3,013 research outputs found

    Mathematical Model of Vaccine Noncompliance

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    Vaccine scares can prevent individuals from complying with a vaccination program. When compliance is high, the critical vaccination proportion is close to being met, and herd immunity occurs, bringing the disease incidence to extremely low levels. Thus, the risk to vaccinate may seem greater than the risk of contracting the disease, inciting vaccine noncompliance. A previous behavior-incidence ordinary differential equation model shows both social learning and feedback contributing to changes in vaccinating behavior, where social learning is the perceived risk of vaccinating and feedback repre- sents new cases of the disease. In our study, we compared several candidate models to more simply illustrate both vaccination coverage and incidence through social learn- ing and feedback. The behavior model uses logistic growth and exponential decay to describe the social learning aspect as well as different functional forms of the disease prevalence to represent feedback. Each candidate model was tested by fitting it to data from the pertussis vaccine scare in England and Wales in the 1970s. Our most parsimonious model shows a superior fit to the vaccine coverage curve during the scare

    The effect of estradiol on protein and nucleic acids of the liver of Natrix fasciata

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    The effects of estradiol on RNA, DNA, and protein concentrations in the liver of Natrix fasciata (southern banded water snake) were investigated. Nucleic acid and protein concentrations were determined spectrophotometrically and expressed as mg/gm wet weight tissue. Significant increases in both RNA and protein occured 48 hours after a single injection of estradiol. After 72 hours the mean RNA level in estradiol treated snakes had decreased significantly from the 48 hour level. The mean protein level at 72 hours, although lower than the 48 hour level, did not decrease significantly. Liver DNA concentrations in experimental and control snakes were the same through 48 hours. At 72 hours DNA levels in estradiol treated snakes were significantly higher than untreated snakes

    Elective Recital: Jordan Sonderegger and Alex Hoerig, percussion

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    Controlling Hypertension: A Self Blood Pressure Monitoring Program plus Health Coaching compared to Health Coaching Alone

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    While nearly half of adults in the United States have hypertension, only about one quarter of those adults have adequately controlled hypertension. Providing a nurse-led coaching program in combination with home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) has been shown to improve blood pressure control. A rural family practice clinic in the Illinois Metro East area proposed a clinical trial to test a nurse-led coaching program in combination with home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) in decreasing blood pressure long-term. Both intervention and control groups received nurse-led hypertension coaching, while the intervention group also received a home blood pressure cuff. The results showed that a nurse-led coaching is effective in decreasing blood pressure. However, due to significant attrition, meaningful results could not be obtained regarding any additional benefits of adding HBPM to nurse-led coaching

    Foothill Corridor Plan

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    Removal of Carbamazepine from Drinking Water

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    Due to the increasing prevalence of prescription medication over the past few decades, pharmaceuticals have accumulated in various water sources. This has become a public health concern because many pharmaceuticals have limited research on the effects of chronic low-level exposure. According to the World’s Health Organization (WHO), traces of pharmaceuticals products have been reported in different water sources such as surface waters, wastewater, groundwater, and drinking water.[1] One pharmaceutical of interest that has been detected in water sources is carbamazepine. Carbamazepine (CBZ) is a common pharmaceutical prescribed for the treatment of seizure disorders, neuropathic pain, and various psychological disorders. It’s mechanism of action is “sodium channel blocking,” which is the impairment of conduction of sodium ions in sodium channels. This, in effect, reduces nervous-system conductivity in key areas related to the treated disorders mentioned above.[2] Carbamazepine is also not easily biodegradable and current conventional treatment methods in some drinking water and wastewater facilities do not adequately remove carbamazepine and other pharmaceuticals from treated water. While carbamazepine is not federally regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Safe Water Drinking Act (SWDA) at this time, it does have the potential for producing adverse health effects in humans. Therefore, being proactive in finding ways to remove carbamazepine and compounds like it should be encouraged. The Carbamaza-Clean team designed a bench scale unit as well as an in-home treatment system using granular activated carbon (GAC) to effectively remove carbamazepine from water. GAC was chosen for this design because it is inexpensive and does not create by-products that are harmful to human health. Several experiments were conducted to determine the efficiency of the removal of carbamazepine using two different GACs: coconut shell GAC (CSGAC) and bituminous coal GAC (BGAC). A packed bed column was constructed to determine if both carbons could reduce the concentration of carbamazepine from 1 ppm to 1 ppb or lower. The CSGAC packed bed was able to lower the concentration below 1 ppb at a packed bed length of 4.4 ft, while the BGAC only required half that (2.2 ft). Both carbons can remove carbamazepine to the desired concentration; however, the costs vary. An economic analysis was performed to determine the costs of the carbons. The CSGAC system would cost 990forthefirstyearand990 for the first year and 589.68 for each following year. The BGAC system would cost 639forthefirsttwoyears,andthen639 for the first two years, and then 200 every two years following the initial capital investment

    Hydromodus: An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

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    Hydromodus is a student-led multidisciplinary project conceived by Jordan Read designed to provide a low-cost modular hardware and software solution for researchers and scientists. For the scope of the Senior Project class, it is designed to be a baited remote underwater vehicle (BRUV), but the platform is highly modifiable and open-source

    Influence of Baseball Catcher Mask Design, Impact Location and Ball Trajectory on Head Acceleration

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 9(5): 567-575, 2016. The general aim was to contrast accelerations caused by baseball impacts for different catcher mask designs. Study1 focused on impact locations for a perpendicular ball trajectory. Study2 examined perpendicular and oblique trajectories striking a single mask location. A 5.9 kg head model instrumented with a 3-d accelerometer recording at 512 Hz was mounted upright with springs in a shallow ball joint. A pitching machine fired a standard baseball at ~28 m/s for all tests. Transverse plane resultant peak acceleration was gathered from 5 trials in each experimental combination. In Study1, effects of mask design (T=traditional, H=hockey, and M=modified traditional) and impact location (high or low and center or lateral) effects were examined via 3x2x2 ANOVA. For Study2, design and ball trajectory effects were analyzed via 3x2 ANOVA. In Study1, the triple interaction was significant. For high/center collisions, T & H were 41% lower than M; for low/center impacts, H was 40% less than T & M; for high/side strikes, H was 33% less than T which was 32% less than M; and all 3 designs were equivalent for low/side contacts. T and H utilized different protection schemes. For T, energy transfer was reduced when equipment was displaced. For H, the more angled mask deflected the ball’s energy. Both mechanisms were impaired for M. In Study2, no significant effects were identified. The trajectory conditions may have relied solely on the mask padding. Both the T and H designs offer protection, with the H performing somewhat better for the conditions tested here
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