384 research outputs found

    Mastering Macbeth

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    The Tragedy of Macbeth is widely acknowledged as one of the theatre’s greatest tragedies. The play opens to the end of a massive battle in which Macbeth has just defeated the former Thane who sought to overthrow the king. Macbeth is given a prophecy by three witches, who promise that he will be king. To ensure the infallibility of the prophecy, Lady Macbeth plots the King’s murder and Macbeth does the deed. The Macbeths are crowned and are henceforth miserable, haunted by their guilt. The play is about a number of things such as political ambition, murder, love, and fate

    Reflections on Texas Back Institute Internship

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    For my honors project, I chose to do the experimental option to gain more knowledge on topics that we do not spend much time covering in nursing school. I had the privilege to complete an internship with the Texas Back Institute, their main office is located in Plano, Texas. I worked closely the Scoliosis and Spine Tumor Center that is a branch of their team, and completed my internship from May to the first week of August 2019. I worked 20 hours a week during my internship between the clinic and the hospital. I was able to observe physicians in the office setting and in the operating room. This position ended up being exactly what I was hoping for, I learned so many new things, and believe I can take these on into my future practice. [excerpt

    Determining timber cost basis (2002)

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    As a forest landowner, you may someday contemplate the sale of your timber. The gain from the sale of the timber can represent either a capital gain or an ordinary income gain. In either case, you will be required to pay taxes on the gain. Gain is the operative word, implying that you may subtract something from the total amount you received. In fact, you may subtract the total amount you spent to acquire the asset. To minimize the amount of gain and thereby reduce your tax liability, you need to establish the cost basis in your capital assets such as timber.New 3/02/5M

    Proteomic Analysis of the Response of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa PAO1 to the Cell to Cell Signaling Molecule Trans, Trans-farnesol of Candida Albicans

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    Nosocomial infections associated with implanted medical- devices are on the rise due to a growing immunocompromised patient population. The organisms of interest in this study are Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans. These organisms are opportunistic pathogens and are frequently implicated as the cause of infection and colonization of medical devices. P. aeruginosa is a motile gram-negative bacterium that is able to suppress the growth of C. albicans. Quourm sensing mimicry and biofilm formation on the hyphal surface of C. albicans by P. aeruginosa aids in suppression. C. albicans is a dimorphic fungus capable of quorum sensing with E,E-farnesol and is a central focus in this work. The goal of this project is to determine changes in protein expression when P. aeruginosa is exposed to E,E,-farnesol using 2D DIGE®. Changes in the cytosolic proteome of P. aeruginosa expose metabolic shifts that result in suppression of C. albicans. This work summarizes the effect of growth phase and concentration of E,E-farnesol on P. aeruginosa PAO1 and GSU3. Preliminary results reveal a general response of P. aeruginosa to C. albicans as changes in relevant metabolic nodes that affect pyocyanin production and the induction of virulence factors that lead to the killing of C. albicans. The overall goal of this study was to generate a profile of protein expression where a variety of conditions to further characterize the response could be easily assayed

    Junior Recital: Shelby Jones, bassoon

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    This recital is presented in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree Bachelor of Music in Performance. Ms. Jones studies bassoon with Laura Najarian.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1221/thumbnail.jp

    Opioid Screening in the Primary Care Setting

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    Implementation of an Opioid Risk Assessment Tool in the Primary Care Setting

    All-Terrain Vehicle-Related Injuries and Hospitalization: An Examination of the Influence of Age and Alcohol or Drugs

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    All-terrain vehicle (ATV) related injuries are a significant source of morbidity, mortality, disability, and hospitalization, and serious injuries among the elderly are increasing. In addition, alcohol and drug use are prevalent among those injured in ATV-related incidents. However, studies indicate varying alcohol and drug use patterns among age groups and less attention has been paid to the experience of older adults and to the influence of substance abuse (alcohol or drug involvement). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between age, substance abuse and hospitalization resulting from ATV incidents among injured adults over the age of 21 (legally old enough to consume alcohol). A secondary purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between age and substance abuse, substance abuse and injured body sites, and age and injured body sites. Using a cross-sectional, quantitative approach and archival data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) from 2007, 1884 incidents were evaluated and results of multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that age and substance abuse add independent information in predicting the odds of hospitalization. Using the chi-square test, similar substance abuse involvement among young, middle-aged and older adults was found and differences in the distribution of injured body sites existed between those with and without substance abuse and between the three age groups. The results of this study suggest the need for age-specific prevention, specialized safety training for older adults, and more aggressive enforcement of drinking and driving restrictions while operating ATVs in order to reduce deaths, disabilities, and considerable financial costs associated with ATV-related hospitalizations

    All-Terrain Vehicle-Related Injuries and Hospitalization: An Examination of the Influence of Age and Alcohol or Drugs

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    All-terrain vehicle (ATV) related injuries are a significant source of morbidity, mortality, disability, and hospitalization, and serious injuries among the elderly are increasing. In addition, alcohol and drug use are prevalent among those injured in ATV-related incidents. However, studies indicate varying alcohol and drug use patterns among age groups and less attention has been paid to the experience of older adults and to the influence of substance abuse (alcohol or drug involvement). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between age, substance abuse and hospitalization resulting from ATV incidents among injured adults over the age of 21 (legally old enough to consume alcohol). A secondary purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between age and substance abuse, substance abuse and injured body sites, and age and injured body sites. Using a cross-sectional, quantitative approach and archival data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) from 2007, 1884 incidents were evaluated and results of multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that age and substance abuse add independent information in predicting the odds of hospitalization. Using the chi-square test, similar substance abuse involvement among young, middle-aged and older adults was found and differences in the distribution of injured body sites existed between those with and without substance abuse and between the three age groups. The results of this study suggest the need for age-specific prevention, specialized safety training for older adults, and more aggressive enforcement of drinking and driving restrictions while operating ATVs in order to reduce deaths, disabilities, and considerable financial costs associated with ATV-related hospitalizations

    Una realidad equivocada

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    The work of Jorge Luis Borges is often riddled with metaphysical themes. This essay highlights such themes in his short story “Las ruinas circulares” and analyzes his view of mankind’s concept of reality. It also evaluates the role that dreams and thoughts play in the inability of the human mind to think beyond the “circular” confines of one’s mental structure. The main character, a magician with the ability to dream another human being into existence, is distracted from the truth that he, too, is a dreamt being. I propose that his limited knowledge disables him from being able to reason beyond what he believes to be true of reality, and thus fails to understand the nature of his existence until the end of the story. Along with the main character, the reader is jolted out of the dream world by Borges’ unnerving perspective of the human mind’s partial grasp of reality

    The Dichotomous Model of Substance Abuse: The Elephant in the Room

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    Abstract Addiction can be defined as a repetitive use of a substance or drug that occurs despite any negative outcomes associated with its use. Substance use addiction affects many different areas of an individual’s life, and is often associated with stigma which can result in shame, secrecy, or rejection. There are many theoretical models behind the etiology and maintenance of substance use addiction that include biological, sociological, physiological, and other factors. This investigation examines college-aged individuals’ beliefs about which theoretical model best explains substance use addiction, and if those beliefs can be manipulated when presented with new or opposing information. This investigation also examines if familiarity with substance use addiction will influence which model is chosen. Results indicated that individual’s beliefs were not easily manipulated when presented with new or opposing information and that familiarity was not a significant predictor of which model was chosen. Past research has shown that individuals with a substance use addiction can be easily manipulated in their beliefs about addiction and those beliefs remain stable over time. Other past research has also shown that familiarity is not a significant predictor for beliefs about addiction. The current literature about manipulation of beliefs is limited and inconsistent with the method and sample population used, so future research is needed to understand the stability of beliefs about addiction as well as the factors that can influence what model of addiction one believes. Keywords: addiction, disease model, psychosocial mode
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