435 research outputs found

    Surveillance as an Option for the Treatment of Small Renal Masses

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    OBJECTIVES. To review the natural history and biological potential of small renal masses in order to evaluate surveillance as a treatment option. METHODS. Literature search of Medline and additional references from non-Medline-indexed publications concerning surveillance of small renal masses. RESULTS. The natural history and biological potential of small renal masses can still not be unambiguously predicted at present. There seems to be no clear correlation between tumour size and presence of benign histology. The majority of small renal masses grow and the majority are cancer, but one cannot safely assume that a lack of growth on serial CT scans is the confirmation of absence of malignancy. Needle core biopsies could be used to help in decision making. They show a high accuracy for histopathological tumour type but are less accurate in evaluating Fuhrman grade. CONCLUSIONS. At present, surveillance of small renal masses should only be considered in elderly and/or infirm patients with competing health risks, in those with a limited life expectancy, and in those for whom minimal invasive treatment or surgery is not an option. In all other patients, active surveillance should only be considered in the context of a study protocol. Long-term, prospective studies are needed to provide a more accurate assessment of the natural history and metastastic potential of small renal masses

    Preclinical Evidence for the Benefits of Penile Rehabilitation Therapy following Nerve-Sparing Radical Prostatectomy

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    Erectile dysfunction following radical prostatectomy remains a frequent problem despite the development of nerve-sparing techniques. This erectile dysfunction is believed to be neurogenic, enhanced by hypoxia-induced structural changes which result in additional veno-occlusive dysfunction. Recently, daily use of intracavernous vasoactive substances and oral use of PDE5-inhibitors have been clinically studied for treatment of postprostatectomy erectile dysfunction. Since these studies showed benefits of “penile rehabilitation therapy,” these effects have been studied in a preclinical setting. We reviewed experimental literature on erectile tissue preserving and neuroregenerative treatment strategies, and found that preservation of the erectile tissue by the use of intracavernous nitric oxide donors or vasoactive substances, oral PDE5-inhibitors, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy improved erectile function by antifibrotic effects and preservation of smooth muscle. Furthermore, neuroregenerative strategies using neuroimmunophilin ligands, neurotrophins, growth factors, and stem cell therapy show improved erectile function by preservation of NOS-containing nerve fibers

    Complications and Functional Results of Surgery for Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer

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    The role of surgery in clinical stage T3 prostate cancer (cT3 PCa) is still subject to debate. We reviewed the records of 139 consecutive patients who underwent a radical prostatectomy (RP) for cT3 PCa with a mean follow-up of 8 years. All data related to surgical and perioperative complications were collected. Continence and erectile function were assessed at 12 months postoperatively and long-term oncologic outcomes were analyzed. Rectal injury and injury of the obturator nerve occurred both in 0.7% of cases. No serious in-hospital complications were noted and no reintervention was needed. Lymphatic leakage was noted in 2.2% of patients and 1.4% experienced prolonged drainage of urine. In 7.2%, wound-related problems occurred. Anastomotic stricture occurred in 2.9%. These complication rates were not different compared to surgical series of RP in localized PCa. At 12 months, complete continence was 87.8% and erectile function had fully recovered in 6% and 10% of patients who underwent a non-nerve sparing or unilateral nerve-sparing procedure, respectively. 10-year estimated biochemical PFS, clinical PFS, CSS and OS were 51.8%, 85.6%, 94.6% and 85.9%, respectively. In cT3 PCa, RP is technically feasible with morbidity comparable to RP in clinically localized PCa. Long-term oncologic control was excellent

    Fatty tissue within the maxillary sinus: a rare finding.

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    BACKGROUND: We report a rare case of fatty tissue within the maxillary sinus in a 21-years-old woman, with a history of several previous punctures of the maxillary sinus. CASE PRESENTATION: Clinical data of the patient was analysed retrospectively. The patient presented with symptoms of left-sided chronic maxillary sinusitis and had undergone several punctures of the left maxillary sinus 18 months earlier. Subsequent to one of the procedures an acute pain in the left orbit lasting a couple of days was noted. Left endoscopic transnasal antrotomy was performed. The maxillary sinus was filled with polypous, chronically inflamed mucous membrane. Upon its removal, the maxillary roof was identified as drawn downwards and covered with normal mucous membrane. Upon dissection of the membrane, adipose tissue filling the zygomatic recess of the sinus was identified and subsequently removed. The maxillary roof was unchanged. Histopatologic examination confirmed the material to be adipose tissue. No short or long term sequelae occurred. CONCLUSION: Adipose tissue can be found in the maxillary sinus most commonly when penetrating from surrounding locations. It is our hypothesis that in the reported patient it penetrated from the orbit to the maxillary sinus following puncture. It seems that a hole in the maxillary sinus roof, about 1 mm in diameter, caused by the needle, may have been a portal of entry for the adipose tissue into the maxillary sinus. The discussed case suggests particular care be taken in performing puncture of the maxillary sinus

    Непрямое сравнение эффективности и безопасности апалутамида и даролутамида для лечения неметастатического кастрационнорезистентного рака предстательной железы по результатам двух независимых исследований с поправкой на разницу между популяциями пациентов

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    .Введение. Апалутамид и даролутамид являются ингибиторами андрогенных рецепторов нового поколения, которые продемонстрировали превосходную эффективность у пациентов с неметастатическим кастрационно-резистентным раком предстательной железы, получающих андрогендепривационную терапию (АДТ). На сегодняшний день нет исследований по прямому сравнению этих 2 препаратов.Цель исследования – непрямое сравнение эффективности и переносимости апалутамида и даролутамида.Материалы и методы. Был применен метод согласованного скорректированного непрямого сравнения (matchingadjusted indirect comparison, MAIC) данных рандомизированного плацебо-контролируемого исследования III фазы SPARTAN (апалутамид + АДТ), которые были уравновешены по основным исходным клиническим параметрам, с опубликованными обобщенными данными исследования ARAMIS (даролутамид + АДТ) для их сопоставления. Для оценки всех конечных точек эффективности, включая выживаемость без метастазирования, повышение уровня простатического специфического антигена (ПСА), выживаемость без прогрессирования, а также общую выживаемость, были рассчитаны отношения рисков (ОР) и 95 % доверительные интервалы (ДИ). Для оценки конечных точек по безопасности (частота нежелательных явлений и серьезных нежелательных явлений) рассчитывали отношения шансов.Результаты. Перед уравновешиванием данных в исследованиях SPARTAN и ARAMIS наблюдались значимые различия по уровню ПСА (медиана 7,8 нг/мл против 9,2 нг/мл), числу пациентов со статусом 1 по шкале Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (23 % против 31 %), частоте использования препаратов для модификации костной ткани (10 % против 4 %), медиане времени с момента установления первичного диагноза (94,9 мес против 85,4 мес) и числу пациентов из США (35 % против 12 %) и Европы (50 % против 64 %). После уравновешивания данных (n = 455) мы установили, что режим, включающий апалутамид + АДТ, с высокой долей вероятности более эффективен, чем даролутамид + АДТ, по выживаемости без метастазирования (98,3 %; ОР 0,70; 95 % ДИ 0,51–0,98), повышениюуровня ПСА (~100 %; ОР 0,46; 95 % ДИ 0,33–0,64) и выживаемости без прогрессирования (93,2 %; ОР 0,79; 95 % ДИ 0,59–1,08). Показатели общей выживаемости и переносимости не различались значительно при сравнении групп апалутамид + АДТ и даролутамид + АДТ.Заключение. Результаты анализа данных 2 важнейших исследований III фазы по неметастатическому кастрационно-резистентному раку предстательной железы с помощью метода MAIC указывают на то, что апалутамид + АДТ является более эффективной схемой лечения, чем даролутамид + АДТ, по показателям выживаемости без прогрессирования и повышению уровня ПСА, в то время как общая выживаемость и профиль безопасности этих 2 режимов не различаются.

    Иммунотерапия метастатического почечно-клеточного рака

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    The incidence of renal cell carcinoma accounts for about 3% of all solid tumors. The incidence is increasing (1). The primary management of renal cell carcinoma is surgical. Most of the time metastases are already present at the time of diagnosis in more than half of the tumors. Once metastatic disease is present, the response rate of any treatment is low (15-20%) and the cure rate is only 6 to 8% (2-5). Factors which adversely influence prognosis are a high tumor stage, the histologic subtype, age, and co-morbidity factors. The histologic subtype of the tumor indeed plays an important role. It is well known that the conventional (clear cell) subtype is the only subtype that reacts to immunotherapy. The described spontaneous regression of metastases after nephrectomy or after an inflammatory syndrome, and the earlier successes with immunotherapy (and also due to the low success of chemotherapy) have resulted in an increased interest in the development of specific immunotherapy.