29 research outputs found

    Melt processable cellulose fibres engineered for replacing oil-based thermoplastics

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    If cellulosic materials are to replace materials derived from non-renewable resources, it is necessary to overcome intrinsic limitations such as fragility, permeability to gases, susceptibility to water vapour and poor three-dimensional shaping. Novel properties or the enhancement of existing properties are required to expand the applications of cellulosic materials and will create new market opportunities. Here we have overcome the well-known restrictions that impede melt-processing of high cellulose content composites. Cellulose fibres, partially derivatised to dialcohol cellulose, have been used to manufacture three-dimensional high-density materials by conventional melt processing techniques, with or without the addition of a thermoplastic polymer. This work demonstrates the use of melt processable chemically modified cellulose fibres in the preparation of a new generation of highly sustainable materials with tuneable properties that can be tailored for specific applications requiring complex three-dimensional parts

    Clinical Use and Effectiveness of Lipid Lowering Therapies in Diabetes Mellitus—An Observational Study from the Swedish National Diabetes Register

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    OBJECTIVES: To describe the use and evaluate the effectiveness of different lipid lowering therapies in unselected patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in clinical practice. DESIGN: Observational population-based study using the personal identification number to link information from the National Diabetes Register, the Prescribed Drug Register and the Patient register in Sweden. All patients in the NDR aged 18-75 years with diabetes more than one year were eligible, but only patients starting any lipid lowering treatment with at least three prescriptions 1 July 2006-30 June 2007 were included (n = 37,182). The mean blood lipid levels in 2008 and reductions in LDL cholesterol were examined. RESULTS: Blood lipid levels were similar in patients treated with simvastatin, atorvastatin and rosuvastatin, showing similar lipid lowering effect as currently used. Users of pravastatin, fluvastatin, ezetimib and fibrate more seldom reach treatment goals. Moderate daily doses of the statins were used, with 76% of simvastatin users taking 20 mg or less, 48% of atorvastatin users taking 10 mg, 55% of pravastatin users taking 20 mg, and 76% of rosuvastatin users taking 5 or 10 mg. CONCLUSIONS: This observational study shows that the LDL-C levels in patients taking simvastatin, atorvastatin or rosuvastatin are very similar as currently used, as well as their LDL-C lowering abilities. There is potential to intensify lipid lowering treatment to reduce the remaining high residual risk and achieve better fulfilment of treatment goals, since the commonly used doses are only low to moderate

    HbA1C and Cancer Risk in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes – A Nationwide Population-Based Prospective Cohort Study in Sweden

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    Background: Diabetes is associated with increased cancer risk. The underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Hyperglycemia might be one risk factor. HbA1c is an indicator of the blood glucose level over the latest 1 to 3 months. This study aimed to investigate association between HbA1c level and cancer risks in patients with type 2 diabetes based on real life situations. Methods: This is a cohort study on 25,476 patients with type 2 diabetes registered in the Swedish National Diabetes Register from 1997-1999 and followed until 2009. Follow-up for cancer was accomplished through register linkage. We calculated incidences of and hazard ratios (HR) for cancer in groups categorized by HbA1c <= 58 mmol/mol (7.5%) versus >58 mmol/mol, by quartiles of HbA1c, and by HbA1c continuously at Cox regression, with covariance adjustment for age, sex, diabetes duration, smoking and insulin treatment, or adjusting with a propensity score. Results: Comparing HbA1c >58 mmol/mol with <= 58 mmol/mol, adjusted HR for all cancer was 1.02 [95% CI 0.95-1.10] using baseline HbA1c, and 1.04 [95% CI 0.97-1.12] using updated mean HbA1c, and HRs were all non-significant for specific cancers of gastrointestinal, kidney and urinary organs, respiratory organs, female genital organs, breast or prostate. Similarly, no increased risks of all cancer or the specific types of cancer were found with higher quartiles of baseline or updated mean HbA1c, compared to the lowest quartile. HR for all cancer was 1.01 [0.98-1.04] per 1%-unit increase in HbA1c used as a continuous variable, with non-significant HRs also for the specific types of cancer per unit increase in HbA1c. Conclusions: In this study there were no associations between HbA1c and risks for all cancers or specific types of cancer in patients with type 2 diabetes

    Is fundamentalism the new F-word? : An interview study directed to high school students concerning fundamentalism

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    Denna uppsats handlar om fundamentalism dÀr fokuset kommer vara pÄ hur gymnasielever resonerar kring Àmnet samt vilken syn eleverna har om hur fundamentalism behandlas i skolan. Detta Àr en intervjustudie som Àr genomförd med hjÀlp av en hermeneutisk metod, metoden handlar kort om att tolka vad personen verkligen menade. Uppsatsen behandlar Àven historien kring fundamentalism, definitioner, karaktÀrsdrag och hur man arbetar med Àmnet i skolan med fokus i religionsundervisningen. MÄlet med uppsatsen Àr att fÄ en förstÄelse om hur elever uppfattar Àmnet för att förbereda mig sjÀlv som framtida lÀrare. Det man slutligen kan se i uppsatsen Àr att större delen av elever inte har nÄgon kÀnnedom om fundamentalism och mÄnga har inte ens hört talas om begreppet tidigare. De fÄ elever som hade hört om fundamentalism var antingen intresserade i religionsÀmnet eller troende inom nÄgon religion. Dessutom var det endast en av de medverkande som hade behandlat fundamentalism i skolvÀrlden

    ” ...then I can just take the phone” : A study on how teachers and pupils in first grade reason about audiobooks and reading aloud

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    Denna studie handlar om elevers upplevelse och förstĂ„else av höglĂ€sning. Syftet Ă€r att undersöka huruvida formatet pĂ„ höglĂ€sningen, ljudbok eller fysiskt höglĂ€st text, pĂ„verkar elevernas förstĂ„else för innehĂ„llet och intresset för att lyssna. Detta har studerats genom gruppintervjuer och gemensamma diskussioner med elever i Ă„rskurs 1. Även lĂ€rare har fĂ„tt delge sina tankar om de olika formaten utifrĂ„n ett frĂ„geformulĂ€r. Resultatet i denna studie visar att förstĂ„elsen inte pĂ„verkas av vilket format som anvĂ€nds. DĂ€remot framkommer det att bilder och möjligheten att kunna avbryta lĂ€sningen har en positiv effekt pĂ„ elevernas förstĂ„else. Eleverna pĂ„pekar dock att det kan vara problematiskt att fĂ„ nĂ„gon, frĂ€mst utanför skoltid, att vilja lĂ€sa för dem. De upplever att vuxna tycker att det Ă€r jobbigt och att de inte vill. Trots att forskning och lĂ€rarna i studien uttrycker samstĂ€mmighet om att höglĂ€sning skapar nyfikenhet och Ă€r sprĂ„kutvecklande pĂ„ flera plan upplever eleverna att dialogisk höglĂ€sning sĂ€llan finns tillgĂ€nglig

    Hur matematikundervisning kan utmana elevers resonemangsförmÄga ochmotivation. - En studie om vad som kan resultera i ökad mÄluppfyllelse pÄ grundskolan

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    The purpose with this study is to examine the aspects regarding how laboratory education can affect student’s ability to reason and their motivation for the subject.  To perform this study from a qualitative perspective we have used the method participatory observations. This studies empirical data is based on material from one pre-diagnose, six-lectures and question that mimic interview questions. The concerned subject is mathematics in elementary school grades two and five. This study is based on two theory’s, Self-determination theory that shows prerequisites for internal motivation and Mueller, Yankelwitz and Mahers framework that shows how cooperation affects students ability to develop mathematics argument.  The result shows that students ability to reason primarily are used by an investigating work method in the interaction where students get to discuss to come to a foundational idea and then uses reasoning to solve the assignment. Further the result show that students need of autonomy, competence and inherency needs to be satisfied if the students shall see the mathematic subject as interesting and pleasurable. The conclusions from the study show that if students gets their needs in autonomy, belonging and competence satisfied the knowledge requirements can be easier to reach. This study also shows that the designed working method can stimulate practice of the reasoning ability and strengthen students’ knowledge acquisition

    Hur matematikundervisning kan utmana elevers resonemangsförmÄga ochmotivation. - En studie om vad som kan resultera i ökad mÄluppfyllelse pÄ grundskolan

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    The purpose with this study is to examine the aspects regarding how laboratory education can affect student’s ability to reason and their motivation for the subject.  To perform this study from a qualitative perspective we have used the method participatory observations. This studies empirical data is based on material from one pre-diagnose, six-lectures and question that mimic interview questions. The concerned subject is mathematics in elementary school grades two and five. This study is based on two theory’s, Self-determination theory that shows prerequisites for internal motivation and Mueller, Yankelwitz and Mahers framework that shows how cooperation affects students ability to develop mathematics argument.  The result shows that students ability to reason primarily are used by an investigating work method in the interaction where students get to discuss to come to a foundational idea and then uses reasoning to solve the assignment. Further the result show that students need of autonomy, competence and inherency needs to be satisfied if the students shall see the mathematic subject as interesting and pleasurable. The conclusions from the study show that if students gets their needs in autonomy, belonging and competence satisfied the knowledge requirements can be easier to reach. This study also shows that the designed working method can stimulate practice of the reasoning ability and strengthen students’ knowledge acquisition

    Hur matematikundervisning kan utmana elevers resonemangsförmÄga ochmotivation. - En studie om vad som kan resultera i ökad mÄluppfyllelse pÄ grundskolan

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    The purpose with this study is to examine the aspects regarding how laboratory education can affect student’s ability to reason and their motivation for the subject.  To perform this study from a qualitative perspective we have used the method participatory observations. This studies empirical data is based on material from one pre-diagnose, six-lectures and question that mimic interview questions. The concerned subject is mathematics in elementary school grades two and five. This study is based on two theory’s, Self-determination theory that shows prerequisites for internal motivation and Mueller, Yankelwitz and Mahers framework that shows how cooperation affects students ability to develop mathematics argument.  The result shows that students ability to reason primarily are used by an investigating work method in the interaction where students get to discuss to come to a foundational idea and then uses reasoning to solve the assignment. Further the result show that students need of autonomy, competence and inherency needs to be satisfied if the students shall see the mathematic subject as interesting and pleasurable. The conclusions from the study show that if students gets their needs in autonomy, belonging and competence satisfied the knowledge requirements can be easier to reach. This study also shows that the designed working method can stimulate practice of the reasoning ability and strengthen students’ knowledge acquisition

    To strive for constant improvement : A qualitative interview study about improvement work at healthcare centers Högskolan

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    Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning visar pÄ aspekter som pÄverkar implementeringen i en förÀndringsprocess sÄsom kommunikation, delaktighet och ledarskap, verksamhetens kultur och förutsÀttningar. HÀlso- och sjukvÄrdsorganisationer har ett ansvar i bedrivandet av evidensbaserad vÄrd och förbÀttringsarbete ingÄr i distriktssköterskans arbetsuppgifter. Det finns Àven styrdokument och riktlinjer som stÀller krav pÄ verksamheter inom hÀlso- och sjukvÄrd att de kontinuerligt sÀkrar och utvecklar kvalitén i vÄrden. Syfte: Att undersöka vilka förutsÀttningar distriktssköterskor upplever sig behöva för att utföra förbÀttringsarbeten pÄ vÄrdcentraler. Metod: Intervjustudie av kvalitativ design, Ätta distriktssköterskor blev intervjuad. Data analyserades med hjÀlp av en manifest innehÄllsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: De förutsÀttningar distriktssköterskorna ansÄg sig behöva vid förbÀttringsarbeten resulterade i tre huvudkategorier: Tid för förbÀttring, Kulturen pÄ arbetsplatsen och En organisation för förbÀttring. Sju underkategorier framkom: Tidsbrist, Tid som en resurs, Kollegors inverkan pÄ förbÀttringsarbeten, Ledarskapets inverkan pÄ förbÀttringsarbeten, Individens ansvar, Den enskilda vÄrdcentralen och Verksamhetsutvecklarens roll i förbÀttringsarbeten. Slutsats: För att distriktssköterskan ska ha ökade förutsÀttningar att genomföra ett förbÀttringsarbete bör det finnas tid, en stödjande verksamhetschef som initierar till förbÀttringsarbeten, samverkan med andra verksamheter och kollegor som Àr positiva till förÀndring. En verksamhetsutvecklare och full arbetsstyrka underlÀttar genomförandet av ett förbÀttringsarbete.Background: Previous research shows aspects that affect implementation in a change process, these are communication, participation and leadership, culture and the prerequisites of the organization. Healthcare organizations have responsibility in the practice of evidence-based care. It is also part of the district nurse's duties to work towards improvements in the care-process. Governing documents and guidelines require healthcare organizations to ensure that they continually secure and develop the quality of care. Aim: To investigate the conditions that district nurses consider themselves needed to carry out improvement work at healthcare centers. Method: Interview study of qualitative design with eight district nurses. A manifest content analysis with inductive approach was carried out. Results: Conditions that district nurses considered necessary for improvement work resulted in three main categories: Time for improvement, The culture at the workplace and An organization for improvement. Seven subcategories emerged: Not enough time, Time as a Resource, Colleagues role in improvement work, The leadership role in improvement work, The responsibility of the individual, The individual Healthcare Center and The role of the organization developer in improvement work. Conclusion: In order for the district nurse to have increased opportunities to carry out an improvement work there should be time, a supportive operations manager, collaboration with other healthcare centers, colleagues that are positive to change, a business developer and full workforce

    ” ...then I can just take the phone” : A study on how teachers and pupils in first grade reason about audiobooks and reading aloud

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    Denna studie handlar om elevers upplevelse och förstĂ„else av höglĂ€sning. Syftet Ă€r att undersöka huruvida formatet pĂ„ höglĂ€sningen, ljudbok eller fysiskt höglĂ€st text, pĂ„verkar elevernas förstĂ„else för innehĂ„llet och intresset för att lyssna. Detta har studerats genom gruppintervjuer och gemensamma diskussioner med elever i Ă„rskurs 1. Även lĂ€rare har fĂ„tt delge sina tankar om de olika formaten utifrĂ„n ett frĂ„geformulĂ€r. Resultatet i denna studie visar att förstĂ„elsen inte pĂ„verkas av vilket format som anvĂ€nds. DĂ€remot framkommer det att bilder och möjligheten att kunna avbryta lĂ€sningen har en positiv effekt pĂ„ elevernas förstĂ„else. Eleverna pĂ„pekar dock att det kan vara problematiskt att fĂ„ nĂ„gon, frĂ€mst utanför skoltid, att vilja lĂ€sa för dem. De upplever att vuxna tycker att det Ă€r jobbigt och att de inte vill. Trots att forskning och lĂ€rarna i studien uttrycker samstĂ€mmighet om att höglĂ€sning skapar nyfikenhet och Ă€r sprĂ„kutvecklande pĂ„ flera plan upplever eleverna att dialogisk höglĂ€sning sĂ€llan finns tillgĂ€nglig