types. Children receiving speech therapy in-person and virtually demonstrated increased achievement (3.00 vs 3.33; p=0.032). Participants receiving a particular therapy post-transition but not in-person attained similar achievement as those who received the same therapy only in-person. Our research suggests that teletherapy may be a viable option for delivering EI services. &nbsp

    Effect of Imagined Support on Perceptions of Stress

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    Social support is known to help buffer the effects of stress (Uchino et al., 1996). However, in many situations social support is unavailable, and imagining social support may help to reduce the impact of stress. Although imagined physical touch has been shown to be an effective stress buffer, little research has compared it to other types of imagined support (Feldman et al., 2010). Additionally, women tend to seek emotional support, whereas men tend to seek tangible support, but it is unknown if imagining those types of support will reduce stress (Reevy & Maslach, 2001). To gain greater insight into these processes, the purpose of this project was to identify whether imagining supportive touch, emotional social support, or giving emotional support is best at moderating stress during an impromptu speech task that was conducted over zoom. Participants completed initial measures of perceived stress, personality, and social support. Next, they indicated their stress levels after the manipulated social support condition and the stress task. Initial results showed that changes in perceived stress did not significantly vary by support condition. However, the control condition had the highest increase in stress during the speech task. Future research is needed to determine whether imagining social support can be effective in helping people cope with stressful situations