23 research outputs found

    Desmame precoce na podução de bovinos de corte

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    With the aim of improving the reproductive rates of breeding herds, the weaning of calves at younger ages, between 60 to 90 days is done. However some farmers don’t do this handling commitment due to the animal’s future performance. It is recognized that calves weaned earlier show underperformance compared to those that stay with the cow for the conventional weaning period. Thus, feeding strategies that minimize the performance drop must be sought in order for calves show appropriate pregnancy rates as well as slaughter and carcass weight that don’t harm the sales of these animals. Thus, the present study aims to conduct a review of the impact of early weaning on beef cattle production.Com o objetivo de melhorar os índices reprodutivos dos rebanhos de cria, é realizado o desmame dos bezerros em idades mais precoces, entre 60 a 90 dias. Entretanto alguns produtores não realizam esse manejo em virtude do comprometimento do desempenho futuro dos animais. É reconhecido que os bezerros desmamados precocemente apresentam desempenho inferior aos bezerros que permanecem ao pé da vaca até o desmame convencional. Assim, devem-se buscar estratégias de alimentação que minimizem a queda no desempenho, a fim de que as bezerras apresentem adequados índices de prenhez, assim como os pesos de abate e de carcaça que não prejudiquem a comercialização desses animais. Desse modo, o presente estudo tem por objetivo realizar uma revisão sobre os impactos do desmame precoce na produção de bovinos de corte


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/2236583413208 Objetivo: Identificar as complicações pós-operatórias cardíacas e não-cardíacas e fatores de risco para doença cardiovascular nas cirurgias de correção de aneurisma de aorta. Metodologia: Estudo documental, descritivo e retrospectivo com análise quantitativa dos dados. A coleta de dados realizou-se em um hospital publico de referência no tratamento de doenças cardíacas na cidade de Fortaleza/CE. A amostra foi composta por 23 prontuários dos anos 2007 a 2009, e foram exclusos os prontuários que não continham as informações completas. Resultados: O IMC esteve dentro dos limites normais. O tabagismo esteve entre 43% dos homens e 71,4% das mulheres. A hipertensão em 93,75% dos homens e 57,1% nas mulheres. As complicações cardíacas foram 35,7% e 64,2% as não cardíacas. As complicações mais incidentes dentre as não-cardíacas são a hipotermia (21,73%) e relacionadas à incisão cirúrgica (21,73%). Conclusão: As complicações pós-operatórias que se destacaram foram as não cardíacas, principalmente a hipotermia e as relacionadas à incisão cirúrgica

    Performance of zebu donor cows in vitro production of embryos / Desempenho de vacas doadoras zebu na produção in vitro de embriões

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    In vitro production (IVP) of embryos is a biotechnology capable of increase bovine production. Thus, the performance of Brahman, Gir, and Nellore donor cows in IVP was evaluated. Data from 2012 to 2017 were collected from donors subjected to ovum pick up (OPU) for IVP at the In Vitro Acre Company, Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil. The numbers of aspirated oocytes, viable oocytes, viable embryos, and pregnancy per OPU, and the cleavage, viable embryo, and pregnancy rates were analyzed considering the breed, location, time, number of OPU/day, and number of OPU/donor. The numbers were compared by the Student t test, and the rates by the chi-square test. Brahman donors presented higher rates of cleavage, and viable embryos, followed by Nellore, and Gir (p0.05), and lower number of pregnancies (p0.05). Donors raised in the state of Acre, Brazil, had higher numbers of aspirated oocytes, viable oocytes, and viable embryos (p0.05), whereas those raised in Peru had higher cleavage and pregnancy rates (p0.05). Pregnancy rates were higher in the rainy season (p0.05). Cleavage rates were higher when more than 20 OPU/day were performed (p0.05), and intermediate when performing 11-20 OPU/day. The numbers of aspirated and viable oocytes of donors subjected to one OPU were higher than those of donors subjected to four to seven OPU (p0.05). Cleavage rates of donors subjected to two OPU were higher than those of donors subjected to more than three OPU (p0.05). The breed, location, number of OPU/day, and number of OPU performed in the same donor affected, with different intensities, the performance variables of Brahman, Gir, and Nellore donors in IVP

    Efeito heterótico sobre o desempenho e medidas corporais de novilhos confinados

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the heterotic effect on performance and body measurements of Charolais (Ch) and Nellore (Ne) steers and crossbreeds from the fifth (21/32Ch 11/32Ne; 21/32Ne 11/32Ch) e sixth (43/64Ch 21/64Ne; 43/64Ne 21/64Ch) generation, feedlot finished. For initial weight, the heterotic effect was 45.9 and 39.1 kg in the fifth and sixth generation, and 41.6 and 38.1 kg for the fi nal weight, respectively, in the same order. For the average daily gain, the heterotic effect was significant in the fifth generation (0.18 kg). Heterotic effect was observed in the initial rump height in the fifth generation (6.14 cm), and in the fifth and sixth generation on final rump height, with values of 5.57 and 4.75 cm, respectively, taking into account the heterotic effect. In relation to withers height, the heterotic effect was significant on fifth and sixth generations for the initial measurement, 7.36 and 7.12 cm, respectively, and finally, 5.19 and 4.33 cm, in the same order, and on withers growth on sixth generation (-2,79 cm). For the initial length, the heterotic effect was 7.60 and 5.72 in the fifth and sixth generations, and negative in fifth (-5.29 cm) and sixth (-3.75 cm) generations for the length of growth. For thoracic perimeter, on initial measurement heterotic effect was observed on both generations, being 10.2 cm on the fifth and 8.05 on the sixth generation, however for the final measurement the heterotic effect was significant only on the fifth generation (6.00 cm). The initial measurement with the highest correlation with the average daily gain was the length (r=0.47; p=0.0007), and with the final weight was the thoracic perimeter (r=0.89; p<0,0001).Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito heterótico sobre o desempenho e medidas corporais de novilhos do cruzamento entre as raças Charolês (Ch) e Nelore (Ne) e cruzados entre essas raças de quinta (21/32Ch 11/32Ne; 21/32Ne 11/32Ch) e sexta (43/64Ch 21/64Ne; 43/64Ne 21/64Ch) gerações, terminados em confinamento. Para o peso inicial, o efeito heterótico foi de 45,9 e 39,1 kg na quinta e sexta gerações, respectivamente, e de 41,6 e 38,1 kg para o peso final, na quinta e sexta gerações, citados na mesma ordem. Para o ganho médio diário, o efeito heterótico foi significativo na quinta geração do cruzamento (0,18 kg). Houve efeito heterótico para a altura de cernelha inicial na quinta geração (6,14 cm), e na quinta e sexta gerações na medida final de altura de cernelha, com valores de 5,57 e 4,75 cm, respectivamente. Com relação à altura de garupa, o efeito heterótico foi significativo na quinta e sexta gerações para as medidas iniciais, 7,36 e 7,12 cm e final, 5,19 e 4,33 cm, respectivamente, citados na mesma ordem, e para ganho em altura de garupa na sexta geração (-2,79 cm). Para comprimento inicial, o efeito heterótico foi, respectivamente, de 7,60 e 5,72 cm na quinta e sexta gerações, e negativo na quinta (-5,29 cm) e na sexta (-3,75 cm) gerações para o ganho em comprimento. Para as mensurações do perímetro torácico, na medida inicial houve efeito heterótico em ambas as gerações avaliadas, sendo de 10,2 cm na quinta geração e 8,05 cm na sexta geração, ao passo que para a medida fi nal o efeito heterótico foi significativo apenas na quinta geração (6,00 cm). A medida inicial melhor correlacionada ao ganho médio diário de peso foi o comprimento, com r=0,47 e p=0,0007, e com o peso final o perímetro torácico (r=0,89; p<0,0001)

    Profile of ingested fatty acids and in the duodenal digest of steers fed different diets

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    It was evaluated in this study the effect of the type of the diet on duodenal flow of long-chain fatty acids in steers. The tested diets were the following: conventional (feedlot diet composed of 60% corn silage and 40% of concentrate); winter forage silage - rye grass (Lolium multiflorum, Lam); or tropical forage silage - association of millet (Pennisetum americanum, Leeke + alexander grass, Brachiaria plantaginea). Six Charolais × Nellore crossbred steers with cannulas in duodenum were used in a 3 × 3 double Latin square. Dry material intake was similar among the groups (mean of 4,037 g/day), but the intake of total fatty acids and saturated fatty acids were higher in the group fed tropical pasture silage. On the other hand, the animals which received the conventional diet consumed higher quantity of unsaturated fatty acids. Tropical pasture silage provided higher consumption of vacenic acid (C18:1 t-11) and the winter forage silage offered higher consumption of conjugated linoleic acid. The intake of omega-6 fatty acids was higher in the group fed conventional diet and for omega-3, intake was higher in the group fed tropical pasture diet. The total fatty acid flow in the duodenum was not affected by the diets, but in all treatments it was higher than the consumed one. The animals fed diet with concentrate show the greatest changes on the profile of fatty acids during the ruminal fermentation. Conventional diets provide the highest intake of unsaturated fatty acids and the highest availability of vacenic acid in the small intestine, but they do not increase the supply of intestinal conjugated linoleic acid


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the meat and carcass characteristics of feedlot steers finished in different individual spaces. We used 48 steers, with average initial age and weight of 20 months and 243.4 kg, respectively. The animals were placed in collective stalls and distributed into treatments according to the available individual space, 2.5; 5.0 and 10 m2. The diet contained roughage:concentrate relation of 39:61 (dry matter basis). Individual spaces did not influence hot and cold carcass weight, means of 226.0 and 222.1 kg, respectively, as well their respective carcass dressing, 58.5 and 57.0 kg/ 100 kg live weight. For all treatments, the carcasses showed the minimum fat thickness required, 3 mm, being similar among the different individual spaces evaluated. The weight and percentage of commercial cuts, the absolute weight and the tissue participation in the carcass were similar among the individual spaces. The pH and temperature in Longissimus dorsi and Recto femoralis muscles were not altered by individual spaces. Color, texture, marbling, and the meat sensorial characteristics (tenderness, juiciness and palatability) were not influenced by different individual spaces. The shear force showed mean of 5.06 kgF/cm3. The number of lesions, location and time of occurrence was not influenced by different individual space. The individual space for feedlot steers during finishing did not influence carcass and meat characteristics, when slaughtered at 24 months of age


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the behavioral parameters and strategies of displacement and feeding of cull cows grazing millet or sudan grass. The treatments consisted of: pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke) or sudan grass (Sorghum bicolor cv. Sudanense). Both treatments were submitted to continuous grazing of cull cows over 63 experimental days subdivided into three periods. Using 20 Charolais x Nellore cull cows, at the average age of 8 years and average weight of 445 kg. The animals were divided into 10 paddocks, five paddocks used for each treatment comprising two cows. The behavioral assessments were carried out for 24 hours straight. The experimental design was completely randomized with two treatments and three periods. The grazing time of cows showed interaction (P = 0.0035) between treatment and period, and the shortest time for the activity in the first period on pearl millet (504 minutes) compared to the second period of that same treatment (587 minutes) and the third period on sudan grass pastures (535 minutes). The times of rumination and idling were similar between treatments; however, the idling time decreased and rumination increased with time periods. The forage species did not affect the variables related to the strategies of displacement and feeding. With the advancement of cycle pastures the number of steps per minute, stations per minute and per day decreased while the bite rate and the number of bites per day increased. The behavioral parameters of cull cows grazing sudan grass or millet are similar; however, the advancement of the vegetative cycle of these species provides changes in the behavioral pattern of the animals