202 research outputs found

    Learning to Teach Argumentation: Research and development in the science classroom

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    The research reported in this study focuses on an investigation into the teaching of argumentation in secondary science classrooms. Over a one-year period, a group of 12 teachers from schools in the greater London area attended a series of workshops to develop materials and strategies to support the teaching of argumentation in scientific contexts. Data were collected at the beginning and end of the year by audio and video recording lessons where the teachers attempted to implement argumentation. To assess the quality of argumentation, analytical tools derived from Toulmin's argument pattern (TAP) were developed and applied to classroom transcripts. Analysis shows there was development in teachers' use of argumentation across the year. Results indicate that the pattern of use of argumentation is teacher-specific, as is the nature of change. To inform future professional development programmes, transcripts of five teachers, three showing a significant change and two no change, were analysed in more detail to identify features of teachers' oral contributions that facilitated and supported argumentation. The analysis showed that all teachers attempted to encourage a variety of processes involved in argumentation and that the teachers whose lessons included the highest quality of argumentation (TAP analysis) also encouraged higher order processes in their teaching. The analysis of teachers' facilitation of argumentation has helped to guide the development of in-service materials and to identify the barriers to learning in the professional development of less experienced teachers

    Monopolin subunit Csm1 associates with MIND complex to establish monopolar attachment of sister kinetochores at meiosis I

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    Sexually reproducing organisms halve their cellular ploidy during gametogenesis by undergoing a specialized form of cell division known as meiosis. During meiosis, a single round of DNA replication is followed by two rounds of nuclear divisions (referred to as meiosis I and II). While sister kinetochores bind to microtubules emanating from opposite spindle poles during mitosis, they bind to microtubules originating from the same spindle pole during meiosis I. This phenomenon is referred to as mono-orientation and is essential for setting up the reductional mode of chromosome segregation during meiosis I. In budding yeast, mono-orientation depends on a four component protein complex referred to as monopolin which consists of two nucleolar proteins Csm1 and Lrs4, meiosis-specific protein Mam1 of unknown function and casein kinase Hrr25. Monopolin complex binds to kinetochores during meiosis I and prevents bipolar attachments. Although monopolin associates with kinetochores during meiosis I, its binding site(s) on the kinetochore is not known and its mechanism of action has not been established. By carrying out an imaging-based screen we have found that the MIND complex, a component of the central kinetochore, is required for monopolin association with kinetochores during meiosis. Furthermore, we demonstrate that interaction of monopolin subunit Csm1 with the N-terminal domain of MIND complex subunit Dsn1, is essential for both the association of monopolin with kinetochores and for monopolar attachment of sister kinetochores during meiosis I. As such this provides the first functional evidence for a monopolin-binding site at the kinetochore

    Home-based isometric exercise training induced reductions resting blood pressure

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    Purpose: Isometric exercise training (IET) reduces resting blood pressure (BP). Most previous protocols impose exercise barriers which undermine its effectiveness as a potential physical therapy for altering BP. An inexpensive, home-based programme would promote IET as a valuable tool in the fight against hypertension. The aims of this study were: (a) to investigate whether home-based wall squat training could successfully reduce resting BP, and (b) to explore the physiological variables that might mediate a change in resting BP. Methods: Twenty-eight healthy normotensive males were randomly assigned to a control and a 4 week home-based IET intervention using a crossover design with a 4 week ‘washout’ period in-between. Wall squat training was completed 3x weekly over 4 weeks with 48 hours between sessions. Each session comprised 4x 2 minute bouts of wall squat exercise performed at a participant-specific knee joint angle relative to a target HR of 95% HRpeak, with 2 minutes rest between bouts. Resting heart rate, BP, cardiac output, total peripheral resistance and stroke volume were taken at baseline and post each condition. Results: Resting BP (systolic = -4 ± 5, diastolic = -3 ± 3 and mean arterial = -3 ± 3 mmHg), cardiac output (-0.54 ± 0.66 L∙min-1) and heart rate (-5 ± 7 beats∙min-1) were all reduced following IET, with no change in total peripheral resistance or stroke volume compared to the control. Conclusion: These findings suggest the wall squat provides an effective method for reducing resting BP in the home resulting primarily from a reduction in resting heart rate

    Characterizing preclinical sub-phenotypic models of acute respiratory distress syndrome:An experimental ovine study

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    Abstract The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) describes a heterogenous population of patients with acute severe respiratory failure. However, contemporary advances have begun to identify distinct sub‐phenotypes that exist within its broader envelope. These sub‐phenotypes have varied outcomes and respond differently to several previously studied interventions. A more precise understanding of their pathobiology and an ability to prospectively identify them, may allow for the development of precision therapies in ARDS. Historically, animal models have played a key role in translational research, although few studies have so far assessed either the ability of animal models to replicate these sub‐phenotypes or investigated the presence of sub‐phenotypes within animal models. Here, in three ovine models of ARDS, using combinations of oleic acid and intravenous, or intratracheal lipopolysaccharide, we investigated the presence of sub‐phenotypes which qualitatively resemble those found in clinical cohorts. Principal Component Analysis and partitional clustering identified two clusters, differentiated by markers of shock, inflammation, and lung injury. This study provides a first exploration of ARDS phenotypes in preclinical models and suggests a methodology for investigating this phenomenon in future studies

    Evaluation of pragmatic oxygenation measurement as a proxy for Covid-19 severity

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    Choosing optimal outcome measures maximizes statistical power, accelerates discovery and improves reliability in early-phase trials. We devised and evaluated a modification to a pragmatic measure of oxygenation function, the [Formula: see text] ratio. Because of the ceiling effect in oxyhaemoglobin saturation, [Formula: see text] ratio ceases to reflect pulmonary oxygenation function at high [Formula: see text] values. We found that the correlation of [Formula: see text] with the reference standard ([Formula: see text]/[Formula: see text] ratio) improves substantially when excluding [Formula: see text] and refer to this measure as [Formula: see text]. Using observational data from 39,765 hospitalised COVID-19 patients, we demonstrate that [Formula: see text] is predictive of mortality, and compare the sample sizes required for trials using four different outcome measures. We show that a significant difference in outcome could be detected with the smallest sample size using [Formula: see text]. We demonstrate that [Formula: see text] is an effective intermediate outcome measure in COVID-19. It is a non-invasive measurement, representative of disease severity and provides greater statistical power

    The Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey: Giant Planet and Brown Dwarf Demographics From 10-100 AU

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    We present a statistical analysis of the first 300 stars observed by the Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey (GPIES). This subsample includes six detected planets and three brown dwarfs; from these detections and our contrast curves we infer the underlying distributions of substellar companions with respect to their mass, semi-major axis, and host stellar mass. We uncover a strong correlation between planet occurrence rate and host star mass, with stars M >> 1.5 MM_\odot more likely to host planets with masses between 2-13 MJup_{\rm Jup} and semi-major axes of 3-100 au at 99.92% confidence. We fit a double power-law model in planet mass (m) and semi-major axis (a) for planet populations around high-mass stars (M >> 1.5M_\odot) of the form d2Ndmdamαaβ\frac{d^2 N}{dm da} \propto m^\alpha a^\beta, finding α\alpha = -2.4 ±\pm 0.8 and β\beta = -2.0 ±\pm 0.5, and an integrated occurrence rate of 94+59^{+5}_{-4}% between 5-13 MJup_{\rm Jup} and 10-100 au. A significantly lower occurrence rate is obtained for brown dwarfs around all stars, with 0.80.5+0.8^{+0.8}_{-0.5}% of stars hosting a brown dwarf companion between 13-80 MJup_{\rm Jup} and 10-100 au. Brown dwarfs also appear to be distributed differently in mass and semi-major axis compared to giant planets; whereas giant planets follow a bottom-heavy mass distribution and favor smaller semi-major axes, brown dwarfs exhibit just the opposite behaviors. Comparing to studies of short-period giant planets from the RV method, our results are consistent with a peak in occurrence of giant planets between ~1-10 au. We discuss how these trends, including the preference of giant planets for high-mass host stars, point to formation of giant planets by core/pebble accretion, and formation of brown dwarfs by gravitational instability.Comment: 52 pages, 18 figures. AJ in pres