639 research outputs found

    Vocabulary size influences spontaneous speech in native language users: Validating the use of automatic speech recognition in individual differences research

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    Previous research has shown that vocabulary size affects performance on laboratory word production tasks. Individuals who know many words show faster lexical access and retrieve more words belonging to pre-specified categories than individuals who know fewer words. The present study examined the relationship between receptive vocabulary size and speaking skills as assessed in a natural sentence production task. We asked whether measures derived from spontaneous responses to every-day questions correlate with the size of participants’ vocabulary. Moreover, we assessed the suitability of automatic speech recognition for the analysis of participants’ responses in complex language production data. We found that vocabulary size predicted indices of spontaneous speech: Individuals with a larger vocabulary produced more words and had a higher speech-silence ratio compared to individuals with a smaller vocabulary. Importantly, these relationships were reliably identified using manual and automated transcription methods. Taken together, our results suggest that spontaneous speech elicitation is a useful method to investigate natural language production and that automatic speech recognition can alleviate the burden of labor-intensive speech transcription

    Entrainment to an auditory signal: Is attention involved?

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    Many natural auditory signals, including music and language, change periodically. The effect of such auditory rhythms on the brain is unclear however. One widely held view, dynamic attending theory, proposes that the attentional system entrains to the rhythm and increases attention at moments of rhythmic salience. In support, 2 experiments reported here show reduced response times to visual letter strings shown at auditory rhythm peaks, compared with rhythm troughs. However, we argue that an account invoking the entrainment of general attention should further predict rhythm entrainment to also influence memory for visual stimuli. In 2 pseudoword memory experiments we find evidence against this prediction. Whether a pseudoword is shown during an auditory rhythm peak or not is irrelevant for its later recognition memory in silence. Other attention manipulations, dividing attention and focusing attention, did result in a memory effect. This raises doubts about the suggested attentional nature of rhythm entrainment. We interpret our findings as support for auditory rhythm perception being based on auditory-motor entrainment, not general attention entrainment

    The Economic Archaeology of Roman Economic Performance

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    Recent years have witnessed a paradigm shift in the study of the Roman economy. Methodologically modern economic analysis is now far more acceptable than it once was, and archaeology has become the major source of empirical data for many questions. On the substantive side there is now a far clearer appreciation of the major changes that the Roman economy underwent, with substantial growth of population and aggregate production and even some improvements in standard of living, but followed by equally dramatic decline. This economic success was not limited to the imperial core, but also extended to the provinces

    Speaker Sex Influences Processing of Grammatical Gender

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    A grant from the One-University Open Access Fund at the University of Kansas was used to defray the author’s publication fees in this Open Access journal. The Open Access Fund, administered by librarians from the KU, KU Law, and KUMC libraries, is made possible by contributions from the offices of KU Provost, KU Vice Chancellor for Research & Graduate Studies, and KUMC Vice Chancellor for Research. For more information about the Open Access Fund, please see http://library.kumc.edu/authors-fund.xml.Spoken words carry linguistic and indexical information to listeners. Abstractionist models of spoken word recognition suggest that indexical information is stripped away in a process called normalization to allow processing of the linguistic message to proceed. In contrast, exemplar models of the lexicon suggest that indexical information is retained in memory, and influences the process of spoken word recognition. In the present study native Spanish listeners heard Spanish words that varied in grammatical gender (masculine, ending in -o, or feminine, ending in -a) produced by either a male or a female speaker. When asked to indicate the grammatical gender of the words, listeners were faster and more accurate when the sex of the speaker “matched” the grammatical gender than when the sex of the speaker and the grammatical gender “mismatched.” No such interference was observed when listeners heard the same stimuli, but identified whether the speaker was male or female. This finding suggests that indexical information, in this case the sex of the speaker, influences not just processes associated with word recognition, but also higher-level processes associated with grammatical processing. This result also raises questions regarding the widespread assumption about the cognitive independence and automatic nature of grammatical processes

    Inventory Existing Risk Scenarios

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    This report provides an inventory of existing hazard data, spatial data sets and socioeconomic projections to process scenario information and future risk projections for the ENHANCE case studies. As a basis for this inventory, we conducted a small survey across the EHNHANCE cases study on their data needs. Table 1.1 provides a preliminary overview of the hazard- and socioeconomic data and scenario's required within the different case studies. This overview on the case study data needs and the data availability within the different case study partners, was discussed during the project meetings in Venice, May 2013 and Ispra (September 2013). During the meeting in Ispra, the case studies were offered a 2 days hands on workshop on how to use scenario and risk data or their case studies. This workshop was offered by IVM and JRC. Since the ENHANCE project follows a risk based approach, we similarly have focused this report on (1) data and projections for different types of natural hazards (Chapter 2) and (2) trends in socioeconomic factors that influence exposure and vulnerability to the natural hazard (Chapter 3). In addition, we have specifically outlined methods to process socioeconomic scenarios (Chapter 4) and probabilistic methods (Chapter 5) to describe extreme events with a very low probability. The main objectives of this report are to: - Provide an inventory of dynamic hazard scenarios at the pan-European scale, based on existing information at JRC or other institutes; - Provide an inventory of socioeconomic data and projections in Europe as well as some global outlook projections, possibly relevant for ENHANCE; - Develop a probabilistic risk framework for identifying probabilities of extreme events in the case studies

    Contingent categorization in speech perception

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Language Cognition and Neuroscience in 2014, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/01690965.2013.824995.The speech signal is notoriously variable, with the same phoneme realized differently depending on factors like talker and phonetic context. Variance in the speech signal has led to a proliferation of theories of how listeners recognize speech. A promising approach, supported by computational modeling studies, is contingent categorization, wherein incoming acoustic cues are computed relative to expectations. We tested contingent encoding empirically. Listeners were asked to categorize fricatives in CV syllables constructed by splicing the fricative from one CV syllable with the vowel from another CV syllable. The two spliced syllables always contained the same fricative, providing consistent bottom-up cues; however on some trials, the vowel and/or talker mismatched between these syllables, giving conflicting contextual information. Listeners were less accurate and slower at identifying the fricatives in mismatching splices. This suggests that listeners rely on context information beyond bottom-up acoustic cues during speech perception, providing support for contingent categorization

    Sustained attention in language production: An individual differences investigation

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    Whereas it has long been assumed that most linguistic processes underlying language production happen automatically, accumulating evidence suggests that some form of attention is required. Here, we investigated the contribution of sustained attention, which is the ability to maintain alertness over time. First, the sustained attention ability of participants was measured using auditory and visual continuous performance tasks. Next, the participants described pictures using simple noun phrases while their response times (RTs) and gaze durations were measured. Earlier research has suggested that gaze duration reflects language planning processes up to and including phonological encoding. Individual differences in sustained attention ability correlated with individual differences in the magnitude of the tail of the RT distribution, reflecting the proportion of very slow responses, but not with individual differences in gaze duration. These results suggest that language production requires sustained attention, especially after phonological encoding

    Perception of clear fricatives by normal-hearing and simulated hearing-impaired listeners

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://scitation.aip.org/content/asa/journal/jasa/123/2/10.1121/1.2821966.Speakers may adapt the phonetic details of their productions when they anticipate perceptual difficulty or comprehension failure on the part of a listener. Previous research suggests that a speaking style known as clear speech is more intelligible overall than casual, conversational speech for a variety of listener populations. However, it is unknown whether clear speech improves the intelligibility of fricative consonants specifically, or how its effects on fricative perception might differ depending on listener population. The primary goal of this study was to determine whether clear speech enhances fricative intelligibility for normal-hearing listeners and listeners with simulated impairment. Two experiments measured babble signal-to-noise ratio thresholds for fricative minimal pair distinctions for 14 normal-hearing listeners and 14 listeners with simulated sloping, recruiting impairment. Results indicated that clear speech helped both groups overall. However, for impaired listeners, reliable clear speech intelligibility advantages were not found for non-sibilant pairs. Correlation analyses comparing acoustic and perceptual data indicated that a shift of energy concentration toward higher frequency regions and greater source strength contributed to the clear speecheffect for normal-hearing listeners. Correlations between acoustic and perceptual data were less consistent for listeners with simulated impairment, and suggested that lower-frequency information may play a role
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