2,961 research outputs found

    Development and flight test of an experimental maneuver autopilot for a highly maneuverable aircraft

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    This report presents the development of an experimental flight test maneuver autopilot (FTMAP) for a highly maneuverable aircraft. The essence of this technique is the application of an autopilot to provide precise control during required flight test maneuvers. This newly developed flight test technique is being applied at the Dryden Flight Research Facility of NASA Ames Research Center. The FTMAP is designed to increase the quantity and quality of data obtained in test flight. The technique was developed and demonstrated on the highly maneuverable aircraft technology (HiMAT) vehicle. This report describes the HiMAT vehicle systems, maneuver requirements, FTMAP development process, and flight results

    Detection of a Star Forming Galaxy in the Center of a Low-Mass Galaxy Cluster

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    Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs) residing in the centers of galaxy clusters are typically quenched giant ellipticals. A recent study hinted that star-forming galaxies with large disks, so-called superluminous spirals and lenticulars, are the BCGs of a subset of galaxy clusters. Based on the existing optical data it was not possible to constrain whether the superluminous disk galaxies reside at the center of galaxy clusters. In this work, we utilize XMM-Newton X-ray observations of five galaxy clusters to map the morphology of the intracluster medium (ICM), characterize the galaxy clusters, determine the position of the cluster center, and measure the offset between the cluster center and the superluminous disk galaxies. We demonstrate that one superluminous lenticular galaxy, 2MASX J10405643-0103584, resides at the center of a low-mass (M500=1014 M⊙M_{\rm 500} = 10^{14} \ \rm{M_{\odot}}) galaxy cluster. This represents the first conclusive evidence that a superluminous disk galaxy is the central BCG of a galaxy cluster. We speculate that the progenitor of 2MASX J10405643-0103584 was an elliptical galaxy, whose extended disk was re-formed due to the merger of galaxies. We exclude the possibility that the other four superluminous disk galaxies reside at the center of galaxy clusters, as their projected distance from the cluster center is 150−1070150-1070 kpc, which corresponds to (0.27−1.18)R500(0.27-1.18)R_{\rm 500}. We conclude that these clusters host quiescent massive elliptical galaxies at their center.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Dark Matter Subhalos and the X-ray Morphology of the Coma Cluster

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    Structure formation models predict that clusters of galaxies contain numerous massive subhalos. The gravity of a subhalo in a cluster compresses the surrounding intracluster gas and enhances its X-ray emission. We present a simple model, which treats subhalos as slow moving and gasless, for computing this effect. Recent weak lensing measurements by Okabe et al. have determined masses of ~ 10^13 solar masses for three mass concentrations projected within 300 kpc of the center of the Coma Cluster, two of which are centered on the giant elliptical galaxies NGC 4889 and NGC 4874. Adopting a smooth spheroidal beta-model for the gas distribution in the unperturbed cluster, we model the effect of these subhalos on the X-ray morphology of the Coma Cluster, comparing our results to Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray data. The agreement between the models and the X-ray morphology of the central Coma Cluster is striking. With subhalo parameters from the lensing measurements, the distances of the three subhalos from the Coma Cluster midplane along our line of sight are all tightly constrained. Using the model to fit the subhalo masses for NGC 4889 and NGC 4874 gives 9.1 x 10^12 and 7.6 x 10^12 solar masses, respectively, in good agreement with the lensing masses. These results lend strong support to the argument that NGC 4889 and NGC 4874 are each associated with a subhalo that resides near the center of the Coma Cluster. In addition to constraining the masses and 3-d location of subhalos, the X-ray data show promise as a means of probing the structure of central subhalos.Comment: ApJ, in press. Matches the published versio

    Chandra and ROSAT observations of Abell 194: detection of an X-ray cavity and mapping the dynamics of the cluster

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    Based on Chandra and ROSAT observations, we investigated the nearby poor cluster Abell 194, which hosts two luminous radio galaxies, NGC547 (3C 40B) and NGC541 (3C 40A). We demonstrated the presence of a large X-ray cavity (r~34 kpc) formed by the giant southern radio lobe arising from 3C 40B in NGC547. The estimated age of the cavity is t=7.9 x 10^7 years and the total work of the AGN is 3.3 x 10^59 erg, hence the cavity power is P_cav=1.3 x 10^44 erg/s. Furthermore, in the Chandra images of NGC545 and NGC541 we detected sharp surface brightness edges, identified as merger cold fronts, and extended tails. Using the pressure ratios between inside and outside the cold fronts we estimated that the velocities of NGC545 and NGC541 correspond to Mach-numbers of M=1.0^{+0.3}_{-0.5} and M=0.9^{+0.2}_{-0.5}, respectively. The low radial velocities of these galaxies relative to the mean radial velocity of Abell 194 imply that their motion is oriented approximately in the plane of the sky. Based on these and earlier observations, we concluded that NGC545 and NGC541 are falling through the cluster, whose center is NGC547, suggesting that Abell 194 is undergoing a significant cluster merger event. Additionally, we detected 20 bright X-ray sources around NGC547 and NGC541, a surprisingly large number, since the predicted number of resolved LMXBs and CXB sources is 2.2 and 4.1, respectively. To explain the nature of additional sources, different possibilities were considered, none of which are satisfactory. We also studied the origin of X-ray emission in Minkowski's Object, and concluded that it is most likely dominated by the population of HMXBs rather than by hot diffuse ISM. Moreover, in view of the galaxy dynamics in Abell 194, we explored the possibility that the starburst in Minkowski's Object was triggered by its past interaction with NGC541, and concluded that it may be a viable path.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Deep Chandra observations of NGC 1404 : cluster plasma physics revealed by an infalling early-type galaxy

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    The intracluster medium (ICM), as a magnetized and highly ionized fluid, provides an ideal laboratory to study plasma physics under extreme conditions that cannot yet be achieved on Earth. NGC 1404 is a bright elliptical galaxy that is being gas stripped as it falls through the ICM of the Fornax Cluster. We use the new {\sl Chandra} X-ray observations of NGC 1404 to study ICM microphysics. The interstellar medium (ISM) of NGC 1404 is characterized by a sharp leading edge, 8 kpc from the galaxy center, and a short downstream gaseous tail. Contact discontinuities are resolved on unprecedented spatial scales (0\farcs5=45\,pc) due to the combination of the proximity of NGC 1404, the superb spatial resolution of {\sl Chandra}, and the very deep (670 ksec) exposure. At the leading edge, we observe sub-kpc scale eddies generated by Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and put an upper limit of 5\% Spitzer on the isotropic viscosity of the hot cluster plasma. We also observe mixing between the hot cluster gas and the cooler galaxy gas in the downstream stripped tail, which provides further evidence of a low viscosity plasma. The assumed ordered magnetic fields in the ICM ought to be smaller than 5\,μG to allow KHI to develop. The lack of evident magnetic draping layer just outside the contact edge is consistent with such an upper limit

    Hot X-ray coronae around massive spiral galaxies: a unique probe of structure formation models

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    Luminous X-ray gas coronae in the dark matter halos of massive spiral galaxies are a fundamental prediction of structure formation models, yet only a few such coronae have been detected so far. In this paper, we study the hot X-ray coronae beyond the optical disks of two normal massive spirals, NGC1961 and NGC6753. Based on XMM-Newton X-ray observations, hot gaseous emission is detected to ~60 kpc - well beyond their optical radii. The hot gas has a best-fit temperature of kT~0.6 keV and an abundance of ~0.1 Solar, and exhibits a fairly uniform distribution, suggesting that the quasi-static gas resides in hydrostatic equilibrium in the potential well of the galaxies. The bolometric luminosity of the gas in the (0.05-0.15)r_200 region (r_200 is the virial radius) is ~6e40 erg/s for both galaxies. The baryon mass fractions of NGC1961 and NGC6753 are f_b~0.1, which fall short of the cosmic baryon fraction. The hot coronae around NGC1961 and NGC6753 offer an excellent basis to probe structure formation simulations. To this end, the observations are confronted with the moving mesh code Arepo and the smoothed particle hydrodynamics code Gadget. Although neither model gives a perfect description, the observed luminosities, gas masses, and abundances favor the Arepo code. Moreover, the shape and the normalization of the observed density profiles are better reproduced by Arepo within ~0.5r_200. However, neither model incorporates efficient feedback from supermassive black holes or supernovae, which could alter the simulated properties of the X-ray coronae. With the further advance of numerical models, the present observations will be essential in constraining the feedback effects in structure formation simulations.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in Ap
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