22 research outputs found

    Negative Effects of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles on Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle Microbial Activities in Contrasting Agricultural Soils and in Presence of Plants

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    Metal-oxide nanoparticles (NPs) such as copper oxide (CuO) NPs offer promising perspectives for the development of novel agro-chemical formulations of pesticides and fertilizers. However, their potential impact on agro-ecosystem functioning still remains to be investigated. Here, we assessed the impact of CuO-NPs (0.1, 1, and 100 mg/kg dry soil) on soil microbial activities involved in the carbon and nitrogen cycles in five contrasting agricultural soils in a microcosm experiment over 90 days. Additionally, in a pot experiment, we evaluated the influence of plant presence on the toxicity of CuO-NPs on soil microbial activities. CuO-NPs caused significant reductions of the three microbial activities measured (denitrification, nitrification, and soil respiration) at 100 mg/kg dry soil, but the low concentrations (0.1 and 1 mg/kg) had limited effects. We observed that denitrification was the most sensitive microbial activity to CuO-NPs in most soil types, while soil respiration and nitrification were mainly impacted in coarse soils with low organic matter content. Additionally, large decreases in heterotrophic microbial activities were observed in soils planted with wheat, even at 1 mg/kg for soil substrate-induced respiration, indicating that plant presence did not mitigate or compensate CuO-NP toxicity for microorganisms. These two experiments show that CuO-NPs can have detrimental effects on microbial activities in soils with contrasting physicochemical properties and previously exposed to various agricultural practices. Moreover, we observed that the negative effects of CuO-NPs increased over time, indicating that short-term studies (hours, days) may underestimate the risks posed by these contaminants in soils

    Mangrove Facies Drives Resistance and Resilience of Sediment Microbes Exposed to Anthropic Disturbance

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    Mangrove forests are coastal ecosystems continuously affected by various environmental stresses and organized along constraint gradients perpendicular to the coastline. The aim of this study was to evaluate the resistance and resilience of sediment microbial communities in contrasted vegetation facies, during and after exposure to an anthropic disturbance. Our hypothesis was that microbial communities should be the most stable in the facies where the consequences of the anthropic disturbance are the most similar to those of natural disturbances. To test this, we focused on communities involved in N-cycle. We used an in situ experimental system set up in Mayotte Island where 2 zones dominated by different mangrove trees are daily exposed since 2008 to pretreated domestic wastewater (PW) discharges. These freshwater and nutrients inputs should increase microbial activities and hence the anoxia of sediments. We monitored during 1 year the long-term impact of this disturbance, its short-term impact and the resilience of microbial communities on plots where PW discharges were interrupted. Microorganism densities were estimated by qPCR, the nitrification (NEA) and denitrification (DEA) enzyme activities were evaluated by potential activity measurements and pigment analyses were performed to assess the composition of microbial photosynthetic communities. At long-term PW discharges significantly modified the structure of phototrophic communities and increased the total density of bacteria, the density of denitrifying bacteria and DEA. Similar effects were observed at short-term, notably in the facies dominated by Ceriops tagal. The results showed a partial resilience of microbial communities. This resilience was faster in the facies dominated by Rhizophora mucronata, which is more subjected to tides and sediment anoxia. The higher stability of microbial communities in this facies confirms our hypothesis. Such information should be taken into account in mangrove utilization and conservation policies

    Bacterial Signatures of Paediatric Respiratory Disease : An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis

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    Introduction: The airway microbiota has been linked to specific paediatric respiratory diseases, but studies are often small. It remains unclear whether particular bacteria are associated with a given disease, or if a more general, non-specific microbiota association with disease exists, as suggested for the gut. We investigated overarching patterns of bacterial association with acute and chronic paediatric respiratory disease in an individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences from published respiratory microbiota studies.Methods: We obtained raw microbiota data from public repositories or via communication with corresponding authors. Cross-sectional analyses of the paediatric (10 case subjects were included. Sequence data were processed using a uniform bioinformatics pipeline, removing a potentially substantial source of variation. Microbiota differences across diagnoses were assessed using alpha- and beta-diversity approaches, machine learning, and biomarker analyses.Results: We ultimately included 20 studies containing individual data from 2624 children. Disease was associated with lower bacterial diversity in nasal and lower airway samples and higher relative abundances of specific nasal taxa including Streptococcus and Haemophilus. Machine learning success in assigning samples to diagnostic groupings varied with anatomical site, with positive predictive value and sensitivity ranging from 43 to 100 and 8 to 99%, respectively.Conclusion: IPD meta-analysis of the respiratory microbiota across multiple diseases allowed identification of a non-specific disease association which cannot be recognised by studying a single disease. Whilst imperfect, machine learning offers promise as a potential additional tool to aid clinical diagnosis.Peer reviewe

    The responses of NO2- and N2O-reducing bacteria to maize inoculation by the PGPR Azospirillum lipoferum CRT1 depend on carbon availability and determine soil gross and net N2O production

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    Seed inoculation by plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs) is an agronomic practice that stimulates root carbon (C) exudation and nitrogen (N) uptake. Inoculation thus increases and decreases C and N availabilities to denitrifiers in the rhizosphere, respectively. Hence, denitrification rates in the rhizosphere can be positively or negatively influenced by root activity depending on the balance between these two processes. We assumed that inoculation effect on denitrifiers could strongly differ according to soil conditions. Would denitrifiers be mostly limited by C, inoculation would increase denitrifier abundance and activity through increased labile C availability. Would denitrifiers be limited by N rather than C, inoculation would decrease denitrifier abundance and activity through increased competition for N. Here we manipulated denitrification limitation by C and N (i) in a field trial through the use of different fertilization levels, and (ii) in a growth chamber experiment by mimicking root exudate inputs. We analyzed how the effects of maize inoculation by the PGPR Azospirillum lipoferum CRT1 on potential gross and net N2O production rates and NO2- and N2O-reducer abundances were related to C and N limitation levels. An increase in potential gross (up to +113%) and to a lesser extent net (+37%) N2O production was observed for soils where denitrification was highly limited by C. This was explained by strong and moderate increases in the abundances of NO2- and N2O-reducers, respectively. In contrast, when denitrification was weakly limited by C, gross and net N2O productions were negatively affected by inoculation (-15 and -40%, respectively). Our results show that the inoculation practice should be evaluated in term of possible increased crop yield but also possible modified N2O emission, paying much attention to cropland soils where denitrifiers are highly limited by C

    Can we manage plant-microbe interactions belowground to increase sustainable crop productions? The case of Maize seed inoculation with Azospirillum lipoferum CRT1 and its effects on N-cycling rhizospheric microbial communities

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    Can we manage plant-microbe interactions belowground to increase sustainable crop productions? The case of Maize seed inoculation with Azospirillum lipoferum CRT1 and its effects on N-cycling rhizospheric microbial communities. EcoSummit 2016. Ecological Sustainability: Engineering Chang

    Plant-microbes interactions in the rhizosphere of maize inoculated with Azospirillum lipoferum CRT1: implications for soil N-cycling microorganisms

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    Plant-microbes interactions in the rhizosphere of maize inoculated with Azospirillum lipoferum CRT1: implications for soil N-cycling microorganisms. Sfécologie-2016, International Conference of Ecological Science

    Adaptation of soil nitrifiers to very low nitrogen level jeopardizes the efficiency of chemical fertilization in west african moist savannas

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    The moist savanna zone covers 0.5 x 10(6) km(2) in West Africa and is characterized by very low soil N levels limiting primary production, but the ecology of nitrifiers in these (agro) ecosystems is largely unknown. We compared the effects of six agricultural practices on nitrifier activity, abundance and diversity at nine sites in central Ivory Coast. Treatments, including repeated fertilization with ammonium and urea, had no effect on nitrification and crop N status after 3 to 5 crop cycles. Nitrification was actually higher at low than medium ammonium level. The nitrifying community was always dominated by ammonia oxidizing archaea and Nitrospira. However, the abundances of ammonia oxidizing bacteria, AOB, and Nitrobacter increased with fertilization after 5 crop cycles. Several AOB populations, some affiliated to Nitrosospira strains with urease activity or adapted to fluctuating ammonium levels, emerged in fertilized plots, which was correlated to nitrifying community ability to benefit from fertilization. In these soils, dominant nitrifiers adapted to very low ammonium levels have to be replaced by high-N nitrifiers before fertilization can stimulate nitrification. Our results show that the delay required for this replacement is much longer than ever observed for other terrestrial ecosystems, i.e. >5 crop cycles, and demonstrate for the first time that nitrifier characteristics jeopardize the efficiency of fertilization in moist savanna soils

    N-microbial properties are key indicators of fertility in maturating soils built for urban greening.

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    International audienceSoils constructed from urban planning wastes provide a sustainable solution for urban planners to design urban greenspaces that meet the growing demand for nature in the city while limiting artificialization of peri-urban agricultural areas. However, while the pedological and chemical characteristics of these constructed soils are easily assessed, their biological fertility, and especially their nitrogen (N) availability, remains essentially associated to their inhabiting microbial communities. Accordingly, the stability of microbial N- functioning and the prerequisite time to provide sufficient N to plant covers is an under-explored ecological question.To address this issue, nine soils were constructed from compost, topsoil, and deep soil mixed in different proportions. Half were hydroseeded once with a mixture of annual and perennial plants. We then monitored soil fertility for 24 months, to cover two growing and two wintering seasons, and assess N cycle seasonality in regards of plant community development and pedological and chemical characteristics. Free-living microbial N-fixation, nitrification and denitrification enzyme activities were measured in soil incubations following acetylene reduction assays, colorimetric quantifications of nitrite/nitrate accumulation, and N2O gas chromatography, respectively. Relative abundances of genes associated to these enzyme activities were assessed using targeted quantitative PCR.Our results suggest microbial indicators of soil functioning are truly relevant to monitor biological fertility of constructed soils in urban ecosystems

    N-microbial properties are key indicators of fertility in maturating soils built for urban greening.

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    International audienceSoils constructed from urban planning wastes provide a sustainable solution for urban planners to design urban greenspaces that meet the growing demand for nature in the city while limiting artificialization of peri-urban agricultural areas. However, while the pedological and chemical characteristics of these constructed soils are easily assessed, their biological fertility, and especially their nitrogen (N) availability, remains essentially associated to their inhabiting microbial communities. Accordingly, the stability of microbial N- functioning and the prerequisite time to provide sufficient N to plant covers is an under-explored ecological question.To address this issue, nine soils were constructed from compost, topsoil, and deep soil mixed in different proportions. Half were hydroseeded once with a mixture of annual and perennial plants. We then monitored soil fertility for 24 months, to cover two growing and two wintering seasons, and assess N cycle seasonality in regards of plant community development and pedological and chemical characteristics. Free-living microbial N-fixation, nitrification and denitrification enzyme activities were measured in soil incubations following acetylene reduction assays, colorimetric quantifications of nitrite/nitrate accumulation, and N2O gas chromatography, respectively. Relative abundances of genes associated to these enzyme activities were assessed using targeted quantitative PCR.Our results suggest microbial indicators of soil functioning are truly relevant to monitor biological fertility of constructed soils in urban ecosystems

    Carbon and nitrogen limitation explains the contrasting responses of rhizospheric N-cycling microbial communities to maize inoculation by Azospirillum lipoferum CRT1

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    Carbon and nitrogen limitation explains the contrasting responses of rhizospheric N-cycling microbial communities to maize inoculation by Azospirillum lipoferum CRT1. EGU 2017, European Geophysical Union General Assembly 201