733 research outputs found

    Management in education: Reflective piece draft guidelines

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by SAGE in Management in Education on 09/10/2019, available online: https://doi.org/10.1177/0892020619879576 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.As part of our strategy to develop the journal for practitioner and academic audiences, we take pleasure in introducing our new reflective piece section and the guidelines for submission.Published versio

    ā€˜Measuring a plant doesnā€™t help it to growā€™: teacherā€™s perspectives on the standards agenda in England

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    Ā© 2020 ASPE. This paper reflects on the findings of two studies focused on teachersā€™ perspectives on the standards agenda. The original study was carried out in 2010ā€“2011 and published in 2015 in Education 3ā€“13 [Brown, Z., and K. Manktelow. 2015. ā€œā€˜Perspectives on the Standards Agenda: Exploring the Agendaā€™s Impact on Primary Teachersā€™ Professional Identities.ā€ Education 3-13 44 (1): 1ā€“13]. The study was replicated in 2019 using the same methods to see if perspectives had changed almost a decade later. Q-methodology was used with UK primary school teachers to find commonalities of perspectives across the sample that may not have been apparent had more traditional data collection methods been used. The findings show that there remains a variation in perspectives on whether the standards outcomes provide constraint or flexibility. Teachers continue to hold negative positions and are frustrated by the importance placed on Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs). There was more resistance in the 2019 study to how the standards agenda has been translated into policy and the impact the tests have on children, especially those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. The paper concludes by critiquing the enduring use of SATs and suggests that the standards outcomes need to be rebalanced by focusing first and foremost on the wellbeing of all children.Published versio

    ā€‹Postdigital citizen science: mapping the field

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    This paper provides a brief overview of citizen science, attending to its tensions and possibilities. We acknowledge the creative potential of citizen science for expanding and diversifying public participation in knowledge production and dissemination, and we also draw attention to its contradictions. We point to emerging postdigital tensions as new technologies and vast public databases are increasingly becoming cornerstones of citizen science. We discuss how postdigital citizen science operates in the context of knowledge capitalism while aiming at its transformation and highlight three key challenges for postdigital citizen science: the challenge of technology, the challenge of political economy, and the challenge of participation. Different postdigital challenges cannot be separated from each other, so we call for a deep reimagination and reconfiguration of citizen science in and for the postdigital condition. We start this reimagination by asking three questions: What is postdigital citizen science? Who (or what!) is the postdigital citizen scientist? How to conduct postdigital citizen science

    Protein-Tyrosine Kinase Activity Profiling in Knock Down Zebrafish Embryos

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    BACKGROUND: Protein-tyrosine kinases (PTKs) regulate virtually all biological processes. PTKs phosphorylate substrates in a sequence-specific manner and relatively short peptide sequences determine selectivity. Here, we developed new technology to determine PTK activity profiles using peptide arrays. The zebrafish is an excellent model system to investigate signaling in the whole organism, given its wealth of genetic tools, including morpholino-mediated knock down technology. We used zebrafish embryo lysates to determine PTK activity profiles, thus providing the unique opportunity to directly compare the effect of protein knock downs on PTK activity profiles on the one hand and phenotypic changes on the other. METHODOLOGY: We used multiplex arrays of 144 distinct peptides, spotted on a porous substrate, allowing the sample to be pumped up and down, optimizing reaction kinetics. Kinase reactions were performed using complex zebrafish embryo lysates or purified kinases. Peptide phosphorylation was detected by fluorescent anti-phosphotyrosine antibody binding and the porous chips allowed semi-continuous recording of the signal. We used morpholinos to knock down protein expression in the zebrafish embryos and subsequently, we determined the effects on the PTK activity profiles. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Reproducible PTK activity profiles were derived from one-day-old zebrafiish embryos. Morpholino-mediated knock downs of the Src family kinases, Fyn and Yes, induced characteristic phenotypes and distinct changes in the PTK activity profiles. Interestingly, the peptide substrates that were less phosphorylated upon Fyn and Yes knock down were preferential substrates of purified Fyn and Yes. Previously, we demonstrated that Wnt11 knock down phenocopied Fyn/Yes knock down. Interestingly, Wnt11 knock down induced similar changes in the PTK activity profile as Fyn/Yes knock down. The control Nacre/Mitfa knock down did not affect the PTK activity profile significantly. Our results indicate that the novel peptide chip technology can be used to unravel kinase signaling pathways in vivo

    Modulation of hepatitis C virus RNA abundance by a liver-specific MicroRNA

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    MicroRNAs are small RNA molecules that regulate messenger RNA (mRNA) expression. MicroRNA 122 (miR-122) is specifically expressed and highly abundant in the human liver. We show that the sequestration of miR-122 in liver cells results in marked loss of autonomously replicating hepatitis C viral RNAs. A genetic interaction between miR-122 and the 5ā€² noncoding region of the viral genome was revealed by mutational analyses of the predicted microRNA binding site and ectopic expression of miR-122 molecules containing compensatory mutations. Studies with replication-defective RNAs suggested that miR-122 did not detectably affect mRNA translation or RNA stability. Therefore, miR-122 is likely to facilitate replication of the viral RNA, suggesting that miR-122 may present a target for antiviral intervention

    Simulation of Preterm Neonatal Brain Metabolism During Functional Neuronal Activation Using a Computational Model

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    We present a computational model of metabolism in the preterm neonatal brain. The model has the capacity to mimic haemodynamic and metabolic changes during functional activation and simulate functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data. As an initial test of the model's efficacy, we simulate data obtained from published studies investigating functional activity in preterm neonates. In addition we simulated recently collected data from preterm neonates during visual activation. The model is well able to predict the haemodynamic and metabolic changes from these observations. In particular, we found that changes in cerebral blood flow and blood pressure may account for the observed variability of the magnitude and sign of stimulus-evoked haemodynamic changes reported in preterm infants

    Cultural Resource Survey of the United States Naval Academy Annapolis, Maryland

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    This report presents the results of the Legacy Resource Management Program, Cultural Resource Management survey as it relates to the United States Naval Academy (USNA) in Annapolis, Maryland. Sponsored by the United States Department of Defense and managed through the Naval Facilities (CHESDIV), a multi-faceted project was initiated by Archaeology In Annapolis, an on-going research project jointly sponsored by Historic Annapolis Foundation, and the University of Maryland, College Park. The project was comprised of an archaeological survey conducted over a 2 month period, title searches on properties now occupied by the USNA, oral history interviews conducted with residents of a former neighborhood purchased by the Academy, and the use of the AutoCAD computer mapping program to assist with the archaeological survey and to potentially generate a predictive model of where historic or prehistoric cultural resources may exist on USNA property. Conclusions drawn from this study highlight the rich amount of cultural resources which exist in the form of artifacts dating from the late-1700's, deeds information that shows changing economic and social patterns throughout the 290 year history of the ground occupied by the Academy, memories of individuals who lived through the expansion of the Academy into their homes, and a series of maps which can be used to indicate the likelihood of further cultural resources

    PhOTO Zebrafish: A Transgenic Resource for In Vivo Lineage Tracing during Development and Regeneration

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    Background: Elucidating the complex cell dynamics (divisions, movement, morphological changes, etc.) underlying embryonic development and adult tissue regeneration requires an efficient means to track cells with high fidelity in space and time. To satisfy this criterion, we developed a transgenic zebrafish line, called PhOTO, that allows photoconvertible optical tracking of nuclear and membrane dynamics in vivo. Methodology: PhOTO zebrafish ubiquitously express targeted blue fluorescent protein (FP) Cerulean and photoconvertible FP Dendra2 fusions, allowing for instantaneous, precise targeting and tracking of any number of cells using Dendra2 photoconversion while simultaneously monitoring global cell behavior and morphology. Expression persists through adulthood, making the PhOTO zebrafish an excellent tool for studying tissue regeneration: after tail fin amputation and photoconversion of a ~100Āµm stripe along the cut area, marked differences seen in how cells contribute to the new tissue give detailed insight into the dynamic process of regeneration. Photoconverted cells that contributed to the regenerate were separated into three distinct populations corresponding to the extent of cell division 7 days after amputation, and a subset of cells that divided the least were organized into an evenly spaced, linear orientation along the length of the newly regenerating fin. Conclusions/Significance: PhOTO zebrafish have wide applicability for lineage tracing at the systems-level in the early embryo as well as in the adult, making them ideal candidate tools for future research in development, traumatic injury and regeneration, cancer progression, and stem cell behavior

    Pair-Wise Regulation of Convergence and Extension Cell Movements by Four Phosphatases via RhoA

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    Various signaling pathways regulate shaping of the main body axis during early vertebrate development. Here, we focused on the role of protein-tyrosine phosphatase signaling in convergence and extension cell movements. We identified Ptpn20 as a structural paralogue of PTP-BL and both phosphatases were required for normal gastrulation cell movements. Interestingly, knockdowns of PTP-BL and Ptpn20 evoked similar developmental defects as knockdown of RPTPĪ± and PTPĪµ. Co-knockdown of RPTPĪ± and PTP-BL, but not Ptpn20, had synergistic effects and conversely, PTPĪµ and Ptpn20, but not PTP-BL, cooperated, demonstrating the specificity of our approach. RPTPĪ± and PTPĪµ knockdowns were rescued by constitutively active RhoA, whereas PTP-BL and Ptpn20 knockdowns were rescued by dominant negative RhoA. Consistently, RPTPĪ± and PTP-BL had opposite effects on RhoA activation, both in a PTP-dependent manner. Downstream of the PTPs, we identified NGEF and Arhgap29, regulating RhoA activation and inactivation, respectively, in convergence and extension cell movements. We propose a model in which two phosphatases activate RhoA and two phosphatases inhibit RhoA, resulting in proper cell polarization and normal convergence and extension cell movements
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