1,457 research outputs found

    EEG-based grading of Immune Effector Cell-Associated Neurotoxicity Syndrome

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    CAR-T cell therapy is an effective cancer therapy for multiple refractory/relapsed hematologic malignancies but is associated with substantial toxicity, including Immune Effector Cell Associated Neurotoxicity Syndrome (ICANS). Improved detection and assessment of ICANS could improve management and allow greater utilization of CAR-T cell therapy, however, an objective, specific biomarker has not been identified. We hypothesized that the severity of ICANS can be quantified based on patterns of abnormal brain activity seen in electroencephalography (EEG) signals. We conducted a retrospective observational study of 120 CAR-T cell therapy patients who had received EEG monitoring. We determined a daily ICANS grade for each patient through chart review. We used visually assessed EEG features and machine learning techniques to develop the Visual EEG-Immune Effector Cell Associated Neurotoxicity Syndrome (VE-ICANS) score and assessed the association between VE-ICANS and ICANS. We also used it to determine the significance and relative importance of the EEG features. We developed the Visual EEG-ICANS (VE-ICANS) grading scale, a grading scale with a physiological basis that has a strong correlation to ICANS severity (R = 0.58 [0.47-0.66]) and excellent discrimination measured via area under the receiver operator curve (AUC = 0.91 for ICANS ≥ 2). This scale shows promise as a biomarker for ICANS which could help to improve clinical care through greater accuracy in assessing ICANS severity

    Designing implementation strategies to improve identification, cascade testing, and management of families with familial hypercholesterolemia: An intervention mapping approach

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    INTRODUCTION: Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a common inherited cholesterol disorder that, without early intervention, leads to premature cardiovascular disease. Multilevel strategies that target all components of FH care including identification, cascade testing, and management are needed to address gaps that exist in FH care. We utilized intervention mapping, a systematic implementation science approach, to identify and match strategies to existing barriers and develop programs to improve FH care. METHODS: Data were collected utilizing two methods: a scoping review of published literature, related to any component of FH care, and a parallel mixed method study using interviews and surveys. The scientific literature was searched using key words including barriers or facilitators and familial hypercholesterolemia from inception to December 1, 2021. The parallel mixed method study recruited individuals and families with FH to participate in either dyadic interviews ( RESULTS: In steps 1-3, a needs assessment found barriers to FH care included underdiagnosis of the condition which led to suboptimal management due to a myriad of determinants including knowledge gaps, negative attitudes, and risk misperceptions by individuals with FH and clinicians. Literature review highlighted barriers to FH care at the health system level, notably the relative lack of genetic testing resources and infrastructure needed to support FH diagnosis and treatment. Examples of strategies to overcome identified barriers included development of multidisciplinary care teams and educational programs. In steps 4-6, an NHLBI-funded study, the Collaborative Approach to Reach Everyone with FH (CARE-FH), deployed strategies that focused on improving identification of FH in primary care settings. The CARE-FH study is used as an example to describe program development, implementation, and evaluation techniques of implementation strategies. CONCLUSION: The development and deployment of evidence-based implementation strategies that address barriers to FH care are important next steps to improve identification, cascade testing, and management

    Prenatal exposures and exposomics of asthma

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    This review examines the causal investigation of preclinical development of childhood asthma using exposomic tools. We examine the current state of knowledge regarding early-life exposure to non-biogenic indoor air pollution and the developmental modulation of the immune system. We examine how metabolomics technologies could aid not only in the biomarker identification of a particular asthma phenotype, but also the mechanisms underlying the immunopathologic process. Within such a framework, we propose alternate components of exposomic investigation of asthma in which, the exposome represents a reiterative investigative process of targeted biomarker identification, validation through computational systems biology and physical sampling of environmental medi

    Neuropsychological patterns following lesions of the anterior insula in a series of forty neurosurgical patients

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    In the present study we investigated the effects of lesions affecting mainly the anterior insula in a series of 22 patients with lesions in the left hemisphere (LH), and 18 patients with lesions involving the right hemisphere (RH). The site of the lesion was established by performing an overlap of the probabilistic cytoarchitectonic maps of the posterior insula. Here we report the patients\u2019 neuropsychological profile and an analysis of their pre-surgical symptoms. We found that pre-operatory symptoms significantly differed in patients depending on whether the lesion affected the right or left insula and a strict parallelism between the patterns emerged in the pre-surgery symptoms analysis, and the patients\u2019 cognitive profile. In particular, we found that LH patients showed cognitive deficits. By contrast, the RH patients, with the exception of one case showing an impaired performance at the visuo-spatial planning test were within the normal range in performing all the tests. In addition, a sub-group of patients underwent to the post-surgery follow-up examination

    A Link between Meiotic Prophase Progression and Crossover Control

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    During meiosis, most organisms ensure that homologous chromosomes undergo at least one exchange of DNA, or crossover, to link chromosomes together and accomplish proper segregation. How each chromosome receives a minimum of one crossover is unknown. During early meiosis in Caenorhabditis elegans and many other species, chromosomes adopt a polarized organization within the nucleus, which normally disappears upon completion of homolog synapsis. Mutations that impair synapsis even between a single pair of chromosomes in C. elegans delay this nuclear reorganization. We quantified this delay by developing a classification scheme for discrete stages of meiosis. Immunofluorescence localization of RAD-51 protein revealed that delayed meiotic cells also contained persistent recombination intermediates. Through genetic analysis, we found that this cytological delay in meiotic progression requires double-strand breaks and the function of the crossover-promoting heteroduplex HIM-14 (Msh4) and MSH-5. Failure of X chromosome synapsis also resulted in impaired crossover control on autosomes, which may result from greater numbers and persistence of recombination intermediates in the delayed nuclei. We conclude that maturation of recombination events on chromosomes promotes meiotic progression, and is coupled to the regulation of crossover number and placement. Our results have broad implications for the interpretation of meiotic mutants, as we have shown that asynapsis of a single chromosome pair can exert global effects on meiotic progression and recombination frequency

    Identification and Classification of Conserved RNA Secondary Structures in the Human Genome

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    The discoveries of microRNAs and riboswitches, among others, have shown functional RNAs to be biologically more important and genomically more prevalent than previously anticipated. We have developed a general comparative genomics method based on phylogenetic stochastic context-free grammars for identifying functional RNAs encoded in the human genome and used it to survey an eight-way genome-wide alignment of the human, chimpanzee, mouse, rat, dog, chicken, zebra-fish, and puffer-fish genomes for deeply conserved functional RNAs. At a loose threshold for acceptance, this search resulted in a set of 48,479 candidate RNA structures. This screen finds a large number of known functional RNAs, including 195 miRNAs, 62 histone 3′UTR stem loops, and various types of known genetic recoding elements. Among the highest-scoring new predictions are 169 new miRNA candidates, as well as new candidate selenocysteine insertion sites, RNA editing hairpins, RNAs involved in transcript auto regulation, and many folds that form singletons or small functional RNA families of completely unknown function. While the rate of false positives in the overall set is difficult to estimate and is likely to be substantial, the results nevertheless provide evidence for many new human functional RNAs and present specific predictions to facilitate their further characterization

    Qualitative differences in the spatiotemporal brain states supporting configural face processing emerge in adolescence in autism

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    BACKGROUND Studying the neural processing of faces can illuminate the mechanisms of compromised social expertise in autism. To resolve a longstanding debate, we examined whether differences in configural face processing in autism are underpinned by quantitative differences in the activation of typical face processing pathways, or the recruitment of non-typical neural systems. METHODS We investigated spatial and temporal characteristics of event-related EEG responses to upright and inverted faces in a large sample of children, adolescents, and adults with and without autism. We examined topographic analyses of variance and global field power to identify group differences in the spatial and temporal response to face inversion. We then examined how quasi-stable spatiotemporal profiles - microstates - are modulated by face orientation and diagnostic group. RESULTS Upright and inverted faces produced distinct profiles of topography and strength in the topographical analyses. These topographical profiles differed between diagnostic groups in adolescents, but not in children or adults. In the microstate analysis, the autistic group showed differences in the activation strength of normative microstates during early-stage processing at all ages, suggesting consistent quantitative differences in the operation of typical processing pathways; qualitative differences in microstate topographies during late-stage processing became prominent in adults, suggesting the increasing involvement of non-typical neural systems with processing time and over development. CONCLUSIONS These findings suggest that early difficulties with configural face processing may trigger later compensatory processes in autism that emerge in later development