1,430 research outputs found

    Privacy and Cloud Computing in Public Schools

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    Today, data driven decision-making is at the center of educational policy debates in the United States. School districts are increasingly turning to rapidly evolving technologies and cloud computing to satisfy their educational objectives and take advantage of new opportunities for cost savings, flexibility, and always-available service among others. As public schools in the United States rapidly adopt cloud-computing services, and consequently transfer increasing quantities of student information to third-party providers, privacy issues become more salient and contentious. The protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing is generally unknown both to the public and to policy-makers. This study thus focuses on K-12 public education and examines how school districts address privacy when they transfer student information to cloud computing service providers. The goals of the study are threefold: first, to provide a national picture of cloud computing in public schools; second, to assess how public schools address their statutory obligations as well as generally accepted privacy principles in their cloud service agreements; and, third, to make recommendations based on the findings to improve the protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing. Fordham CLIP selected a national sample of school districts including large, medium and small school systems from every geographic region of the country. Using state open public record laws, Fordham CLIP requested from each selected district all of the district’s cloud service agreements, notices to parents, and computer use policies for teachers. All of the materials were then coded against a checklist of legal obligations and privacy norms. The purpose for this coding was to enable a general assessment and was not designed to provide a compliance audit of any school district nor of any particular vendor.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/clip/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Privacy and Cloud Computing in Public Schools

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    Today, data driven decision-making is at the center of educational policy debates in the United States. School districts are increasingly turning to rapidly evolving technologies and cloud computing to satisfy their educational objectives and take advantage of new opportunities for cost savings, flexibility, and always-available service among others. As public schools in the United States rapidly adopt cloud-computing services, and consequently transfer increasing quantities of student information to third-party providers, privacy issues become more salient and contentious. The protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing is generally unknown both to the public and to policy-makers. This study thus focuses on K-12 public education and examines how school districts address privacy when they transfer student information to cloud computing service providers. The goals of the study are threefold: first, to provide a national picture of cloud computing in public schools; second, to assess how public schools address their statutory obligations as well as generally accepted privacy principles in their cloud service agreements; and, third, to make recommendations based on the findings to improve the protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing. Fordham CLIP selected a national sample of school districts including large, medium and small school systems from every geographic region of the country. Using state open public record laws, Fordham CLIP requested from each selected district all of the district’s cloud service agreements, notices to parents, and computer use policies for teachers. All of the materials were then coded against a checklist of legal obligations and privacy norms. The purpose for this coding was to enable a general assessment and was not designed to provide a compliance audit of any school district nor of any particular vendor.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/clip/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Privacy and Cloud Computing in Public Schools

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    Today, data driven decision-making is at the center of educational policy debates in the United States. School districts are increasingly turning to rapidly evolving technologies and cloud computing to satisfy their educational objectives and take advantage of new opportunities for cost savings, flexibility, and always-available service among others. As public schools in the United States rapidly adopt cloud-computing services, and consequently transfer increasing quantities of student information to third-party providers, privacy issues become more salient and contentious. The protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing is generally unknown both to the public and to policy-makers. This study thus focuses on K-12 public education and examines how school districts address privacy when they transfer student information to cloud computing service providers. The goals of the study are threefold: first, to provide a national picture of cloud computing in public schools; second, to assess how public schools address their statutory obligations as well as generally accepted privacy principles in their cloud service agreements; and, third, to make recommendations based on the findings to improve the protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing. Fordham CLIP selected a national sample of school districts including large, medium and small school systems from every geographic region of the country. Using state open public record laws, Fordham CLIP requested from each selected district all of the district’s cloud service agreements, notices to parents, and computer use policies for teachers. All of the materials were then coded against a checklist of legal obligations and privacy norms. The purpose for this coding was to enable a general assessment and was not designed to provide a compliance audit of any school district nor of any particular vendor.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/clip/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Análisis sobre la destrucción y creación de valor dentro del sector de la salud en Bogotá

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    Una de las maneras que existen para lograr niveles de ingreso mayores y a su vez incrementar las posibilidades de perdurabilidad de las empresas es la generación de valor, el cual permite que las compañías tengan la capacidad de adaptarse a su entorno y así sacar provecho del mismo. Sin embargo, son pocas las herramientas con las que dichas empresas cuentan para determinar de manera efectiva la creación o destrucción de valor que se genera a través del tiempo. El presente proyecto tiene como fin utilizar la herramienta del Valor Económico Agregado (EVA, por sus siglas en inglés) para analizar específicamente la creación de valor en un periodo de cinco años en el sector de la salud en Bogotá, tomando como base de investigación los hospitales pertenecientes al nivel III de atención dentro del total de la red hospitalaria de la capital del país. De igual manera, el análisis permitirá realizar proyecciones acerca de la creación de valor, cuyos resultados serán utilizados como base para evaluar estrategias que permitan a las empresas de este sector mantener dicho valor a través del tiempo o revertir una situación desfavorable en el caso que los resultados arrojados evidencien una destrucción de valor dentro de las instituciones prestadoras de salud. Para llegar a comprender el alcance de estos resultados, este proyecto explicará en qué consiste el valor, cómo se mide en las empresas y la viabilidad y aplicación de estas medidas en el caso específico de las sociedades colombianas pertenecientes al sector de la salud.One of the ways that exist to achieve higher levels of income and in turn increase the chances of sustainability of business is to create value, which allows companies to have the ability to adapt to its environment and thus take advantage of it. However, there are few tools with which these companies count to determine effectively the creation or destruction of value that is generated over time. This project aims to use the tool of Economic Value Added (EVA) to specifically analyze the creation of value over a period of five years in the health sector in Bogotá, taking as a base of investigation the hospitals belonging to the level 3 of attention in total hospital network of the country capital. Likewise, the analysis will allow make projections about value creation, whose results will be used as a basis for evaluating strategies for companies in this sector to maintain that value over time or reverse an unfavorable situation in the case that thrown results evidencing destruction of value in the health provider institutions. To understand the scope of these results, this project aim explain in what consists the value, as well as how the value in the companies is measured and the viability and implementation of these measures in the specific case of Colombian companies belonging to health sector.Universidad del Rosari

    Evaluación de la calidad microbiológica del agua en producción pecuaria en municipios de Risaralda, Colombia-2017

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    El agua, como componente fundamental de la vida, se usa en todas labores diarias. Las actividades productivas no son la excepción, y para éstas es requerida un agua de alta calidad debido a las tendencias de seguridad alimentaria y los riegos que esta representa para la salud pública. El agua es susceptible de ser contaminada con diversos elementos como lixiviados o sólidos, constituyéndose así en un vehículo transportador de agentes nocivos que pueden llegar tanto a animales como a los productos originados de éstos, y por consiguiente provocar enfermedades transmitidas por el agua y alimentos en los animales y humanos. Los coliformes son microorganismos comúnmente presentes en el agua, patógenos y causantes de un gran número de enfermedades en animales y humanos; por esto su cuantificación se establece como el indicador de la calidad microbiológica del agua. No conocer la calidad del agua se constituye en un riesgo para la salud animal, la cadena productiva y la salud humana. Objetivo: Conocer la calidad microbiológica del agua en municipios del Departamento de Risaralda, Colombia mediante el conteo de coliformes totales y fecales, usando la técnica de filtración de membrana. Metodología: Se evaluaron 200 muestras de agua, de predios del Departamento de Risaralda seleccionados por el Centro Integral de Diagnóstico Agropecuario de Risaralda. Se recolectaron 200 ml de agua en recipientes estériles de plástico, directamente de la fuente, la determinación de coliformes fecales y totales se realizó mediante el método de filtración de membrana con una dilución de 10:1. Se implementó el medio de cultivo ENDO y FC, los resultados son reportados en Unidades Formadoras de colonia por 100ml de agua: UFC/100ml Resultados: Se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados, representados a través de Mediana (Me) y Rango Intercuartil (RIQ): 390±1090 y 80±230 UFC/100ml de coliformes totales y fecales respectivamente, para el Departamento de Risaralda y valores de 245±470, 1070±1140, 210±1110, 170±100, 1175±950, 170±110, 505±630, 190±420 y 810±1000 UFC/100 ml de coliformes totales y 30±50 , 80±230, 65±335, 60±80, 130±370, 60±50, 110±220, 60±180 y 180±220 UFC/100ml de coliformes fecales en los municipios de Apia, Balboa, Dosquebradas, Guática, La Celia, Mistrató, Pereira, Quinchía, y Santuario respectivamente. Conclusiones: Los resultados encontrados indican que el agua utilizada en estos predios del Departamento de Risaralda no es apta para uso y consumo en producción pecuaria lo que demuestra fallas de sanidad animal en la producción primaria. Pese a la existencia de legislación esta no permite garantizar la salud humana, salud animal e inocuidad de los productos que de ellos se obtiene, es necesario que en ésta se indiquen los valores máximos aceptables para uso y consumo en producción pecuaria, así como capacitar al productor sobre la importancia y el manejo del agua

    Entre espais: estudi dels espais intermedis en projectes d'habitatge col·lectiu

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    “Entre espais” es centra sobretot a explicar la transició espacial entre l’espai públic de la ciutat i l’atmosfera íntima de l’habitatge col·lectiu des dels espais intermedis, que compleixen el rol de relacionar les parts i els actors que conformen un projecte. Un dels principals objectius de la investigació és la valoració dels principis bàsics del disseny arquitectònic que afavoreixen a la creació de llindars, que milloren la qualitat de l’espai col·lectiu i que afavoreixen a l’aparició d’aquests espais intermedis de trobada. Es posa en coneixement les idees de Herman Hertzberger i Aldo van Eyck entre d’altres. Aquests arquitectes entenen que l’arquitectura resideix en lo públic i tracten d’incentivar les possibilitats de relació dels usuaris, donant nous usos a les zones de transició sota el concepte de “in-between spaces” tenint sempre presents a les persones en l’elaboració de les seves obres arquitectòniques. A través d’aquests arquitectes de referència i de l’anàlisi de sis casos d’estudi d’habitatge col·lectiu de diferents autors, es mostren una gran varietat d’estratègies que ens seran molt útils a l’hora de desdibuixar els límits entre allò que és públic i allò que és privat i a la vegada, potenciar i crear els espais intermedis.“Entre espais” se centra sobre todo en explicar la transición espacial entre el espacio público de la ciudad y la atmósfera íntima de la vivienda colectiva desde los espacios intermedios, que cumplen el rol de relacionar las partes y los actores que conforman un proyecto. Uno de los principales objetivos de la investigación es la valoración de los principios básicos del diseño arquitectónico que favorecen a la creación de umbrales, que mejoran la calidad del espacio colectivo y que favorecen a la aparición de estos espacios intermedios de encuentro. Se pone en conocimiento las ideas de Herman Hertzberger y Aldo van Eyck entre otros. Estos arquitectos entienden que la arquitectura reside en lo público y tratan de incentivar las posibilidades de relación de los usuarios, dando nuevos usos a las zonas de transición bajo el concepto de “in-between spaces” teniendo siempre presentes a las personas en la elaboración de sus obras arquitectónicas. A través de estos arquitectos de referencia y del análisis de seis casos de estudio de vivienda colectiva de diferentes autores, se muestran una gran variedad de estrategias que nos serán muy útiles a la hora de desdibujar los límites entre aquello que es público y aquello que es privado y a su vez, potenciar y crear los espacios intermedios.“Entre espais” focuses above all on explaining the spatial transition between the public space of the city and the intimate atmosphere of collective housing from the intermediate spaces, which complete the role of relating the parts and actors that make up a project. One of the main objectives of the research is the evaluation of the basic principles of architectural design that favour the creation of boundaries, that improve the quality of the collective space and that favour the appearance of these intermediate meeting spaces. The ideas of Herman Hertzberger and Aldo van Eyck, among others, are brought to light. These architects understand that architecture resides in the public sphere and try to encourage the possibilities of user relations, giving new uses to the transition zones under the concept of “in-between spaces”, always keeping people in mind in the elaboration of their architectural works. A wide variety of strategies and the analysis of six case studies of collective housing by different authors are showed by these reference architects. This will be very useful in blurring the boundaries between what is public and what is private and, at the same time, to promote and create intermediate spaces.Award-winnin

    Trends in the Globular Cluster Luminosity Function of Early-Type Galaxies

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    We present results from a study of the globular cluster luminosity function (GCLF) in a sample of 89 early-type galaxies observed as part of the ACS Virgo Cluster Survey. Using a Gaussian parametrization of the GCLF, we find a highly significant correlation between the GCLF dispersion, sigma, and the galaxy luminosity, M_B, in the sense that the GC systems in fainter galaxies have narrower luminosity functions. The GCLF dispersions in the Milky Way and M31 are fully consistent with this trend, implying that the correlation between sigma and galaxy luminosity is more fundamental than older suggestions that GCLF shape is a function of galaxy Hubble type. We show that the sigma - M_B relation results from a bonafide narrowing of the distribution of (logarithmic) cluster masses in fainter galaxies. We further show that this behavior is mirrored by a steepening of the GC mass function for relatively high masses, M >~ 3 x 10^5 M_sun, a mass regime in which the shape of the GCLF is not strongly affected by dynamical evolution over a Hubble time. We argue that this trend arises from variations in initial conditions and requires explanation by theories of cluster formation. Finally, we confirm that in bright galaxies, the GCLF "turns over" at the canonical mass scale of M_TO ~ 2 x 10^5 M_sun. However, we find that M_TO scatters to lower values (~1-2 x 10^5 M_sun) in galaxies fainter than M_B >~ -18.5, an important consideration if the GCLF is to be used as a distance indicator for dwarf ellipticals.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. Also available at http://www.cadc.hia.nrc.gc.ca/community/ACSVCS/publications.htm

    Anemia as a Comorbidity in COPD Patients

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    Introduction: Anemia is common in patients with chronic diseases and associated with impaired long-term survival and quality of life. The prevalence of comorbid anemia in patients with COPD ranges from 7.5% to 34%, depending upon the populations selected and diagnostic tools employed to determine the level of hemoglobin. The true prevalence of anemia in patients with COPD, its impact on quality of life, healthcare utilization, and mortality in patients with COPD is unknown. The prevalence of coexisting anemia in COPD is highly variable and depends on the severity of the lung disease, the presence of other comorbidities, and other factors such as socioeconomic status and race. Material and method: The design is a cross-sectional study, including 220 patients with stable COPD as investigated group (IG), aged 40-75 years and 58 non-COPD subjects, matched by gender, age, body mass index (BMI), smoking-status, as control group (CG). All study subjects underwent pulmonary evaluation (dyspnea severity assessment, baseline and post-bronchodilator spirometry, gas analyses, chest X-ray, 6-minute walk distance, modified Medical Research Council dyspnea questionnaire, St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire), and laboratory analyses (blood count, sedimentation rate, c-reactive protein (CRP), routine biochemistry). Patients were classified as anemic based on hemoglobin (Hgb) levels (Hgb<12/13 g/dl, female patients/male patients, according to The World Health Organization). Patients with known causes for anemia were excluded. Results presented statistically significant difference between presence of normocytic anemia in IG 13.6% (n=30) vs. CG 3% (n=3) (p<0.05). There was a significant linear positive correlation between anemia and GOLD stage (R=0.174; p<0.05). With decrease of FEV1(GOLD1→GOLD4), the frequency of anemia increased, significantly. According to gender anemia was more frequent in male 9% (n=20), vs. female 4.5% (n=10) (p<0.05). Anemia was associated with higher levels of serum C-reactive protein in COPD patients with anemia, 10.5mg/L, vs COPD patients without anemia 2.3mg/L (p<0.05). Anemic participants were older with worse airflow obstruction and they had a higher prevalence of cardiac and metabolic comorbidities. Anemia was strongly associated with 6-minute walk distance (β, −62.34; 95% confidence interval [CI], −84.12 to −36.63), St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (β, 3.82; 95% CI, 1.06–6.62) and modified Medical Research Council dyspnea questionnaire (β, 0.31; 95% CI, 0.12–0.45). There was a significant linear positive correlation between anemia and BMI (p=0.012) Conclusion: Comorbid anemia in patients with COPD was associated with greater healthcare resource utilization, impaired quality of life, older age, and male gender. Moreover, anemia in patients with COPD is an independent prognostic predictor of premature mortality and a greater likelihood of hospitalization. Based on the findings from the existing literature, more work is necessary to establish the true prevalence of anemia in COPD. More prospective clinical studies are needed to improve the management of COPD patients with comorbid anemia

    Severe mental illness in cancer is associated with disparities in psycho-oncological support

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    Patients with both cancer and a severe mental illness (SMI) have a higher risk of advanced stage cancer at diagnosis and poorer survival in comparison to individuals with cancer alone. The present study explores if similar disparities exist in terms of psycho-oncological support. Latent class analysis (LCA) was used to group 10,945 patients with any type of cancer, of which 72 (0.7%) had been diagnosed with a SMI (ICD10-codes F20-F22, F24, F25, F28-F31, F32.3, F33.3), and 1056 (9.6%) with another mental disorder. Subgrouping was based on presence of SMI, other mental illnesses, stage of cancer at its first detection, screening for distress and receipt of information on psycho-oncology, consultation with a psychotherapist and/or psychiatrist, prescription of different psychotropic medication, and use of a patient care attendant. Five subgroups were identified. Patients with SMI were most likely to suffer from further mental comorbidities, to be prescribed antipsychotics, antidepressants, or mood stabilizers, and be in need of a patient care attendant. In comparison to patients without SMI, the larger one of 2 subgroups of patients with SMI had a low probability to be screened for distress and informed about psycho-oncological support services. A smaller subgroup of patients with SMI was probable to be diagnosed with an advanced stage of cancer. In subgroups without patients with mental disorders, screening for distress and offering psycho-oncological support seemed to be economized unless benzodiazepines or opioids were prescribed. Contrary to published evidence, distress screening and offering psycho-oncological support is neglected in patients with SMI unless an advanced stage of cancer is being diagnosed