2,338 research outputs found

    Clinical features of the retinopathy, globe enlarged (rge) chick phenotype

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    AbstractThe purpose of the study reported here was to characterize the clinical aspects of the autosomal recessive retinopathy, globe enlarged (rge) phenotype in chicks (Gallus gallus). Rge/rge, rge/+ and +/+ chicks were studied from hatch to 336 days of age by general clinical examination, post-mortem examination, vision testing with an optokinetic device, ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopy, tonometry, central corneal pachymetry, a-mode ultrasonography, infrared photoretinoscopy and photokeratometry. Additionally, preliminary electroretinographic and histopathologic investigations were performed. There is a variable degree of vision loss in rge/rge chicks at 1 day of age with further chicks losing vision over the next few weeks until all chicks become functionally blind by 30 days of age (although some optokinetic responses remain in some of the rge/rge chicks). Over the first few weeks of life rge/rge chicks develop thicker corneas with a larger radius, hyperopia, shallower anterior chambers and enlarged globes both radially and axially, compared to controls. A preliminary ERG study showed that 1 day old rge/rge chicks have an elevated response threshold, a lower amplitude a-wave with a markedly shallow leading slope, a lack of both oscillatory responses and c-waves and, at brighter flashes, an increased b-wave amplitude. Light microscopy revealed no gross retinal abnormalities in young chicks to account for the blindness. A thinning of all retinal layers developed in parallel with globe enlargement. The rge defect is a unique progressive retinal dystrophy that results in a severe visual deficit, abnormal electroretinographic waveforms, and secondary globe enlargement

    Measurement of the Equilibrium Emittance of an Electron-Cooled 45 MeV Proton Beam

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-931478

    The societal cost of Huntington’s disease:are we underestimating the burden?

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    Background and purpose Approximately 9000 people in the UK are affected by Huntington's disease (HD). People with HD require ongoing health and social care support. There is a knowledge gap about costs of health and social care use associated with HD in the UK. This paper estimates the economic cost in the UK. Methods Data on UK patients for the year 2013 were extracted from the European Huntington's Disease Network REGISTRY study, a full clinical dataset, including the full medical history and medication history for patients with HD. National unit costs for the price year 2013 were applied to health and social care services. Results Data were available for 131 people. The mean annual cost per person with HD was £21 605. The largest proportion of this cost (65%) was due to informal care (£14 085). Conclusions Informal care was the largest driver of costs across all stages of HD; thus there is a need to also consider the needs of carers when planning services for people with HD

    Ruprecht 147: The oldest nearby open cluster as a new benchmark for stellar astrophysics

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    Ruprecht 147 is a hitherto unappreciated open cluster that holds great promise as a standard in fundamental stellar astrophysics. We have conducted a radial velocity survey of astrometric candidates with Lick, Palomar, and MMT observatories and have identified over 100 members, including 5 blue stragglers, 11 red giants, and 5 double-lined spectroscopic binaries (SB2s). We estimate the cluster metallicity from spectroscopic analysis, using Spectroscopy Made Easy (SME), and find it to be [M/H] = +0.07 \pm 0.03. We have obtained deep CFHT/MegaCam g'r'i' photometry and fit Padova isochrones to the (g' - i') and 2MASS (J - K) CMDs using the \tau^2 maximum-likelihood procedure of Naylor (2009), and an alternative method using 2D cross-correlations developed in this work. We find best fits for isochrones at age t = 2.5 \pm 0.25 Gyr, m - M = 7.35 \pm 0.1, and A_V = 0.25 \pm 0.05, with additional uncertainty from the unresolved binary population and possibility of differential extinction across this large cluster. The inferred age is heavily dependent by our choice of stellar evolution model: fitting Dartmouth and PARSEC models yield age parameters of 3 Gyr and 3.25 Gyr respectively. At approximately 300 pc and 3 Gyr, Ruprecht 147 is by far the oldest nearby star cluster.Comment: 31 pages, 21 figures, 6 tables. Comments welcom

    Label-free segmentation of co-cultured cells on a nanotopographical gradient

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    The function and fate of cells is influenced by many different factors, one of which is surface topography of the support culture substrate. Systematic studies of nanotopography and cell response have typically been limited to single cell types and a small set of topographical variations. Here, we show a radical expansion of experimental throughput using automated detection, measurement, and classification of co-cultured cells on a nanopillar array where feature height changes continuously from planar to 250 nm over 9 mm. Individual cells are identified and characterized by more than 200 descriptors, which are used to construct a set of rules for label-free segmentation into individual cell types. Using this approach we can achieve label-free segmentation with 84% confidence across large image data sets and suggest optimized surface parameters for nanostructuring of implant devices such as vascular stents

    CD8 memory T cells have a bioenergetic advantage that underlies their rapid recall ability

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    A characteristic of memory T (TM) cells is their ability to mount faster and stronger responses to reinfection than naïve T (TN) cells do in response to an initial infection. However, the mechanisms that allow this rapid recall are not completely understood. We found that CD8 TM cells have more mitochondrial mass than CD8 TN cells and, that upon activation, the resulting secondary effector T (TE) cells proliferate more quickly, produce more cytokines, and maintain greater ATP levels than primary effector T cells. We also found that after activation, TM cells increase oxidative phosphorylation and aerobic glycolysis and sustain this increase to a greater extent than TN cells, suggesting that greater mitochondrial mass in TM cells not only promotes oxidative capacity, but also glycolytic capacity. We show that mitochondrial ATP is essential for the rapid induction of glycolysis in response to activation and the initiation of proliferation of both TN and TM cells. We also found that fatty acid oxidation is needed for TM cells to rapidly respond upon restimulation. Finally, we show that dissociation of the glycolysis enzyme hexokinase from mitochondria impairs proliferation and blocks the rapid induction of glycolysis upon T-cell receptor stimulation in TM cells. Our results demonstrate that greater mitochondrial mass endows TM cells with a bioenergetic advantage that underlies their ability to rapidly recall in response to reinfection

    Freshwater umbrella - the effects of nitrogen deposition on freshwaters in the UK

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    In upland areas of the UK located away from direct human disturbance through agriculture, industrial activities and urban pollution, atmospheric pollution poses one of the major threats to the chemical and biological quality of lakes and streams. One of the most important groups of pollutants is nitrogen (N) compounds, including oxidised forms of N called NO_{x}, generated mainly by fossil fuel combustion especially in motor vehicles, and reduced forms of N (ammonia gas or dissolved ammonium compounds) generated mainly from agricultural activities and livestock. These nitrogen compounds may dissolve in rain or soilwater to form acids, or may be taken up as nutrients by plants and soil microbes in upland catchments, and then subsequently released in acid form associated with nitrate leaching at a later date. It is well established that nitrate leaching contributes to acidification of upland waters, with damage to aquatic ecosystems including plants, invertebrates and fish. However it has recently been suggested that nitrate leaching may also be associated with nutrient enrichment of upland waters that contain biological communities adapted to very low nutrient levels. Furthermore, important interactions have been found elsewhere between acid deposition and leaching of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) which has been found to be increasing in many upland waters of the northern hemisphere

    Shape-Based Separation of Micro-/Nanoparticles in Liquid Phases

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    The production of particles with shape-specific properties is reliant upon the separation of micro-/nanoparticles of particular shapes from particle mixtures of similar volumes. However, compared to a large number of size-based particle separation methods, shape-based separation methods have not been adequately explored. We review various up-to-date approaches to shape-based separation of rigid micro-/nanoparticles in liquid phases including size exclusion chromatography, field flow fractionation, deterministic lateral displacement, inertial focusing, electrophoresis, magnetophoresis, self-assembly precipitation, and centrifugation. We discuss separation mechanisms by classifying them as either changes in surface interactions or extensions of size-based separation. The latter includes geometric restrictions and shape-dependent transport properties