3,796 research outputs found

    A Cyclic Distributed Garbage Collector for Network Objects

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    This paper presents an algorithm for distributed garbage collection and outlines its implementation within the Network Objects system. The algorithm is based on a reference listing scheme, which is augmented by partial tracing in order to collect distributed garbage cycles. Processes may be dynamically organised into groups, according to appropriate heuristics, to reclaim distributed garbage cycles. The algorithm places no overhead on local collectors and suspends local mutators only briefly. Partial tracing of the distributed graph involves only objects thought to be part of a garbage cycle: no collaboration with other processes is required. The algorithm offers considerable flexibility, allowing expediency and fault-tolerance to be traded against completeness


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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is characterized by various combinations of ?-cell failure and insulin resistance leading to hyperglycemia and glucose intolerance. In order to maintain glucose tolerance in the insulin resistance state, increased insulin secretion is a requirement and it is because of inadequate islet adaptation that glucose intolerance develops in T2DM. The pathophysiology of T2DM is not fully understood and more knowledge is needed concerning both insulin action and ?-cell physiology and adaptation. The general aim of this thesis was to investigate the role of ?-cell cAMP-degrading phosphodiesterase 3B (PDE3B) in the regulation of insulin secretion and whole body energy homeostasis. The specific aims were (i) to study the physiological importance of well-regulated ?-cell-cAMP levels for insulin release and whole body energy homeostasis during a long-term metabolic challenge, (ii) to evaluate the role of PDE3B in biphasic insulin secretion and its intracellular localization, and (iii) to investigate the mechanisms for regulation of PDE3B activity in ?-cells. It was previously shown that PDE3B attenuates glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) potentiated-insulin secretion. It is shown here that accurate regulation of ?-cell cAMP is necessary for adequate islet adaptation to a perturbed metabolic environment and protective for the development of glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. This finding is coupled to the novel discovery that PDE3B, shown to localize to the exocytotic machinery, functions as a specific attenuator of cAMP-mediated potentiation of depolarization-induced insulin secretion. Further, we have begun to elucidate the details concerning the regulation of PDE3B activity in ?-cells. Data are presented suggesting that PDE3B activity in ?-cells is intricately regulated by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation, probably by the action of several differentially regulated kinases and phosphatases. In conclusion, this thesis contributes to the knowledge regarding the importance and function of cAMP-mediated regulation of stimulus-secretion coupling in pancreatic ?-cells and demonstrates that dysfunction of cAMP-PDE3B signalling results in a substantially increased sensitivity to the adverse effects of a high-fat diet

    Alien Registration- Jones, Margaret M. (Van Buren, Aroostook County)

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    Experiences among undocumented migrants accessing primary care in the United Kingdom: a qualitative study.

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    Immigration is a key political issue in the United Kingdom. The 2014 Immigration Act includes a number of measures intended to reduce net immigration, including removing the right of non-European Economic Area migrants to access free health care. This change risks widening existing health and social inequalities. This study explored the experiences of undocumented migrants trying to access primary care in the United Kingdom, their perspectives on proposed access restrictions, and suggestions for policymakers. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 undocumented migrants and four volunteer staff at a charity clinic in London. Inductive thematic analysis drew out major themes. Many undocumented migrants already faced challenges accessing primary care. None of the migrants interviewed said that they would be able to afford charges to access primary care and most said they would have to wait until they were much more unwell and access care through Accident & Emergency (A&E) services. The consequences of limiting access to primary care, including threats to individual and public health consequences and the additional burden on the National Health Service, need to be fully considered by policymakers. The authors argue that an evidence-based approach would avoid legislation that targets vulnerable groups and provides no obvious economic or societal benefit

    Regional Working in the East of England: Using the UK National Standards for Public Involvement

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    Plain English summary: Involving patients and members of the public to help shape and carry out research is recommended in health research in the United Kingdom (UK). There are a number of regional networks of Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) groups, which support the collaboration between researchers, patients and public members. We are a group of researchers, patients and public members who came together via a PPI regional network in the East of England to collaborate on a research study about the extent of feedback from researchers to PPI contributors.The aim of this paper is to use the recently developed UK National Standards for Public Involvement to structure our thinking about what worked well and what did not, within our recently completed study. We believe this paper is one of the first to use the National Standards to structure a retrospective reflection on PPI within a study.Our findings showed that there are benefits of regional working, including easier access to public members and bringing together researchers, public members and those who run PPI groups for research collaboration. The main challenges included involvement of people before studies are funded and working across organisations with different payment processes.The National Standards for Public Involvement has provided a useful framework to consider how best to involve patients and members of the public in research and could be a helpful structure to reflect on successes and challenges in individual projects and also regional, national or international comparisons of PPI in research. Abstract: Background Regional networks of Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) organisations, including academic institutions, health and social care services, charities, patient and public groups and individuals, can play an important part in carrying out health research. In the UK, recommendations by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) encourage the use of regional, collaborative networks with shared resources and training. Methods The newly developed UK National Standards for Public Involvement were used as a framework for a retrospective reflection of PPI within a recently completed research study which focused on feedback from researchers to PPI contributors. PPI contributors, those running PPI groups (PPI leads) and researchers involved in the study have contributed to this reflection by completing evaluation forms throughout the research alongside notes of meetings and co-authors' final reflections. Results Results revealed a number of successes where the regional network was particularly useful in bringing together PPI contributors, those who lead PPI groups and researchers. The regional network helped researchers to get in touch with patients and members of the public. Challenges included involving people before funding and bureaucratic and financial barriers when working across different organisations in the region. The importance of working together in flexible, informal ways was key and on-going support for the PPI contributors was vital for continued involvement, including emotional support not just monetary. The first four National Standards of inclusive opportunities, working together, support and learning and communications were particularly useful as means of structuring our reflections. Conclusions To our knowledge, this is one of the first research studies to use the UK National Standards for Public Involvement as a framework to identify what worked well and the challenges of PPI processes. It is suggested that as more reflective papers are published and the National Standards are more widely used in the UK, many lessons can be learnt and shared on how to improve our Patient and Public Involvement within research studies. Evaluations or reflections such as these can further enhance our understanding of PPI with implications for regional, national and international comparisons.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Feasibility of health systems strengthening in South Sudan: a qualitative study of international practitioner perspectives.

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    OBJECTIVE: To explore the feasibility of health systems strengthening from the perspective of international healthcare implementers and donors in South Sudan. DESIGN: A qualitative interview study, with thematic analysis using the WHO health system building blocks framework. SETTING: South Sudan. PARTICIPANTS: 17 health system practitioners, working for international agencies in South Sudan, were purposively sampled for their knowledge and experiences of health systems strengthening, services delivery, health policy and politics in South Sudan. RESULTS: Participants universally reported the health workforce as insufficient and of low capacity and service delivery as poor, while access to medicines was restricted by governmental lack of commitment in undertaking procurement and supply. However, progress was clear in improved county health department governance, health management information system functionality, increased health worker salary harmonisation and strengthened financial management. CONCLUSIONS: Resurgent conflict and political tensions have negatively impacted all health system components and maintaining or continuing health system strengthening has become extremely challenging. A coordinated approach to balancing humanitarian need particularly in conflict-affected areas, with longer term development is required so as not to lose improvements gained

    Polymerisation of a terpene-derived lactone: A bio-based alternative to ԑ-caprolactone

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    A high-yielding 4-step process for converting a naturally occuring terpene, ÎČ-pinene, into a substituted ԑ-caprolactone is herein reported. Investigations into the ring-opening polymerisation and copolymerisation of this monomer are also described

    Foster owner factors influence temperament test results of military dogs and their suitability for service

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    Military dogs in Sweden spend their first 18 months after weaning with a foster owner that has volunteered to care for its upbringing. The foster owner is advised by a consultant and offered three opportunities to train the dog together with other foster owners. There is a positive correlation between the number of attended training opportunities with the consultant, or other professional dog trainers, and the results of the dog in the temperament test at the end of the 18 months. The test results are in turn positively correlated with the likelihood of the dog to enter service. This thesis aims to investigate why the number of training opportunities is important for the dog’s chance to enter service by identifying foster owner factors that influence the success of the dog and which temperament test items the factors have the strongest impact on. There were records of 797 German shepherd military dogs with temperament test results and a known number of training opportunities, of which 263 had questionnaires filled in by the foster owners. Questions included e.g. demographics and previous experience. Analysis revealed that dogs that went into service more often came from foster owners with previous experience of dogs and dog training, living in an apartment rather than a house. Foster homes with horses, farm animals, small pets and many children decreased the likelihood of the dog to enter service. Temperament test items that were related to play e.g. prey drive, retrieving and tug of war, and items related to confidence had the strongest correlation with the number of training opportunities and the foster owner factors. In conclusion, the most important factor appeared to be time spent on activities such as playing or training with the dog. Therefore, foster owners should be encouraged to engage in training and play-like activities with their dogs, to produce trainable and confident dogs.Försvarsmaktens hundar tillbringar sina första 18 mĂ„nader efter avvĂ€njning hos fodervĂ€rdar som frivillig Ă„tagit sig att uppfostra dem. FodervĂ€rden fĂ„r stöd av en fodervĂ€rdskonsulent och erbjuds tre trĂ€ningstillfĂ€llen tillsammans med hunden. Antalet trĂ€ningstillfĂ€llen Ă€r positivt korrelerat med de resultat som hunden fĂ„r i ett lĂ€mplighetstest som alla hundar genomgĂ„r vid 18 mĂ„naders Ă„lder. Testresultaten Ă€r i sin tur korrelerade med sannolikheten att hunden gĂ„r i tjĂ€nst. Examensarbetet syftar till att utröna varför antalet trĂ€ningstillfĂ€llen pĂ„verkar hundens sannolikhet att gĂ„ i tjĂ€nst, genom att identifiera vilka fodervĂ€rdsfaktorer som pĂ„verkar sannolikheten att gĂ„ i tjĂ€nst, samt vilka delar av lĂ€mplighetstestet som pĂ„verkas av fodervĂ€rdsfaktorerna. Av 797 SchĂ€frar med testresultat frĂ„n lĂ€mplighetstestet och ett kĂ€nt antal trĂ€ningstillfĂ€llen hade 263 hundar ifyllda ansökningsblanketter för fodervĂ€rdsskap. Blanketterna tillhandahöll information om till exempel demografi och tidigare erfarenhet. Statistisk analys visade att en större andel av de hundar som gĂ„tt i tjĂ€nst kom frĂ„n fodervĂ€rdar med tidigare erfarenhet av hundar och unghundstrĂ€ning och som bodde i lĂ€genhet i stĂ€llet för hus eller pĂ„ en gĂ„rd. Om fosterfamiljen Ă€ven hade hĂ€star, lantbruksdjur, smĂ„ sĂ€llskapsdjur och/eller mĂ„nga barn minskade sannolikheten för att hunden skulle gĂ„ i tjĂ€nst. Lekrelaterade delar av lĂ€mplighetstestet, som föremĂ„lsintresse, hantering av föremĂ„l och traskamp, samt nĂ„gra som Ă€r kopplade till sjĂ€lvsĂ€kerhet hade starkast korrelation med antalet trĂ€ningstillfĂ€llen och fodervĂ€rdsfaktorerna. Sammanfattningsvis verkade den viktigaste faktorn vara hur mycket tid som lades pĂ„ lek och trĂ€ningsaktiviteter tillsammans med hunden. För att producera sĂ„ lĂ€ttrĂ€nade och sjĂ€lvsĂ€kra hundar som möjligt bör fodervĂ€rdarna sĂ„ledes uppmuntras att trĂ€na och leka med sina hundar

    En jÀmförelse av hund, lama och Äsna som boskapsvaktare i Sverige

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    Med anledning av vargens (Canis lupus) Ă„teretablering i Sverige presenteras och jĂ€mförs de boskapsvaktande djuren hund (Canis lupus familiaris), lama (Lama glama) och Ă„sna (Equus asinus). Boskapsvaktande djur anvĂ€nds sedan lĂ€nge i mĂ„nga rovdjurstĂ€ta lĂ€nder, men i Sverige anvĂ€nds idag frĂ€mst rovdjurssĂ€kra stĂ€ngsel för att hindra varg frĂ„n att riva fĂ„r (Ovis aries). StĂ€ngsel Ă€r dock kostsamma och begrĂ€nsar dessutom betesytan. Under 2006 hade 32 % av fĂ„rflockarna i USA hundar, 14 % lamor och 9 % Ă„snor som vaktdjur. En boskapsvaktande hund mĂ„ste vĂ€xa upp i en fĂ„rflock för att socialiseras med fĂ„ren. Unga hundar kan skada fĂ„r genom hĂ„rdhĂ€nt lek, men beteendet kan trĂ€nas bort. Det Ă€r ingen skillnad i vaktförmĂ„ga mellan olika hundraser, kön eller inhĂ€gnat kontra fritt bete, men vissa raser anses mer aggressiva mot mĂ€nniskor. I USA rekommenderas en hund per 200 fĂ„r och i Europa kombineras ofta hund och herde. Lamor och Ă„snor hĂ„lls ensamma i fĂ„rflocken för att ty sig till fĂ„ren och bĂ„da arterna ogillar instinktivt hunddjur. Hingstar bör kastreras för att minska aggressivitet och betĂ€ckningar. Lamor och Ă„snor lever generellt lĂ€ngre Ă€n hundar, men alla djur anses ge besparingar i arbetstid och pengar. Lamor Ă€ter samma foder som fĂ„ren men kan behöva klippas vid hög vĂ€rme. Åsnor kommer ursprungligen frĂ„n ökenlĂ€nder och Ă€r kĂ€nsliga för fukt, kyla och kraftigt bete. Lamor och hundar verkar vĂ€l anpassade till svenskt klimat medan Ă„snor inte Ă€r det. Vargar bemöter hundar som artfrĂ€nder, men reaktionen pĂ„ lamor och Ă„snor Ă€r mindre undersökt. I Sverige krĂ€vs tillstĂ„nd frĂ„n Viltskadecenter för att hĂ„lla boskapsvaktande hund. Om förluster till rovdjur överstige tre tackor eller fem lamm per Ă„r kan det löna sig att hĂ„lla en hund. Årskostnaden för en lama kan vara lĂ€gre tack vare den lĂ„nga livslĂ€ngden. I och med socialiseringen med fĂ„r kan flera hundar anvĂ€ndas till samma fĂ„rflock, dĂ€rför passar hundar bĂ€ttre till stora fĂ„rflockar och dĂ€r rovdjuren Ă€r flockjagande eller stora. Hundar krĂ€ver generellt mer trĂ€ning Ă€n de andra djuren, men kan i gengĂ€ld anvĂ€ndas tillsammans med vallhundar. Lamor kan vara anvĂ€ndbara till mindre fĂ„rflockar dĂ€r enskilda hunddjur utgör ett hot. Åsnor verkar inte lĂ€mpliga som boskapsvaktare i Sverige.The livestock guardian species dog (Canis lupus familiaris), llama (Lama glama) and donkey (Equus asinus) are presented and compared, due to the recent recovery of the wolf (Canis lupus) population in Sweden. Livestock guarding animals have been in use for centuries in many countries with a rich predator fauna. In Sweden, however, it’s more common to install predator-proof fences to stop wolves from killing sheep (Ovis aries). Fences can be expensive and also limit grazing areas. In the USA 32 % of the sheep flocks had dogs, 14 % llamas and 9 % donkeys as guards in 2006. A livestock guarding dog has to be raised with sheep to become socialized with them. Young dogs can injure sheep, but the behaviour can be corrected. Guarding ability didn’t differ between dog breed, sex or type of pasture, but some breeds are considered more aggressive towards people. One dog per 200 sheep is recommended in the USA and in Europe a dog is often combined with a shepherd. Llamas and donkeys are kept alone with sheep to bond with them and have an inherent dislike for canines. To reduce aggression and mating behaviours stallions are castrated. Llamas and donkeys generally live longer than dogs, but all animals reduce labour and cost. Llamas eat the same feed as sheep but may have to be sheared in hot weather. Donkeys originate from desert areas and are sensitive to cold, wet weather and rich forage. Consequently, llamas and dogs are better suited to cope with our climate than donkeys. Wolves treat dogs as conspecifics, but reactions to llamas and donkeys are less known. In Sweden, a permit from Viltskadecenter is required, to keep a livestock guarding dog. If losses exceed three ewes or five lambs per year it could save money to get a dog, but a llama might be cheaper per year due to its longevity. It’s possible to keep several dogs with one flock of sheep thanks to the early socialization. As a result dogs are a better choice where flocks are large or where predators are large or hunt in packs. Dogs generally require more training than the other animals, but can be used in conjunction with herding dogs. Llamas may be useful in smaller herds of sheep where single canid predators pose the biggest threat. Donkeys don’t seem suited to guard livestock in Sweden
